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Also said the plan is to release a yearly expansion into the future, they regret dropping support of Skyrim and Fallout 4 as early as they did.


Makes sense. They could honestly make an expansion for Skyrim today and it would sell like crazy


They could legit keep expanding fallout 4 too. I'd pay $30 for a far harbor type expansion annually


You know, it’s not too late for them to do that, especially with the Fallout resurgence of the tv show


For me it depends on if it would delay a new Bethesda game. They don’t seem to have the staffing to meet the demands we have for content. They have so many franchises I want them to make sequels for but they are all so far down the road it genuinely makes me sad


They certainly have the money to do it if they WANTED to expand staff.


Yea from what I’ve read Todd Howard is way to hands on to let other people people make the game and if they have too much going at once he wouldn’t be able to have enough control over it all


I've read that be actually prefers it not be that way but the culture of the place persists that it is regardless and so it bogs things down. Either way, I agree they have staff and project management issues that need improvement to properly scale - but with the values of their properties there really is no reason they couldn't put games out every 2-3 years or faster if they wanted.


Todd will probably retire after TES6/FO5 and for better or worse, I can nearly guarantee there will be a BGS game every year or 2


The studio slowly expanding into multiple teams makes the eventual move to just having "an Elder Scrolls team" and "a Fallout team" feel inevitable, but I hope it happens after Todd retires, for sure. BGS is, if nothing else, an auteur-led studio, and that's rare, especially in the West. It's cool. I don't want to lose that just so we can get games more quickly, but there's also not really a clear pick for the Inheritor to the Throne.


Especially for Fallout, smaller-scale games are also very reasonable. Elder Scrolls the expectation is kind of set that it'll be in a bigger region, but with Fallout you can pick a smaller city or less dense region and make something fun. I actually loved the rural setting of FO76 and I think that also let them make a larger map with a lot of interesting regions without all the complexity of making a dense urban area (where you have to balance performance and navigability). Far Harbor would have been fun even as a standalone game (not for the price of a AAA of course), especially with some more sidequests.


I think many of the issues with Starfield can be chalked up to their team getting too massive - and everyone working on different aspects of the project results in elements of the game not gelling as they should and not particularly cohesive writing. So I think the better play for them is not necessarily to even bump up the staff or compromise on the number of projects but divide staff into smaller teams with their own separate projects that they can "own".


Starfield had that. They had one team working for over a year on making zero gravity combat a thing. But no one told the level designers, so it was barely used. Larger developers use a living document to make sure everyone is working on the same vision. Bethesda haven't needed that before, they've been small enough to communicate verbally. That clearly isn't an option any more though.


Right, this is my point and that zero g combat thing is exactly what I mean. They were still working on starfield and it didn't gel with what the rest of the starfield team was doing. If the zero g combat team was just working on a FO4 expansion they wouldn't need to be so closely linked to other teams.


They’d probably need to increase staffing to do this for fallout and eventually all 3 franchises, but it would be worth it if they could think up the content.


They just had a Fallout 76 expansion this week. Pretty dope


I got FO76 from that free giveaway and had low expectations, but it blew me away. Aside from the lack of modding and no offline play, I'd say I like it more than FO4.


Okay just no dima virtual block puzzle thing that makes me want to die on a replay lol


Oh man I had to take a break from the game because of this lmfao.


Too soon, man. I just finished it a few weeks ago and legit almost quit the game because it was so bad.


Yes. I cheese/cheat thru this on all subsequent playthrus.


Eh I think it was an awesome puzzle the first time through. We shouldn't judge things in a single player rpg on replayability. Except maybe starfield temples where replay is an actual game mechanic.


Exactly. Playing the "oops! It's too late now!" Card is weird. As was shown with the recent next gen update, there are a whole lot of people willing to jump back into the game


Tbh that's exactly what the modding community is already providing for Skyrim and Fallout 4.  Just in the last few years you had Sim Settlements 2 and America Rising come out for Fallout 4, and Skyrim quite literally has DLC-type new lands with quests drop every few months or so. It's genuinely insane just how much quality, free content comes out for those games.


Sim settlements was a fantastic idea but didn't port to Xbox very well. Tried it a few times love the concept but it broke my game every time I tried


I mean, I know it's not exact, but 76 is pretty much seasonal fallout 4 east coast style.


They could have added callbacks/locations from ESO (I know there’s mods that do that now but still).


What is the mod called? «Elder Scrolls Online Imports»?


[Don’t know if this was the same one I used on my last playthrough but yes](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11729?callback=in&code=NGQ3YMU0OGYTNGM3MY0ZZMY1LWI5MTATMDDKYZUYZDG3ZGNJ&state=8942d7ac291440d3b5917771f05c429a)


If they really wanted to add expansion they could've. Anniversary/SSE were perfect times to do so.


If they made an expansion for Skyrim I would drop everything and absolutely play it today. For me at least Skyrim was a game changing game. It’s held up so well. And even after putting 1000 hours into it I still haven’t done everything.


As much as I would love that I also recognize the chaos that would bring as it would likely break years upon years of mods.


There are still TONS of players who don’t mod their games, though. Especially on consoles. I’d be curious what the real stats are on what percentage of players actually use mods, honestly.


Yeah I'd also be curious on the stats. I dont think I've ever actually met someone IRL who mods bethesda games, but I've met tooooons of big fans who really just play on console. Its almost kind of weird hearing people online say "none of the BGS games are good without mods" when real life seems to indicate that their games would probably do just as well without them entirely. They definitely wouldn't have the long life that they have though.


Same, yeah. Don’t know anyone IRL who mods them. For many many years console players *couldn’t* even mod them, and they still sold great.


The amount of time I've put on unmodded console BGS rpgs is embarrashing...you definitely don't need mods to admire and enjoy these games like something super unique, fun and special. In fact, when I finally started playing some of them on pc, I had no need of mods and eventually after hundreds hours just finished playing. Could've played many more hours with mods, that's for sure, but base game+DLCs is more than enough.


and even if a mod breaks and the original mod authors are long gone, someone else will take their place with something even better.


The modding community has to take care of itself. Bethesda is only responsible for their product as it is sold. Especially since so many players never touch mods.


I love how some people pretend having mods for Fallout 4 is the standard, like THATS why they shouldn’t update the game or have new DLC...because it will “break mods”. Believe it or not, more people play F4 vanilla than with mods. And either way it wouldn’t matter to Bethesda anyways if they did.


>Believe it or not, more people play F4 vanilla than with mods. And either way it wouldn’t matter to Bethesda anyways if they did. Exactly. A vast majority of players don't mod their games. And a vast majority of mod users don't use script extenders. So the mods end up broken for a very very small minority of players. And yet, they keep demanding that Bethesda should stop patching their games.


Wouldn’t that also bring back lots of modders and new ones to the game?


The could rerelease skyrim and it would sell like crazy. Source : all the skyrim releases over the past ten years lol


Seriously, they should have done that years ago. New expansions for Fallout 4 and Skyrim would not only sell like hotcakes, but they would also bring them a lot of goodwill.


Bro that would be so crazy if they did that lmfao


Skyrim and Fallout 4 port into the newest engine incoming lmao


Oh man, imagine how much *more* staying power Skyrim would have had, if it had a yearly official expansion for the first five/six years after release.


That’s gonna be ESVI


That's very exciting to think about.


I mean for as long as people play their games, and xbox doing such a good job of carrying saves forward it makes sense. I know I still play morrowind once a year (for tamriel rebuilt updates)


Had to look. They dropped support (DLC) for Skyrim after ~13 months and 3 DLCs and dropped support for Fallout 4 after ~9 months and 6 DLCs. Cool with this news. Wonder how far into the future it will go? Yearly expansion every year for 3 years? 5 years? I assume they will make a dedicated team just for Starfield stuff moving forward, as the majority move to work on Elder Scrolls after Shattered Space comes out. Makes sense since they know it will be a while before the next Starfield. If it works out, I assume they will adopt something similar after the Elder Scrolls 6 comes out.


FO4 had 6 DLCs excluding the high res texture dlc. Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop, Nuka World. "Support" also doesn't just mean DLCs. FO4 was being patched regularly through 2017 with 2 yearly patches for 2018 and 2019 (excluding the one off 2024 patch).


I find it hilarious that almost every Todd Howard interview about this game contradicts the deluge of doom posting about their future plans in this sub.


Look no further than Fallout 76 at launch versus where it is now. BGS doesn’t drop shit


I just don’t like the game (MMO type games aren’t my thing anymore really), but you are totally right. For fans of that game they certainly have supported it.


Literally the amount of fan service they DO is in direct opposition of what “fanboy-whiners” say they’re doing. You won’t find people who love those games more than the actual people making them.


I'm gonna love Bethesda infinitely more if in like 3 years they are still going strong with DLCs and updates for this game. It would just be the biggest and the most beautiful slap in the face to all the doomers and armchair game developers that have been festering in this subreddit for months and months. Not even a perfect 10/10 Elder Scrolls VI would make me love them more than that.


Starfield matters to the people that worked on it. It was a dream game for a lot of them, they spent ~8 years of their lives working on it, and, despite it all, the game is clearly a product of passion. You don't get a game swinging that hard in a direction nobody was really asking for out of corporate complacency. I'm excited about the prospect of them continuing to support it - not just because it'd mean more of a game that I like, but because the community that will rally around it will slowly but surely reflect the developers' passion back at them.


It's almost as if that doomposting was not done by fans of the game, but by outrage tourists who actually wanted the game to fail right from the start...


That would be amazing tbh


Good to hear they plan on doing more long-term support for their games going forward. Kinda scared for what this means for getting out new games quicker, tho...


They've grown in size greatly since Skyrim, and even through the making of a new IP and engine through the pandemic and acquisition they still released Starfield within their usual release timeline.


Damn that’s crazy but totally agree. People **still** playing Skyrim and Fallout 4 and modders still pumping out mods for those games. An ongoing collaborative content output between them and modders is gonna ensure Starfield is consistently played for years.


Huh. That's new. Their norm is to drop support after up to 1.5 years or so post launch. I hope these are proper expansions & not just Creations add-ons.


I regret them dropping support for Skyrim even more.


I think Skyrim got plenty of DLC but it is a CRIME Fallout 4 only got two major expansions. At least we have Fallout 76 and ESO to scratch those itches.


…..Skyrim only had two major expansions.


Skyrim got two expansions too. Dawnguard and Dragonborn. Hearthfire is nice and all, but it's just a money sink for slightly different homes.


True, but the functionality of Hearthstone was nice for modders to tack on to.


Sure, though this is why platform updates are important - you can give modders more things to play with. Arma 3 for example mostly releases updates with minor fixes and sometimes modder things. Function here and there to allow messing with something etc.


This sounds great to me, guess the only concern is the studio getting spread thin trying to support so many games


Todd also said this expansion was designed with more "bespoke locations" similar to how it used it be in other games, and that because it was set on 1 planet it would be based around the city and the area around it. According to Todd, before Starfield's launch the team agreed that the expansion would be a good opportunity to do exploration more in line with their previous titles.


It's basically Starfield's Far Harbor he says.


Hopping into Far Harbor for the first time is literally one of the best feelings I've gotten from a BGS DLC. The fog and stuff on the island actually created a pretty good scary environment.


For me it is possibly the best gaming experience I have ever had for a few reasons. 1. I didn't know it was DLC. I just installed everything, started the game, and eventually found some dude looking for a missing daughter. 2. I had just spent a week driving from Boston to Acadia and hiking all over Acadia. The immersion was stupendous as a result. 3. I was at a point in the story where I was conflicted about synths but had not committed to anything yet, so it was the perfect time to explore that content more fully. So yeah, incredible gaming moment. I was completely taken by far harbor. Best DLC for any game ever IMO.


I'm not sure that I'd take any comments about or comparisons to Far Harbor as some statement of intent about tone or immersive quality - Far Harbor was the only project that William Shen directed at BGS before acting as the quest lead on Starfield and leaving BGS after launch, and I'd attribute a lot of what makes that expansion special to him. I can't say whether the expansions will be better or worse with new creative direction, but they'll certainly be different. We'd all love for Shattered Space to be Far Harbor, but it could just as well be the similarly-ambitious Nuka-World. This isn't doomerism - it's just me wanting to encourage thoughtful responses to comparisons in interviews.


Their best DLC is absolutely Shivering Isles.


He also said Starfield was Skyrim in space....


It is. Starfield is a singleplayer BGS game but in space. No Man's Skyrim


This is music to my ears because the exploration in base starfield is pretty terrible. Compared to something like fallout 4 where you walk in any direction and run across countless unique points of interest


That's what happens when the content is spread out across hundreds of planets. Starfield has more unique points of interest than Fallout 4, but it cannot all be found in the same worldspace.


>Starfield has more unique points of interest than Fallout 4 Does it though? Fallout 4 you walk in any direction within 30 seconds you're at a new, handcrafted location. Starfield, land on a random planet you're just getting cookie-cutter pseudo-dungeons.


>Does it though? Yes, it has over 300 unique, handcrafted locations. >Fallout 4 you walk in any direction within 30 seconds you're at a new, handcrafted location. True, everything is in the same worldspace. The game focuses on the brown fields of Massachussets, not a galaxy. >land on a random planet There are a thousand planets/worldspaces, so it is all spread out. But the handcrafted content *is* there to be explored, it is merely done differently. It's a slower game with bigger pauses between setpieces.


>Yes, it has over 300 unique, handcrafted locations. The issue is they don't feel unique because you run across the same POIs all the time. In Fallout 4 there is, for example, one HalluciGen labs on the map with its own self-contained story told environmentally. In Starfield there is, for example, one Cryogenics lab, but you can run into it multiple times across multiple planets, and they're all exactly the same. Right down to enemy spawns and terminal entries. Really takes me out of the game. The dungeons themselves aren't bad - some are really cool, like the scientists who had to hold out against swarms of the local fauna but were overrun. But they're so frequently reused that it actively works against player immersion. It just doesn't hit the same as earlier Bethesda games.


The issue is many of the POIs are "rare" which is a bad idea. They should just have all 300 and you have an equal chance to get any of them. And maybe to help reduce dupes. Have them "eliminated" until you discover all 300. Then the list repopulates and process starts over That way if you discover 900 places you only ever see any one location 3x times


Its insane to hear there's even 300 of then, because I don't think I've personally seen more than 25 at most, but I've seen repeats of those 25 a LOT


Yeah "unique" is kind of an important word here. Shit is not unique after the 100th science outpost with a lost crew member in a cave 400-900 meters away. Nevermind that while the POIs may be different, what you do at them is the same 3 things over and over.


Worse still is that the POIs seem to be spread out indiscriminately. It's dumb entering a cave on a completely barren, lifeless moon and finding tree roots poking through the ceiling for some reason.


Omg my biggest pet peeve! This is a barren fucking subzero rock, why is this UC base covered in pulsing biomass and alien eggs? Where are the aliens? It's all so unconditional and disconnected.


Indeed, there are 140-something unique "generic" POIs, but about 20 of them are extremely common which adds a lot to this feeling of repetition. Diving into the procedural side of Starfield for too long is a bad idea.


The problem in Starfield isn't necessarily the lack of content, but rather that the fact that it's spread out means that it doesn't play out as a coherent game world that's fun to just roam and explore. Going from one piece of real content to another requires either loading/cut scenes, or a bunch of walking through barren and uninteresting landscape. It's not fun. A game like fallout has 'set pieces' in terms of significant locations, but it's all interconnected by a coherent world that feels more real, that appears to be somewhat connected and lived in, and doesn't just feel like a bunch of filler space. Skyrim and Fallout worlds are actually interesting to travel through, not just tedium until you get to the next piece of content. In Starfield the content is annoying to get to, and it also feels like it's pretty much just plopped down randomly into boring and irrelevant proc-gen landscapes, because that's exactly how it's done. None of it feels like it's part of a bigger world, most of it doesn't show any sort of real awareness of its surrounding/context, and as a result, very little of it feels 'real' or even believable.


I duuno know, I would love bespoke planet DLC but I also think they need to do something with the base game expansion. Or we're just going to end up with Fallout76 before Wastelanders kind of situation where the DLC and new world stuff are awesome and all but you went back to the base game and you're still end up with the same world with the same problem from Day-1


Exactly what I was hoping for, and what I really wish had been in the base game. At the very least New Atlantis and Akila city should have had a small ring of handcrafted content around them.


This sounds promising. Whether or not the quests are any good will be the deal breaker.


If shattered space is really good, then I’ll buy this second dlc as well. I just want the game to keep getting support with updates and dlcs, since there’s not really another space rpg game on the scale of what starfield offers on Xbox. At least to my knowledge.


I think the world of Starfield, especially with the NG+ mechanic, has a lot of opportunities to grow and tell interesting stories. Updates and expansions to outposts would be nice, too.


Honestly, one of my biggest asks is for the outpost system to be deeper. Right now, doing anything complex with it is a royal pain in the ass.


Unfortunately I think they got so much pushback in Fallout 4 from people who did NOT like the settlement system being part of the game, so they scaled it back some.


They may have scaled it back but they also made it far more convoluted and uninteresting


The outpost system made more sense with the original design, when survival was a lot harsher and fuel consumption mattered. You could build fuel depots in systems to extend your available jump range and fuel when traveling through those systems, acquire resources to make things needed for survival, and so on. When they scaled back the survival stuff and removed fuel consumption, everything outposts were meant for was removed. 


Yeah really kinda limitless possibilities to explore different types of genres. There could be a whole detective murder mystery DLC like in outer worlds, they could expand on the red mile idea and do a whole game show with actual scoring mechanics and leaderboards or they could just add an entirely new planet with a game of thrones political war going on that you drop into. I know most people like to hate this game but I’m very optimistic about the gigantic potential this game has to become even more expansive.


At the very least they'll add a hardcore survival mode back into the game, since it was pretty much already there before being cut. And people go sick house nuts for survival. I just want more spaceships


There's already a survival not hardcore enough but présent, if you check on option / gameplay you can Tweek some stuff, instant or over time heal. Etc. It affect your XP gain, if you min / max everything it's between -30/+50%xp something like that.


I'm enjoying my replay with most, if not all of the settings turned up all the way. I'm something like +74% xp and finally got that level 100 achievement.


I would like to see them add more and more NG+ scenarios. Maybe ones with more depth too, but honestly, it'd just be fun to have more scenarios overall.


I'm keeping an eye on Star Wars Outlaws, it seems like it might scratch that itch for me.


Yeah, the recent gameplay trailer definitely looked like it would hit that spot for sure.


So there’s still hope for the ending to be continued on a future expansion, nice!!!


I think we might get a Unity/creators expansions next


I need a quest to meet up with your team/spouse from your original universe that went through the unity with you😭


they must !>! the unity guy (us) when we ask about who build unity, answer something like "you will have this answer, but not now"!<. For me, it was clear that an expansion (or else) will bring something more about >!unity and creators!<...


Wouldn’t be surprised if we find out in shattered space. Starborn were created to balance this cosmic threat of the Great Snek


Yeah I agree, something involving them seems to be in the works, for the future.


Honestly, they should leave that alone. Worst thing Halo did was explore the Forerunners.


Agree creators should be treated like elder scrolls dwemer. Something you can explore and get tidbits to speculate on but never get the full story


At the same time, flavors of the day. One game where you get the curtain pulled back, one game where you don’t


They don’t need to show us exactly what they are or have them show up in person, just more content involving their technology, I’m sure they created other things alongside the artifacts.


Halo handled it wrong but diving into creators is not bad thing. Look at how ffxiv handled it


Agree. A mystery box can be anything, but is often disappointing when finally opened.


I guess I hope to see the Creators at some point because I think they are an intelligent alien species.


I think at this point they're 4th dimension beings rather than just aliens.


I hope so, that's a plot point they can't just introduce and not expand upon and its one I find very interesting 


It always felt like a two-expanions game to me: one about house va'ruun, and one about the creators.


Agreed on Va'ruun obviously, but I always thought the natural second expansion would be a second colony war. Honestly, I thought we were getting that first ("Shattered Space" works just as well for the breaking of the galactic peace).


I don't think a second colony war will happen. Spoilers for basically everything: >!Vanguard questlines make it pretty clear UC wants to work with the Freestar Collective on the safety of the settled systems. With player choices you can make them work pretty close together and get more FC oversight. !< >!The Rangers questline shows FC's government is willing to clean up its own!< >!Groundpounders quest chain shows FC and UC's boots work together, and UC is willing to protect FC soldiers.!< >!Overall, it seems the factions are more concerned about Crimson Fleet, Spacers, or House Va'ruun. !< >!Then again, the game's got pretty terrible writing so I guess I shouldn't be shocked if they ignore all the stuff showing that the two factions are working closely together now.!<


I could see in the future a big threat (possibly house Va’ruun or some other threat we haven’t seen yet) bring the UC and FC come together to fight a common enemy.


I’ve thought the same thing, but with a multiverse angle, it could be as simple as a gateway to another universe opens up in which the FC and UC are at war. After finishing the quest line, you have the option of returning to your universe or staying there, but normal quest lines aren’t available in that universe.


That's definitely possible. Mirror Barrett's universe is still at war.


Maybe for the major story expansions, but there are still a ton of mechanics and gameplay aspects that deserve DLCs Outposts Survival Space travel/combat/exploration Mechs Space Stations Mining


most of these could be added with updates


I agree, I just hope they're not slept on. Open world games like these need a good balance between quests and mechanics, otherwise there's really no point in playing the game after you beat the good quests.


Honestly doing a broken steel style dlc using the unity could work really great.  


Most definitely won't happen...but imagine if one of the story expansions happens once you go through the Unity, and you end up in a universe where evil you, all jacked out on Starborn powers, has become a tyrannical emperor of the Settled Systems. And it goes from there...


I was hoping for something like that in the main game, I think Dragon’s Dogma 1 did something similar.


Yeah, but that's a REALLY content heavy stuff that would be basically locked to you until you reach the specific conditions. It lends itself more to being a DLC.


Link to the interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ew8LQFGNWU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ew8LQFGNWU)


Wonderful news


Where's the guy who was willing to die on the hill that Bethesda will drop support after Shattered Space?


Dead on a hill somewhere, I’d presume.


legit lol'd at this haha


I still remember when a lot of people on this sub thought this game was abandoned just because there wasn’t an update that added new content and Shattered Space was canceled


Yeah, some people were pretty weird about Shattered Space not releasing.


People literally thought Bethesda was going to start handing out partial refunds and cancel SS


People acted like this game was another Redfall. Starfield was still a success despite what people on the internet would led you to believe or at the very least a far cry from what Redfall was


Starfield was undoubtedly a profitable project for Bethesda and will definitely bring them more money


I can understand why Microsoft might not want to go all-in on Starfield vs their other franchises; that being said they have the resources to help Bethesda maybe help spin off more support units to keep Starfield expansions going AND work on other titles.


They bought the studio because of starfield and let them delayed the game further, starfield sold consoles and added a lot subs, people just act like xbox and ganepass don't exist.


Spinning in his grave alongside the guy that claimed shattered space was cut content.


that was a fo4 modder lmfao


Oh, he's here, and even dumber than before.


Honestly, considering this is the original release (first entry in it's franchise), and that the game currently encompass the entirety of the known (game) universe... Building outwards by releasing huge chunks of content each years makes a lot of sense.


*Would love these expansions:* 1) Story expansion for Unity & ‘the Creators’; 2) ‘First Contact’ DLC with an intelligent alien race (separate to the Creators); 3) Underwater bases, submersibles, & new hidden underwater city/ Faction! (Bioshock meets Subnautica); 4) Space Horror DLC; 5) New Spacer & Pirate Factions (incl. a barbaric / scary one - like the Reavers in Firefly); and 6) New (currently unknown) human Faction / new ‘House’ emerges from deep space with unique culture - like House Varuun did. Perhaps triggering a new faction war.


I think Shattered Space will be that space horror DLC.


Yeah, I’m looking forward to Shattered Space. The trailer gave me both *Prey* & the *Expanse* (protomolecule) vibes


I REALLY think Starfield would gain so much by an Operation Anchorage type simulation where you enter some kind of simulation and fight in the First Contact War. Where you can choose one of the 3 factions with different endings within the dlc. Maybe when you finish the dlc it unlocks some door that has a rare old ship or some cool old unique guns or something.


Yeah, good idea! Or just a prequel DLC set during that time


There's scope to dig a lot deeper into the Terrormorphs. I mean we don't know where they come from yet. (It's *not* Toliman II - there's just a lot of them because of an unexpected synergy with the Lazarus Plant) and Terrormorphs are held to be intelligent and get more so the older they get. There's scope for a Planet Of The Terrormorphs/Terrormorph War story if they want. They definitely left the hooks for one.


Yeah that would be v cool. Starship Trooper vibes! I would also love to see a new (separate) alien creature / monster threat added as well.


Great list. I would also love something similar to Hearthstone focused more on player improvements but we get the ability to ride animals we domesticated. 


This is awesome news! I’ve been having an absolute blast with the game lately with all the new Creations/mods. I’ve even considered starting to make Starfield mods myself due to the insane potential this game has. More expansions will just improve and expand that huge potential even further.


I was very happy too


Every game they've done has had 2 story dlcs so not surprising and a bunch of minor ones


Minor ones will probably be in creation tab then expansions every year most likely.


Fallout 3 had five: Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta.


I think I saw somewhere they were going to do kind of a Skyrim expansion/dlc model (which I loved) Large Expansion, small, large, small. So between Shattered Space and the next big expansion we'll probably have a Hearthfire/base building type dlc


I honestly thought it would just be 1 expansion. Because of all the confusion they would want to quickly move on to another project I'm very glad I was wrong


This makes me so happy tbh all I saw was negativity about this game being dead after shattered space. I started playing starfield late but it’s been so much fun the last couple of weeks so looking forward to as much content as I can get!


Thats why it's always best to ignore the toxic online chatter and just play whatever you want. Only you should determine what works for you and what doesn't.


It's really good news, and not unprecendented in the BSG/Zenimax umbrella: ESO receives yearly content expansions. It's a model that has worked. Starfield has the makings of a good framework for such a thing, though I think some core systems like the economy, outposts and a few other things need more development to be sustainable. But perhaps we'll get these things along with the expansions.


Bank on it. The outpost system is so bare bones and unclear, I guarantee there will be a “outpost expansion” of some kind that really utilizes and fleshes it out.


LIST screams “placeholder faction” just like Trackers Alliance did. I’m betting on repeatable settlement building missions in addition to more hand crafted settlement quests.


ESO was always GAAS title so comparing GAAS title with Single Player isn’t fair


Look forward to get back into this eventually. Put 110 hours in at launch and loved a lot of it. Look forward to coming back in a couple of years and being blown away.


Def no need to wait a couple of years🤣


I already put 110 hours in and there’s a lot of games out there.


Klobrille... means toilet seat in German. LOL. Congrats to Matty for getting this interview. A huge moment for him, long in the making!


Can anyone explain why the game is currently being review bombed into oblivion right now?


Paid mods


Paid mods. For clarification, officially supported paid mods upon which Bethesda gets a cut. (NOT the practice of having a patreon) Oh, and 7 dollars for a single quest. And 10 dollars for a single ship room.


The trackers alliance quest, meaning the 1 behind the paywall and also their messaging previously based on some of their post on twitter and I think the june update video where it seemed like they were going to add more of those bounties via creations and that those will also be paid. Todd brings that up in his interview with Mrmatty at the 42:40 mark


Frickin A Best news I've heard in a while


I'd legit keep playing skyrim if they kept supporting it with content instead of just constantly re-releasing it.




Figured. Hopefully more than just 2


Shattered space is a house Va'ruun dlc right? Because that's all I want especially since I romanced Andreja but I'm happy for more dlcs!


Please don’t make us wait 5 years for TES 6


BGS has grown a lot and they have different teams working on SF and TES6. Speculation time: The SF team might be smaller than the Elder Scrolls team, which would explain the longer wait between DLC Expansions. So this might not drastically affect TES6 development in the long run.


How fast do you want them to make it? Even Call of Duty games take 3 years to make…


That's cool, always loved being able to get new experiences like MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries every year via dlcs so glad I can have something to expect each year from Starfield.


Really hope they add ‘space walking’ outside our ships & space stations 👀🪐


Yep, being able to go outside of ships to fix stuff and/or have combat in the vastness of space would be awesome!


Would love to join the UC Marines (with questline) & / or start a new special forces group. *I want to do my part.*


So happy for Matty for landing this interview!


I hope it is true.  I also hope they give the current main city planets love in the same way.


Right on! Loving the continued support and I'm so grateful for the gaming experience Bethesda provides!


That’s amazing news. I’m happy to see Bethesda committed to the game this much! Definitely gives me hope.


hope it gets even more than 2 expansions. multiple handcrafted Expansions would be great


Man the future is exciting for this game


I like the idea of annual paid story expansions quite a bit, though I imagine that, if a team to make that sort of thing is going to be assembled, it'll just serve to split up BGS even more, which I'm mixed on. One has to imagine if it'll just be a largely-new "Starfield support team" cobbled out of lower-level developers at BGS Rockville and new hires or if a lot of Starfield's lead creatives will stick on it while new people move on to TES6. Fallout 76's support has only been able to be what it is because BGS Austin was a full team that could hit the ground running when development was handed over to them in full, this would be a very different situation. Beyond that, though - annual expansions (at least for a while) could do a lot to make sense of the long-scale design decisions built into the game. They talked about wanting to design a game for players to play for a decade before it even came out, but the promise of continued meaningful narrative support and treating the game as a "platform" to tell sci-fi stories from the team at BGS sells the idea.


I’ve never been a big fan of the dlc in other Bethesda games because it always felt too disconnected. The nice thing about starfield is it’d be pretty easy to keep adding DLC that doesn’t break immersion as much by expanding the star map and adding more planets.


Give us another steelbook with the expansion in it!