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There were some obnoxious guys a row or two behind me screaming a bunch of shit for only this match, constantly heckling the wrestlers and the ref. They got up and left for the rest of the ROH matches but hopefully they weren't loud enough to be heard on the actual show


I had 2 assholes by me all night. I left early because of them. I was on the floor. 


They need to start kicking these type of people out.


Seriously, there were a few on the floor for dynamite last time I went.  Who the hell is dropping over $100 to go to a show they don't like, to yell shit at the people in it.


they do. but you have to tell someone. security can’t read minds


Damn, sorry to hear. Did you at least stay for the Collision main event?


No. I left during Dante’s match. 


Kyle and Lee have great chemistry with each other. I really think Lee Johnson would also benefit from a New Japan excursion. I think it could help push him further doing a brief stint in the Junior division


Love me some Kyle Fletcher dude has some wild potential


Incredible talent and only 25. The future is very bright.


Could be the next Ospreay type


Not surprised, they had a great match at Supercard. I'm looking forward to seeing this.


Their match at Supercard was match of the night


Rad can't wait to check out. Their match at SuperCard absolutely stole the show so not surprised the follow up also ruled. If you haven't checked that one out yet I recommend it


That's a match that has actually stuck with me this year. I didn't know Lee Johnson had that in him. He hasn't had a singles match with a guy on Kyle's level since then, so I'm excited to see him have another banger.


Wow can't wait for the rematch. Damn, did not forsee Kyle Fletcher and Lee Johnson throwing down 2 legit 4.5 star bangers this year.


I'm so sad I didn't get to go last night because I had a flight to Orlando at 5am and we had to leave for 2am As I'm walking to my gate I noticed Tony Neese walking past me and then I'm coming out of the bathroom and Claudio was standing there talking to him! Dude is so massive irl that I was actually intimidated to ask for a picture, he's literally a comic book character, veins and muscles lol. I did give him a fist bump as I boarded and said I was a big fan, to which he nodded and thanked me. It was 4:30am and I didn't want to bother too much


I’m still trying to find a video of him flipping me off lmao


got to see kyle fletcher vs willie mack a few months back and was surprised at how into it i got. this part of the ROH taping always towards the tail end of a very long night but they were still both able to really get the crowd into it. i honestly wish more people stayed for ROH after collision cause theres a lot of great matches they do.


this Kyle Fletcher social experiment better not take hold


I was there too and this was the only ROH match I stayed for as I had a long drive back home, but it absolutely delivered. Wish it had more of a crowd around to see it.