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Just bought an oem top. I love it. I’ve had the top down for 9 years but now I can do both!


Of course, enjoy yours as you see fit, everyone’s lens is unique.


How much you find one for?


I would never tell someone that they can't run a hard top, but at the same time I don't see the purpose of buying a convertible and then making it not easily convertible. Granted we don't have many rwd coupe options either but it just seems like a waste to me.


Agree. I’ve simply come to the conclusion over the years that my best s2000 experience is top down.


Top down is best because all the wind noise drowns out the rattletrap shitbox interior lol.


Yeah back when I only had one car, that S2k had the top up mostly because I parked outside. Now on my 2nd S2k, it's a summer only car and lives in the garage. Top is never up.


I put it up in the garage to keep out the spiders. You're braver than I am. Then again I have an old disconnected garage that has some creepy crawlers.


not a bad idea... I haven't found any spiders in my S2k but now you got me worried


I had one drop on me while I was driving one time with the top down. Had to avoid getting into an accident and pull over. Now I know why Huntmans spiders cause so many accidents in Australia. I don't know if I would be as calm if the thing was the size of a dinner plate.


I don't hate driving top down, but I never actively wanted a convertible. I got the car despite it, because Honda engines and transmissions are cool, small cars are the best, and I like RWD. I've had the top down under 20 times in the four years I've owned it. Mostly in the first year and on mountain roads. Fun stuff. It does look damn amazing with the top down too. I will have no regrets when I get a Mugen style top though.


I'm bald and my head burns easily, leave me be


Melanoma ain’t nothing to fuck with


I dislike driving the car with the top up. Buying a hard top would be like wearing a chastity belt.


the real trick is to get a second s2k to keep the soft top on source: I did.


That’s using the noggin there.


Looks better with hardtop. Feels better with top down. Hardtop for photos, top down for driving


I can get on board with this.


Top down forever, I agree


if it wont see the track, i agree. and i'm someone who does not like canvas and almost gutted it at same time can't deny how good ht look unless in a tunnel, i personally think vtec sounds better with soft/hardtop on, but it wears you down


Let that wind and hate flow through you


lol no hate. Just opinions out here.


The only thing I wasn’t crazy about when I bought mine 14 years ago was that it was a convertible. I’ve since learned to enjoy the open top experience, but it’s not why I bought the car. A hardtop is better at the track and should last longer than the soft top. I’ve already replaced my soft top once. The second top has been on for much longer than the first. Perhaps the first owner had it outside a lot, idk. I would’ve purchased the coupe, if offered. Weight and rigidity would be worth it. I will admit a summer night drive through Pittsburgh before next day’s track day was spectacular top down activity.


I prefer mine with the soft top, but I do have several friends who say they enjoy their s2000 *despite* being a convertible, rather than because of the convertible. Hardtop looks way better with a wing IMO


Had an OEM hard top. My experience was about the same as yours from a noise and rattle perspective. At least my GF at the time was willing to help me get it on and off. We had ramps and a hanging storage area that actually made it really easy to store once flipped. The car looks so good with the OEM hard top. It didn't matter how much shin etsu grease and gasketing I used there was always a whistle or rattle. There were days I loved it being a convertible but there were days I wished it had a solid option.


Some people bought this car because they wanted a convertible, others bought it because they wanted a sports car. I was the latter and I bought it in spite of it being a convertible. Though I did enjoy it being a convertible much more than I expected. I wanted the best sports car I could buy and compared it to the first gen 86 back when I bought. The s2000 was a better car and was almost half the price at the time. I have a hardtop. I do miss the convertible element sometimes but I'm driving about 2 hours to autocross and track events. It gets old driving 2 hours top down in the morning, being outside 6+ hours in 90 degree + sunny weather and then driving home top down. Makes no sense to drive top up w/ a soft-top but it's nice to have a hardtop and AC on my drives to and from to get out of the day.


My OEM top is quieter and better insulated. I have it to tinted as well. I keep it off most of the time but during Summer (Arizona) it’s good protection and keeps the car cooler.


Infinite headroom!


Eh. I never liked convertibles but obsessed over the S2000 when it came out and always intended to get a hardtop for it. When I was younger, I wanted the Spoon top. When I got my car, I found an OEM top and hardly take it off. The point of the top is to just make it more coupe-like for competition. Just preference. Also, I hate sunburns and the convertible top is only good around spring or fall when the temperature isn’t >100 degrees.


if they made a non convertible version, i would've definitely gotten that version..


That’s the only thing I’ll say with regards to OP. While I’d never use a hard top and love the convertible, they don’t sell the car as a coupe. I have a C6 Corvette now and you can get the car as targa coupe, convertible, or fixed roof (Z06). You don’t have that option on the S2K.


Had a Siebon carbon fiber hard top on mine and had no issues check my profile


For sure there are aftermarket options that work, I’m just simply stating that in general hard tops make my s2000 experience worse.


It’s not hard to take off with two people. I have a OEM hardtop. I’ve had after market tops on Miatas, and they were noisy. I also have the stand for it which makes it that much easier to store. As for squeaks, I notice when it’s first put on it does make noise. But once it settles I don’t hear anything. I’ll go a season topless and a season with the top on, just depends on how I’m feeling. What ever floats your boat, enjoy the ride!


Agree. It is very easy with two people. Live life as you see fit.


My hot take: Mugen HT takes Honda's best looking car and somehow makes it look even better.


They do look excellent.


If OEM tops were cheaper, I'd probably be rocking with one right now. Wasn't a fan of convertibles, but made an exception as the car ticks all the other boxes for me and I've grown to like having the top down, however, if I come across a good deal on an OEM hardtop, I'd probably get one


I guess it depends where you live but I love having the ability to enjoy the car with the roof down in summer and then stick the hardtop on in the winter when it's cold and rainy. The car also looks much nicer with the hardtop on than the soft top up.


I agree to an extent, the best experience is when the top is down but also; Those days you wanna drive the car but top down is not an option at all, the look of the hardtop is amazing especially the OEM one. I'm even considering buying one just for those days. Might not get my moneys worth but it's also a sitting asset that I can enjoy. I drive my S2K almost always top down though.


theyre required by most track day orgs and with someone else helping me i can remove the hardtop or put it back on in 30 seconds also drops almost 100lbs also the convertible experience is one of the most overrated things in the car world. it sucks outside of a very thin set of conditions because the sun beating down on your head or too much heat ruins it. most people drive top up when its over 85 and sunny. you get most of the effect without roasting your head by lowering the windows anyways


Maybe near wherever you are. I've attended HPDE days with more than a few different groups. Almost all of them even let me on track with the top down.


It sounds to me like you either bought a cheap rep hard top or know someone who has one and has complained about it. You get what you pay for. I have an authentic Mugen hard top and I can drive on the freeway with no air leaks or creaking at all. Very quiet if I am to be honest. The fitment is flawless. I know a friend who has the OEM and have driven with him multiple times and it's the same exact experience. I call bullshit on you owning multiple S2000 with multiple "Hard Tops!" I don't think I've ever had an issue removing my hard top ever. It easily unlatches and I just ask a friend or neighbor to help me. If you don't have any of those, go buy a hard top harness you can install in your garage. Anyone here who has an authentic Mugen or OEM knows they are the cream of the crop hands down one of the best investments you can add to the car. Heck I got my Mugen at $4,000. It's worth what double that now lol


Believe what you want random internet man. 👍🏻


I tend to agree, I picked up a mooncraft (the early spoon rep that was modified with the windows). I do get creaks now but that is my fault and the guy who painted my car stripping one screw whole that could be fixed. As far as taking it off, it comes off in 2 pieces and is very light. I do it myself all the time.


Hardtop for meets, but that top down driving experience is second to none.


I think the hard tops look nice but I don't really see the point, what benefit do they actually provide? Surely just putting your roof up stops the rain, and if not get your hood sorted and it will. I live in the UK, cold, rainy weather but I've honestly never considered needing one.




Glad I could help you burn some time on the shitter.




“You’re poor”


I’ve had multiple hardtops and it’s always been love/hate with aftermarket. I can’t live without my oem ht at this point in my life. But I miss driving with the top down, it’s a much better experience. I was religiously top down for nearly a decade and it was glorious.


Well said.


How are the winters where you live? I get decent snow where I am and my S wasn't a garage queen so the hard top was a creature comfort for me personally but only for the winter!


Admittedly, my s2000’s have always been second cars, so no need for winter driving. There’s definitely a use case for a hard top, but for me, maximum s2000 is achieved with the top down. lol


You can if it’s Powerhouse Amuse. 🤪🤪🤪


What’s the secret on when putting back on the hardtop to assure perfect former? I’m having a hard time with my oem top, front driver side is not sitting flush..


Agreed. I love the look, almost “mini-viper-esque”, but also detracts from the enjoyment imo. If you track the car in any fashion, a hard top is a necessity, otherwise enjoy it topless ;)


I was scared of it at first, but Ive removed the top 5 or 6 times now, it's muscle memory. I know where all the screws and bolts are and is a 10 min job with the right tools. It can be done by a single person, but lifting it off the car might be challenging.


Never had a hard top all these years, but I want one. Options are nice.


The only other cars similar to the S2000 at the time in coupe form (rwd, high revving, 2 seater) were the NSX, Z4M Coupe, and HR 350z with all of them being heavier. We didn't have many "affordable" options either so an S2000 with a hardtop is the next best thing.


Don't forget RX8, much higher revving engine than Z4 or 350z (until it blows up)


Yeah but it makes the least horsepower and has back seats. Chasis is still amazing despite that though, just needs an engine swap and it's a pretty good track car.


Yeah to be honest the engine thing is a bit overblown, you can just buy one that has been fixed or even just drop a new engine in as the car s so cheap (I think AutoAlex did this on one of his videos). I've got a friend who has bought one as a track car and raced it as the cheapest step up from when we used to race karts (which in itself wasn't' cheap!)


I like the appearance with the hardtop on, but I cant argue that the driving experience is miles better with the top down.


I want a hardtop for when I eventually go to the track. I don’t really trust the soft top on mine as whoever put in on did a horrible job.


Agreed. I'd like one, but I'm not paying 4 grand to kill the purpose of having a convertible...


What a narrow-minded take, here in the uk the weather is absolutely horrendous most of the year, a hard top not only looks amazing, it also allows me to comfortably go to meets out of season and it's great on track. I only have to remove it once a year, store it, and then put it back on at the end of summer.


Well, you know what they say opinions are like assholes. We all got em. lol I literally said, “hot take” in the title random internet man/woman. You absolutely do not have to agree. 👍🏻


I live in the Pacific Northwest US. we get maybe 3-4 months out of the year where we dont expect some kind of precipitation. My hardtop stays on from late september to early june and off the rest of the time. If I were anywhere with year-round sunny weather, I would largely agree with you, though. The only exception is that an OEM hardtop is a nice flex lol


OEM hard tops used to sell for $3k used. This $6k asking price trend is kind of ridiculous I'm general, and especially considering the number of good quality reps out there. Hardtop for tracking the car I had carbon fiber OEM replica too with lexan. It was so light I was able to take it off by myself. OEM can be done as well, but is much more difficult and risky.