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![gif](giphy|ftdTmHGZWjQyRJK7Fv|downsized) You can hear it in his voice. 100% he’s had a cocktail


Mr. Relaxo




Hey Mutants quick update on my life! 1. I went to work today. Obviously I have to work to pay my own bills and have things. 2. I came home, cooked my honey dinner. 3. I cleaned the kitchen. I can tell you it was a mess. 4. I sat on my couch with my feet up & visited my favorite Reddit group for a few hours. Please don't judge. I'm an adult, let me live my life. Also finally, I'm glad I popped in tonight and if I don't get to bed I will not be in the best shape of my life for work tomorrow.


Thank you for the update we were all wondering😉


I feel so much better knowing this. Thanks for the update! 😎




His mind must go a million miles a minute with the most grandiose ideas that he instantly think are really going to happen. He truly believes he is grand and important; pompous. His videos are more elaborate than necessary; they're overblown!!!! I could not live a life being dishonest and fake like that.


Pompus!!! That should be his nickname.




Perfect name!




C-O-C-A-I-N-E 🤭


I can’t stand him always using the word “production” like some wannabe celeb. And why would Riley want to team up with this dolt? JFC.


I read the comments on Riley’s IG. Sounds like he’s actually into the suggestion. I seriously don’t get it


I can’t wait to see how they will produce and film this. He and Scott will be in trouble with the law in no time! Or get their asses handed to them. Can’t imagine those two men running after someone. Scott doesn’t even know what position he wants his hands in while running on a treadmill. Where’s my 🍿?


Riley's an *interesting* guy in his own rite. Seems that he's also an "idea guy" , based on the article link provided. Unless the plan is to make this "bounty hunter" thing completely fictional, neither one of the have the creds and/or licenses to do a "reality" show. As I said in an earlier post & link. All of it is pie-in-the-sky stuff. [5 things you didn’t know about Donnel Riley](https://starcasm.net/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-riley-before-90-days/)


Cause Riley is desperate AF also.


Don't forget collaboration.


In the best shape of his life & wants to do "The Challenge". Does that mean he got his hernia fixed?


Doubtful. He probably doesn’t even have health insurance.


Not working as a contractor at the hospital, he doesn't.


And what happened to all the supposed issues related to supposed stroke? 🤔


Right??!’ LOLLL


Ew, Riley. But also- have fun with that! I’m sure that working relationship will be totallllllly smooth.


Riley couldn’t handle being around Scott for an afternoon let alone for a show 🙄. Weren’t they supposed to go fishing together, but Scott didn’t end up going? Maybe because he couldn’t afford the fees and Riley wasn’t going to be *that* generous.


N ![gif](giphy|ge2SnG1B5mJqqB6SLj)




He thinks his fans are right on the edge of their seats waiting for his updates. Crazy! He acts like he has everything going for him and everything in his life is well organized with goals and achievements, most likely written in a notebook full of excessive compulsive imaginary ideas that will never come to fruition. What a waste of pen and paper. I commented on the Riley post and he immediately deleted me. It was a good comment too, bummer. He is quick!


I have so much I want to say but I don't want to risk my account LOL


The fact that he thinks his corny little bOuNtY hUnTeR meme would actually turn into a tv show is absolutely hilarious


Scott is flying high on the mania this week. How does his bald head fit into a room?


It’s seriously mind boggling lol


Didn't Dawg the bounty hunter already do this? eScott is SO original 🥱


I have always hated people who ask for hand outs or scam for money then tell everyone to mind our own business and it's their life. Don't lie to get ahead, ask for hand outs and scam for money and I wouldn't care what you do. I figure then and only then is when Scott would have a right to tell people to mind their own business. All these videos he posts then deletes but we have are timeless precious mementos! Not too long ago he had over 200 posts and I think he has it down to 123.


Uhhh he said July 10 previously


Yes exactly- he said the 10th


Yes he did! He’s got so much delusion in his head he can’t keep up with the lies.


I caught that too, already changing the dates.


His eyes, his voice, the odd slowness of his speech...I think someone may have washed down a few pills with that Fireball. That was extra creepy.


Did he actually have a hernia?


Yes, at least he told us he did. It was also pretty obvious in some of his selfies. For some reason, he photoshops everything but his hernia.


🤣. Hilarious






Why isn’t he glorifying his apt !! I haven’t even seen it in a very long time !! Maybe back in the trailer ? Hmmmm


It sure looks like the blinds from his camper. Maybe he lives “onset” now since he’s such a huge “star”. 🙄. My eyes hurt from rolling them so much in this post.


For a content creator (or whatever he is calling himself these days), this guy makes the absolute WORST videos just from a video quality standpoint alone. He has no concept of lighting, framing, or anything else.


Wasn’t it July 10th.


Don't hold your breath. He repeatedly stated that big big announcements were coming in June. Nothing. He stated he was going to Colombia for Lis last year. Lis ghosted Scotty. Lis needs more money. Sorry, send Lis all your money now. So when she ghosts you, Scotty, you'll be ready for the hurt. Fireball...luv it!!


I remember. “I’m moving to Colombia in December but not because of Lis”. Liar lying.


He sure did https://preview.redd.it/92jl0w7w829d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852f13f49224056db0a302e22c2069d875e98c25


Yep. Just like the stroke. Can’t seem to get the date right.


Yep! He did say the 10th




Hard to keep the lies straight.


Babble..production...babble Lis....babble...live my life. That pretty much sums it up.


He wouldn’t pass the state regs to become a bounty hunter. I think you need a higher iq than 50




Isn’t “The Challenge” for younger people? I haven’t watched it in a long time but I thought it was for more younger viewers and competitors?


Yes it is, he would never even qualify.


I remember the very last competition they have to do to win the million dollars, and it was brutal! They were all young and in incredible shape but some were breaking down, throwing up and shaking from trying to finish some of the things on the list they follow..I felt so bad for some of them..


Same. I can’t imagine doing that. It’s brutal.


Oh, he's a very young 53, just ask him! I would LOVE to see him on The Challenge!!




The challenge is my husbands favorite show lol so I am very familiar. He would get absolutely destroyed physically and mentally and it might actually be hilarious to watch lol but I would throw a fit if he somehow ended up being cast


If he was , I don’t think he would last very long 🫤


Who the hell asked for an update on his life?


No one lis going to hire Scott Wern and Riley to be on a bounty hunter show. Jesus, he just lies in bed at night thinking of dumb things to do.


Escott giving Robert Durst eyes; vacant and black like his personality. ![gif](giphy|VpbtXS3Dj6Mqk|downsized)


![gif](giphy|hspjCjHUYJ0Lzuk5g7|downsized) Whatever




Delusions of grandeur.


Same shit different day. ![gif](giphy|HltgYvpLl0gX75ECmL)


Oh now he and Lis have been together for 4 yrs ? ![gif](giphy|Y1GYKMWtzShNucWuj7)


On and off.. mostly off LOL


The Challenge? What the geriatric version? Has he seen The Challenge? Honestly, I would love to see him on that show. They would annihilate him on every level.


He would quit on the first day !


Bounty Hunter show with a "Pulp Fiction" theme?? I don't know who he's getting his info from, but becoming a "bounty hunter" isn't as easy as deciding "Hey, let's go outside and play cops & robbers" and make a TV show. There's state licenses, firearm permits, 1500+ hrs of first being a bondsman, etc, etc. This is delusional "pie in the sky" dreaming on his part. Just for kicks, skim over the requirements in the link for becoming a Bail Recovery Agent in Florida. From what I know,, neither he nor his "partner" have any of these requirements. Coo Coo Ka-Choo🤣 [How To Become a Bounty Hunter in FL](https://www.bountyhuntereducation.org/license-requirements-florida/)


Riley has been in the military and has a high-ranking government job and I'm not sure if it's top secret or what but he can't say what it is. Scott on the other hand😂😂😂 This is just another one of those team Scotty🤮 Fitness subscription grifty bullshit delusions of grandeur.


Re: SW\_Sr, you're spot-on.🤣 Re: "Riley", yes, he seems to have parlayed his military experience into DoD consulting work over the last 10 yrs or so. All 1-2 yr positions, with his current position since 2023. As a hiring manager in my prior career who used LinkedIn extensively, he does have an interesting resume; I'll give him that. FYI, you don't need an acct to read his resume, only to post, etc. Just close the "sign in" window that comes up. [Donnell Riley LinkedIn Resume](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rileydiego)


It is an interesting resume but doesn't it look kind of bad when you're only at places for a very short period of time? Or is that not the case with jobs like this?


In most cases, yes, working at a number of places for 2yrs or less typically doesn't look good, i.e., not reliable, looking for quick advancement by job-hopping, etc. An HR phone screen usually answers any "oddities" like this found on a resume. This why I believe that he's probably been doing "consulting" work as an independent contractor since his retirement from Active Duty. It's a good gig if there's a need for your skill-set and you know your shit. Plus as an independent contractor, you take the jobs when/where you want, so you can go do a Reality TV series with your spare time. ;) Bottom line is it's much easier to out-source a contract worker for short-term projects (12-24mos), and a LOT cheaper due to employee overhead, than it is to hire a full-time employee. It's a win-win for both employer and the contractor. Very common these days.


Ugh...me too!!!


He says he has been with Lis for 4 years when they have only been off and on for 4 years. All toll they have only been together for maybe a year within 4 years. What a joke.


Total joke. He's also the guy who would call a kid hw was friends as in kindergarten, someone he's been friends with for 48 years




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In order to post your account must be a minimum of 14 days old and have at least 100 comment karma. Here is a list of new user friendly groups to build your karma https://reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/w/index/newusersubs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


“Let me live my life” ok then stop posting about it! DUH! ![gif](giphy|Zv6Apawffpa2k)