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This is very low tier advice, if even.. But as a joint smoker if someone came out of their apartment every time I was smoking a joint and if they asked me if they could smoke some, that would put an end to my smoking joints there almost instantly. Unless they are scrotes, smoking weed usually makes people awkward and uncomfortable in a lot of situations. To be honest, any kind of interaction *should* be very off putting for them. If they are not scrotes, have you tried asking them to smoke elsewhere? Another caveat of smoking weed is that it can actually make you quite considerate. On the issue of the landlord/estate agent it is most definitely their problem so it's worth pressuring them to act.


Good idea. Make the joint really wet if they pass it to you as well lol


Yes! Hog it a bit too, maybe bring a coldsore along too


I’m thirding this, take the joint, duck arse it, and then hold onto it while going on the most banal/niche rant you can muster, letting as much of the thing burn down as possible. If you can’t think of a banal rant, the pull of the joint will help you along the way. Failing that, get a security hi vis vest and tell them the gards are on their way whenever you see em.


You need to continue contacting the management company and contacting the Gardai. If the management company are not doing anything, get more residents to do the same.


Welcome to Dublin, put a sign up there that says they're on camera.


Buy smoke alarms ( Deals had these cheap ones), several and place them in the area out of reach. Every time they start smoking it will scare them off and if not you can call the police mentioning drug trafficking for them to catch them in the act. You can also place bleach or other bad odors in the area to scare them off. Get extra security for your door. Do you think it's one of your neighbors who is inviting them in?


I believe it's people who are living on the ground floor, I've seen them around loads prior to it starting and coincidentally other family members (presumably the parent) in that apartment started smoking on their balcony around the same time.... I've called the guards already and they said they won't send anyone out and I've to go in to them and file a report first :/


Set up a camera and some smoke alarms.


Make a complaint to the council on the off chance they're council tenants.


Start smoking gear it smells worse


You could try contacting Property Services Regulatory authority? I think they deal with complaints re property management companies! So if they do, you can give the management one more chance to address the situation, and if no response, you will report them to the regulatory services


Thanks for the info, I had a look on the website but it looks like it's all about corporate stuff and not tenant rights etc., maybe I'll give them a call to get more info anyway and see what happens


I could be wrong, but call them anyway If not go to CAB and see what they say! Let me know if it was the right spot!


Sorry, but CAB?! The Criminal Asset Bureau? The division that deals with financial crime and the seizing of assets bought with the proceeds of crime? For a joint, some drinking and a homeless person?! Wake up man!!


Lol! No, citizens advice bureau...suppose its called citizens information now, sorry to confuse. [citizens information ](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/)


LOL sorry 😂 never heard it referred to as that before! 😅


Many smoke detectors have heat sensors. There is very little heat if any from ciggs compared to an actual fire. Keep making complaints to landlord and file that report with Gardai


Although it will cost something, could be worth putting up a sensitive fire alarm yourself. Surely if it is going off they wouldn't persist.


Half considering it at this point haha, they've already forced me to drop 100 quid on an air purifier so


Mate setting up your own fire alarm in a hallway of an apartment building is illegal. Do you know how strict getting sign off and Certificates for fire safety in any building? You DO NOT fuck around with that. The panic you could cause if that went off. Terrible idea


It's not going to be hooked up to an alarmed system. You simply walk out and deactivate it. If neighbours ask you explain why it went off


Have had a similar issue. You can contact your local Garda station and they will come out, it takes a while but they will. Use the local number for the station, for example Kilmainham: (01) 666 9700 You do this a few times and they will find somewhere else to smoke.


I suppose I will go in person and get it on record, thanks for the advice


You need to do it when they are there so calling is better.


I called them during it once and the guard told me he can't send anyone out and that I need to go in to them myself. I called the Crumlin station 01 666 6200 is there a different non emergency number I could do?


maybe you could use a speaker or your phone and play fire alarm noises. Tell them your "fire alarm" keeps going off. if your landlord won't help and the gardai, then just take matters into your own hands.




Getting one of those ring doorbell cameras could be a good deterrent, maybe you could get it to alert and announce they're on camera whenever the motion sensor is activated


Why am I getting a feeling that this is my previous apartment. So I also lived on the top floor in Dublin 8, the apartment besides mine was a council apartment and the lady never really appreciated how much the govt is doing for her to help her get on her feet. She never looked for jobs, always smoke pot with her friends on the stairway and passage, sometimes I saw dirty spoon with syringe. Whole passage was dirty as fuck and my house also used to smell of smoke. And there we are lot of questionable people around, I used to get scared to step out sometimes. So what did I do? Tried to get the camera recording and video, went to garda and tried to file a complaint, they said only when they create a nuisance you call us and when I did, they would come after the event is over. I called up the council management and they said they need proof, so I gave them a lot of audio recordings and it didn’t work. Was scared to record them on video. Finally got tired after months of figuring a way around this and found a new place and left that shit hole. My advice, keep trying, but most likely it won’t work. Get a video evidence and if there is anything questionable call up the guards. And finally if all fails find a new apartment. Dealing with this not worth your time.


Start a passive aggressive proxy war wit them, Think of creative idea's to ruin their smoking time.


If you know they come around at a certain time each day, pour watery bleach on the stairs. See how there nike tracksuit looks then,plus the smell will hopefully make them move.


Not sure how nice that'll look on the dark blue carpet.... lol


I feel sorry for you: that kind of behaviour would have me looking for a baseball bat honestly. That smell is vile. City centre stinks of it


Could you get one of those silent alarms that play a high pitched sound? Maybe put some sticky shit on the floor outside. Marmalade? Not something chemical or tar like or building mgmt could get you for that. Would really piss someone off if they're high. Track it back inside their gaff, or just having that sticky feeling.


Find a video or recording of one of those wee yappy dogs barking, every time you hear or smell the lads outside play it on loop at full volume from just inside your door, I'd say after two or three times they'll find somewhere else.


**Not sure why people aren’t telling you to make a case (dispute) with the RTB.** it’s almost like renters in Ireland don’t realise they have rights. By law the landlord needs to stop this. **That’s your first step. It takes 5 minutes to fill out.** https://disputes.rtb.ie/Disputes/General.aspx Select: >Standard and maintenance of dwelling for reason for dispute. Any Q’s? Feel free to ask me here.


I have my doubts that they'll do anything about it because technically it's outside the property (not inside the apartment) hence why the landlord is fobbing me off right now


As a weed smoker of 10 years, the Garda do not care about users unless it’s in their face, they care about the sellers. I smoke on my roof but I close the door behind me, never any issues. Go out and ask them to close the door, tell them if they don’t you will go to the guards. This will change their behaviour, I personally don’t want to annoy anyone, I’m not doing anything to hurt anyone, I just wanna be left alone so I be discreet as possible. I’m also a working professional and not a scrote so I don’t want the unwanted attention. If they’re a decent person they’ll listen. Fire alarms go off for thick smoke, not the smoke from a joint. If someone is homeless sleeping on the roof try get pictures and contact authorities


We had a very similar issue and my letting agent at the time tried his best for us to solve the issue because he also had the same issue in the past. I called the police but they didn't care at all. Ultimately we had to move (that's what the letting agent did as well. ). 


Have you tried chatting to them and being not confrontational, say you don’t mind the bitta weed just it’s stinking up your apartment


I've done that, they said ok and then went right back to it the next day 😅


Weed smoker myself, want to apologise on their behalf because they give us all a bad name, I personally would never do something as idiotic as this , they’re just gobshites


Have you asked them to stop? If so, have you asked them to stop with anger in your voice? If you have done this, go out with a fire extinguisher and let them have it. Nobody else will solve this problem for you. If you need backup, get a man to help you stand your ground. If you are a man, pull them socks up lad and bend the world to your will. 


Given that we've groups of lads in tracksuits migrating to our road and people dealing in brought daylight, I'd rather not have myself pinned as a target, it's very intimidating I'm a woman in my 20s.


Why do you think they might want a fire extinguisher?


Hard to say. Maybe to hold a door open idk


Try minding your own business? Close the windows bro. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You need to get over yourself, you live in Ireland, more specifically in goddam dublin, youre not in a posh estate or anything, if you cant put up with it then go move to a posh area.


You shouldn't have to be rich to escape antisocial behaviour. The shitty smell of weed in your house should not be part and parcel of living anywhere.


First of all, smell of weed aint ever kill anyone, OP is being dramatic and second of all, you're in Ireland, be humbled or leave, too many snobs in this country as if the country isnt rough af


You're a moron


No u.