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Gaming is my hobby, not my priority. If the wife needs me, she can rely on me when she calls my name. I'll return when I've satisfied the conditions of her summons. Additionally, should my children need me, I am stepping away. It is a video game.


My boyfriend is the same and this is the small things that make feel very loved after many years. Often it’s the little things we desire and appreciate the most. (In exchange I try to care for him when he’s in a long gaming session like making him food n stuff so he knows I’m supporting him following his interests)


This is one of the fundamentals. You are nailing it. It is nice to hear about some healthy and positive relationship stuff on reddit.


Thought the same. It was wholesome reading your comment. 😌


I hope both of you will be happy for the rest of your life, those relationships should be the normal


Thank you so much 🥹🫶🏻


This exactely. If the kids cry, they cry. Also this gave me a whole new appreciation for round based combat games. 😀


You sir, are a grand husband. When I summons mine during a game I get "ok after this game". His defence is that if he just up and leaves during a game he'll get penalized and banned for whatever amount of time from said game. But he's on PC idk if that makes any difference or not .


I too game on PC. What he says is true. However, the weight of a digital penalty doesn't override my wife's needs.


It's different game to game. And match duration differs between games. Rocket League matches are 5 minutes long, so waiting a few minutes shouldn't be that big of a deal. If it's Counter Strike, it can be even over an hour long, then there's no reason to finish if you're needed.


I have stopped playing online games when the wife & kids are at home awake. He's 100% right that you do get penalized, plus it's simply rude to your teammates. I can inly play at night when they're all sleeping. If I do get the itch at daytime, there are plenty of offline games I can enjoy and just pause when I'm needed elsewhere.


This is it. My husband holds these same values regarding video games and it is THE reason his video game playing (it’s… a lot) has never been an issue for us. Married 14 years now and we’ve never had any issues or disagreements started by or centered around video games. I also understand some things can’t just be paused and sometimes he just needs a few minutes to finish something. Not a big deal at all because his priorities align with the health of the household, so what’s a few minutes sometimes? You know? I do play games with him sometimes too - we’re a kickass duo in GTA ;) Anyway, it boils down to mutual respect IMO.


Another healthy relationship shows it's face? On Reddit? Lol my mind is blown and I'm happy for you


Please teach my husband your ways. He has issues


This is the only correct answer. Your wife and kids Always come first. Regardless of what's going on. 💯


That is a Mind boggling concept for kids who have no social life and live in the basement on reddit. In 2024...


This is only for emergencies right?




*whip noises*


Only for you cheeky badger. Dobby should punish himself.


You must be my new houseelf


No pause button. If family needs something, I'll drop the controller and go do that thing. Returning when I can.


My husband went afk cause I started having contractions. Some dude started complaining about it until my husband was like "dude, my wife is in labour", lol.


People have lives? Doorbells and phones ring, spouses and kids require human attention, pets need to be let in and out and fed, people occasionally require food or to go to the bathroom. The real question is how much are you limiting your life to ensure that you're never AFK?


Personally I try to play when I know there’s gonna be no distractions. I hate walking away in the middle of a game, especially these days with all the leaver penalties and stuff. I typically try playing after work since I’m on second shift. That way everyone is sleeping and as long as I’m not loud I bother nobody and nobody bothers me.


I just play single player games when I'm not sure I won't be distracted. I only play multiplayer when I have enough uninterrupted free time. Why even start an online match with other teammates and ruin the game for them? If it's a 1v1 game, like FIFA/eFootball or 1v1 mode in Rocket League, it's okay, I can leave at any time, I don't ruin the game for anyone, and my opponent gets a free win.


I Don't answers doorbells unless I expect visitors. No way I stop playing for even family when they didnt scheduled the visit with me.


Especially in games like counter strike where whole team score depends on You being there every round.


I feel very sorry for anyone who values video games over real life! This sounds like a very empty existence to me.


It's not about giving games a bigger value. It's about the way You manage Your time. If You are that prick that don't respect time of other people (yes, those online are people also) I feel sorry for You. It's obvious that You can't predict some emergencies. But if You sit down to team play game knowing that match lasts longer blame is on You for leaving it and making Your team lose and basically wasting their time. Can't You speak to Your partner that You need 2h of free uninterrupted time? Play single player games then. Let other people play the game the way it was meant to be played.


people have lives lol


This is a child, they have no life yet


A wet fart


It wasn’t a fart 😔 I now require a new gaming chair




And that's why I have a cushion on my gaming chair. Cheaper to replace a cushion......


Do you...crap your pants often?


lol it would only take once for me to use a replacement layer every time


Ey man all I’m saying is the game comes first, no time to run to the bathroom when I’m on a kill streak


Try Depends!


A diaper solves that problem. What a noob!


If it works for the greys anatomy surgeons, then it should work for gamers too!


What is a wet fart?


I went afk because one of my kids started a fire on the stove...


Possibly the most valid reason here!


Don’t game if that’s a thing that can happen.


If you're not going to game because some random something might happen, then you'll never game at all.


Yes. Your children are lighting things on fire and you’re gaming. Think about that for a sec. You’re gaming. Your children are unattended. Your children are lighting things on fire. How is that something you can argue? Edit: if you were my sister I’d call child services.


Oh, no. My 17 year old was 'unattended'.


We love a good teenage stupidity and most of the time it’s NOT a fire. As long as a parent is anywhere in the house they’re able to get you if help needed. They don’t die as easily as toddlers and they won’t watch the house burn down since all their beloved stuff is in there too. You were right to game for sure. Have fun gaming maybe your child will join you the you know for damn sure the stove will stay cold haha 🫂


If you have time to spend with your children, regardless of their age, why would you choose gaming over them? Or any other human or animal?


Why does anybody have any hobby? Would you say the same thing if I spend time at the gym? Want to see you write the same to any parent who has a gym schedule. At least I was in the same house. (And trust me when I tell you I spent time with my kids. All the time. Soooooo.....much....time.)




Hahaa. This is me everytime I coop with my friend. "Toilet break!" once every few hours. I drink a lot, so I try to hold it as long as I can


Gamers who’re already used to hold in make great companions for a road trip. And some probably got kidney issues. BUT ROAD TRIPS!


Not healthy!


I had to go AFK when I had bad morning (all day) sickness … and then the early stages of labour. I had time to kill and new CoD would be out of reach for some time once the baby arrived so I played games, ate steak and watched violent movies until I had to go to hospital. The baby is now 3, i am years behind in CoD, and I have zero regrets.


Tbf you haven’t missed much if it’s the last 3 Cods. Black Ops 6 might be worth trying though when that comes out.


If it's normal game, basically anything, phone call, door ringing... But usually I'll even leave the game if possible. If ranked, I won't afk. You're not supposed to go ranked if you're not sure to be available for the whole length of the match. If I'm waiting for a delivery, I'll avoid to go ranked for half a day until I've received it. I hate leavers, and I don't want to be that guy.


I'm gonna rage quit right in front of you 😈


Time to go outside and touch some grass if its such a hard thing to comprehend.


I honestly stopped playing online games at a point because other players couldn’t adjust to life happens on this side of the screen. 99% of the time if I went afk for more than a bathroom break it was family related. How do you say, “Sorry my toddler just stripped off his clothing and he’s about to pee in my house plants.” In a way that doesn’t make you sound less cool than that. lol


The only game I sometimes go afk in is Chivalry 2 because I usually only play it when I'm drunk, and then I have to piss a ton.


Don’t go AFK if you going makes others wait, they have lives too. But while solo gaming it’s as simple as you just pause the game.


The runns for sure


Many reasons but I usually tell everyone that my neighbour is at the door. When I get back i write a new message with some crazy made up story


Dad says to get him something, im gone. Coffee boiling, spilled something.


I returned to playing a game that I had stopped playing 15 years prior because it needed more attention than I could give to it at the time. Now I play it casually, so I don't need to worry about that. I go afk when I need to and since I'm playing solo (not grouping) I'm not inconveniencing anyone.


My kids are dumb as bricks. They dont always listen. = AFK I need to pee normaly in a safe place but again = AFK Naked wife = AFK Doom scrolling while i wait for something in game = AFK


People have other, more important things to do than play video games


I have a wife and kids. I love online games. I will always continue to play games online, but if my kid needs something I am out. I am going to enjoy my hobby because I paid to be here just like everyone else, but if I que up for a ranked game in league of legends and my kid needs something, I will go AFK and we will lose and I don't feel bad about it at all. I will repeatedly do that as well. Its a game not life










I haven’t used “afk” in years. It was always usually because my mom was calling me or something lmao




You don't just vape while gaming?


Food, Pet 'Accidents', Finding a Giant Fucking Spider crawling on your desk ect.


There are one million reasons.


Scratching my ass


Life urgency , disconnect , parent walking in for the youngest , ect ...


I dunno, I need to take a piss, a shit, or grab a beer. It’s a video game mate.


Touching cotton


When I was younger I had to go AFK because my mom would come home and yell at me to do some chores in the house that I forgot to do


It’s a video game and since the game is online, there is no pause button. If I’m asked to do something by someone, I do it right then. Gaming is a hobby but I still have other things to do in my life. Or I could simply be using the bathroom or texting my partner or getting water/food. Or just taking a break from the screen to walk around and do small chores.


I had to piss straight from my butthole.


There needs to be an afk option when you pause


If I'm not in a situation that requires my attention (eg dangerous encounter or team whatever), then the game will be treated as background activity. If I am - for instance - mining in a safe area, then nothing happens if it takes longer, and I don't have to keep logging in/out.


sometimes my pc crushes while playing and other times someone needs me urgently and I'm not gonna be like wait let me finish the game first


For me it's either A) Lag B) Ran out of battery C) Called by a relative/friend


Usually it's cos my kids or dogs want something.


Bio break. If my family or pets need something quick. Putting food in/taking food out of the microwave. Grabbing a drink out of the fridge. Taking a quick call I wasn't expecting but needed to answer. Basically, if it's something that'll take 30 seconds or less, I'll just go afk. Preferably at an opportune time, but it's not always that way.


So if that crush taps on your window, are you going to tell her you don't want to go afk ferda boys? Priorities kid.


I try not to. It's not "JUST A GAME", it's depending on the game, usually 1 to 9 other people you promised to give your time to for the next 30 or whatever minutes, and whose game, fun and time committed you just ruined. If you often go afk on your friends from a physical activity you'll soon find that you don't get invited back again. You only disregard your behavior online because it's so easy to not have any repercussions for it. Of course, casual play modes are a different thing and such an expectation for finishing the game isn't there.


I play MMO’s so it’s common to AFK for a few hours while you do other things


Someone broke into my house or hit my car.


If something my cat want...


My little one doing dangerous stuff makes me afk. Always more important.


Because there are things more important than a win. If I was in a game of chess and one of my friends got an injury, I would attend to my friend instead of trying to win.


Using the bathroom is a very good reason to be away from the keyboard while you're busy on the computer


I gotta do XYZ thing for the house, I’ve gotta stop my dogs from tearing shit up or making a mess, I’m going to get a drink and get sidetracked doing something else, or my stomach’s acting up. All are equally likely occurrences




Shit my pants




Your kid is acting up, your spouse needs help with something, the pizza you ordered just arrived, you have to take a crap, that package from Amazon just arrived. Literally thousands of reasons.


Sorry bro, your sister came over. Couldent help myself. Wanna talk to her?




Were you playing Overthrow in the Pale Heart? lots of people afk there because its an easy way to get loot. Overthrow is soloable so they know that you can get it done and they can swoop in and get the chest at the end.


Dog throwing up. I’m flying out of my chair to get him outside or to the tile off the carpet.


This is why I do single player games. I can pause it whenever needed to help my girlfriend with anything with no penalties. Only exception being From Software games, but I usually don’t play those around here


I once afked in overwatch for the entire ranked match because it seemed like my mum was having a heart attack (weird blood pressure, shaking, chest pain) Thankfully, it wasn't it, but we still had to call 112 and since there was no ambulances left, the doctor got to us with a helicopter.


At this age my kids, before to make money lol.


Mom says I'm grounded if I don't do the dishes right now


The first time I ever played Halo MCC, i told the person in the room with me, "watch, someone's gonna complain about me AFKing during the 5 seconds it takes for me to invert my Y axis." So I open the menu, which is something that I can only do in a match for this particular title, locate the setting amongst 99 others, turn it to invert, exit out, and yep, I'm being meleed in the back by a teammate told to hurry up. I stopped playing after that match and never played the game again.


Taking a bite of my food cause I'm a fatass.


Sometimes things come up. Maybe they've got kids, maybe they got an important phone call, or someone at the door. Maybe needed a bathroom break. I can see the frustration, but we're all human, and sometimes we gotta unexpectedly step away from the game.




Thats kind of the reason i stopped playing online games, comstantly going afk to take care of the kids, so for now i stick to single player games


I needed some me-time Context: This was a long time ago. I was a little teen. I had no online gaming experience what so ever and my brother who games let me try a FPS game with him. I was obviously horrible. I could barely walk my character around without getting stuck against a wall. Or I shot my own team mates accidentally. So when I felt I just made our team lose I exited mid game having no clue that wasn't allowed. My brother from the other room came in to my room: Brother: *"What are you doing!? Why did you leave the game?!"* Me: *"I felt stressed by all the shooting, and my player didn't move well, I needed a break, some me-time"* He looked like he was sinking down under the floor and laughed and went: "lmao you can't just leave in a game!!" Me: "Yes I could. It said 'Exit game' " but it says I'm banned now. Why am I banned?" Him: *Smacks head* "They banned you because you left the game" Me: "Heeey. That was rude! I need to prioritise my mental health." And he just kept laughing and I didn't understand what was so funny. He finally managed to explain.


Wow so OP is like in the 4th grade


The imaginary character in the imaginary world might die? Oh noes! I love my games, but it's all fantasy. If I gotta pee, I'm just going to go pee. If someone knocks on the door, I'm answering it.


I have a full life that might interrupt what I'm doing? Seriously, anyone with this question is saying "I ain't got a lot going on so I have large swathes of definite free time."


Goldfish was drowning, had to rescue him.


Booty call


My cat threw up in the middle of my bedroom, I needed to clean that


I go afk all the time, the only thing I make sure of is to be somewhere out of combat


Sudden urge to poop, cat walking in front of the screen


ah, I think it’s something called “reality.” eeek.. I’ve only ever heard bad things about it >_<


Getting an unexpected phone call that is important.


It sounds like you're 15, people have stuff they have to do sometimes that are real responsibilities.


It was dinner time and Mum's Berserk Call renders the player to afk to avoid getting afked on their WiFi.


My mother called me to dinner


Blowjobs, it's my petty pleasure to all of a sudden need to give him a blowjob when hes playing his game. 🤷‍♀️


Playing video games is at the bottom of priorities even though it’s what I do most to kill time. I’m just gonna stop playing if something else needs to be done.


Anger issues. I don't have anger issues, but whenever I get too mad, I tend to do things before thinking, like breaking stuff. So whenever I start feeling pissed off, I just stop playing that game and move onto something calmer.


Phone calls, door knocks, loved ones coming back home, and also there are these things called "kids".


Technical: internet problems, pc problems, headset problems, mouse/keyboard/controller problems. Personal: small emergencies, someone got hurt, needed help, telephone, doorbell, oven timer went off Emotional: i gave up and just do something else to calm down while I don’t have to watch the rest of the losing game losing my mind. Like after 30 losses in a row and in a game where only wins bring you further… Malicious: (not me😮‍💨): if the game allows going afk with no real penalty, people tend to do just that. I remember Star Wars MMO pvp, people would be afk the whole match, so suddenly it was 4vs5, and they would just do that all day and get enough rewards from losing compared to trying to win and actually spend time. In other games like FFXIV, you might not make much of a difference as healer in lower dungeons besides in boss fights, so people just auto-follow and afk and just estimate when they are actually needed. Some people just leech their way through games.




If the current game seems safe to afk for I bit I would if there's an errand to do


Urgent poo.


Getting head.


Rarely been PVP or in a dungeon when I have gone AFK. I think I would rather leave the group or exit entirely. I know in some games that's not easy, but in world of Warcraft it is fairly easy. If there was an emergency with my kid or an animal, I might go AFK. No other reason. I take my games extremely seriously


I don’t get it either like you say to play a game so play it!


Find a game where you can function in life or don’t game. I used to game a lot. I can barely game anymore because of family, pets, general life’ing.