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if there were lobster claws in the barf, I'm guessing someone homeless does not deserve blame I live downtown too, and on Saturday nights, often wake up when the bars let out to people screaming at one another, cars honking, a few motorcycles, and next morning, tossed plastic cups and barf to step over. It's what we deal with living in the heart of Salem. I spent a year living in NYC, and barf isn't the half of it there. Post clean-up, a reminder of the benefits of living downtown would be to walk to coffee and a delicious artisan baked good šŸ˜› P.S. I'd use a combo of boiling water and the snow shovel!


Unfortunately, if you donā€™t have a hose I think dumping pitcher after pitcher of water on it is your best option. Good luck


On the 5th bucket of hot water after scrubbing with soap. Thank you!


Iā€™ve seen most Simpsons episodes but must have missed the one where Homer throws up on the front stoop. Guess Iā€™m missing that reference.


Youā€™re joking huh!


Sounds like you need to dump a pitcher of water on it


Dump a pitcher of water on it. It's not illegal to vomit, and is usually an involuntary reflex, so I'm not sure a police officer could have prevented this.


I already thought about that, the water is just gonna drain into the path where people walk. Iā€™ll have to scrape it off the landing. Then proceed to wash. Thanks for the suggestion.


?? it sounds like you want to suffer for no reason. Dump a bunch of water on it and be done with it.


Nope, it was all dried and caked. Lobster claws and all. Been in food service for 20+ years. That would only hit the surface and not fix the problem.


Lobster claws? Clearly itā€™s gotta be Marbleheadā€™s fault.


With that username idk what to believe šŸ˜‚


Im from Cleveland and visited Boston/salem in May. It was odd seeing homeless in a suburb that appears to be very wealthy. Im guessing itā€™s because how well connected public transportation is. Cleveland transportation sucks so the homeless donā€™t hang out in the wealthy suburbs and the local cops would probably drive them back to Cleveland bc the wealthy Karens would throw a fit on facebook. They hang out in public square outside the casino or by the off ramps into the city. Anyway thats my unsolicited observation. Maybe one day ill buy a 750k 600 sq ft condo in Salem šŸ˜‚


Salem isnā€™t wealthy though, itā€™s seen a fair bit of gentrification in recent years. But Salem has historically been a blue collar town, we also have one of the only homeless shelters


The homeless issue in Salem isn't as bad as I've seen it in other cities. Including when I lived in Ohio City a while back. This it's for sure a drunk local or tourist who puked.


I guess im too old to get that turnt in a hallmark town.


I'm with you on that.


You know, it should never have been done on someone's doorstep, but somebody could have sudden allergic reaction to shellfish. I did in my 30s after an entire lifetime of being able to eat it. Now I have to have an Epi pen


I see, there is a garden right next to where it happened. Anyways it is probably a drunk. Last month I saw a 21 yr old do the same thing next to the mall entrance.


Oh, I have no doubt it was a drunk. People are getting out of hand everywhere


Downvoted for cleaning up vomit. Sounds like a nice city to live in.


This sub lol. Anyone who has the nerve to suggest the hoards of homeless roving the city are problematic get downvoted. ETA I guess they love drunks, too šŸ™„


Yeah, itā€™s definitely not the dehumanizing language youā€™re using here, or the fact that youā€™re blaming unhoused people for something that happened a block from a bunch of bars on a Saturday night and was much more likely done by a 22 year old whoā€™s probably sleeping off a hangover in a comfortable bed in their parentsā€™ house. Drunk people behaving badly is an annoying, unfortunate, and pretty universal problem when you choose to live in a neighborhood with a bunch of bars. Itā€™s not a uniquely Salem problem, and even Salem has lots of suburban neighborhoods where residents donā€™t have to deal with issues like that.


*takes sip of milk that has passed its prime* the homeless must be stopped


I heard they caused sea level rise and also Salemā€™s traffic jams


Yep šŸ‘