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Just before July 10th, he’ll make another announcement with another date in the future, trying to set the bait, yet again,in hopes that the date mentioned previously will be forgotten about. With him, you can’t fix stupid!


Yeah, this reminds me of cults that keep predicting the end of the world. And then when that date comes, they just pick another date later down the calendar.


How can they be the power couple of 90 day when they were in one spinoff and not even employed by TLC? Also why does he think he & Lis are so wanted? Like who cares? They’re nothing special. A washed up man and a younger woman who keeps rejecting him?


Also he said he “flies out on the 10th to see Lis when he’s “finished production” and hopefully they’re allowed to have a huge announcement - and no it’s not a marriage proposal.”


This sounds like manic episode #1736392938473728. Delusions of Grandeur.


“This time I wont get let go”….?? 😹…….from a hospital? A show?…..A female? Family?……Friends?…..Cast mates?……A Lease? Which could it be. 🤡


All of the above. If he & Lis are working on something together, why did he move to Naples? Make it make sense.


I love being threatened with a good time😄


It’s tickety tock with my popcorn🍿 Imma ready for another Lis combustion🏃‍♀️


All of the above? 😁


And more! 🤣🍿


Scotty lives in a fantasy world very far from reality. Sad, his Dad could see that too which is why he was worried about him. And look how he turned out 🤦‍♀️






What is wrong with him? He's either whining about people online who are mean to him or he's tooting his own horn way louder than it should ever be tooted. That's it, there's nothing else. Why would anyone follow him?


This is the question. The few real fans he has, he tells off. The rest are paid for. He’s emotionally immature and he’s nasty to people. Why would anyone care about him? The more he regurgitates the same crap over and over, the more they see through him. It’s his own fault he’s hated. But of course, he’ll blame Reddit.


I’ve checked out a few of his Facebook friends, the ones who comment on his posts, & he has a **TON** *of scammers* on his friends list..! I see the scammers comment under Scott’s “*friends*” comments, telling them that they like their profile, blah blah blah, but wanted to ask for their consent before sending a friend request. 🙄 lol These scammers always have a very small amount of friends on their lists, & most of the time they only have one friend. Some of the people who comment on Scott’s posts know that it’s a scammer, but sometimes I’ll see someone reply, and say things like, “*I have a boyfriend*”.. lol! He’s so full of himself, but he has no friends, & many of the people on his friends list are just scammers, trying to scam Scott’s followers. They have no idea who he is, they are only his friend because they are trying to scam money out of his followers. I honestly believe that we have more true, real life followers in this group, than Scott will ever have on his social media platforms.. lol 😂


He went down to 150k followers too. IG must’ve deleted 1000 fraudulent accounts. 😀




Does he even realize that he is the only 90 day character with this drama bullshit? He THRIVES playing tug a war with Reddit.


"COLLABORATION!" It's Lis' turn again. Also, I thought he had 'no afilisation' with 90 day, sharp, or tlc... but now he's trying to be a power couple?? With what power?? They were on the LEAST popular spinoff of a successful reality dating franchise. If anyone deserves such a title, they aren't even honorable mentions on that list. Kenny and Armando are front runners for that position imo.


There he goes, not making any sense.., once again!! How in the world would they ever be a 90 Day power couple?!


Ffs, why do I read his posts over and over and over again ? I actually have to read them out loud and I still don't understand the continuous word salad. He's so cool with the lol's, how old is he ? 🙄


"...continuous word salad" Perfect!! 👍🤣🤣🤣


These are the ramblings of a deluded and desperate man.


Between the lies and illiteracy, I'm mystified at what's being conveyed.


He was never on 90 day fiancé though and no one knows him, if you ask people to name someone from the show, guaranteed no one would know him or his name. There are more people that noticed him after his side piece part in a side piece cable show because of the online 90day bloggers that follow chantel and Pedro, that cussed him out because of his behaviour, he is known as a user of Lydia and the guy that brought his ex girlfriend on a trip to see another woman who then got such the bad ICK she ran away and he cried, oh and bad boom boom 😂 He has little man syndrome and can’t stand not being most popular. He has Histrionic personality disorder and feeds off other peoples opinions


For Scott, his tv appearances are the best things to ever happen to him - hence his desperation to get back on tv. Fancy being proud of what he did in front of the camera. He's disgusting.


I think the whole thing is bullshit. We already know that they are on a project, so why not have an updated picture with her or her alone? He is just stringing people along.


Escott's dream is finally coming to fruition. ![gif](giphy|EnRHvclpVJTuq2YeXa)


What in the fucking Neanderthal is he even saying


Ikr ? This is exactly how we feel. ![gif](giphy|jUbCZEdpoNB3OJu1TT)


His “project” is probably telling Lis that he wants her to coauthor his dumb book




Now there's a thought. LOL. When he says they "won't need TV", that means only 2 things in my minds eye: TikTok and/or YT. I'm sure somewhere in that pea-brain of his, he's thinking "Hey, all those kids are making MILLIONS of dollars on TikTok...we could do that. We're already famous". 🙄🤣




HA!! Could you imagine?? He can't even make inanimate content, as much as he says he's a "content creator".


Hahahaha like anyone would even listen to it anyway


Oh shit, maybe it's a podcast. ![gif](giphy|l0Iy5TmgLUuozSA5W|downsized)


If it was, the fact that he thinks people would even listen to some whiny, unhinged nobody from the least watched 90 day spin off, is absolutely hilarious




Also, what kind of an adult says I have rules but I love breaking them LOL sounds more like something a four or five year old would say or think. Really goes to his mental health status.


Yeah, that's a REAL attractive attribute for a man in his 50's, don't ya think? But hey, it's earned him FOUR bankruptcies, so maybe there *IS* a method behind his madness?? Plus, him and Lis are going to be the "90 Day Power Couple"?? Good Lord...🙄🤣


And of if I were a tv production company with “rules” he likes to break, and production isn’t finished I’d be done with him! Why does he think he’s so untouchable?


1.) A HUGE ego 2.) https://preview.redd.it/ldnkjtcmyx8d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e665bf459034130513771352598bb0f58052f2


So full of shit


He's so predictable 🙄


This production is supposed to be a big deal to him, yet he is stupid enough to risk getting fired? Who's going to know if you post something on social media? /s You can just delete it right away, and there will be no proof /s




He’s a legend in his tiny brain.


Power couple???? He must be dreaming. Nothing he does will ever amount to anything. Is this the big news? What a joke