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Many flights to/from Sardinia are interrupted around October. But you'll always find frequent flights from Milan and Rome


Sardinia in November, in fact all year is a great place to visit, you must only adjust your expectations to get the best experience. If you want to sun bathe and swim then look elsewhere, yes we still get blue skies and sun in November occasionally but the weather is on the edge of changing and you could be unlucky. However if you like walking, exploring the island, especially the interior lesser known areas Nov is the best. Comfortable temperatures, much fewer tourists, you can really imagine what it's like to live on this paradise island.


Peak season ends in august, September is still touristic, in October they dismantle the mobile structures for the winter, and then there's November November is a gamble, the sea will still be warm and even in December you can have temperatures over 25 but could be bad


Last year at the beginning of november weather was still good


As others have said - travel from end of September gets more complicated with direct flights. Generally you'll have to connect via Rome or Milan. That said November can have beautiful days, there are many less tourists, however some of the towns go into winter mode so there is less tourist infrastructure.