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This is a nice Mother’s day shower thought, maybe I’ll put this on a card


This is like a Christopher Nolan shower thought


Nah, way less mumbling


Thgg that bkme y wz frmd nside yr grdmther


Bless you


Bless me with the gift of light, rightous cause on judgement night, feel the sorrow the light has swallowed, feel the freedom like NO TOMORROW!


We are all russian nesting dolls


Now thats a shower thought


U seem to think about oogenesis a lot in ur showers


And that's why they say a period of starvation lasts 2 generations. Or something like that.


Finally, actual truth


I mean if you are looking at an unbreaken chain of cells.. every life go all the way back to the first cell that manage to subdivide


That little rascal


True, but developed female babies (more than a collection of cells) are born with all of their eggs.


and that's where everything went wrong


I’m sorry what. I did not go to school can someone explain like I’m 5


Women are born with all of the eggs that they will ever have. So grandma with the help of grandpa produced a baby that contained in itself half of the DNA of all possible grandchildren from that daughter.


Thank you


Since women are born with all their eggs, that means that at your mom birth they were there already including the egg that birthed you, thus they have been forming in the womb of your grand mother


Ohhhhhh thank you


The egg that became me was formed as a child because of Totally Spies... Then it cracked... 


I think it sounds cooler when I say part of me existed 35 years before I was born




It was formed within your mother while she was developing inside your grandmother. A baby girl is born with all the egg cells she will ever have already present in her ovaries.


How premature do you need to be born for that to not be true?


Premature enough that it results in infertility


Ovaries begin developing at 3 weeks after conception. They begin producing eggs at 9 weeks after conception. The current record for earliest birth that survived is 21 weeks.


>The current record for earliest birth that survived is 21 weeks. Holy shit


You're saying the sperm doesn't eat the egg, grow strong, and become a baby?


Interesting, I learned something new today. I don't think this is common knowledge though, might not do well on ShowerThoughts


Yeah it’s interesting to think that as a woman has periods it’s literally like a countdown. Unlike a man who can just make unlimited babies until he dies.


Get the fuck out of here, really??? This isn’t a showerthought this is mindblowing


At least two problems here: The egg is only half of you. Plus, you’re only talking about the maternal grandmother. Also: > While traditional thinking has held that female mammals are born with all of the eggs they will ever have, newer research has demonstrated that adult mouse and human ovaries contain a rare population of progenitor germ cells called oogonial stem cells capable of dividing and generating new oocytes. > Using a powerful new genetic tool that traces the number of divisions a cell has undergone with age (its 'depth') Shapiro and colleagues counted the number of times progenitor germ cells divided before becoming oocytes; their study was published in PLoS Genetics in February this year. > If traditional thinking held true, all divisions would have occurred prior to birth, and thus all oocytes would exhibit the same depth regardless of age. > However, the opposite was found -- eggs showed a progressive increase in depth as the female mice grew older


Read the OP again. All they said was “egg.”


You read it again. It says “the egg that became you.” There is no egg that became you—there’s an egg that became half of you along with the sperm who became the other half.


Your semantic argument indicates your obliviousness regarding the revelation under discussion. In more explicit terms, you’re missing the point of the post.


This is one of the best comments I have ever read.


ur trolling right? Did you as child become yourself as an adult, or can that only be said about the substances you imbibed? Monstrous trolling


Oh you don’t know about a sperm and egg? Let me get my sock puppets. Monstrous moron.


yeah the sperm became you as well. Both the sperm and the egg become you. I can tell you have attempted to use your brain, but please give it another try.


If you're so right and smart, how come literally nobody agrees with you?


Spoken like a true conformist. The majority is always right, right? All the data shows is the 100 more people disagree than agree. That’s it.


Not how that works bud. Get gud


Retake 7th grade bio.


Maybe you should. There aren't 2 separate beings that make up the concept of you. There is only you. You don't have 1 egg side and 1 sperm side


They’re combined, stupid. You’re saying the same thing but want to argue because you see the downvotes. Be honest. The original post is “the egg that became you.” I’m correcting that. Read in context. ** Edit: u\xray362 is such a pussy he comments and then immediately blocks. Here’s my reply anyway. Ok let me explain how you’re wrong when you wrote “it didn’t become half of you.” Let’s say that your dad was an ugly guy and mom was a an idiot. You took your looks from your dad and your smarts from your mom. Half from dad, half from mom. Their combined dna made the wonder that is you, an ugly idiot. “Not worth communicating with you” from the guy whose first post is what again? “Not how it works bud”


The egg did become you. It didn't become half of you it became all of you just as the sperm did. This is honestly super basic shit so the fact that you refuse to understand it means you are either really bad at trolling or on the spectrum. Either way it's not worth communicating with you




Hey dumb dumb that’s not even how you spell it. And it doesn’t apply for non-jokes.


Look over your head. There’s the point everyone else can see that you missed. Now look down. There’s the joke. “Dumb dumb”


Yeah but it’s still not a joke and that’s still not how you spell it. You’re getting false confidence by reading the downvotes. Think you can pile on but you’re not smart enough so you fell flat in your first attempt.


“No. No. No. things can’t go over your head unless it’s a joke, and then you have to spell it with three o’s. No. No. No. You tried and failed and fell flat on your face!” Dude, you sound like a three year old. Edit: two year old


"That's not how you spell it." My brother in christ it's the literal link, it's how you spell it. It's fine to take an L, please stop.


You’re not going to believe this but there are more than one subs on Reddit, including ones where your fellow idiots misspell. At least you spelled L correctly.


Holy fuck you're still going. You must have the saddest life huh?


You must be fun at parties.


That’s so clever. Did you make that up? Do another one. Say “user name does NOT check out” or something like that. The jerk store called. They’re out of you!


3 punchlines in one comment?? So much insecurity. I guess your pride does depends on you being a smartass all the time.


What's the difference, you're their best seller!


My parents are siblings, so both the sperm and egg were created inside my singular grandmother


Doesn’t work for sperm, sperm is only produced after puberty and renewed every couple of months (contrarily to eggs which are already present at birth).


>My parents are siblings You ever look across the table at Thanksgiving and think "man, I gotta get me summa *that*?"


Yeah, and I gotta tell you, it's nice not having to choose between sister or cousin


Now I know, how elf women can give burth for a child in any age. But not often.


I like how everybody's downvoting you and getting into stupidly drawn-out arguments over semantics and not engaging with the actual substance of pointing out the factual error in the now-disproven "female mammals are born with all their eggs already formed" hypothesis we were all taught as though it were proven fact in middle school, by virtue of which yours should by all rights be the top comment. Never change, Reddit, never change. 🙄


Because it doesn't matter if you're right if you're an insufferable cock weasel about it. That's what's being downvoted, not the factual accuracy.


They are being downvoted because of what they wrote in the first part of the comment which was honestly really stupid. "The egg is only half you" Yeah, we know. How does that change the thought in literally any way? "it's only referring to your maternal grandmother" Yeah, we know. In other words, your grandmother. Again, how does this change the thought in any way? That's what the downvotes are directed towards. The rest of the comment would probably on its.own gain traction if it stood by itself. However, it's still not especially relevant considering this just isn't settled science. The current understanding and teaching is what OP describes. Regardless, it could be modified simply to even account for this information by saying "probably" since even this hypothesis just suggests the number increases as we age. It doesn't suggest that women aren't at least born with a vast majority of their eggs.


This is how stupid Reddit is. The post had like 50 upvotes until my subsequent post got downvotes. Then people went back to downvote this one.


Oh I downvoted your first comment before I read the rest of them.


Ok now we just need the other 100 people to also share their super-important upvote history.




Use your words, little Timmy. This is one step below emoji. And did you set off your own alarm?


>as the female mice grew older Are you a mouse? If so, congrats on being the first mouse on reddit.


It's [a little more complicated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oogenesis) than that, but the general thought isn't wrong.


It really was. Source: am doctor




"Many years ago today something grew inside of your mother... That thing was you!"


Well, the egg that was half of what became you...




What if it is, smartass.


It really wasn't and it's been brought up the other time this was brought up as a very unoriginal thought. A female zygote cannot have eggs within her eggs, as that's not how eggs work. A XX chromosome carrier has XX eggs. They ONLY have THEIR XX eggs. The XX eggs of their offspring have not formed yet because that's not at all how eggs work. They're just a nucleus of an egg. It's not a zygote, XX or XY, until the introduction of the sperm. The 'egg' is just an egg, not a zygote, therefore it has no eggs nor sperm inside it.


A zygote can’t have eggs. A 9-month old just-about-to-be-born fetus can.


Exactly. So if a zygote can't have eggs, then an unfertilized egg also cannot have eggs.


dude what


Dude noone can have eggs, just trust me bro.


Damn eggs actually don’t exist? 🤯


So what did I have for breakfast?


Let's say I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with a girl. That girl will likely have ovum, but those ovum won't have ovum of their own because they haven't been fertilized, so they're effectively neuter/null until fertilized. They have neither sperm nor eggs. They're blank slates.


Correct but the girl you are pregnant with has all the eggs she’ll ever have present in her fetal body. That’s what OP is saying and it’s absolutely true. There have even been studies done about your grandmas diet affecting you.


It's like you are either intentionally obtuse or just ignorant. A 9 month old female fetus has EVERY egg she will ever have inside of her body. That fetus is inside of HER mother. That fetus 30 years later has one of the eggs that has been inside of her since she was in utero is impregnated. The child birthed from that conception started as an egg inside of that newly born child's grandmother. This isn't hard to understand and it's amazing there are so many who don't understand basic biology.


I’ve literally been carrying unfertilized eggs since I was in my mom’s womb. People eat unfertilized eggs too. They have half of their mom’s chromosomes. If fertilized, they’ll get the other half from the father.


That’s not what was stated. The statement is about woman who is pregnant with a late term female fetus that contains its own fully formed egg cells. Those egg cells were formed within the mother’s ovaries as a fetus, which is carried in the grandmother. Nobody is talking about fertilization. The OP simply says, “egg.”


And a fetus can't have eggs of eggs inside her. Babies aren't frigging russian dolls.


Do you need me to draw you a picture? No one is talking about eggs inside of eggs.


I think you do indeed need to draw her a picture.


Make sure you use your most colorful crayons.


You’re gonna need crayons for that drawing.


Just a quick internet search on meiosis or female fetus development will help you understand. But please don’t double down when you’re wrong. Just own it, learn, and keep learning


But that's not what the post says, it just says inside of your grandmother. The woman has a fetus inside her which has eggs inside itself, meaning those eggs are inside the first woman


And no, it doesn't, because the egg isn't formed enough to have eggs or sperm. So if I were pregnant with a girl, my fetus wouldn't have eggs of my grandchildren's kids. My child would eventually have her own eggs when born, but they wouldn't then have THEIR eggs until she got pregnant. There's no specified gender until fertilization. This concept is crap.


You completely misunderstood the OP question. It’s not about the the egg having an egg, or how you said “grandchildren’s egg”. We’re talking one generation higher. OP is saying that the egg that would BECOME your grandchild will form while your fetus is inside you, not that your grandchild’s egg would develop, because just like you said, it’s impossible.


When your mum was a baby about to be born (so still inside her mother) she already had all the eggs she would ever have. One of those eggs became you. Therefore the egg that became you was once inside your mum's mum e.g your grandmother.


You're right, if you were pregnant with a girl, that fetus would not have eggs of your grandchildren's kids, but that's not what OP said.  OP says, if you're pregnant with a girl, your fetus will have the eggs that will someday become your grandchildren, which is, in fact, correct. 


>My child would eventually have her own eggs when born Do you think the eggs appear by magic after birth? They're already there before the baby comes out.


How is basic biological fact a 'shower thought'?


It’s a realization that most people never think about




Baby girls are born with all eggs already in their ovaries, they will not develope new eggs after birth. Therefore, the egg that became you was formed inside your grandmother when she was pregnant with your mother. 


Science, bitch




As much as I find this shower thought uninteresting how did you jump to that ? Oo


Half dna doesn’t mean half of you physically, just biologically. We were the egg, that’s it


>We were the egg Yes, and that's what the title says.