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My guy absolutely should be proud of himself.


Turns out it wasn’t trafficking. Just people riding with their stuff in the back of a truck. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


He turned out to be wrong, and social media is full of weirdos claiming to be seeing and rooting out trafficking where it doesn’t exist, but I think he had a solid basis to call the police and I would have done the same.


The problem is posting a video. It calls into question their judgement. While they were right to call, it was based on faulty logic.


>While they were right to call, it was based on faulty logic. i dont see anything wrong with his logic for calling but he is an absolute asshole for posting the video after learning the facts if he didn't divulge the whole story


His logic wasn't, "this is suspicious, so I will call" it was, "this is human trafficking, so I will call." The former is reasonable the latter is faulty 


Well. Better to get the authorities to confirm it isn't human trafficking.


And then not post a video asserting an ignorant position 


Human trafficking doesn't very often work this way. If these people were being transported against their will, then it would be kidnapping rather than human trafficking. Human trafficking usually works through psychological manipulation. The victims usually start out as willing participants in doing something rather innocent, innocuous, or even good. Once the perp has gained their trust, they slowly manipulate the victims into doing things they wouldn't normally do. Eventually, they find themselves doing labor or sex work because the perp gets them in debt, or they have an emotional bond with the perp, or because the perp convinces them that they'll lose access to all their cool new friends if they don't play along, or the perp will threaten to cut off their supply of illegal drugs the victim is addicted to, etc. The most familiar case to most people is Jeffrey Epstein. None of the girls he recruited were forced into it in the beginning - they were all convinced they were loved by Epstein and he was going to make them rich and famous. It takes years for most trafficking victims to wake up and realize they've been manipulated into providing sex work or labor for the perp's financial benefit, rather than having done it of their own free will. As such, it's often very difficult to spot trafficking victims because they're so often playing along, and are defensive about it, until they finally wake up - by which time, they feel it's way too late and they're trapped. Calling the police here, you're almost guaranteed not to find trafficking victims. You're either going to find kidnapping victims, or people who are trying to transport themselves without being caught for some reason (e.g., crossing an international border illegally). That might be worth calling the cops over, but you're probably not looking at human trafficking when you catch something like this. Not so fun fact: "Trafficking" doesn't really involve transporting anybody. A person can be sex trafficked or human trafficked without ever leaving their own home. EDIT: Here's some info from the Department of Health and Human Services , about human trafficking and sex trafficking, including common myths. Trafficking operates a lot differently than most people assume: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/otip/about/myths-facts-human-trafficking


I really do appreciate this background information. I'm going to keep that fact in mind...


You mean it doesn’t look like a family in a moving van full of furniture? I for one, am shocked.


No. Human *smuggling* can look that way, but the people being smuggled are usually willing participants. Human smuggling includes things like crossing international borders illegally.


Yeah, if this was at the Southern border, sure. But the truck wouldn’t be full of furniture. Of if it was, the people would be on the other side of the furniture, hidden behind it.


Probably, sure. Then again, if you're being smuggled hundreds of miles beyond the border, you might let your guard down and crack open the back door to get some fresh air. As news articles posted in this thread have pointed out, these people were just moving and trying to be cheap about it, but it's not that out of bounds for someone to think something is wrong here and these people might be kidnapped or smuggled.


Makes sense.


Yep, most trafficking cases look nothing like this but all the ones shown on movies and TV do so it fell right into the look people expected.


I am fucking shocked. Came to this same conclusion myself three hours ago, one hour before this was posted, and commented as much. I am not , definitely not an expert in trafficking, almost no one is. But I have moved before. Jeeze people, I’m sure some of you have loaded a moving van as well.


Shocking, totally shocking.


We proud of him too!


[Hoody Hooo](https://youtu.be/A3yLiTEkDaI?si=wifW1fDWRu7XbJ4b)


He ain’t ever gonna STAHP!


How is this the top comment? Its not human trafficking.


I'm a fan of bragging about good deeds. Be proud of yourself. If you do something awesome for your fellow man, own it.


He followed the truck until night time. Dude is a hero.


The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in the truck. They gotchu!


Dude had allllll the petrol in his tank


Even the gas fumes were fueled by this guy's willpower...thank-fucking-god.


it was just a family moving, riding in the back of the truck https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


coming from a third world country, this is 100% the only thing that would come to my mind if I was in that situation.


> it was just a family moving, riding in the back of the truck "Man this guy will NOT stop following us"


"I NEVER GAVE UP ON YA'LL!" "My god, do you hear the man? He's obsessed!"


That’s the Sound of Freedom I Hear!


Yeah, the man following them and taking this video should be arrested. The sentence is being forced to load a house full of furniture into truck and moving your whole family on a budget and driving around for hours in the summer in Georgia with someone following you around all day and calling the police on you and accusing you of trafficking. An eye for an eye, it’s in the Bible people.


Well then I'm doubling down on the thank-fucking-god. It's kinda absurd to think kids were being transported, but then you have the Epstein/Gaetz type situation when they're in plain fucking sight. So... sorry for the parents, but yay the kids are pseudo-safe (because that situation with the rental van *isn't a safe form of transportation*).


“I’m so proud of myself.” He fucking should be proud of himself!


Has there been any reporting on this? Curious if these individuals paid to cross the border, were simply moving/traveling, or were being held against their will. Edit: Thanks u/whatajokeredditis it was just a family moving, riding in the back of the truck https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3




There we go, thanks for the link.


The guy talking said he could see that they were kids who were tied up. Also it’s Atlanta, which is not near a border to drive through anyway.


it was just a family moving, riding in the back of the truck https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


That’s great to hear. Obviously they shouldn’t have put the kids back there but it’s so much better than the alternative


The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in thegotcha! Lol


Of course it had to be in my hometown, Atlanta…I believe just a year ago we were second worst in the nation. Terrible stuff. I’m glad those people are safe


I hope the drivers had a list of connections. That's the type of shit that needs to be cracked down at the consumer level


Yup, driver had HRC and Gary Glitter riding shotgun.


I'm in Birmingham and I've always heard I-20 is one of the worst interstates for trafficking of all types. I always keep my eyes open since I travel the part through Birmingham daily for work.


I’m and OTR truck driver and every time I pass through Birmingham I get this automated alert on my tablet >YOU ARE ENTERING A HIGH CARGO THEFT AREA. PLEASE DO NOT SHUT DOWN FOR A RESTBREAK IN BIRMINGHAM, AL. IF YOU NEED TO TAKE A REST BREAK, PLEASE FIND A SAFE LOCATION TO SHUT DOWN OUTSIDE OF THE BIRMINGHAM, AL AREA. I've never received it anywhere else. That being said…our ATL terminal is literally in gangland and has an armed guard, razor wire, and an electric fence


There’s no definitive proof that this was human trafficking though. It’s better safe than sorry in any instance like this where something could be happening. But I feel like if this was a case of human trafficking it would be all over the news, especially in a big city


"no definitive proof" other than the video of human beings in the back of a locked box truck literally being trafficked on an interstate highway.


Lmao. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in the truck. Lol they gotchu




Others have commented the same thing being skeptical and just questioning it. It could very well be human trafficking or it could be poor people who are moving and don’t have a car. There’s no way to know unless we have an article. This guy would have been contacted by every news station across the country asking to use the video and wrote an article on it. I’m just saying on 99% of other videos posted here everyone is asking for proof of what happened before or an article and then in this instance we are supposed to take it at face value.


The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in the truck.


Saw the checkered line and a budget rental truck doing 60 in the left most lane and knew it was atl, didn’t even need the Peachtree rd at the end of the


How do we actually know this is a case of human trafficking, what the hell is this. Just drivin around with people in the back and the door ajar


It probably wasn't. Follow up news stories say it was just two families moving and making the dangerous choice to have kids ride in the back to save money while moving. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


Yeah maybe they were just grilling back there.




Yeah... not sure how well you could traffic me if you leave the door open? I know it's the highway but c'mon....


Excellent, you may have been the first one to call this correctly. It’s not like it was Epstein and Gary Glitter driving that thing around scarfing down orders of chicken pizza.


We don’t, that’s why the cops were called to figure it out and check.


They were moving house and decided it was cheaper to just travel with the rest of the family in the back.... Now you screwed them over and they will probably get fined.


Yeah, they were moving to MD for a better job and a better life.


I don’t know if I truly believe this title - could be a poor family moving and saving money. The ages of the people in the back seem old? If you pause you can see a man who looks like he has thinning hair to the right of the girl. The back is filled with bags and furniture. Without an article I refuse to believe that these were kids actually being trafficked.


Yeah that’s what I thought. Looks like a family moving and there wasn’t enough seats up from in the uhaul


Doesn’t matter. People thrive off of human trafficking conspiracies. Edit: it was just a family moving, riding in the back of the truck https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


I think the vast majority of the country thinks “human trafficking” means kidnapping and selling people. I would also bet the majority think that tens or hundreds of thousands of kids get kidnapped each year.


The missing kids numbers are hugely inflated. Some are serial runaways for various reasons and each event can be counted as a separate missing kid in lazy statistics and a lot are custody disputes turned nasty.


Half these kids just run off to join the circus or the Rainbow Gatherings. Some of them head out west to pan for gold, or ride the rails with the other hobos.


Yeah, I think a commonly cited number is like 850,000/year per the FBI. But that number accounts for reports, including runaways, serial runaways, miscommunication and false alarms, custody disputes, etc. From what I recall, the number of true stranger abductions is between 100-350/year, which is 100-350 too high, but not enough to think that any time a child is not with an adult they are going to get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery.


Yeah, half the internet is hooked on trafficking hysteria and QAnon conspiracies, it’s a filthy, deadly addiction.


A recent statement by police says basically exactly that. Two families moving for jobs make the poor decision to travel with their kids in the back to save money on another vehicle. Dangerous for the kids but not nefarious. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


Either way, it’s good he made the call The check.


Do we know for sure this was trafficking and not a poor family moving their stuff?


Is there any articles about this? Just looks like a family moving to me.... still illegal to travel like that tho...


No, the only article is a random Indian website that just regurgitated what we see in the video. No reputable article with these details exists. I highly doubt that the title is the real story. If so, there would absolutely be a local news article about it. edit: people are just taking this video's word for it that these kids' hands were tied up. I don't know about you, but I never saw it. In fact the only clear shot of people in the back shows a girl on the left with her arms clearly free. Could very easily be one of the many times a family has been pulled over with people riding in the back of a moving truck. Reddit will believe anything if it's said in a TikTok video, sheesh... edit2: [Confirmed it was just a family moving with family members riding in the back.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


This would have made national news. An entire box truck of children with video. There is no way this wouldn't have been HEAVILY reported if it were an actual trafficking case.


If Fox or Newsmaxx could've made a HALF DECENTLY BELIEVABLE story about this, It would've been all over. The fact that it's not.... JUST PROVES THAT IT'S TRUE, BECAUSE ALL OF THE **LAMESTREAM MEDIA** ARE COVERING IT UP! /S


Exactly. The world isn’t the movie Taken


Home boy arm stick out is just holding the door so it wouldn't go flying


Just foreign actors stirring idiotic conspiracy theories.


Yeah that was my first thought too, just a family working with what they've got. I feel like this would definitely make the local news if it was human trafficking.


Sheriff Grady Judd would hold a press conference if it happened in his Floriday county.


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing and hoping for an article.




I don't see any hands tied.


They are not kids and their hands aren’t tied


Listen, when they won't stop fighting, you get desperate


Yeah turns out it's probably exactly that instead of human trafficking that looks like it's from a TV show. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


That’s scary. The trafficker needs to be locked up and be trafficked.


They weren't trafficking. The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in the truck.


There’ll be plenty of traffic coming and going in these guys when they’re in prison.


Lol sweet rape joke, dude!!!


Terrified of fake human trafficking, yet pro rape as punishment. Makes sense.




Who do these human traffickers sell these kids too and for what purpose? I’ve never really understood. is it just sex stuff?




Yeah abducting people to be sold into slavery is literal viking shit and has been historically looked at as giga fucked up.


That's a relatively recent development tbh. Only been about 200 years since you could legally own a person in the U.S. Slavery is giga fucked of course, but I wouldn't say it's been seen that way historically.


Well it was seen as a part of life, and life was fucked. There's a reason when people have the chance to outlaw it, they do. It's just that the material circumstances of the people changed.


Well in this case it (probably) wasn't. News stories say it was just two families moving together for jobs and they had their kids ride in the back to save money. Dangerous for the kids but not nefarious. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


Unspeakably evil things too macabre to discuss in polite conversation.


The individuals appeared healthy and willingly spoke with officers, explaining that they were traveling from Alabama to Maryland for a new job opportunity. Their personal belongings were also in the truck.


They are sitting in a used mattress. Little known fact is used mattress trafficking dwarfs the size of the human trafficking trade. It’s illegal to sell a used mattress, but lots of people can’t afford a new one. Mattress trafficking is a trillion dollar industry while human trafficking is just in the billions.


I'm glad you're asking these types of questions. I don't want to throw you into the deep end but these kids are sold for sex stuff, YES, but also labor exploitation, organ harvesting, or occult rituals.


Wait you actually think people are being trafficked for occult rituals? Lmao what an insane thing to throw in at the end there


gotta get the adrenochrome from somewhere


It's bat country after all.


They’re getting their sacrifices from somewhere.


Who is getting their sacrifices? 😂


You know this whole satanic human sacrifice stuff is made up by right-wing conspiracy theorists, right? In order to show how righteous them Christians are. Human sacrifice is not a thing, at least in the US. If you believe otherwise, then you were lied to.


In other words, you have no idea so you’re just going to make shit up.


Sex? Yes. Labor? Yes. Organs? Eh, maybe. Occult rituals? No.


Dude thinks he time traveled to 1991 and is going to get a bunch of scared housewives riled up.


"Yeah, uuuuh, I'm looking for, like, a virgin of pure blood, no older than 15 for this ritual I'm doing, because, aaaah, ya know, the demon I'm trying to summon has a very particular taste."


![gif](giphy|kexu9hVOpf9dUNOSMB) I read the comment in his voice, and I appreciate that! But seriously, this man in video is a hero!


Damn this guy is a real hero fr, out of the people inside other cars in that freeway he is the only one to call the cops God Bless him.


How would you even know that?


Well It turns out they weren’t being trafficked and just a poor family moving who he fucked over


Don't praise this paranoid moron https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3


Turns out the guy is a paranoid idiot.


Trafficking? Or moving while poor?


Fucking fake news.


Hats off for this brave work


Yeah how brave of him to harass a family and then pat himself on the back.


bro human trafficking doesnt happen like this hahha


Pretty sure there’s a Frankenstein Halloween decoration and a family in the back of that truck


No way my girl could have followed she perpetually stays at an eighth of a tank of fuel


News story link? Looks like a family moving


The guy harassed a family and thought he saw people tied up, he's either paranoid and/or mentally ill.


We need more people like that. Stick up for whats right


We don't actually know if this is trafficking 


The people in the back of the truck are probably pissed at him 😂. They look like they’re just moving and couldn’t bring a car to carry the family.


Hmm, seems like a dad who rented a budget moving truck, has a moving truck full of furniture and threw his kids in the back. I assume he’s getting a ticket because obviously that’s not kosher or halal, even if you prop open the door to give them air and have them lie down on a mattress. This is a Class E moving felony - reckless endangerment for packing your kids like furniture but probably not trafficking. For it to be human trafficking it would be like, well, we have to move our trafficking safe house and all of its furniture across state lines to stay ahead of the anti trafficking crusaders on Reddit, so let’s just multi task and pack in our trafficked kids with the furniture. But let’s live a little and keep the door a crack open while we traffick our kids through traffick. Who knows, maybe one of our trafficked kids will stick his trafficked foot out into to traffick and we’ll get pulled over and then we’ll have a public freak out. I swear, some of ya’ll have trafficking on the brain. Maybe you can start your own trafficking sub and can traffick yourselves over there. But yeah. Trafficking is a real problem on I-90 and I-85 like all the trafficking highways full of traffick.


Is there any proof that this is actually human trafficking? To me it looks more like some people moving house and they didn't want to drive a second car so they just got in the back of the truck


Weird. Someone made a very similar comment as you an hour after yours and got upvotes. I’ve been looking for articles too. I don’t trust many of these titles unless an article link is provided.


It’s a shame you’re being downvoted. School’s out for the summer and the brain rot on here is real. No logic or critical thinking, just reactionary comments. They think human trafficking is literally driving around, in traffic, with humans, lol. Until I see a news story, it looks like a family moving, with clout chaser camera guy acting like it was trafficking. Of course they’ll still be detained because it’s illegal to ride in the back. A trafficker would be this sloppy leaving the door cracked with a hand sticking out? Why aren’t the cops calling him a hero? You’d think they come over and thank him




lol making shit up. What tied hands?


Where do u see tied hands?


Why does anybody believe that there is an easy money doing illegal (using kids/minors) without even knowing/aware of what they are up to?




Your comment has been removed due to violating Reddits content policy regarding [violence](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151).


🤦 Headline readers hello there 👋 get your facts straight first please & big thank you from us all over here at Reddit. 😉


Bros phone got an astigmatism


POV- you try to move to Cincinnati with your family but some maga calls you in for human trafficking….


Apparently the dude was wrong, but this is a good example of speaking up when something looks obviously wrong. He 💯 did the right thing.


He didn't speak up when something looked wrong. He accused people of human trafficking. If he just spoke up when something looked wrong he would have done the right thing.


Legend! Well done that man!


Fuckin poor guy was just trying to haul his belongings and his children to there new home. Reminds me of my dad driving us to north carolina in the back of his capped pickup with nothing but a air mattress. It sucked but was toataly worth it.


You still have time to delete this


Why? These people are right, where is the definitive proof that this was human trafficking? Until I see a news article or something, this could very well be someone moving with their family.


hahahah no, this guy was right. This social justice warrior just fucked over a poor family trying to move but get your justice boner on buddy. Maybe you should be the one deleting your comment. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/viral-video-made-in-atlanta-does-not-show-human-trafficking-police-say/ar-BB1p0dT3)


I’m not familiar with any families who have 14 kids all within 4 years of each other of all different races.


Wtf are you looking at? There’s a bunch of old people in there


Wow, they should charge him with double trafficking, he was trafficking that kid on the highway through some serious rush hour traffick. It would be nice to see an article though. It almost looks like this is a family that’s moving because it’s a moving van full of furniture and kids were made to sit in the back. Even the door was propped open to give them air … My hot take it this isn’t actually trafficking, but what do I know.


Holy shit that's terrifying. That guy is an absolute hero.


Wonderful work.


Give this man an award!


Camera man !!! Your are a fucking hero . 🍻


So happy that a wonderful person did what needed to be done