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There is a difference between attraction to personality and getting off on personal attention.


I'm sure it's like that for some people but I genuinely just prefer thinking of my girlfriend when I have one.


I mean, having a girlfriend already includes personal attention? Unless your relationship is different in that way...


Well, the way it was phrased before made me think you were talking about some asshole having an ego trip. I didn't realize you meant a regular person appreciating intimacy.


Haha, fair. My apologies, I didn't think about it that way.


Haha no worries


Well for me it would just be hard enough and kinda awkward as well to ask for nudes from my girlfriend!


Is this wholesome or... What should be happening? It made me smile, so there's that.




When you can just some quality time with her alone then is it necessary to ask and have nudes?


But asking for nudes from a person through the internet? That somewhat just hits me though!


add entitlement, objectification, a sense of power, attempts to humiliate target, etc...


All of those sound a lot less fun than "mutual emotional bond" :(


Who the heck you been sending nudes too?!


Is this a good place for a “Your mom” joke, or is it too far past 2012?


Your mom is too far past 2012


I don't know why everyone always immediately jumps to point at malice when the stupidly obvious answer is that nudes *for you* are better than rando nudes *for anyone*. It's like wanting a home-cooked meal over a diner and having people scream that you just want your mom to suffer under the boot of your power. Grow up.


Absolutely insane and entitled that men derive some sort of *sick* pleasure from feeling wanted and accepted




this. i've seen a lot of naked bodies from the internet but when you see a person you know (and attracted to) naked, it's feels like seeing a naked body for the first time.


Like, damn friend, nice tits


Nice cock bro.


Appreciate it


Now get back to work, I'm not paying for compliments.


Awesome vagina, buddy


And this is why only fans is so damn popular. It gives the audience a false sense that they are connected with the performer (like they know them). The same goes for streamers and donations.


This is one of the main reasons why I just don't like streamers in general, More Twitch and what-have-you than onlyfans. People get hung up in that parasocial engagement, truly believing that it's a healthy social environment. When in reality, they're still missing a good chunk of what it is to actually be social. Instead of having a beer with people online or in reality, and having genuine conversations, they spam the chat in hopes to get noticed, or pay money for that rush. They don't realize that they're regressing socially, and as such, they become antisocial shitcocks. Then I gotta fuckin' deal with the toddlers when I play a game that has the occasional rando.


I agree with your point, that most situations are parasocial and unhealthy. I will say I have had social interactions with smaller streamers, and streamed myself, in niche game streams, which developed into real friendship. It wasn't based on money cause no subbing or donating was involved, just love of the game. Felt much less parasocial and much closer to an irl friendship.




>People get hung up in that parasocial engagement, truly believing that it's a healthy social environment. When in reality, they're still missing a good chunk of what it is to actually be social. During the pandemic, I listened to a lot of podcasts. My brain just kinda started defaulting to friendly recognition of the people I was listening to. Like, it wasn't, "These people are my friends!" More like a high level familiarity that would feel a little like listening to a friend. But it's all stupid brain shit. They don't know me. And I don't know them. I just like their content. Love your podcasts, but don't *love* them.


smile salt mindless squealing public jeans wrench drunk observation scarce -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Nothing more profitable than exploiting human emotions for money!


Like happiness for every single entertainment industry!


Sometimes I feel like Edward bernays made a black magic spell that will destroy us inside. Emotions are just another thing to exploit for profit. No wonder loneliness is at an all time high, it's become profitable


That’s literally the whole concept of advertising


Fully agree. Porn? I'll skip through 10 videos of naked people trying to search for that one specific scene that gets me. A person I know, I am attracted to, and they flirt with me? Taking their shirt off is probably enough to get me more aroused than any porn could ever achieve.




Jerking it to the mountains of porn is a release, an enjoyable release, but lacks the emotional aspect that sex or masturbating to someone you know has. Absolutely is why there are two or more camps in these things.


Yeah, if someone makes me a pie, I'll treasure it more than one from Costco. Even if the Costco one is more delicious.


This is very true. Not sure it works the same way with women, probably not. But a very good description of how it "feels". This explains our madness.


When I read "naked bodies", the mental image I get is a bunch of dead bodies. If I were to write that sentence I would have used "naked people". Though I imagine in your head you actually meant pictures of living people who are nude. Recently I've begun to wonder if people actually interpret words and sentences the same way. It's similar to how everyone just agrees what the colour red is but we can never know for sure if they see red the same way we do.


It's like owning an original painting vs a print


Limited edition kind of stuff.


Artisanal porn.


Can we call them shinies?


True, imagine getting one from Jessica you knew in highschool vs mine


Fuck I’d love that. Jessica had some juicy tits.


Yeah, but Jessica is 53 now, so probably not what you remember.


[Aging like fine wine](https://i0.wp.com/fangasmthebook.com/wp-content/uploads/ep-7-justjensenanddean.gif?ssl=1)


Doesn't matter. It'll satisfy a lifelong curiosity.


This is why OnlyFans makes money also


You don't know how we'd all react. So c'mon now, don't be shy.


I've literally never asked someone for them, let alone a stranger. Here I am buddy, shoot your shot ;)




*hits head and breaks the branch* *Gets up with a bleeding head* "Fuck...FUCK.....FUCK YEAH. you punch me again honey"


Well this escalated quickly


Shut up. It’s just starting to get good.


I put on my robe and my wizards hat...


Mmmnn yeah that's it... now fart into this microphone 🎤


Tldr : we t wrekt the bed.


What just happened here I’m not sure if I was a backseat rider to something beautiful or a future homicide


>watch out for that BANG! OOH! TREEEEE!!!


Send me some nudes, for science


Noods plz




sending Ramen over shortly


Wait how do I sign up for ramen?


Can I see your booty hole?


It may be for some. But I like knowing a pic was taken for me. Makes me feel special and connected to the person. I haven't ever had to ask for them though. It always seemed that it was a natural step in the relationship and that they wanted to send them. But maybe that's conditioning. I don't know. I do know that I've gotten "old nudes" before and that felt weird only because I knew they weren't really meant for me. Then I think "is she sending this because she thinks she has to?" But it could be that they just weren't feeling great about the way the looked in the moment and sent an oldie. Who knows


I want nudes because I want the validation of you thinking I'm hot enough for you to want me to see you naked.


That's probably the simplest way I've seen it explained that still retains the crux of it.


That's about it. And also because no matter how many nudes are online, you want to see THAT girl naked in particular. And also, it's more exclusive (i.e. you're seeing a pic of that girl's body that few people have seen, which I theorize is what explains the success of OnlyFans).


I’m not sure it’s about the personality behind it as much as it’s about the fact that the “club” that gets to see those nudes is much more exclusive than the ones that anybody can download from the net. I imagine it’s more validating and affirming to get something that has only been shared with a handful of people.


I think it was Euphoria that posed the idea that sharing nudes was a modern way of showing affection. It demonstrates that you trust someone. So, it's less about the nudity and more about the meaning behind the gift.


The modern adult version of, "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine"


It may be just a psychological thing. Movies that have body doubles are probably lauded for their nude scenes even though the viewer may not realize they're staring at a naked body that doesn't belong to the actor they think it does.


I've also never asked for any, and yeah, can't really see myself ever being the kind of person to *ask*. Mutually deciding to exchange them during some dirty talk? Sure. That's great, and yes, getting them from *someone I'm into* is far more exciting. But with guys who do ask directly, I still don't really think it's the personality they're into. I think they enjoy the feeling of winning something.


>and to have them sent to you personally This is what they are really after. They want the personal touch of someone going out of their way to send them something specifically for them. The individual, personal image can be very low quality, but as long as it's specifically for them then that's the important detail.


I mean, the OPs point still stands; the person asking cares about the personal connection with that person enough to ask


I hate to be that person but sometimes they ask for the nudes of people they know so that they can blackmail them


My GF sells personalized nudes for Redditors after going down the used panties for sale hole. We were asking the same question as OP but to your point, it is that knowing the pics are made specifically for the receiver (or someone you know) I think drives the asking. Anyway it's interesting how people work, and hey she enjoys it too so onwards and upwards!


For some, I think it has less to do with trust, and more to do with "I have something not everyone else has." While I can't name any specific creators that have this type of content, there are some OnlyFans creators who market to this kind of audience.


Also why people spend absurd amounts of money on OnlyFans instead of just hiring an escort.


Different aspect, one is for collection, one is for busting a nut


i don't think it's about personality, i think it's about proximity. if you get nudes from a girl you know, you are closer to sex then you were before, if you get nudes from the internet, you are no closer to sex.


Interesting perspective, didn't think of it this way.


lmao [this](https://twitter.com/wolfpupy/status/686217372957413376?s=46&t=fFUjs8aLVwGHbILEFcid0g) is all i can think of when someone says that


Where has that been all my life hahahaha


I've already forgotten what you wrote, good bye forever 👋


His. When I'm hungry, I don't look up the menu at Nobu. I check out what deals local delivery apps/restaurant chains have going so I know what my options *really* are.


I just got hung up on calling my local restaurant and asking for nudes.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


Looking for Wendy.


They didn't send you noodles?


I don't think it's about one thing. I think sometimes it's about personality. Sometimes it's about proximity. Sometimes it's about trust. Sometimes it's about other things. Sometimes its about a combination of those things. I hate that on reddit there's this pattern of people going "It's not X, it's Y" when it can very easily and probably is both. You don't have to say "it's not". You can say "it's also" or at least "it's not **always**". Because *sometimes* it definitely is about personality (and sometimes it's not)


Its also about exclusivity. Everyone has access to porn on the internet, but how many have access to nudes of this particular woman you know/are into?


This is where it starts to feel icky. When men ask for nudes from women they do not have an established relationship with what are they doing? He is asking her to cross a boundary of privacy and offer something private to him, and him only. That sort of thought process is like the tippiest tip of the SA iceberg IMO.


Oh absolutely. I appreciate nudes from a woman im actually involved with. Just slangin for them on tinder after texting for three minutes though? That dude is just fulfilling some kind of fantasy where women are at his beck and call. Its weird, its gross.


And if it’s from someone across the world it’s still validation and kinda closer in a way


I’d rather look at one picture sent from my girlfriend, than a million photos fro a “the worlds hottest women” list. They’re just **some** girls. My girlfriend is **the** girl.




Exactly, there’s a million videos of girls twerking online. I don’t really care. But if my girl sent me a video twerking? Game over 🤣


I like your girlfriends pictures better too


A man of fine taste.


I also choose this guy's girlfriend.


I did not expect anything this sweet in the comments. Good for y'all. That's precious.


I felt that too. It's like porn for romantic ones.


Asking for nudes is peak chivalry.


You're mistaking caring about the person for seeking novelty. I can search online and have boobs of any size instantly in front of my face but they're all accessible to the rest of the world as well. In theory, if someone directly sends me their boobs (please don't do this by the way), I could be seeing the only instance of that photo. Novel porn/nudity is likely more the driver than anything to do with caring for the individual. Plus, if they send me a picture of themselves directly, I can have the fantasy of possibly seeing them nude in person. Seeing a model or an actress naked, I'm well aware we will never meet in person.


>please don't do this by the way You guys recieving nudes?


If somebody has a username like u/sendmeboobpics then I will just send a boob pic.


It doesn’t really work all that well tbh


Brb changing username


Yeah I mostly just get people venting during a certain time. I don’t mind tho, I’m happy to help any way I can.


“Please don’t do that btw” I think you should be more worried about dick pics. Guys aren’t safe from them either.


Reverse psychology


Nothing wrong with some sausage to spice up your vegetarian bbq, fren. If you fear Dr Dong, you give Dr Dong power over you. If you ridicule Dr Dong he will deflate and be much less intimidating, especially compare to the entirity of this here swole behemoth that'll sneak into your inbox and get you while you're least expecting it. Edit: I just realised that I've become one of the penispostingpeople and I regret the decisions I made in life that led me here. While also feeling like this could be a decent redemption story arc.


>please don't do this by the way Ah yes, the old reverse psychology trick.




Well knock it off and definitely don't send me boobs!


Shucks, all that's in my inbox is sad man boobs. Can you help?




>In theory, if someone directly sends me their boobs (please don't do this by the way) Too late. [Boobies!](https://www.birdspot.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/blue-footed-boobies.jpg)


My do they have blue feet!


"The thing about boobs is that, once you've seen one pair... you want to see all the rest of them."


I've seen dudes that collect and trade em like pokemon cards, so idk about that one


non-blockchain nfts


I’ve been archiving the ass of this woman since the Myspace days. It’s all stuff that she publicly posted on her own. Damn, she has one of the best asses this side of the Mississippi.


I'll trade you a '73 Nolan Ryan for one of hers.


I have a 2008, limited edition Scene Queen Booty Shorts Pic.


A lot of people underestimate how attractive it is to feel wanted. I don't know if you know who the comedian Sam Morril is, but he has a joke that consent is the shit, and that is 100% true. Feeling wanted is one of, if not the best part.


Sam Morril has some great bits. I was disappointed by his most recent special, but his crowd work is fantastic 👌


Think I read a good post some me that explained it well. About knowing that the other person wants nothing more right now, that night, than to be with you. And that's what is amazing and I agree


Lol its not about personality. Its about the idea that you're doing it *just* for them. Its an ego booster, it makes them feel special. So,e guys will beg for nudes from complete internet strangers, its just about the ego


I met a guy once that i asked the same question. His answer? “If i ask for nudes and she sends them, she has already submitted to me and i can use that to my advantage, also when i have her nudes she won’t break up with me so fast in fear of having her nudes leaked” Yikes.


That is not something anyone wants to hear. Sheesh


I feel relatively confident that that man is fucked up in the head in some way. This is not how it is for the vast majority of men, I pinky promise. That dude, in particular, is fucking insane. I'm sure there's plenty of other men who are equally so, but please don't think that's the standard take. That dude is nuts.


Nope, but that's the real world.


I wonder why women keep breaking up with him?


That is dangerously self aware.


Waving his red flags proudly for all to see


smallest pp energy


I usually hate the whole "lol, that person must have bad genitals" jokes but...damn, yeah this guy sounds like he is compensating for something that makes him feel powerless. What a creep. I hope he's just talking tough and never acted on that sick power trip.


No pp energy ✂️


Well, we know to stay the fuck away from him now.


I want to send this to this guy's mom so she can whoop his ass for being such a dipshit.


Send it to his dad while at it. Only thing better than a disappointed parent? Two disappointed parents with a possibility of showers. Heavyhanded showers pouring down specifically on the assbottom region


yeaaaaah... came down here to say it's about power. unless you're already in a stable intimate relationship do not send *anyone* any incriminating images, the dudes who want them from the jump usually aren't safe to be around.


That guy is the "it's the implication" boat guy irl. Yikes.


Not all men but definitely this fucking guy.


This is why the first rule for girls who wants to send nudes, they send without their face included


Just in general, if it's something *someone* can turn into a weapon against you one should have as little personal information there as possible. Face is very personal information like that. Tattoos might be something one should think about as well.


Jesus christ


Cos of the implication...I guess, that dude real life Dennis Reynolds


What... wow


Sounds like you met a psychopath


Yeah I read the title and immediately thought that it was a pretty naive supposition. Considering the stories I heard from grade school about boys trading nudes they'd "collected" from their classmates was gross enough, but figured there was probably an even more nefarious power play afoot. Like, if they can get a girl to send nudes so easily, it's a sign that they could coerce them in other ways as well. Grossed myself out thinking about the possibilities.


Stalker energy


Consent and intent is everything. There are people I'd rather have a personal letter from about their day than a dozen random nudes.


I want a woman to write to me like I'm fighting in the civil war and she's waiting patiently for my return.


Dude this is the life, a pen pal that talks about waiting for your due return is the kinda person I need in my life


Brb, gonna look into how to write like that.


Or, it’s more taboo if you know the person. They don’t care about the person, the the fact they can get them.


It isn’t personality at all most the time OP , lol wtf It is often about proximity , intimacy, realism and sometimes even power


I think of it this way. I just got boobie pics from my wife of like 30 years. She is at the store and I am home with the internet at my fingertips. I could literally find the latest and greatest nsfw sub that is 100% my twink on reddit and be on my happy little boobie journey. Let's say my twink is "my wife's tits" and I find a sub that is nothing but girls with boobs that look like "my wife's tits" I could be in heaven right? Heck no, while "my wife's tits" might be an amazing sub it isn't my wife. It isn't the woman I'm going to tackle when she gets home from the store. I bug my wife for nudes all the time. I've pretty much seen her naked everyday for 35 years but just like the first time I saw her naked I want to keep seeing her naked. I save every pic she sends me! So yes! Bugging for nudes definitely shows you actually do care...


I like you. Stand up guy in my book:)


A man of culture


I've never really asked for them, but had a FWB when I was single that liked to send them. And there's something much more enjoyable when it's *for you* vs just for anyone online.


It has nothing to do with the sender's personality and everything to do with a live human consenting to a sexual act for them personally.


There are those that do it for the abuse of power. For the joy of manipulating others. Or so they have something to hold over the other person. Sex isn't always about the sex, people can be twisted fucks.


If they cared about the personality they’d ask for something intellectual, not nudes.


I think that’s an over generalization. To stereotype all men thinking all of them ask for nudes isn’t on par with reality. I would agree though that if I were to want to see someone naked it’s because I really like that person, not just because I want to see all women naked like someone else mentioned.


I have to ask. What part did it say all men ask for nudes?


> all men ask for nudes




No they don't. I've asked them why they harass women instead of googling boobs and it's because they want something "just for them". So they're stupid, as well.


I don't think it's anything to do with personality. I think it's a measuring stick guys use for themselves. This could be, oh this girl must be into me to send me nudes. Or the girl must trust me, Or I guess, I must be attractive if I can get x amount of girls to send me them. As other comments have said there are some who feel it gives them power over the girl, but I think this can be from... I have stuff that can incrimintate them, or the other end being, I have control over them and they will do what they ask. Either is a power trip, even if it's created from a different thought. I can also see a personal side to it, that it's someone they know or have met in person, making it seem more real than what could potentially just be some airbrushed Photoshop of an ai image. Whatever the reason, I don't think personality comes into it. I'd be more curious about the reasons someone sends nudes. There's got to be some level of submissiveness to them. A showing of trust. A bit of a taunt, for you can't have this? A feeling of attractiveness from someone wanting to see you. I worry there's a lot of pressure that that's what people do in relationships, or is the thing to do. The hope of getting something in return.


It depends a lot on the circumstance and person. Some people definitely have some bad thoughts about it, as others have pointed out. For me personally, I find nudes of someone i know to be hotter if i like them. I don't really care for nudes of a person i don't like.


Or they want to feel special Like "I was special enough to receive nudes" (I say this as a man myself)


It's like an achievement. "this girl likes me enough to show me her tits"


I think Ron White said it best - "once you see one set of boobs.... you want to see them all" I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist.


In my experience as someone who posts nudes online, most guys seem to ask for them because they consider getting them a trophy, like they won a game. A lot of guys seem to feel that getting a girl to send them "something special just for them" proves that they were able to talk her into doing something. It's a power-trip thing where they want to feel like they're smarter and superior to their "prey", and that they can get what they want.


Does giving and showing your privacy a good thing? what you think about it? You ideas regarding this?


It just makes me feel special that she likes me enough to send me nudes idk I don’t think to deep about it


Of course, if it's someone you know and like it's worth much more than some random girl on the internet


You just need to have that close bond though some random ones wouldn't just send you!


You're not listening. We don't want wild girls. We want good girls gone wild. It's important to see the transition, watch the process...


Is this a Dennis from Always Sunny Quote?


Lmao you just took the correct guess there is just nothing wrong in that after all!


Yeah haha


People slide into the DMs of people they’ve never met or even heard of and request nudes or send dickpics all the time. They don’t know the personality of these people. It’s not about personality - it’s about control and exclusivity. I can go to a porn site and look at nudes however much I want. But somebody else deliberately put those pictures there, and I can only see as much as they let me - they’re in control. And anybody can watch it - it’s not exclusive. But if I ask a stranger on the internet for nudes and they oblige, they’ve submitted to my control and I’m the only one who gets to see them.


That is what desperation actually looks like though people go pushing to the extremes. Like I was going through my girlfriend's messenger and I was just stunned to see such creppy guys asking for nudes! They don't even know her!


I think it’s a power thing, not a personality thing. If your get them online, you’re just looking at random pictures. If someone gives them to you, you have power over them


No, more like no matter how many naked women you see, you always want to see more.


The urge and desire is what just always keeps escalating though there is no barrier to it!


I would like to point out that even though that does seem to be accurate, some dudes take it too far, if what you are doing is making someone uncomfortable, don't do that shit.