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The cut at 1:23 made it feel like The Office Just this cut to Okada handsomely walking around while Matthew and Nicholas are making up their promo on the fly


**Okada:** ["私は女性に与える影響を認識しています。"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/982/elba.jpg)




That was absolutely a scene from AEW OFFICE which I pray is a new show they put on weekly.


This is unbelievably great.


Bucks have never been better. Inspired stuff.


When you have to buy a new Ferrari in America just because you left your old one at home with your dad. Look at how fucking humble and giving this man is. A perfect addition to our equally humble and giving EVPs.


this is hilarious. The shot of Okada in the background posing while Nicholas and Matthew talked about the signing is such great stuff.


It’s about the young guys


“How’d you change the world? You sign the rainmaker.”Damn right you do! Their dynamic is perfect




Epic promo by the rainmaker. Did you see that tug on his cufflinks. Charisma.


If they want to up the ridiculous douche level even more they should slap a safari flap on that fedora.


He’s the only guy who can pull it off


This is incredibly fucking good. I honestly didn't think the Bucks had an all time run in them at this point, but these past few weeks proved me wrong. Insanely good shit.


You know they've gone full heel when they're saying "ass". Good christian boys don't curse


Thanks for correcting my ass, Matthew.


Shohei Ohtani is to baseball as Okada is to Pro Wrestling.


This is gonna be good


It's just perfect.\^\^ At first when I saw Okada turn heel, I was like "What? You turn Okada heel? Are you crazy?". Then I understood that the guy had basically stolen the best friends and the faction of his old rival in his own company!\^\^ Such a pity guy this Kazuchika Okada. And the Bucks are awesome douchebag. It's gonna be incredible.\^\^


I have never really been big on the Bucks. I acknowledge that they're talented, and that they have done things for professional wrestling that altered the landscape. They just never did it for me. But holy shit am I completely sold on what they're doing right now. It's brilliant, brilliant stuff.


They should put this on Rampage or Collision


The Bucks are going to be fantastic (heel) mouth pieces for Okada. This is just so good.


I think Okada has something but I haven’t seen it translate to an American audience or broadcast yet.


This is great. It's like a BTE skit


I know they're hyping it up but he's not the biggest signing in AEW history. I think Mox gets that, followed by Punk and then Danielson. Mox is the MVP of the company, consistently main event level, he was there from the first big event, gave them legitimacy that a top WWE star could voluntarily jump. He's the reason why so many WWE stars and fans gave AEW a chance. You don't get CM punk without Mox helping AEW get where they are. Then CM Punk, arguably the biggest I won't argue with anyone if that's their view. The only reason he wasn't number one is I don't think there was competition. He was never going back to WWE (back then). But when he joined it was huge. Danielson. He's main-evented mania, WWE were willing to give him the world to sign, they even explored options in Japan just to make him happy. Try and conceive that, Vince letting one of his top stars work in Japan. But Danielson chose AEW. Plus I just fucking love Danielson


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother