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What’s the reason for the change in the Meat Madness match? Went from three big guys to adding a bunch of average sized dudes.


I guess you hear what you want to.


I can not describe the emotion I felt seeing Sting coming down from the rafters one last time. 1997 just washed over me.


Seeing Sting descending from the rafters was awesome The segment was overbooked like crazy but that's crow Sting Flair sucked badly though 


Enjoyable show, seeing Sting descend was a real treat. But I do have a slight issue... The Flair tease being pointless, and his awful offence, not even being the issue here. My issue is, in Kayfabe, this show is built up as Stings last ever TV show, it was the last appearance of Sting on Dynamite So why was there no send off? Nothing. In fact, had the Bucks not gone hunting him, he'd have not been mentioned. Had the Bucks not been there to be attacked, seemingly he'd have done nothing. I get that the PPV is his actual send off, and I'm sure it will be wonderful. But it just seems weird to me to announce his final show, and not at least have some segment set up to celebrate him (that could then be interrupted by the Bucks, so we get the real one on Sunday) Still, good show all around. Meat madness becoming a scramble is cool, off to say it's off due to injuries, and then announce a match with the same competitors plus another meaty fella. ( As well as others) But obviously we had more to be announced I guess, or those 3 are a bit injured and making it an 8 man scramble is easier for them to work than 3 guys walloping each other for 10 minutes


Excalibur mentioned that that Dynamite is Sting's last Dynamite as an active competitor on commentary, so I think we will still see Sting on Dynamite afterward.




Under, since he has a match this weekend


easy money baby


I got transported back to WCW when Sting came down from the rafters. Wild how he's still willing to do these things, even at an older age. Dude's a legend. God it's going to suck so bad to say goodbye to the man.


I hope I get to see some wrestlers from my childhood or this current generation get a send off as great as Sting is getting. I wasn't around to see any of Sting's WCW work but I still felt a sense of nostalgia seeing him come down the rafters. Wrestling can bring so much joy sometimes


Just got to see the show and thought it was a great go-home for Revolution ( I know there's still Collision, but I thing we got the majority of closing angles here ) Ospreay needs to be the number 1 babyface of the company. So much natural charisma


I really hope All In is Swerve vs. Ospreay. That matchup will cause an earthquake at Wembley (especially if Ospreay wins).


Just finished the show and thought it was OK. I don't know what it is lately but Dynamite has just felt like it's missing something. Losing Kenny, Punk, and MJF in such quick succession is probably part of it, but I feel like Mox, Danielson, and even Jericho are kind of punching below their weight as well. Hoping the PPV puts a bow on most of these feuds and sparks some new ones as well.


Not so much Jericho, but I've always felt this is a big issue with how they've booked the BCC. Moxley and BD rarely ever lose and they're both prominently featured on weekly TV. I understand you can't *always* be booked in fueds involving the world title, but it feels like they're constantly swept up in sort of random side mission type stories when they could/should be guys who are chasing and collecting belts.


Danielson is in a singles title match at the PPV in three days and Mox held a singles title within the last 6 months.


crazy how Nick Wayne got possibly the worst JPEGMAFIA song ever for his theme music considering JPEG's usual quality


Sounds like they're performing in a cemetery now. You can really tell there is almost nobody in the building.


It definitely felt like a louder crowd in person than came across on TV.


I really wish AEW upped their production in terms of conveying the live audience to the audio. I had the same experience when I went before All In. Glad I'm going to Revolution.


The crowd was 3,200+, in a venue that maxes out at 7,000 for pro wrestling. It is the only venue that can be used in the market. It was their third trip to Huntsville over the past 5 years, and the second time for Dynamite, and this was the best-drawing show of the three in terms of # of fans. Huntsville is also the 110th largest metro area in the US, and not particularly close to any other major ones. The WWE hasn't run TV there in about a decade, and their house shows top out at around 4 - 4,500. Most of their live TV in the 2000s did similar to Dynamite (3 - 4k). Same venue. You can argue that AEW live attendance is down overall (undeniable), or that they shouldn't be running Huntsville (debatable) - but just how big of an audience do you think they should have reasonably achieved last night?


So why does the crowd sound dead on TV? They're in an arena but it's quieter than an NXT show.


But that's the cycle of people talking about the problem with AEW's venue booking. Say the numbers are down because they're going to a lot of the same cities/venues in short amounts of time? The answer is "why aren't they booking shows in cities that are starving for live entertainment and haven't had a WWE show in years?". Book a place like Huntsville Alabama where it's not the most attractive of destinations, but is in a part of the country which is rich with wrestling fans and won't have much other competition as far as other events for people to go to? Then it's "why aren't they running major cities and trying to expand their brand when the company still isn't all that well known outside of the wrestling community". No matter what they do there's always someone who has an issue. The venue size is a viable complaint, but like you said - it's the only viable venue in the market or else they'd be stuck at a bingo hall.


Seems like you're overthrowing it. I didn't say any of that. Just pointed out how quiet it is and deduced that it must be due to a small crowd. Do with that info what you want.


The guy probably hasn't even seen any show


I've watched AEW since it started, but if it helps you sleep at night to believe that then you do you. Sleep is important.


I don't know what this guy is taking about, the crowd sounded loud to me.


Please watch back the first segment before Joe comes out and riles up the crowd. Honestly hard to watch after that.


They were super loud for swerve. Chanting loud during his and hangman's promo. And remained loud the rest of the night. To call it a "cemetery" is asinine.


The last time I saw Sting live, he came down from the rafters in this same arena and saved DDP from the nWo. So watching him do it again, 27 (!!) years later, was the nostalgia pop of all nostalgia pops for me. This AEW run for Sting has been a blessing.


Everyone’s hating on the segment but I popped for the Flair eye-poke


Whoever in here said Fozzy had a European Tour for the next month so don’t worry, Jericho would be gone, I hate you. 


**Dynamite Review:** * Hangman Page/Swerve/Samoa Joe segment. These three are great, there's really no other way to put it. Hangman properly cemented his heel turn here, and we got confirmation that it will be a three-way at the PPV. Great start to the show. It is funny how Hangman is basically in the right here, yet because the crowd loves Swerve, he's the bad guy. * Bucks interview. Quick, simple segment that sets up things for later as the Bucks went searching for Sting. Their segments throughout the night were great. * **BCC vs. FTR & Eddie Kingston \*\*\*3/4** * I was a bit surprised to see this match taking place right before the PPV, I thought it would have been better to save things for the PPV matches. That said, I can't complain too much about getting to watch matches like this. This was a very good match, not that I expected anything else with these six. Still, they also very clearly left a lot for the PPV. I love how Kingston has a distinct relationship with each of the three members of BCC here, makes for such a great dynamic whenever he wrestles them. I have to say I was a bit caught off by the result here, didn't think the match would end as cleanly as it did. Great preview for Sunday. * Jericho interview. This match with Atlantis jr. came kind of out of nowhere. Jericho is now part of the CMLL thing I guess, though at least they gave justification for the match through Jericho's history in Mexico. * Will Ospreay segment. The match against Takeshita has a chance to be something exceptional, they are two of the absolute best wrestlers in the world. AEW is very much setting up a split between Ospreay and the Callis family at the PPV. I wonder if they'll go through with it or do something unexpected? Ospreay should probably be a face for now, but I suppose they could go the heel route with him too. * **Orange Cassidy vs. Nick Wayne \*\*\*** * Two championship storylines converging here. Fun seeing the TNT and International title holders interact, even if only briefly, especially as they are the ones who've made them feel so important over the last year or so. Wayne is growing into his role very well, feeling more and more natural as a heel as time goes on. A good match. * Bang Bang Scissor Gang interview. This group is still kind of treading water, hopefully once we get past Revolution something actually starts happening with them. For a group that formed as a response to the Undisputed Kingdom, they sure have done nothing even remotely involved with them. * **Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue \*\*\*1/4** * Blue has improved drastically over the last two years, and Statlander is one of the best women in AEW in general, as well as being one of the best in carrying weaker opponents to good or even great matches. They also have a very good chemistry with each other. This turned into a very good match, the last half in particular I enjoyed a lot, and Stokely and Willow being the reason why Statlander lost is a great way to carry on this story and increase the tension within the group. * **Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr. \*\*1/2** * Still a little confused why this match is happening, especially on a go-home show for a PPV. Not a bad match by any means, but one that didn't feel necessary. The wrestling was good, I just didn't see much reason to care about this match. Could have used this time for something else, as this match got more time than either of the previous two matches for whatever reason. Doesn't even look like this is leading to anything, so what exactly was the point here? * Sting's Final Dynamite segment. Bucks got some good heat here early, and Flair's involvement was fine overall, though still unnecessary. At least they aren't dragging the Flair stuff until the PPV. However, it was genuinely cool seeing Sting come down from the rafters one more time. I'm genuinely intrigued to see what they're going to do in Sting's last match. * If it lives up to the hype, Revolution could genuinely be one of the best PPVs in AEW history. This was a very good go-home Dynamite, the Jericho match the only significant negative. Three good to very good matches, good show-long storyline with the Bucks, and several other good segments and interviews. I'd say a **7 out of 10** show overall.


Doing the good, hard work. Thank you.


if ryan and greg are reading this i will provide each classroom with 10 beanbags every day for the next month


Sting comming down from the rafters was such a nostalgia moment it warmed my heart. Good show but man I was looking to the meat madness match


Somebody pointed it out about not crying because Sting’s gone but being happy we got to see him and that’s bang on. I’m not gonna sit here and be sad that Sting’s gone, if anything nobody else in wrestling HISTORY has ever earned their retirement more than Sting. Dude’s single biggest reason for retiring is that he’s reached social security age and his body CANNOT hold up any longer. Y’all saw how terrible flair looked just walking to the ring and giving out the worst eye poke ive ever seen, hell y’all saw big show a few weeks ago barely able to drag his right leg (pseudo stanky leg pose) to walk himself down the ramp to the ring. Sting can at least still move, walk and get through a match. The match against the Bucks is a crowning achievement rather than a retirement match. It’s the culmination of one of the most legendary careers EVER. It’s the culmination of 50 years for the Stinger as THE whitemeat babyface, a guy who could ACTUALLY play the role of a babyface champ and not eventually burn out the fanbase because of who he is. You’ve earned this Sting, go give em hell. Blessed to see this guy in this great a shape at this point in his career and now he gets to retire on HIS terms while he can still believably wreck ass, he did it as long as he could possibly go and rather than hang on for years past expiration he’s leaving in style.


I'm enjoying the HW title stuff, but that Ric Flair segment was cringe. Ospreay coming out in a Spirit Squad costume was... a choice. He didn't feel like a big deal at all.


> Ospreay coming out in a Spirit Squad costume was... a choice. He didn't feel like a big deal at all. The tracksuit is his own merch available from an outside company. In the grand scheme of wrestlers wearing and pimping their own merch, this was pretty "above average" for me. Plus, wrestlers who have spent time in New Japan have a long tradition of not wearing the "A-tier" gear outside of major matches. Stuff like this, or Omega's "house show tights," or "t-shirt Naito" are pretty typical.


Osprey liking track suits= bad booking 


Dress Code!!!


Sting descending from the rafters gave me the biggest, dumbest smile on my face. Gonna miss this dude.


Imagine if Hulk Hogan showed up talking about how impressed he is with the young whipper snapper in MJF and how he was going to show him a thing or two in the ring... That's what Jericho just did to Atlantis


The biggest news of the night is that “Elevated” is going to be Ospreay’s entrance theme! Hell yes!


The bucks could've been the biggest babyfaces by hitting flair with the bat for realsies


God Jericho and Flair are in a race to see who can be more like Slurms MacKenzie


Party on, contest winners!


My Champion...is an asshole.


Jfc get Ric Flair off of the screen 😹 that was embarrassing af


Loving the Young Bucks’ new entrance theme. Very Succession sounding


I had the same thought, very Succession-esque. Gotta go find the full version.


[Just need Brian Cox to make an appearance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzGga4We8z8)


Now wondering who was really supposed to be in that 'Meat' match. Unless they changed it to put Jericho on the show after not realizing he wasn't on it.


Big Bill, Brody King, Miro, Butcher, Keith Lee that would bring it up to 8 and would definitely satisfy the meat criteria


It was meant to be Archer, Hobbs and Wardlow wasn’t it?


They were announced, but I bet they wanted more participants and that's why they changed it from a meat match.


Poor Atlantis Jr, that old fuck is pretty hard to carry in a singles right now. Doesn't help that the pre-match promo also treated him like a prospect when he's already a top guy.


Another strong episode, best build to a wrestling ppv in a long time for me.




We were so close to a ppv without Jericho…


Renee Paquette if you heard her, she said "We're live PAL" to the Bucks (if you're a J.R. fan you'll absolutely get that)  Ric's spot in the Ring  with the bucks was EMBARASSING and the Bucks were trying their Best.and fans gave a obligated cheer out of Respect for Ric, but that was BRUTAL. But STING  coming down from the RAFTERS was EPIC!  Cause after the passing of Owen Hart ,nobody has really done that spot in Wrestling.  So that was actually Shocking to see him descend 


Flair punched like an 80 year old, and the bucks sold it. It was charming. Lol


Were the match announcements after Jericho's match insane or am I imagining things?


I think the idea was that they'd run through the Revolution card and drop in any matches from Rampage or Collision as they related to a Revolution match... or it was a little rib on Excalibur.


It's a small thing, but I really loved the segment where the Bucks find Sting's dressing room. First, Matthew says to have some caution, then they just burst into the room like a couple of dickheads, winking at Brawl Out. Sting, not in his dressing room because of course he is brooding up in the rafters. Excellent stuff.


I thought it was cool they didn’t have him say anything. His run has been excellent. For all the shit I give TK on booking, he has handled Sting perfectly.


Young succession bucks


God I hope Swerve wins


They have to turn the corner here. I'm not an AEW doom Sayer like most. But I remember when AEW started and it was gonna be the alternative. Samoa Joe is over 40 and the World Champ, Christian over 40, TNT champ. They have a stacked roster of up and comers, they need to start featuring their fresher talent.


AEW is the alternative and continues to be the alternative because they do things differently, on about a zillion different levels. Yeah, Samoa Joe is 44, but he's still awesome. His matches have been great and people love the guy. Plus, the last World Champion, who had the longest reign in company history, was 26/27. Similarly, yeah Christian Cage is 50, but he's been on an incredible run, his matches have been great, and people are still reacting huge to the guy. And he's on-screen mentoring an actual 18 year old lol, plus his challenger at the PPV (who has a decent change of winning IMO) is 25 (Daniel Garcia).


Bucks going dickish heels and Hanger going into haters club.I hope Kenny returns as the Cleaner to make it a complete set.


I'm really enjoying the range of The Elite Miss Kenny


What are the odds Okada is there this weekend?


I actually think minimal. I think they're going to want to keep surprises to a minimum and keep the focus on Sting's retirement as the thing people are talking about after the show. They're probably saving Okada for Boss Town.


They'll want all the focus on Mercedes leading up to next week. Won't expect Okada until DON now.


Fucking hell Ric can barely walk these days… WTF was that🥴


He's old as shit so it's called life?


It’s called cringe AF that’s what it was. Benefited absolutely nobody.


"But Sting asked for this....."


It really looked like Nick Wayne had Orange Cassidy's number. That was a superb performance, and he played the role of arrogant piece of shit so well


I can't wait until Nick wrestles Ospreay again, was live for their first match in GCW. The second should be just as great.


He was always exceptional in ring, especially for his age, but how much he presence and character work has improved since the Christian pairing has been remarkable.


Seeing Sting drop down from the rafters one last time on TBS... My mom is dying of cancer right now and I've found myself going back to things from my childhood lately (more than usual). Memories from the 90s as sweet reminders of the good times as we prepare for the end. Sting drops down from the rafters one last time on TBS. A sweet reminder of the good times as we prepare for the end.


Bad Times Don't Last but bad Guys do KEEP FIGHTING


I'm so sorry about your mom. I hope you and your family get the chance to jam as much love as possible into the time you have left with her.


Sending you my best - it's tough watching cancer stealing your loved ones away.


Much love to you and the family - My father is currently dealing with cancer so know the feeling. Sting is my favourite wrestler of all time so seeing the rafter spot was a smile bringing item for me as well.


Oh, to be a kid again and be able to freeze time.  I'm sorry to hear about your mom's condition, friend.  I consider myself a writer, but I'm no good with words in these situations.   I sincerely wish to send your family love, compassion, and strength in these difficult times.


This run has been so surreal. The sheer effort and creativity that has gone into Sting’s farewell tour is really heartwarming.


I kept thinking, this is Darby, Flair, and Sting's grand plan? To stagger it and let each one get the shit beat out of them? Aaaand nevermind. It was all so totally worth it!


That trios match was low key the best TV match of the year so far. So fucking good, legit 5 star classic that IM going to remember for a very long time.


TIL there's a reboot of The Crow releasing this year and...[maybe TK was onto something when he had Sting be Darby's mentor](https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1763051783453040749?t=P29BKcEbQimO-UVR2QzgsQ&s=19)


The nipple eye tattoo is so fucking bad


The whole set of tattoos remind me too much of god-awful Jared Leto Joker.


Can Jericho just go away


The more I think about it the more I now believe the secret to why Jericho stayed over for as long as he did is because his runs were relatively short and he'd leave before the audience got sick of him. His AEW run is the longest continuous run that he has had since his first run in the WWF/E from 99 -05 and it shows


his programs... are just not putting anyone over is the main issue. just hogging the spotlight. also the ppl that do go over him should be being push for title shots instead of just beating chris jericho and nothing happening.


Remember when people said he made Andretti?


He did, just not into some sort of immediate title winner, which was never a realistic expectation IMO. In no sane universe does one win from a total nobody put them ahead of people like Darby/Ospreay/8 million other people in terms of popularity lol. It's not like the 1-2-3 Kid beat Razor Ramon and immediately started winning titles either. It took him leaving the company, going to WCW, and changing his name to win his first singles title lol. As it is, Andretti went from one of a zillion random Indy dudes nobody had ever heard of to now being someone I'm at least interested in seeing wrestling when he appears on tv, that's still a massive bump for the guy. And I think teaming up with Top Flight has been a great move for him too. People's need for immediate gratification and desire to dunk on Jericho constantly is just out of pocket at this point.


123 kid beat razor and didn't lose a match on tv for maybe 2 months, which was on summerslam and was a tag champion the next year


> 123 kid beat razor and didn't lose a match on tv for maybe 2 months, which was on summerslam and was a tag champion the next year > The Razor match was May 17, 1993. He had a 7 day (lol) tag title reign in January 1994, and a 1 day (even more lol) tag title reign in January 1995. All sorts of randoms were winning those tag titles back then, there were a bunch of sub 1-week reigns. His first singles title win was in WCW in February 1997, almost 4 years later. His first WWF singles title was in 1998 (14 days with the European championship), then a 120 day reign later that year into 1999. Other than the shock win itself, basically all of the memorable parts of his career were years later, under different gimmicks, or even in a different company lol. X-Pac is way more remembered than Syxx who is way more remembered than anything 1-2-3 Kid outside of the Razor win itself. It's just rose colored nostalgia glasses to the nth degree.


Now he’s throating water bottles for attention


>are just not putting anyone over See I disagree. His programs are designed to put him over as a badass/the GOAT of wrestling


Its insane how perfectly booked Sting has been in AEW. Literally giving him the perfect final run and send off a genuine legend deserves. When was the last time a true legend got this perfect of a finale? Maybe HBK in WWE?


Yeah HBK vs Taker is totally comparable to Sting vs the gd young bucks LOL


the last time HBK faced Taker was at Crown Jewel, so…


Bad Faith Argument Fed Shill!


Golden lovers/bucks is better than anything hbk ever did and that’s coming from someone who only started watching because of hbk


What the


There was only 4 matches and 2 were jobber matches?  Did they hire Russo?


There wasn't a single jobber match?


Christian Vs Nick Wayne and Jericho Vs Atlantis Jr. Wayne and Atlantis were never going to win.


Atlantis 100% had a chance at winning based on the story, also a competitive match isn't a jobber match


Sure it is. There would be 0 reason for him to win. The general audience has 0 idea who he is, which is one of the major problems with AEW. They constantly bring out people from other promotions that people have no idea who this person is. He may be a great wrestler, but he isn't someone that should be in the main event of a go-home PPV show against one of their biggest stars, and had 0 chance of ever winning. Regardless, 4 matches on the show is still rediculous.


I'm so fucking mad about that meat madness shit what the fuck. seriously just lied to us about those 3 possibly being hurt so they could rename it and add Jericho?? GTFO


It went from meat madness to an 8-man “something”. Wtf!?


Yeah I don’t think that was very smart. If you say that publicly, you can’t have all three of them in the match. Also with so many injuries happening in recent time, making stuff like that up just gives you bad faith with the fans. And when you’re cold, you should try everything to get good faith with the fans, but oh well…


The Ayatollah of Capicola


I think the injured people were the ones unannounced. Ain’t no way that match was gonna be a 3 man only


It will never get old listening to Ospreay’s theme, it’s such a banger


Big WCW Nitro vibes.  Only thing missing was Tony saying "we're out of time, see you this Sunday" 


For a company that puts on banger PPVs, if done right this could be the best to date. Three way for the title will be nuts. Ospreay debut fulltime in AEW. And versus TAKESHITA! Eddie vs Bryan. Sting's final match vs the Buck's best gimmick to date. Tornado tag. And I have NO idea who will win.


Sting taking on The Bucks is the worst idea. I'm not excited to see The Bucks win the belts.


I hope Sting so we could get a patented TK title tournament; but Sting is old school and he’ll likely go out on his back.  The ~~Bucks~~ EVPs beat Darby to within an inch of his life so he can climb Everest.


It's a conundrum with titles involved. You either have the Young Bucks win which is kind of a downer ending or Sting/Darby where Darby has to either find a new partner or forfeit the belts.


That’s why you let them beat Darby post-match with bats and have him leave in an ambulance.  Write him out of the show, and give him a revenge motive when he returns.  Sting goes out on his back with the belts in a pyrrhic victory.  Let the rest of the face roster pour out of the back to save Flair and Sting, and do a full ring WCW celebration to end. Then let the psycho boss Bucks go after the wrestlers who interfered with their beatdown in the following weeks.


I like this but Darby would like the beating a bit too much. If Tony could just talk him into selling a table bump for once it'd be perfect.


Sting/Darby win and then Sting does the Mutoh/Chono spot but with Darby


Don Callis is freaking hilarious. I just rewatched the Will Ospreay/Don Callis Family segment. During the Takeshita/Ospreay handshake segment, the crowd chanted for “Ospreay”. Don being the carny that he is started chanting “OSPREAY!!! TAKESHITA!!!” like as if the crowd were chanting that. Even Will and the commentary desk started corpsing. Very strong boo-urn energy. Reminded me of “~~fuck you don!~~ thank you don!”


Eddie's looking thinner and has some muscle. He's looking good.


He’s heading towards the Gunther route


He’s training/getting nutrition with Cesar Bononi who got Ethan Page into incredible shape. Good on him




Suddenly employing a "crew of mercenaries" would have been pretty odd, especially just using them tonight and not every night they've targeted Sting. And if they had, people would have complained that a 64 year old dispatched a crew of mercenaries on his own. This was pretty obviously done more as a mind game thing than to give Sting a tactical advantage.


That would've been cool, and a real nice throwback to Sting wrecking the nWo's shit after a rafter entrance.


One of the weakest crowds in recent memory.


Texas Death Matches are about to hit another level with heel Hangman


Did they Turn Hangman Heel on Swerve "The Baby Invader?"


He was heel ever since he lost the 2nd match


That was a week or more ago. Hanger whacked Nana with a chair. That was when I thought he turned. Sounds like there's something we don't know about


I think it was less of a conscious decision, and more of a swerve just being over with everyone thing. But then hanger definitely leaned into some heel tactics the last 8 weeks






[Sting comes from the rafters to fight the nWo 1997](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xtnzY8wop8) The first clip is from Uncensored 97. Everyone was still unsure at the time what Sting's allegiance was. This was the first time after months of mystery when he drew first blood and started brawling with the nWo at the end of every show. Listen to that fucking pop when he hits Hall with the bat. Funnily enough, the second clip mixed with it, is from Nitro 97 in Savannah the next night after Uncensored. Have to shout out it out, since Savannah got a bad rep for Dynamite in January where the show was barely advertised or marketed, and we just got about 2k+ in attendance. Full arena, everyone going nuts for Sting. We were 100% WCW country back then. I was there in the audience in the cheap seats with my brothers (I was 7 and they were teens). It was crazy to see Sting descend from the rafters. There was no brawling, but it was cool nonetheless. I haven't decided if I'll make the drive up this Sunday to Greensboro, but I did see him wrestle at Daly's in person at Homecoming. I got to see his comeback match at DoN 2021 too with my brother (they showed us on camera multiple times that match, since we were sitting on the stage and had nWo shirts on and marking out like crazy for Sting).




I thought Owen was doing more of an HBK Wrestlemania 12 spot than a straight drop like Sting?


I love it.  Canada was pretty much WWE country so I missed this whole era growing up.


What's interesting is, Vince ran a lot of shows in Canada back then when WWF was the weaker company when WCW was thriving thanks to the nWo/Sting stuff. It helped him stay afloat. TK seems to be borrowing from that playbook (TK doesn't need the money to stay afloat like Vince did), by going aggressively with Canada. Last year's summer tour, and this year's spring tour. Building the base in Canada, so as not to oversaturate the cities he's been using in the US now that he has to run two live shows a week with Collision and Dynamite.


Much of the roster is Canadian as well - Jericho, Callis, Omega, Ethan Page, Christian, Copeland, Cool Hand and Daddy Magic, Evil Uno, Taya Valkyrie, Kyle O’Reilly, Luther, Stu Grayson, Renee Paquette, more I am probably forgetting. Canadians turn out to support their fellow Canooks.


So, I can’t be the only one thinking why did the meat match get canceled when all the competitors ended up going into the scramble match anyway?


Yeah it feels like Hobbs v Wardlow v Archer v Cage is really enough meat for the meat match. Who else was supposed to be in it that can’t? Keith Lee? Is Big Bill hurt? Seems like they could put him, Luchasauras, Butch, and Shane Taylor in it to round things out and let them go at it.


Because they all weren't announced yet


Exactly, there was another meat man on the menu. Miro, maybe?


Probably Keith Lee also


Oh yeah that's definitely who it was, good call.


Surprise, it was Miro and Keith Lee


We are so smart


Is Silver injured? It'd be a shame to keep him out of it


Mini-meat Lunchable


The turn around from a below average PPV in Worlds End to they hype for Revolution has been phenomenal. And Will Ospreay already feels like a Main Eventer in AEW.


So we think any other matches will be added to the PPV? We still got Rampage & Collison to go so who knows what TK is up to


I was at the show tonight and without spoilers I can say no new matches will come from collision.


Good go home show, Sunday can’t come fast enough! Still not gonna boo Hangman tho


Hangman did ~~nothing wrong~~ **some things wrong but I'm going to cheer for him anyway!**


Anything he does to Swerve is justified in my book.


Immaculate Dynamite


Thought Deonna vs Toni was one of the best built women’s PPV matches for AEW in a long time. Wish they would’ve done something emphatic tonight to punctuate the build


They have a great segment on Collision.


Their going to be on collision


They are gonna come face to face on Collision though


For all the criticism AEW and TK gets, Stings final run is not one of them.


Couldn't happen to a better guy as well


Hangman is at the point he will probably tap out to joe just to fuck with swerve


Oh my God, he'll stare at Swerve, smiling like a lunatic and tap. "YOU DIDNT BEAT ME"


That's my theory. He tries to win, but his attention is always on swerve. he gets put in the choke, he gives swerve the finger, and taps out


As long as Joe retains I don’t care who gets pinned/submitted.


Same. Joe should the belt until DoN at least if not All In. He's been great as champ.


I don't dislike Joe as champ, it just feels like if not now then when for Swerve? MJF isn't going to be back until Summer? I know Joe has upcoming obligations for filming Twisted Metal coming up. Ospreay is now fully in the fold, assumingly Okada will be sometime soon as well. There's a logjam of guys who can/will win the belt and AEW until this point haven't been much for hot potato world title reigns (aside from the disaster of Punk to Mox back to Punk, to vacant etc.. but injuries and Brawl Out caused that). The most logical way to go IMO is Swerve wins Sunday (maybe once and for all vanquishing Hangman and pinning him to win). Takeshita beats Ospreat via Callis interference setting up an Ospreay/Callis Family Fued for his first fued as a member of AEW. Swerve holds the belt until All In where Ospreay can take it in London, and opens up the door for Okada, MJF, Joe's return, etc...


If he holds it to All In, Joe vs. Ospreay for the title wouldn't be a bad main event and moment to crown Ospreay as champ.


I kind of wish they closed the show with the 6 man tag, then Darby/Bucks fought out to ringside, a few of the scramble match guys get involved and THEN you had Sting rappel down and go wild. Cool moment though.


Love how Jericho cut a quick promo basically saying ' look, his dad gave me the rub (insider term) and I am repaying the favor to his kid' right before the match. Poor Atlantis, zero build, clunky match, have a nice night.


how much build are we really expecting here


Thanks for explaining that rub is an insider term to us


Forgot what sub I was in


> Zero build Except for the excellent video package at the start of the show and the Jericho promo which says, "I respect your dad too much so I'll wrestle you even though you're not at my level yet".


The funniest part of that was Atlantis carrying Chris the entire match like brother that man moved mountains


Sting from the rafters!!!


I knew when Darby was alone in the crowd, that Sting was going to do one last rafter rappel. Thank you Tony Khan so much for letting 34 year old me feel 7 years old again watching Sting descend from the rafters and hearing Tony Schiavone yell IT'S STINGGGGG one last time to save the day and close out the show.


When Excalibur called Hangman “THE LIAR” it hurt me inside 😔


Excalibur is usually on the ball, but he is wrong this time. Hangman did nothing wrong

