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That was the most selfless thing Harry has done, letting Kate remember.


That was an incredible scene tbh. Maybe my favorite of the series yet.


It really was. Very emotional and when he went to comfort her at the end 😭


Harry has completed his humanity arc and it was awesome.


I just had my first babies (9 week old twin boys) and I cried watching that scene. Just thinking of my boys and having them taken from me and not knowing it instead of in what I think are dreams... ugh that scene was heartbreaking.


The way he delivered the "and you will remember everything" line was incredible, after that I must have been cutting onions or something.


I was really thinking the original "and you will not remember anything" line. It was truly incredible


Both of their acting in that scene is superb!


Yes! His reconciliation with Bridget made him understand the pain of losing a child as a parent.


A superbly crafted episode. 2 things not yet mentioned: 1. The chat D'Arcy had with her dad (well mostly his chat) was fabulous magnificent validating and healing and exactly correct and appreciated. 2. Another fan has pointed out how the 'Harry' who was in the 59 drinking and then puking was actually baby in disguise! I had not realized that, had you? Plus, Harry allowing Kate to remember her experience has completed Harry's arc to humanity.


Yes I did catch that it was the baby pretending to be Harry in the 59! He was loudly embarrassing himself and shortly before that Bridget ran into the bar.


I didn't get it at the first moment, but I did when they said he was banned from another bar and he got mad because he realized the baby is messing with him.


Last season was pretty rough in a lot of spots because the character development had those sort of one-off episodes that felt almost completely disconnected from the overall story. And I realize that had something to do with the late order for additional episodes. But they've done a great job of it this year, and it all came together. The writing has been very tight this year, and they've recaptured a lot of the comedy from S1 that fell off in S2.


> The writing has been very tight this year Not much chance to meander when you have only 8 episodes. That is why more are better.


Yep, they packed a lot into this episode.


The ✨growth✨ from my boy Harry this week!


I honestly wonder how that’s going to impact her character going forwards and if he’ll let Ben remember as well


Pretty sure Harry is gonna have to reveal himself as an alien to them in addition to everything else. If he just shows up with their rescued baby, it's just gonna be way easier to reveal himself as an alien than come up with an alternative plausible explanation or cover story.


It was heartbreaking and absolutely perfection.


Especially with such a stinkin' cute baby.


I was like damn, is he going to make her forget, and then I was like damn, is it better to forget. I wonder how she's going to be next episode


> I wonder how she's going to be next episode Both she and her husband will go to help out with the bomb mission probably. They are involving her and Ben more and more each episode.


This brings back the story of the miners. 59 went in to save 1. I wonder if that 1 is going to be D'Arcy or someone else.


Right? Can’t get it out of my head.


I came to comment on that scene. I've been waiting for Harry to find out about Kate's abductions and help them- seemed odd Max didn't ask for help after the owl drawings/sightings. Seeing him try to use her for intel was fine, he's an alien and his emotions aren't fully formed, but when he said "when I snap my fingers you will..." I said Remember, and then he said it, and I got chills. Seeing Kate absolutely break was a shock, but so powerful. I thought she'd actually feel assured, not that her baby was stolen, of course, but that she isn't crazy. Instead they went deep into the emotional break. I really want to see another season where everyone is in on the secret- at least Liv, Ben, Kate. Would be funny to see Kate and Ben dealing with the fact that Max knew all along. Not sure how Sheriff Mike could handle it, I feel like he'd deny it even f he saw Harry in his natural form.


Sheriff Mike would call it special effects and cgi… despite seeing it with his own eyes. Probably say the government wants him to believe aliens and put microchips in his eyes or something insane 😂


Sherriff always has interesting sayings. "I saw a coked-out squirrel riding a tricycle that drove better than that." Sherriff kills me every week...


He SOOOOO deserves a spin-off. With Liz, of course. LOL, they could parody the hell out of X-files The Sheriff would be like the anti-Mulder where every explanation would be everything EXCEPT aliens.


Yo. Liz being the new alien tracker finding reports of aliens and stuff and mike being like, it's obviously "gives some even more implausible answer"




YES THIS I love the idea of a spin off x-files type investigation unit with the two of them It’s amazingggggg




🤣🤣🤣 I freaking love the Sheriff and the Deputy, I lost it big time with that entire car scene with the mayor after hitting the Grey alien guy.


His line about believing in the invisible military helicopter over aliens just sums up the paranormal community perfectly


Yup he's hilarious.


I love that Liv went full F-YOU with her grandma


If I can send my grandmother to the hospital I can do anything


Loved that!


"I didn't ask". Savage.


I love that for her


Possibly the best lines of the episode. God I love Liv!


The actress that plays Kate is amazing, I was blown away


Even though it was building up to this episode her despair and anguish were overwhelming.


Asta"s birth mom is a reprehensible bitch and I hope she stays miserable. I'm offended on behalf of this fictional character so much that I want to report her to someone while so proud of Asta for transcending her to be better for her own daughter. It's played that real. Excellent work by these actors.


I wanted someone to steal the papers from her. Just grab it and run


I’m guessing that most of the information wasn’t real anyway.


Dan would have given her a look and she would hand it over and run


I saw that part and told my fiancée, "She better not pay, the Mormons would help her for free." They love that stuff. I was visiting a library, and they were just scanning and digitizing old census records that they would later organize. They said they would do tours of this at libraries all over the country. But yeah f that greedy b.


Well, that's because they are baptizing everyone's ancestors post hoc.


I thought that Harry coming to the realization of his relation with Bridgette while Bridgette was in Max's form was poetic. However, I hope Harry makes it up to the real Max as well, because real-Max was right in what he said. Also, I would love to see Team Max/Sahar/Bridgette back together.


It was interesting to me how Harry went from killing Bridget and laughing about it like a maniac to saying he loves him in just 5 minutes lol. You’re right, I think there was some significance to seeing him in Max’s form.


I mean Patricide? Can be a form of therapy


Another week of belly laughs. This show is a gold mine. Deborah’s car was amazing


I liked how much regard they had for her. Not wanting to make a mess, wanting to clean it before giving it back. So kind.


Wanting to clear her name! I was dying.


I can pin this on Deborah! I lost it there


"If you do not get along with him, you would have to be aaa.... dick."


The mayor freak out scene banter in the car after hitting alien sheriff was hilarious


I thought later when he drives back to check on the grey alien he’s gonna do the 3 point turn again lol


Dammit D'arcy lol


She's going to fuck it up.


Na I’m worried she might sacrifice herself by taking out the grays.


I agree. Seems like she wants to suicide bomb them. I hope she doesn’t because I really like her!


Seems to be her plan or she knows it is a possibility


Remember the Patience miner story, 59 went in to save 1.


I’m worried about all the babies.


The cats in the cradle fight scene, was just absolutely amazing


The song absolutely made that scene 500 times better. I was DYING.


It was nice to see all those characters in one spot.


And they were all in the clothes they wore to the party when they left their DNA behind, nice continuity.


Damn that was one of the best episodes ever, hilarious and a heartbreaker One episode to go, they better renew this show


No. Thank YOU for that image.


The fact that they played that out!! That was brilliant


I did not expect to get a visual of Harry's words. I fully expected to think of Heather the entire therapy scene. I forgot Heather was mentioned until I re-watched 😂


Wow, didn't see that one coming with the baby...


Sahar gonna be scarred for life lol.


Given what I read here. Certain the following is not popular. I love seeing Sahar return. I love her feisty nature and really not afraid of shit she sees.


I love it. Problem solved! Seems like we have a lot of irons on the fire let’s focus on the greys


I know. Why did he kill it?!?!? 😭


Ok. The Liza re-introduction confused me for a minute, until she threw the knife


the camera panned to the trucker hat on the table to let the audience know it was from the disguise bridget used in the last episode when at the dinner saying he's going to kill his dad


I knew immediately she was going to be the baby alien, but I also definitely thought Astas Mom was also the alien cuz why the heck would she come back. Turns out she's just an asshole


I thought it was Joseph using the shape-changing capabilities of the alien ball.


"I think I shit myself! , God, it's a regular day!" From, "The Chronicles of the Life and Times of Mike and Liv"


lol why did she say ‘it’s a regular day’ 😂?


I thought she said it "was" a regular day but I may be mistaken


The random, crazy, yet seemingly thought out shit Sheriff Mike says is hilarious!


“I saw a coked-out squirrel drive a tricycle that drove better than that.” This Mayor spying on Mike and Liv is hilarious!


I tried to parallel park in front of a restaurant and I feel like my driving was exactly how Ben did that turn so I feel


Watching Ben make that 17 point turn made me realize that maybe I shouldn't be driving.


It's how I guess failed my first driver's test lol


My husband drives for a living and he was like, WTF is wrong with him?


Uh oh that’s a lot of dna


My husband, when everyone started ‘appearing’: Does he never clean???


The Kate version of alien baby was wearing all black. I think she wore it during the surprise birthday party where she had sex at Harry's... Man said he threw out a lot of stuff but he never cleaned?!


Cats in the Cradle is the same vibe as Sharing the Night Together.


Too bad the Closed Captioning said the song was from Cat Stevens, and not Harry Chapin. Simple research, people!


Cats in the cradle and a silver spoon


Ok ! What the fuck does D'Arcy think she's doing.


Being a loose cannon.


I think she is being manic or something. At first she thought her dad was dying or dead. Then he says he is proud of her and baamm-- she just gets this wreckless idea


No shit! She also thinks she's going to die. That's why she went by her ex's house to say goodbye.


It is funny how she just forgot to update that with her best friend.


No . She thought Asta would stop her .


Girl gonna save the world.


Kate has been through some hellish shit. I really hope we get a Ben and Kate giving the Greys a beat down via spending the night together moment before this show ends.


That would make me so happy. I love that scene so much.


The theme today is parents


It really feels like they're setting up for a series finale in the fact that they had so many past season guests all pop up which was wild. Also, the intimate bedroom scene was rather funny. I like this return to comedy for this season.


Ive been bothered that this might be the last season, but At the end it was said that next week is the season finale, not series finale.


Yes, in the recently released interview, one of the actors (I forget who) lets it slip about a spectacular cliff hanger ending.


This episode made me go all philosophical and I started thinking about how some series need to go through growing pains to deliver their best episodes and season 3 is proof of this. Season 3 has delivered great episode after great episode non stop. I love how connected I am to the abductions storyline. Liv, my god... she's just awesome. Ben being a film noir detective was top comedy. Harry reuniting with the baby and then liberating Kate were emotional highlights of the episode.


“Omg, this show is so funny with the alien trying to be human! Ha ha!” Kate’s scene… ![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4)




I'll be honest I squeal a bit every time we see alien Bridgit. I loved the framed selfie too!


And how Asta is so confused in how it keeps getting out of her drawer


I kept thinking it was that he actually had multiples on him rather than getting it out of the drawer. But maybe I was too tired and missing something (just found it hilarious that he would have multiples)


so cute I want a plushie!


I would definitely buy one!


Do we know why the Greys took Kate’s baby? Really interesting episode. Ton of emotional development for Harry this season while still maintaining the epic comedy. God I really hope there are more seasons.


Question I’m wondering because in season 2 the >!grays say they have his son and she remembers a daughter. Is it possible that she was pregnant with twins?!<


Did they ever mention what happened with the baby, in the show? Like - we viewers know what happened, but what do Kate and Ben think happened? She was pregnant and then they just never addressed it again? Or did I miss something.


They did in Season 2. She took the initial urine test which showed she was pregnant, and then went and got the blood test done at the clinic which said she wasn't, so they assumed the urine test was a false positive and that she was never actually pregnant. But what happened was what we saw in S2 finale, where the baby was removed from her in utero by the Grays at some point between that urine test and the blood test.


Look at last scene of season 2 and that the last mention


I assumed that's how they make their Gray Human Hybrids


I also assumed this. alien sheriff also offhandedly mentioned something about not knowing his mom/parents earlier in the show.


Max has the special genetic ability to see aliens, his sister probably does too


That was really a packed episode. Another huge winner! Who would have thought this show could also be a tear jerker.


Yeah! I didn’t think you could pack that many holy crap moments into one episode!


Well, we know what side of the family D'arcy's alcoholism comes from.


A whole bottle? Was she just carrying it around? Did she get it on the way to the hospital after her husband passed out?


She probably always has a bottle in her purse. You know, purse wine.


Is there a weird setting on our streaming or does this episode read all of the script cues Like “harry leans into his chair” ?


I'm watching on Youtube TV and I had audio description as well. I think it was what was sent out for the VOD (Other than last week I've been able to see the episodes before 10 because of VOD). TO be honest, the audio description kinda killed the "Cats in the Cradle" scene. The episode was very good though, especially the Deborah's car scene.


Was thinking the same thing! Don’t see anyone else mentioning this though… what device/service are you using?


I wonder if "visual description" is somehow turned on by accident within the streaming platform.


Thank you!! That’s what we thought and tried. We use Hulu, and I couldn’t find the setting for that! It’s only subject to this show, on the app. So weird


That happened to me too it was ruining the episode for me I thought I accidently turned on the tv reader on. I don't know why this episode had a narrator. I was watching on Hulu I'll check on Peacock tomorrow to see if it does it on there.


I spent an hour trying to figure out how to remove the audio description and then gave up. Came to the thread to read discussion and was relived to see it’s not me!


Me too!!!


Friendly update - it went away when we watched on Peacock 🇺🇸


I'm so glad you commented this! YouTube TV did the same thing for me. I was able to pause, go back and select the episode, then saw a prompt for which version I wanted to watch. VOD version had that narration for whatever reason. It's never been turned on before. I just chose the DVR version and that worked. Bizarre!


Best episode yet.


What happened to the cops' SUV that they left behind? Surely Kate knows not to be so careless with handcuff keys. The windows at Harry's place get broke often. How does he fix them so fast? 


Harry probably calls the repairman and has to listen about the repairman’s photography hobby. 


I don't think Kate has been in her right mind recently Also since they went back and discovered the body missing they probably just grabbed the cop car


So Bridget is pretty much immortal! It looks like he just can't die...


I just had a thought... They're no doubt on their way to intercept D'arcy, this could be a viable plot line with Bridget able to overwhelm the Greys. Or I could be way, way, way off LOL


This was so good. The development of Harry was so emotional and believable and the mercy he showed with Kate.  


After last night's episode, I just realized that pretty much the entire main cast is on the verge of knowing about aliens now. The Sheriff/Deputy/Mayor are very close to knowing the full truth, and the Mayor's wife now remembers her abductions.


Not as epic as the needle drop in mindhunter but still good use of psycho killer by talking heads


qu'est-ce que c'est


Fully expecting that at least Kate will discover Harry’s an alien in the next episode. Also, while the episode’s ending set up the implication for it to be Darcy’s sacrificing herself; I have a feeling it’ll be Harry. Whether or not, we receive a Season Four. It would reinforce Harry’s arc, of discovering the good of humanity. Enough to sacrifice himself for it.


It has to be Harry. He's the main character. But I feel like maybe there will be more towns people there and they'll ask lean to work together. The power of friendship and teamwork or something like that


No one is getting sacrificed 😭


Harry acted completely selflessly by letting Kate remember her baby and how she was taken by the Greys. As brutal and heartbreaking as that was, it was the right thing to do especially after we've seen Kate losing her mind over not knowing. And immediately after he snapped his fingers he sat down next to her and put his hands on her shoulders, and the look on his face was genuinely compassionate. Is this selflessness a new thing? Because even though Harry grew close to Asta and considers her his friend he's still acted selfishly in regards to her, which was evident when Heather came along. If so, he has become *very* human. It's well-written character development (even though it's taken three seasons to get there), and played well by Alan Tudyk.


I saw the title and knew it was about >!Baby!< This was honestly the best episode I’ve seen in ages. It felt a bit like a finale with everything that happened. I hope it wasn’t. I’m so excited that >!sahar is back!!!< I hope this episode is a sign of what is to come.


okay we are only at the intro sequence but WOW this is already so good. that whole part just looks so wonderful.


im laughing so hard at ben saving them oh my god this is great


And talking about framing Deborah for the "murder" totally oblivious that Mike and Liv are in the car.


okay update im going to go crazy waiting another week. and then however long it takes for the next season. wow that was just such an amazing episode.


I always wanted to win a Koala...


D'Arcy is eating Good Times in thst last scene! Local Colorado chain (okay, two in Wyoming)! Really nice attention to detail.


What a home run. Kate being hypnotized then coming out of it - incredible performance. So much character building for the whole cast throughout. Ben in the car after running over Joseph had me rolling! The writing and acting this season is on point!! So sad the finale is next but at least if it has to be a short season, it was an incredible one.


Haha loved the Sheriff’s fake voice on the phone call with mayor!


Wondering why the greys are so determined to have Kate bond with her baby? She said they want her to bond with her daughter? They even go out of their way to make a realistic baby nursery with a full on crib and baby toys and everything. It seems their plan involves making sure the babies have a bond with their birth mothers/parents. I’m almost starting to question how nefarious the greys actually are, like if they really are so evil and plan on completely wiping out all the humans, why focus so much on making sure the babies have an emotional bond with their parents as well as going out their way to raise the babies in a realistic human like setting (with the nursery).


Just my guess but I wondered if it's because of studies done that a bonded baby will have a better immune system, organ functions and etc. Beyond that, I got nothing.


Babies can also die from lack of physical contact. And if they do survive, the lack of touch and bonding can stunt their emotional growth and lead to attachment issues and emotional disturbances.


Oh WOW! Extremely interesting and would be really neat if the show were to go that deep with the lore and real science!


Soundtrack from when Kate and Harry are talking at the end is Ètude by The Huntress and Holder of Hands


The eyes on the balloon.... Didn't catch that on the first watch LOL


In case anyone wanted to know... the song used when Kate is hypotized and then Harry allows her to remember is Etude by Avalon (on the album The Huntress and Holder of Hands). Beautiful song and really helped make a beautiful scene even better.


who ever does the music on this show needs to win some awards!


I know people will disagree but I thought this was the best episode this season. My favorite part was when Ben hit the alien sheriff with the car and the speeding away after. Although this episode was packed with good scenes, making it my favorite so far.


qu'est-ce que c'est


When does this become available on the syfy TV app? Was hoping to watch it tonight, but it still shows episode six as the newest...


Get peacock. The newest episodes are available every Thursday 


Hey Dickhead!


Nice to see Elvy come back for a cameo as BridgetIsabelle!


Harry tasering his baby in the head was the best moment on the show since his make out session with bird lady 2 epis ago


Mayor totally had his Walter White moment 😂


Was that two deaths between commercials?!


I'm so sad there is only one episode left 😢 😭


Anyone watching this on hulu, and its got a narrative ,like audio description? Its driving me nuts, please confirm or deny this is happening to u .


i felt that wail, that scene was heartbreaking i feel bad for d'arcy, she wants to be the hero for once, not the "problem"


Why did kate pocket that red marker and who wrote its real? 


She wrote it. They only erase her memories when she leaves the ship, so to show proof of her alien abduction she hid a marker and wrote that on her arm. That way when she woke up with her memories erased she would know she had been abducted


Yeah, they did a similar thing in Doctor Who with The Silence, which also look like the traditional grey aliens.


That one was so creepy. Is up there with blink and silence in the library for me. I don't really think they look like Grey's tho. The only thing they have in common is that they are aliens with no mouths. The silence look more like a creepy slenderman


Last week I found out Sara Tomko had a notable cameo in S2 of HBO's The Leftovers. This week, they film a scene of a main character handcuffing themself to their bed so they don't go "somewhere else" while they're sleeping, which was a main feature of S2 of The Leftovers


Handcuff scene was in last week's episode too.


Question: why do the Greys want Kate to bond with the baby??


Probably because it’s crucial for human development.


What was the deal with "anyone wanna kick me in my nipple?" First I thought that was Bridget pretending to be harry, but turned out it was Harry!


Yeah it seemed like a callback to something that must have been mentioned earlier but I don’t remember.


Go D'arcy.


This might be the first time I've been glad we have Mayor Ben instead of Mayor Cuthbert


Is anyone else getting an error where the music is audible but the voices are basically inaudible? Its only happening on this website, on this specific episode only.


Why is their a narrator in this episode?