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Seeing things like piles of shoes, glasses, or even hair puts into perspective the loss of life in the holocaust. 6,000,000 people is simply hard to comprehend.


The boxes of teeth and gold rings always stuck with me the most.


What bothered me most was seeing the piles of hair that had turned white due to time at Auschwitz.


6,000,000? Put all groups together and we’re looking at something like [17 million](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims).


You are absolutely correct. I am a Jew and a descendant of survivors, so I have the human instinct to remember the number of people like me. I shouldn’t. There are MANY descendants of other groups who were victims of the Shoah. I stand corrected.


No you’re fine. I sometimes just get bothered that people focus on only the Jewish losses. Not that they weren’t utterly horrific with an end goal to wipe out all Jews globally, just that it needs to be acknowledged. Have a nice evening. :)


Waaaaay more people died. Dunno why the lowest number gets all the credit


People try to deny it happened nowdays…


There will always be conspiracy nuts..


There is a very good book called The Case for Auschwitz. It’s testimony from a UK libel case in which a denialist sued after his crap was criticized as being holocaust denialism. The denier had used an “expert” to say there was no evidence of systematic murders, etc. The defense brought in an expert - Robert Jon van Pelt- who disassembled the denialist claims one by one with evidence and research. This book is that testimony. As described on Amazon: “Architectural historian Robert Jan van Pelt was brought in to present evidence for our knowledge that Auschwitz had been an extermination camp where up to one million Jews were killed, mainly in gas chambers. Employing painstaking historical scholarship, van Pelt prepared and submitted an exhaustive forensic report that he successfully defended in cross-examination in court.” It’s a tough read in that it’s both horrific and academic, but well worth it. [The Case for Auschwitz](https://www.amazon.com/Case-Auschwitz-Evidence-Irving-Trial/dp/0253340160)


Been there twice. Horrifying what people can do to people. Everyone should visit Auschwitz and see it with their own eyes


i visited with school when i was 15, and i still cannot remove these images from my memory 17 years later. being in those rooms ans seeing all the items (i think the hair was the most traumatic to see because it was a part if a human being) was really overwhelming.


I did the same thing except for me it's nearly 25 years ago now, and I remember getting back to the hotel with my classmates after going and we were all in tears. I'm an atheist and don't really believe in spirituality, but something hits you when you walk through those gates and I still maintain that a quarter of a decade later.


I was there about 15 years ago. Saw all of the mountains of hair, shoes, etc. The thing that stuck with me the most was that they also have a section there with….WHEELBARROWS of wedding rings. Freaking wheelbarrows. Imagine how many gold rings it would take to fill one wheelbarrow… they had dozens of them there. I will never forget it. I’m getting chills typing this


Then you have Goebbels's wife making lampshades from the skin of prisoners. The whole world was evil, Nazi's had support, they wouldn't be where they were, if they hadn't had it.


My parents took me to various holocaust museums, the ghetto in Prague, the Anne Frank house and a concentration camp when I was like... maybe 8 years old? At that age, I couldn't really comprehend, let alone understand what I was looking at, but one thing I did understand was that anyone who sympathizes with nazis is not to be trusted and that anything they spout is complete bullshit. It most importantly taught me that you do not try to reason with nazis or any other fascist, they don't deserve to be heard out. Kept me far away from any far right groups in my teens, and I stumbled upon a few of their rabbit holes such as conspiracy theories about 9/11 and the moon landing... which quickly turned to "The Jews did it" once you dug ever so slightly deeper...


It's disgusting that so many people will somehow downplay or downright deny this shit.


Auschwitz-Birkenau is a complex of Nazi concentration camps located in Poland during World War II. It is widely considered to be the largest and most notorious of all the Nazi camps. [Auschwitz: A Heartbreaking Memorial Of The Holocaust](https://flashingstory.info/auschwitz-a-heartbreaking-memorial-of-the-holocaust/)






Evey human on the planet should read "Surviving Auschwitz" by Primo Levi. Haunting.


A warning for America. Trump is capable of such atrocities.


Every normal person hates Trump but that is just stupid.


Trump wanted to shoot illegals crossing into the U.S.. It’s not stupid.


Now the bully victims have become the bullies.


Nah bro, free Palestine but Jews =/= Zionists. Let's not be antisemitic under a post that's literally about the holocaust.


How is that? For them having to protect themselves daily from religious lunatics?


They invaded Palestine. 


Saying "they" ignores the fact that Jews and Zionists are not the same. I disagree with Zionist expansionism but antisemitism is not the way.


Aren't the current leadership religious lunatics themselves?


Its amazing how things evolve


They placement of most camps was deliberately chosen to keep them away from Western air bases. The Soviets had indicated no desire to prioritize liberation of the camps. The general public did not know about the full scale of the horror until after the war. What would you do if you knew about tragedies as they happen in real time? [https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/14/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/14/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15) "According to the accounts, the facility some 18 miles from the Gaza frontier is split into two parts: enclosures where around 70 Palestinian detainees from Gaza are placed under extreme physical restraint, and a field hospital where wounded detainees are strapped to their beds, wearing diapers and fed through straws" [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html)


Yeah definitely doesn’t resemble what’s happening in Palestine…….


It’s so sad. But why are they doing it to The People of Palestine?


I thought those were palestinian shoes.


C'mon man, don't.


If you dont learn the lesson it will be repeated


Exclaimed the dumbass


.5% is Palestine deaths compared to jews but nice try


Should we wait till the percentages are equal to start taking action?




I'm glad you found entertainment in my comment in these trying times. ❤️


No you're just a moron. High cholesterol is the true danger


Oh. I'm a moron for asking a simple question that hasn't been answered yet?


6 million get killed then maybe I will answer


You know Muslims are prosecuted by Chinese and by Myanmar government, but by the Muslims just solely focusing on Israel is antisemitism. You also know Israel is 20 percent Muslim too? Only 70 percent of Israel is Jews.


Is this how Adidas got their head start?


A lot of shoes, not enough ovens. Math don’t add up.


6 million Jews were killed across Europe, including 2 million who were not gassed, but simply shot by the Einsatzgruppen and buried. Many more Jews were not cremated in ovens, but were simply buried in pits.


Nope, no evidence. There were 30 million Russians killed during the Bolshevik Revolution that put them in Gulags, did not even fed them and they turned to cannibalism. That did happen, Holocaust, NAH!!! Go Learn.


What evidence do you have that the Holocaust is fake?


No evidence it occurred. Instead of trying to just push your sentiment of what you think you know is true, go research. That’s all I can say to you, everything else it is just you fighting with the original programming we all received.


So you have no evidence that it was fake?


a lot of the math doesn't add up. but I wasn't there, so eh


I did not have to be there to know the Holocaust is fake.


What the actual fuck is wrong with you


I really, really, really hope that he’s trolling.


Honestly, I don’t think so. There are a lot of cray crays out there… it’s sad tho


That’s depressing.


It is called History, learn. Holocaust did not happen, no evidence to support such. Go learn.


All I'm saying is the numbers seem Inflated, I do believe it happened. I've been to dachau, but yeah I mean the math is iffy for me.


I think they are inflated by almost 97%. So can’t call it inflated, just fake.


They really hate when someone even questions any detail.of the holocaust


Too bad it wasn't from 'Palestinians'.


What the actual fuck


Palestinians are the Gypsy of the Middle East. Nobody in that region wants them, throughout all of history. That is why NONE of the other countries in that region, all far larger than Israel, have offered to take any of them in, have always pushed them out of their own country, and Have steadfastly refuse to relinquish any of their own land for a 'Palestine' (for the first time in history).


Stop dehumanizing people. Full stop.


Then if you want everyone to consider them as 'people', why hasn't ANY other country in that entire region of fellow Muslims, offered to give up some of their vast tracts of land for the creation of a Palestinian State? The answer is because even their fellow Muslim's in that region want nothing to do with them, and they definitely don't want them in their own country. The only ones in that region doing anything for them are the countries and organizations that support the various terrorist groups making up the "Palestinians'.


Dude, I like Israel too but I don’t want all the Palestinians to die. That’s just evil.


All terrorists aren't 'Palestinian', but all Palestinians either support terrorism or are terrorists.


That’s not true. That’s like saying all Israelis want the Palestinians dead, when they simply isn’t true.


They’re working on that