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Hi! I only read explicit stories so I hope that is your cup of tea! And please join us on /SSHG subreddit :) Someone Exactly Like You, After Happily Ever After, Do Not Go Gentle, Ruby’s House (WIP), Master Mine (submission series), Forged in Flames, Getting Personal, Doing it for the Order, TEACHING MISS GRANGER!!!, In Plushies We Trust, Angels to Fly, Late Shift at Palindrome, The Quickening, Rita Skeeter’s Scoop, A Curse Might Be a Bessing, Heated Confessions, Wicked Elixir, If I Could Take You to Heaven, All She Needs, Locked in Love, Hell is Empty, Claim Me (by Cirsium), In The Restricted Section, Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper, It Takes Two, Insatiable, Back in Black, Binding Darkness … That was a lot of typing and now I need a hand massage 🥲


Teaching Miss Granger and Master Mine are my all time faves!!!


For Someone Special is my ultimate fave but there is only the PDF file on sshgreview, not AO3.


I’m reading Heated Confessions and from the description I’m picturing Hans Gruber lol


Inkstains by Zigadenus


[don’t leave me out in the cold](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40274631/chapters/100878516) by thefrenchpress


[FIC: How It Happened Doesn't Matter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/301125) by deslea Complete, 22k, rated M "An adult Hermione studied the strategies of battle, both Muggle and Wizarding. She anticipated sex as a weapon of war, prepared for it on her own terms, and reclaimed her power when it came. What she didn't bargain on were the other choices that would be taken from her after the battle was done. AU from end OOTP. Novella length." Lovely & great writing.


Anything by [Grooot](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Grooot/pseuds/Grooot). I absolutely adore “Time mutable immutable” and “PS I love you”. “The not so little problem” is short but really fun. So yeah. Those are the stories I reread at least once.


I binge read PS I Love You after seeing this comment the other day. I’m mad at myself for reading it all so fast because now I ran out of chapters! 😂😂 It was SO good!! I loved how Severus was portrayed in it. He had a past and trauma and was grumpy but wasn’t a complete evil git like some fics make him out to be. Perfect balance.


You might get more answers on r/SSHG


Pride of Time by AnubisAnkh is the only one I've ever bookmarked but I've read it like 5 times




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