• By -


If you are a moderator and you are interested in automating taking your subreddit private, a bot has been created for this purpose. Please see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/142rzna/a_bot_to_make_your_subreddit_private/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Save3rdPartyApps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for banning it, reddit! Due to this it was able to get enough attention for me to notice it :)






Can we somehow get the rest of the world to pay attention to how Spez created and bestowed the special one of a kind "pimp daddy" badge upon [/u/violentacrez](https://www.reddit.com/u/violentacrez), the now banned Moderator of such exaulted subs as r/jailbait and r/CreepShots? I feel like it might help. If we can get him to address it we might be able to Streisand his ass and make the board have to fire him. It's a longshot but I feel that it's worth a try.


Never heard of this. Can someone share a source? Might be /r/bestof material.




It was on Anderson Cooper back in the day, not sure the signal can get more boosted than that. It's not new info.


To me, it's new info (I don't even know who the person you mentioned is). Despite the disgusting nature, it's good (in a sense) that somebody re-posted it so that more people know.


> r/CreepShots Was that sub what it sounds like? I wasn't around back then. It's insane that jailbait wasn't banned instantly.


Don't recall if it was only under-age but it was oeople taking photos of people in public. There was another sub they moved to and pretended to be reviewing their clothes idk if that one got banned yet


I guess that one is a little murkier legally depending on where you live, unless they were actually posting pictures of kids. After the last few days it doesn’t surprise me.


Bro reddit protects their pedo mods with all their might, they are not gonna do anything to someone who made a badge.


I was one of those who didn't know there were better alternatives to the horrible official app until just now because of this protest! lol


I think the Streisand Effect here is kbin / Lemmy as our exodus destination. Reddit apps are worthless now anyway.


Ohhh, thank you. I had no idea what kbin is. But might just be what I’m looking for. - Written on Apollo


Thank you for reminding me that I need to close all my comments with “Posted using Apollo”. I recommend anyone else using a third-party app to do the same. -Posted using Apollo


Good idea Posted on RIF


yup Posted on RIF


Goodbye reddit Sent from RIF


Absolutely - Posted via Sync


Good idea! I’m going back editing old comments leaving behind a little Easter egg[.](https://i.imgur.com/2NG9No8.jpg) -Posted using Apollo App


Thanks for this. Will upload to Lensdump and update with the link as soon as it's up again. - Posted from Apollo App > Edit: [Here's](https://i3.lensdump.com/i/6fBNvo.jpeg) a Lensdump link in case it gets removed from Imgur




Mlem i can’t find on he App Store.




>A lot of people actually don't know about 3rd party Reddit apps Which makes this whole debacle even weirder. I think even Reddit has officially stated that 3rd party apps make a very small portion of the overall traffic. So it feels weird to go after them with this much dedication.


I'm sure this is their first step. I exclusively use RIF and old reddit. I'll probably ditch mobile next month, and once old reddit is killed finally ditch the site.


They are currently testing blocking mobile users accessing the site via a browser...


You got to be kidding me. I absolutely will not accept Reddit as an app. It's been a web page as long as I've known about it. If that changes then I won't be here anymore, which I don't think reddit cares anyway because they want the He Gets Us crowd, they're easily separatable from their cash.


Yeah, they've gotten themselves into a classic fascist dilemma where 3rd party apps simultaneously only make up a small amount of the site's traffic, but are also so wildly inefficient that they must be priced out of business due to how much traffic they cause.


whats funny is that even these apps go FAR below reddits previous limits


Yeah I didn't know about third party apps and I'm a technical user. Now I know and am happily writing from Sync for reddit.


How do they even use that sh*t (referring to the official reddit app)


This whole thing is one huge Streisand effect. I had never tried 3rd party apps in my ~1.5 years on Reddit, now I'm writing this from RIF and if they go on with this BS am gone


Same. Had no idea the site existed until the subreddit was banned.


I heard of the other ones but not kbin. Thanks Reddit Admins for being shit at your jobs!




Same here. Never heard of it before now. LOL


Yep, bookmarked it. Was looking for other places to peruse since voat got co-opted and I don't know of anywhere else really.


Funny, seems a Mastodon login can also be used on kbin and lemmy. Three birds with ones stone, I guess


Edit: It's back up! Reddit started deleting my comments without warning and prevented me from making posts due to it being "spammy". The shadow bans and actual bans have started peeps. If and when reddit actually goes through with this, it's time to go over to to the top post,delete our subreddits, posts, comments, everything, then our accounts. If reddit doesn't want to do what's in the communitie's interest, then they don't deserve a community.


the revolution will not be broadcast.


No no, you have it backwards - the shift from Reddit to the Fediverse means that the revolution IS a broadcast.


Televised. It will not be televised.


at this point, Reddit is really just killing themselves without the need of our cry.


Either I'm unfunny, or reddit has shadowbanned me. I'm gonna guess it's the more outrageous of the two options. Is there a shadowrealm sub where the others of us can scream into the void?


I can see your comment. There’s a subreddit r/ShadowBan where you test if you are shadowbanned.


I just used redact to delete everything off my 7 year old 270k karma account. Worked really well, took about an hour to delete thousands of comments.


i will leave my subbreddits to be shitholes


What was the sub about?


kbin.social has been the most frequently mentioned platform in response to people criticising lemmy, which is in turn the most mentioned platform as an alternative to Reddit, from what I’ve seen. (It has also been mentioned plenty of times independent of Lemmy, just to be clear.) That sub was probably for helping people migrate to kbin, I assume.


Yep, kbin.social is the site I went to - that and Tildes, though I'm waiting on an invite for that one.


Did you submit a request on the tilde sub's sticky? I got mine within an hour.


That post was full and locked when I looked at it (I think they are doing this to rate-limit user intake to keep things manageable), but I did get a private message about half an hour ago with an invite as I asked for one [in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/144npuz/anybody_got_a_tildes_request_to_share/). I have a working account now, the registration process was simple and their terms & conditions, code of conduct and privacy policy are all pretty short and non-legalese. The only part of their policy that I find questionable is this: 'Do not maliciously attempt to counteract other users' attempts to delete or edit their content, such as by deliberately re-posting content they want to be deleted.' I can understand good reason for this in some cases (such as if someone accidentally doxxed themselves and wanted to retain real-world privacy), but in other cases I can see preserving the text of a deleted post as important preservation of redacted statements that were harmful or inflammatory which a user want's to remove and deny they posted. We'll see what the Tildes community grows into.


If you know of any other ways to get an invite, I'm all ears. Will be going dark on reddit soon for at least the next few days myself.


I got a message with an invite after requesting one [in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/144npuz/anybody_got_a_tildes_request_to_share/). Edit: If you are asking for a non-Reddit way to do so, there is email - you can use [email protected] to request an invite. I had done so, but then found that Reddit thread and posted there. The reply I got was through Reddit, not email, so they may be more responsive on Reddit at the moment.


Just sent you a message with an invite!


Awesome, glad you got sorted. Idk if Tilde is going to be the next reddit, but we'll never find out if no one gets signed up to try. As for the T&C clause, I'm not entirely clear how tilde itself can actually enforce this rule. From my understanding of how the service is structured, the server host would have control.


Of the alternatives I've seen, tildes looks very promising. It's fast, no frills. It's got a similar thread structure to reddit. Sure, it's lacking in features. But the important stuff are there. I sent an email to the devs and hoping for an invite. Also through my hat in the ring in case they need anything like servers, bandwidth, etc.


> kbin.social Is there a site that's closer to old.reddit? This site has too much focus on personal profiles and following individuals, which is a big turn off.


> This site has too much focus on personal profiles and following individuals, which is a big turn off. I know what you mean but it's not, it just looks that way because it has built in support for Mastodon and Twitterlike features. Just look at the "Threads" bit only - that's the reddit bit.


https://join-lemmy.org/ You can join any Lemmy site and post, subscribe, reply, etc. to any other Lemmy site. Each Lemmy site has its own "communities" (subreddits) so there can be multiple technology communities for example. I believe kbin is also federated with Lemmy so you can use those accounts in the same way.


Tildes isn't what it's cracked up to be. The mod is as arbitrary and petty as any bad reddit mod. It only seems like a nice community because it's small and cliquey. That's partly because of the invite system, and partly because they've chased off anyone who doesn't fit in by making them feel unwelcome. What made me quit was the admin protecting two toxic bullies, then turning around and feigning sympathy on a post pointing out that Tildes was "pushing out minority voices." He knew about and tacitly condoned Tildes's bullying problem, because it stopped short of hate speech—which is an *extremely* low bar, and definitely fails to live up to the mission statement of the site. It's a shame, because I was *really* looking forward to the site as a non-toxic reddit alternative. It was more like a really mediocre subreddit.




I can give my own account. Basically, there were two users regularly being bullies in any news or politics thread. Intentionally misconstruing arguments, arguing in bad faith, even outright insults. If you weren't exactly on board with their positions, you could absolutely count on them to show up and be hostile. I made a post mentioning that there were two users causing the problem, and despite not mentioning them by name, I got five messages from people thanking me for the post and knowing exactly who I was talking about. There's some drama after that, and full disclosure, I'm not blameless in it, because I was frustrated at the lack of action. That said, Deimos was extremely defensive, and went straight from ignoring the issue to publicly shaming me by selectively releasing a couple of my most frustrated reports. (Stuff like "Why the fuck aren't you doing anything about this?" or misreporting one comment.) Again, I accept responsibility for that, but wish that the people being bullies *directly to other users, in public, against the mission statement of the site* got a fraction of that attention, while I went from no responses to public shaming. Heck, I even tried to make amends in PMs, but Deimos was pretty much uninterested. I even, *per his request*, messaged everyone who messaged me to message Deimos, and absolutely nothing came of it. A few weeks later, I check back into see if maybe something had. Nope, but there was an active post on how Tildes was "pushing out minority voices." I was completely unsurprised, but so frustrated to see the admin act as though he was genuinely troubled by the issue. He knew there was a bullying problem, and had been protecting those bullies, and in one of those PMs he sent me, he said the tone of the site was okay because it stopped short of literal hate speech and threats. That's an *extremely* low bar. So you can take this with a grain of salt, but in my experience, it doesn't solve the problems it says it does. It's only a nice community because it's small, and because they've pushed out a bunch of people by being unwelcoming. EDIT: Not sure why, but I can't reply. Anyway, I agree, this is largely melodramatic and a waste of time. I only bring it up because people are getting their hopes up. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ There are better things to do with your time.


This is why I’m opting to touch grass instead of move to another platform. All of this is so melodramatic and unimportant.


The Great Lawn Exodus of 23'


Problem for me is that my Reddit time is basically when there's no option to touch grass.


When you're instead touching cloth?


Yeah I'm sticking to discord as my only real social media and Instsgram for only mynphotography


well for one he literally refers to himself as god so he is some power tripping cunt by default and sounds like the exact kind of pathetic "power" moderator that has been killing reddit for years


Could you link to the post or thread where he did so?




I really don’t understand gate keeping a new site behind invite only. Edit: Thanks all, I’ve got a better understanding of Tildes now and read their philosophy pages. Sounds pretty great, I’m interested if anyone can share an invite.


Tildes actually isn't a new site (it's a few years old), and it actually doesn't want to become a Reddit replacement. The site and its users want to keep the community smaller and more focused on discussion. I was critical at first, and a lot of their decisions seemed weird to me, but reading more about it, it makes sense. TL;DR: you can check them out and possibly move there, but it's NOT reddit 2.0. If you're looking for Reddit 2.0, look elsewhere instead.


>The site and its users want to keep the community smaller and more focused on discussion. *Similar* to what some reddit communities were before the summer kids? Edit: If so, I also want an invite


The devs can't afford proper infra to run a website with the traffic of Reddit is probably why or they're just gatekeeping.


Because it's not a direct Reddit clone. Sure, it's inspired by Reddit and the creator is an ex-Reddit admin and the creator of Automoderator, but the [philosophy behind the site](https://docs.tildes.net/philosophy) is entirely different. There's also the issue with server cost, it's [an open source and non-profit project](https://blog.tildes.net/announcing-tildes) after all.


Shameless plug that [squabbles.io](https://squabbles.io) isn't being gate-kept!


ever heard of brigading?


I requested my Tildes invite through their email (in their contact page) and got it two days after. It's pretty good, but I think it won't take off util users are allowed to create their own communities, which isn't possible at the moment.


Nothing thag requires an invite is going to replace Reddit


Is tildes coming up much? I got pointed that way from RIF spaces


I have seen it mentioned as one of the best alternatives several times, but with a big caveat. To avoid breaking due to the massive influx of users, it only allows a few at a time, apparently. Therefore, it seems difficult to migrate there quickly. May be something to look into over the next few weeks, though.


Also, the founder/ceo/whatever is the only one allowed to create communities and calls themselves god/deimos. No, i am not joking.


Sounds like a redditor that was too much of a redditor even for reddit.




He welcomed the RIF developer soliciting donations to the site with earlier release date goals the more donations there are for an app he is making for the site. Of course I assume he's happy to take the money, but I'm sure he also realizes the attention that brings from RIF users, so it doesn't seem like he's totally opposed to large influxes of users.


>Sounds like a redditor that was too much of a redditor even for reddit. Nah, he's a nice guy, but let it be said, he has no patience for users acting in bad faith. [He unloaded on TotalBiscuit because he constantly sent off-site brigaders to various subreddits whenever he got mad at random users](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1iqdc4/civilized_discussion_and_levelheaded_moderation/cb7arfe/). TB also had a history of ban evasion, he would create [alt-accounts only to send a single taunting or angry PM/comment and then delete said account](https://i.imgur.com/kdXL0lY.png). He regularly edited his YouTube profile to say "hifoamed" and he would do this whenever he wanted to verify that it was actually him. I used to moderate the same sub as him between 2008 and 2014/2015. Oh and he's an ex-admin and the creator of AutoModerator.


>Also, the founder/ceo/whatever is the only one allowed to create communities and calls themselves god/deimos. He's had that username long, long before he even created Tildes. I used to moderate the same sub as him between 2008-2014.


Tildes doesn't let you plebes create and mod your own community. The admin is god.


Ah they still have that "clicking the link goes to the comments" thing that pisses me off with new reddit. So you have to click twice if you want to see the link someone shared. I can see more than two posts at once though, and there's no lightbox so it's still a better design.


What's wrong with Lemmy? :/


Founders ban people for criticizing dictatorships. They are off the deepend in terms of their political views.


Supposedly the founders are tankies.


Which is pretty much irrelevant considering how lemmy works.


Nothing. It's like if the guy who created SMTP was weird, you'd still use email lol


The creators are, allegedly, authoritarian leftists who were banned from Reddit. This somewhat reflects in the design (though the profanity filter no longer exists, for example). Aside from that, it seems fine.


Why? Looks like it's very similar to [lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) but less widespread ([65](https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/wiki/) stars vs [8500](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy)).


Not sure how people starring the codebase relates to being widespread, but there’s some (mild, imho) controversies around lemmy. Mostly regarding the creators and some of the culture (allegedly far enough left authoritarian to be banned from Reddit, pro-censorship and anti-privacy). If you join any of the other servers, that should be fine, imho. The comparisons of the platforms themselves: 1) kbin-social itself is bigger than any single lemmy server. Therefore it feels more like a coherent community. (Smaller than all lemmy servers together.) 2) The platform feels more Reddit-like and intuitive, while lemmy was described as clunky. (I personally agree with this very much. Felt right at home on kbin, personally. Less so on lemmy.) 3) The creator and maintained of kbin seems like a compulsory nice shy guy, who has to be convinced to even accept donations. (Sympathy points.) 4) Both platforms are compatible. Communities from both platforms can be subscribed to from the other. (Though syncing may be a bit delayed.)


Wtf is left authoritarian


Literal Mao and Stalin fans.


Tankies, people who legitimately feel that the Chinese did nothing wrong during the tiananmen square massacre of 1989


just chiming in for the people who don't know the jargon and may be confused. Tankies* are the weirdos, talkies are moving pictures with an audio track


You mean [Tankies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie).


Streisand effect happening now. If Reddit hadn't banned it, I would not have seen this post. Now I'll be looking to migrate to kbin


And bot have same issue- onboarding, when your social media/aggregator requires instructions to join they will not be big. Also kbin looks like shit.


I'm guessing an alternative to reddit


"If I can't have you, nobody can" energy


Turns out reddit itself has been infected with the incel energy after all.




That's just as confusing as Lemmy! What's wrong with good old fashioned sign up with username and start reading? I don't know what its going on about :( Edit: oh dear god it's happened. I'm only 37 and I feel like a boomer. This is the beginning of the end for me. Go on without me!


https://kbin.social is the site like Reddit you can sign up at. The other site is for the software used to run it.


That looks worse than the official reddit app. Why don't app devs look at what's popular with 3rd party reddit apps and learn why they're popular? Why make a site that's worse than reddit and make it look worse than their shitty app as well?


As a data engineer I can confirm most devs/admins have no experience in UIX and often don’t even think the way a normal user would. They are usually incapable of creating something most would consider “easy” to use. In their world/mind, it is easy to use.


I program industrial machines for factories, and its a problem there too. I'll be figuring out how to make something work, and I've touched every process of its construction from cutting steel to welding to painting to wiring. I know the thing inside out. So when it gets time to find all the ways it could get broke, there'll be things I've know it can or can't do that the operator who'll be handed the thing won't be aware of. So it can be hard to catch bugs that only show up when you use it wrong. Our usual process for combatting that is to keep one person in the shop completely ignorant of everything about a machine, even to the point of what it's supposed to make or do. Then when it gets time to try and break it, we'll walk them up to it and ask them to run it without any instruction. The secretary is the person most often used for that, although in a pinch the owner's six year old grandchildren work quite well.


That’s very forward thinking and intelligent of your company to do this level of investment. While it may not result in an immediate return, I bet the lifetime return is substantially higher.


> This is the beginning of the end for me. Go on without me! Don't give up. We all learn by doing, everyone especially you can do it! Go to [kbin.social](https://kbin.social) instead, that's where you can actually sign up.


I'll check it out, thanks!


That's going to be the biggest problem with the fediverse. Your average user just wants to make an account and start enjoying your site. Plus, now can someone else be using the same username from another federation? Then when searching for communities/instances, I want to be able to search at one spot, not need to go to 3 or 4 spots to find what I want. That's what makes Reddit great. Everything is under one roof. I sign up and there was already some generic content given. And now you sign up and it's given a toolbox to help you find communities you would enjoy.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Pinterest was invite only when I joined 12 years ago and I thought it was ridiculous.


You could try squabbles.io which I haven’t heard many people mention but definitely has a simple sign-up-and-go experience like Reddit. I don’t know if there’s a particular reason people haven’t been talking about it, but it seems promising to me!


I'm someone who's honestly excited about all this federation stuff and yeah, I agree with you. Basically the idea is that anyone can create their own website (or instance) for this new reddit-like network, and no matter which site you sign up to, you'll see be able to see posts and comments and subreddits (or whatever they're called on the reddit-clone you join) from across the entire network, so you won't be locked into just one website. It's a great idea because it makes it much harder for a corporation or CEO to stroll in and fuck everything up, since users can migrate between different instances without being isolated from the whole network. The biggest hurdle IMO is that since these are simply community run projects trying to create the software and foundation for a network like this, they usually put federation first before amassing a large number of users, which can make things seem confusing and the community seem splintered off while it's still young and new. But hopefully with Reddit driving people to alternatives and the communities being dedicated enough, these problems can be solved in time.


https://squabbles.io/ is another alternative that is pretty easy to use imo


>a. Pornographic Material: The posting or sharing of explicit sexual content, including nudity, sexual acts, or any form of pornography, is strictly prohibited on Squabbles.io. This includes both visual and textual content. Not that I'm here for porn, but eh... I'll wait for a site that allows adult content.


Yeah, anything decentralized isn't going to work. If you can't attract the average person it's just a waste of time. I don't understand why everyone keeps trying to push these. If it takes effort to get started and find content you want it flat out will not work.


I’m 40 and have less and less patience so I feel you.


I love that the first thing I saw on the front page was a thread asking why I’m here, and asking if I came from Reddit. Almost the exact post that welcomed me to Reddit 3 weeks before the Digg update so many years ago…


Here’s how to get started on Kbin: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/145npay/the_redditors_guide_to_how_kbin_works_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Kbin is a links aggregator on the fediverse. The fediverse is like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Myspace, and YouTube comments section had a mutant love child. Someone using Kbin can interact with someone using lemmy (reddit), mastadon (twitter), peertube (youtube), Friendica (facebook) or any other fediverse server & also block them. You can even create your own and access then all if you know what you're doing.


Reddit will ban any community or user if they get too much activity to fast, Ive learned that the hard way. Its part of there method to stop ban evasion.


This ban first, ask questions later policy is pissing me of on so many websites.


And they are so weird about what they do and don't ban. I've had stuff removed for mocking pedo's while loli porn which is explicitly against reddits TOS somehow doesn't violate there rules


I had to create a new account every day for the last week, and now I'm scared to comment because of this nonsense.


Happy cake day


Thanks, they've been great!


That "Back to Reddit" button just got a whole new meaning!


This is what Freenode did to all channels that moved to other IRC networks. They called the redirect notices "spam" and then banned all the channel owners, seized the channels and reopened them. Two months later, Freenode was dead.


Not only proprietary networks can be a victim of this. Without being federated, a social network is bound to collapse at some point regardless of its legal model.


Freenode was proprietary




They banned the guy who made r/LemmyMigration for a bit Edit: I blocked him because he DM'd me to tell me I'm stupid for liking stupid forums, lol. Then I get called 'extra sensitive' because I don't engage with obvious bait?






I would bet my lunch on it


This morning my front page was filled with a bunch of legit media links about the upcoming blackout including a Louis Rossmann video. Two hours later after playing some games and coming back, it's all disappeared. The original posts still exist, but they're no longer showing up on the front page. My font page never turns over that fast. They're fucking with what's being shown. The Rossmann video is current sitting at 980 points on /r/videos. It was in my top 5 posts this morning. For /r/videos that usually ends up generating 10k+ upvotes. Something fishy is going on.


Didn't know about the video, it's a brilliant summary


Sub is blacked out now. Probably https://youtu.be/U06rCBIKM5M


Not sure if this is facism or just anticompetitive behaviour Edit: I know both can be true, that's why the just is there And I've decided it's just anticompetitive behaviour






What’s with the glasses ?


It's NFT marketing. Dickhead cryptodudes trying to make their logo/mascot visible by ruining existing gifs.


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!




It’s not fascism, it’s anti competitive behavior


yeah i kinda don't like how people have started just calling anything bad fascism lol i also remember someone yesterday calling spez "the Putin of reddit" unironically. Like yeah he's bad but for fucks sake he's not invading a sovereign country lmao, there's levels of bad


¿por qué no los dos?


How is this facism?




Redditors need to learn we already have a word called “authoritarianism” and that not everything that’s authoritarian is fascist


They are not mutually exclusive.


This should be forwarded to whatever US Department deals with Anti-Trust and Competition regulation. Probably won't result in a single thing, but the news that Reddit could be under investigation for it would result in an even lower evaluation.


guyz reddit admins deleting my subreddit is LITERALLY JUST LIKE FASCISM!!!!


Redditors try not bring up fascism challenge (EXTREME)






Lets move!


​ https://preview.redd.it/aagmhnne9e5b1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c5f5b8084d2a5753e5be7e339a4f264d64b060a


Fuck Spetz




Honestly Spetz has done so much shit they has pissed off so much redditors


Well well well if it isn’t Reddit trying to cover up the consequences of their actions


Wonder if apps like Apollo could be reworked to be used on a reddit competitor. Would be a lot of work but that could really move people away from reddit.


Why isn't this sub dark?


Today is the 11th.


And that's my cue to go indefinite with our subs' blackouts.


Goodbye, Reddit :(


Was up 10 minutes ago but the biggest instance deployed cloud flare protection because someone seemed to be ddosing it. 🙁


FUCK u/spez


Classic, refer to any (potential) positive talk about your rivals as spam. Even if that talk never actually happened.


Freenode did this.


Are they gonna ban this sub?


Thank you u/spez for notifying the masses on a Reddit alternative.


One of the Streisand Effect moments of all time


Whats kbin?


its a Reddit alternative, one that is "federated" meaning its not owned by any one person, but that there are many instances of it that people can join and all participate together on. Think of it like an open source Reddit. Edit to add a link for more info (sub is no longer banned): https://www.reddit.com/r/KbinMigration/comments/145bwof/the_redditors_guide_to_how_kbin_works_your/


What was that sub? I’m ignorant but don’t want to use reddits god awful 1st party app. What’s kbin?!