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So I just finished watching the show. I think that it began as an innocent creature, but through trying to control Kamen, was corrupted by Kamen’s own self hatred for causing what happened to the Demeter, as well as his shortcomings with Fiona. Through the flashbacks we see Kamen having major anger issues. It’s as if the creature took on those characteristics. That’s how I interpreted it anyway.


This was my interpretation as well. They were merging psyches.


I also figured that as a psychic creature, the hollow has only touched the minds of more base animals. Since humans have a much more complex psyche, Kamen's mind influenced the hollow just as much as it influenced him.


And when Kamen killed an animal, it realized that it could be top of the food chain through other means that it wasn’t“evolved” to do. Kamen expanded Hollows mind, and Hollow provided a safe place for Kamen to dwell within. Kamen became hollow, and hollow became Kamen


>Kamen’s own self hatred for causing what happened to the Demeter Yup, he couldn't/wouldn't accept responsibility for the negative outcomes of his decisions, if it was a positive outcome, he'd be overly prideful. I read in an interview with the creators, they basically said that it was Kamen's insecurity, greed, anger, etc etc that corrupted Hollow, and it did indeed begin as an innocent creature, like you said. They didn't even eat meat, just used their psychic powers to get other critters to bring them fruit. The shocked look on Hollow's face when Kamen first drops a dead thing in front of it says a lot


Well said and i think the reason why it chose to keep growing bigger is because of the scene where it encountered a bigger predator that took its prey. Its like that’s the only thing it knows now : Power = Bigger


I kind of saw a parallel between Hollow and the bigger predator, and Kamen getting bullied by Sam.


yea i see it now when you point it out


yea i see it now when you point it out


Mutual parasitism


This was my interpretation too, well-said


The closer it bonded with Kamen, the more of his personality it absorbed.


It hated people the same way Kamen hated himself and people.


I saw an article about Scavengers Reign that I found really insightful (not sure if I could find it again), and it talked about how each character in the show has a different relationship to Vestus, but ultimately humans are an invasive species on this planet. Kamen’s relationship with Hollow was an infection. It turned Hollow into something completely different because it’s a creature with psychic abilities. So not only was it controlling Kamen, but he was infecting it with his hatred and anger.


That’s super interesting. I think it’s more apparent what the relationships were between Usula/Levi and Vesta…but what did the articulation say about Azi or Sam?


I don’t remember exactly, but I believe it was something about how Azi adapted to Vesta while Sam resisted (and eventually succumbed to) Vesta.


He went from a symbiotic relationship to being a parasite in the hollow. I'm sure there could be connections drawn to how Kamen acted before crashing on vesta in his interpersonal relationships


Oh for sure, he was a parasite long before they crashed on Vesta.


The scene where Hollow became angry and violent upon hearing Levi's and in turn Fionas voice imo was evidence that although Hollow controls Kamen, Kamens personality and past affected and is influencing Hollows decisions. So pretty much it's because of Kamen. Fuck Kamen. Dude couldn't get a grip on his own problems and inflicts them on a mind controlling master.


Kamen, just like Hollow, was just trying to survive. It got a little out of hand, but nature does that.


Note that it didn't care much about Azi initially, only Levi because it sang a song from Fiona, in her voice. In my opinion, hollow only follows basic territorial and then reproductive instincts and [everything makes simple sense](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScavengersReign/comments/1dj3meg/comment/l9ahkix/).


I read somewhere else (I’m paraphrasing but using quotes to indicate the thought isn’t mine) “I thought the hollow was an allegory for depression. As depression does, hollow tries to destroy anything that could save kamen from hollow and the planet.” I kinda agree especially the whole absorbing him thing. The hollow doesn’t hate humans, it hates the hope of escape for kamen that they represent.


I saw it as the Hollow used their telepathic powers on the more simple creatures or Vesta. When it was connected to Kamen it was overwhelming for it and Kamen's mind started to bleed into its own.


You are missing that Hollow did not co-evolve with humans, it did so with a simple species that had very limited brain development and psychological complexity in comparison, so naturally Hollow was not at all prepared for shielding itself form Kamen's fucked up human psyche. After being in a *bidirectional* mental connection for a prolonged period of time, Kamen's human personality had a strong influence on Hollow as well, just as Hollow's control had a strong influence on him. The longer the symbiosis went on, the more their psyches bled into each other and consequentially merged, producing a new, joined lifeform/individual, that embodied qualities of both of them and had it's own motivations. In the last episode we see that the moment they separate Hollow and Kamen, void of Kamen's influence, Hollow instantly turns back into it's natural form and even more important, it's original character.


It was just an animal who became connected to a very weak and hateful man. When killing a creature he imagined it was our darling damsel Sam.


It's not pure parasitism, it's more like a symbiosis. The influence runs both ways and poor Hollow has never absorbed a Meat Eater or a Higher Intelligence with fun new superpowers like Self Loathing and Resentment


I don't think it had a hatred for humans, it seemed to have a hatred for technology - a kind of theme in the show was nature rejecting technology, like when those creepy horned shell crab cow things abduct Levi and beat him up essentially. Hollow completely wrecked the colonists little ship for pretty much no reason. Yes there was some kind of synergy with Kamen and I think it took on some of his emotions/character but I never got the sense Hollow was ever not in 100% control - it was just a curious alien who had never met anything as complex as Kamen before.


It was just a territorial animal


Have you met us?


Slightly off topic but: I didn’t catch this my first time watching, but I think it destroyed Levi because Levi’s voice is based on Fiona’s


I think Kamen and Hollow form a kind of toxic symbiosis. Kamen helped Hollow move up the food chain, and in return Hollow sheltered him when he had a mental breakdown, but all of Kamen's baggage was like poison and was corrupting the alien... Sort of the inverse of what happened to Sam.


I like this notion that Kamen was essentially an alien parasite that infected Hollow just like the native parasite that infected Sam at the end (who was essentially an alien on this world). Both Hollow and Sam were slowly being changed by their parasites.