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The good thing about myopia is that everyone is beautiful, even me!


Can't relate more, I've been developing myopia for the past 3-4 years without realizing, when I finally got my glasses and started seeing everyone in close detail, I started to appreciate how imperfect everyone is, including myself.


I agree with what you said. There are people who really think highly of themselves. But THEY don't see that in themselves.


I completely agree. I got glasses and was stunned by what I saw. went back to no glasses. On the flip side, I don't realize when people think I am staring at them.


I have found that giving frequent, genuine, compliments to those around me (esp. men who never get any) makes me a more beautiful person on the inside.


Sometimes in our life there are people who are really contemptuous of their fellow man. You think they are perfect and beautiful in themselves.


The longer your examine something the more flaws you can notice


Flaws are what makes someone/something unique. They're the thing that distinguishes us from another. You may be compelled by beauty, but the intricate qualities of a person are the things you remember


Those unique features make someone beautiful and others ugly.


Some of us have to face the harsh reality that we are ugly and failed the genetic lottery, it’s not a bad thing to know that we are what we are and nothing can change it, as long as we don’t act as ugly as we look, life might surprise us, but yeah better not to lie and be bitter when others don’t see the lies you tell yourself


Truth , if you don’t act like you’re ugly no one will care. That’s the hard part , not to Ignore it but to embrace it . It will not get better from here but confidence will always shine through which is a beautiful thing. There’s a lot of people who are not ugly who think of themselves as ugly and they need to hear the Same exact words of encouragement.


Let's be real though, you can be the nicest person in the world and if you are ugly, people are still going to treat you like garbage. Not all people, not all the time. Also, I have found, that when you embrace it, people get really upset and like to tell you, you are being too negative. "Everyone is beautiful"


People say things they don't mean. Maybe because just being nice


It's because other people really are beautiful and I am really not.


You can either not find yourself attractive, or you’re a narcissist, there’s no middle ground istg


I don’t find myself attractive, but I don’t find myself unattractive either. I just am the way I am. I know I can turn out pretty nicely with a little effort, I just don’t usually have a reason to. It’s enjoyable though. Maybe I should make the effort, once or twice, just for the sake of it.


I was a very late bloomer which really fucked my confindece, but now I'm in my 30s and enough people who I'm not related to have told me I'm handsome that I begrudgingly choose to believe them


I have no confidence to tell someone that they are beautiful


you just gotta fake your confidence lol. That's how I did it at least... I think I'm actually more confident than before. Fake it till you make it, it works!


Personally, I tend to find most people are… aesthetically pleasing, if you stop and actually look at them. Humans have evolved to find each other appealing. I have met a great many people, some prettier than others, but I have yet to meet someone that I actually consider ugly.


it's not up to yourself to determine what you are, only what you want to be.


There's people out there who believe in ghosts; yet don't believe in themselves.


Because those people are lying, and they can't tell if the people saying the same to them are lying.


it’s the sample size if you tell someone else that they’re beautiful, you only have to answer one question: do you think they’re beautiful? if yes, then you tell them! and it would be true, because they \*are\* beautiful to you. but if you want to convince \*yourself\* that you’re beautiful, you not only have to weigh your own opinion, but also all of the other opinions you’ve experienced on your life—all the times other people either told you you’re beautiful or made you feel beautiful… or the opposite. it’s a harder call to make


That's why there is the saying "Everyone is their own worst critic". Whenever I do something, I immediately notice the flaw because I was there when the flaw happened. Others just see the final product and don't look too closely.


We know our own 24 hour hygiene pretty well while we tend to see others at their best for a lesser time span


Probably because the majority of people have a baseline level of self-loathing that prevents them from telling themselves they are beautiful.


I'm not beautiful. I'm a medium looking person. Everyone isn't beautiful.


comeuntochrist.org lds.org gospel library app if anyone's struggling this has a lot of good resources that can help https://youtu.be/vXg9wWIN-Xo https://youtu.be/3n-DOKBffuU call or text 988 liveonutah.org Everyone take the comment if you want, but if not then ignore me.


When I see some stunning person on street I be like "Wow, they are looking perfect!" and big part of it is because I see them first time. While I see my face every time in the mirror and it become normal thing for me. Yes, this is my face, it's not ugly, nor beautiful, just normal looking face, oh, I have red eyes again because I slept four hours, that's not looking good, will need to sleep more on weekends


What about the you that's behind the image? There's more to you than what is in the mirror. That too can be beautiful, and I would imagine it to be so.


Personality not beautiful Beautiful only about looks, face, clothes, stylish glasses, etc. It's what makes me question my heterosexuality when I see some good-looking man, or just stop in awe because of some woman. Personality is about different thing, you may be stunning but boring, or not 10/10, but funny and comfortable to be around you.


I was a very late bloomer which really fucked my confindece, but now I'm in my 30s and enough people who I'm not related to have told me I'm handsome that I begrudgingly choose to believe them


Well, I'm not attracted to dudes, so of course I don't know if I'm an attractive dude. And unless you're in the top like 10% of good lookin dudes, then women aren't out there making it obvious for you.


wait what you've never looked at a dude and be like "damn hes attractive?"




I don't think there's any actually beautiful people out there that don't know deep down that they're beautiful. A majority of us are ugly if we're referring to the "normal" beauty standards. That's how standards work, to separate the "normal" from the "special". That being said, just because you aren't beautiful according to the standards doesn't mean everyone will think that. Standards are just the "social consensus", everyone has their own preference. There will be someone out there who sees the beauty in you.