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Idk why but I feel like if I try this, it won’t hit hard for me. Cherry Pepsi >>>>


I heard in testing it wasn’t received well so that’s why they canned it. I’m not sure how well it’d mix but I was so curious to try it.


Yea curiosity had peaked my interest. Off hand, I had a dream last night where I tried a Pitch Black Mystery flavor, but I didn’t taste it. I woke up mad


I love watermelon, but I feel like every drink that's watermelon flavored is super underwhelming.


Sunkist Watermelon Lemonade was fire, I think that it mixes better because it’s a fruity drink rather than a cola.


I'd drink it. I might like it. So far strawberry Dr.pepper is my favorite.


This existed?


I was there, it’s a joke. It died on the vine, it petered out


Where is this sold? All I ever see in stores is Regular Pepsi, Pepsi-Free, diet, Zero Sugar, and Wild Cherry. I never see the other flavors here in Southern California. Where is Watermelon Pepsi sold?


It never released. This was supposed to release with Peach Pepsi this year, but they cancelled Watermelon and replaced it with Lime, assuming the testing for it didn’t go well.


If only coke did taste tests before they release new flavors


Coke does a lot of marketing trickery, like pretending New Coke was a disaster (it was publicity stunt and others copied it), the other Coke stunt was in 2002 when they created a fake website called VC Lounge, which was "supposedly" a worker from Coca-Cola in Atlanta saying he had the original idea for Vanilla Coke, but they ignored it and released cherry Coke instead. They even created vintage looking papers, etc...that he supposedly "scanned" in secrecy. That website was gone after a year and there is no trace of [VCLounge.com](https://VCLounge.com) on internet archive anymore either. I no longer really trust Coke and their marketing, but I enjoy their (and Pepsi's) flavored colas they come out with.


Really? Thats so sad they would cancel it.


I've never seen this in my life. Also, I don't like watermelon anyway, so no harm done here.


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