• By -


5, next to Todd would be... An experience. But mainly to talk to Sheppard and Mr IOA, I would love to hear his opinions on everything that's happened.


With Todd, Sheppard, and Woolsey? Yes please. That'd be amazing conversation.


Todd and Sheppard would be constantly sassing one another, *and* sassing Woolsey together. It would be a show.


I would shake Todd’s hand (I heard it’s a custom)


Just a little Wraith humor.


Also..you want to keep an eye on Todd..


I wouldn't keep my eyes off him lol.


5 as well. Longest lasting conversation and best seat on the shuttle. Most buttons to push and you can learn how to operate the ship and read the entire manual instead of being bored and talking if you need to. 2 is tempting too. Rodney is annoying but Sam and him would be able to share sooo much knowledge. Rodney would share eventually but it’d be like pulling teeth. You can get on his good side but it takes some effort. I’m smart enough to do it. You can’t be stupid. I think I pass that test, but it’d take convincing and a lot of proof for him. Sam is hella nice so she’d help out.


I was gonna say 5 so I have a window and don't get travel sick.


I'm also squarely in the seat 5 camp. Tod is smart and would probably be able figure out how to fix things from there. If he gets out of line Sheppard will keep him in line and volunteer as food over having anyone else experience it. Then there is woolsy who would be good to play games and have conversations with.


2. I would generate a heated science debate between Carter and McKay and watch Ronon's face how he reacts.


You may not be smart enough for that. Though I suppose you could somehow prod Meredith to do the work for you.


You could throw hare-brained theories at Rodney, which he'd bite on and start explaining things only for Carter to chime in and correct him on half of the things


Yeah but I feel like Carter will catch on to that and won't engage. You would need to have at least a bit of background knowledge to pull her in.


Oh I'm fairly certain she'd engage. One, she _loves_ to correct McKay. Well not just him, in general she can't stand incorrect science, especially from a scientist. Second, she'd never miss a chance to prove Rodney wrong. As fair as she was with him in SGA, that's most non-scientific (even though she's a scientist and might have small corrections during e.g. an official presentation, she wouldn't chime in unless necessary, and would trust her chief scientific officer, which is Rodney). But in a random open debate on a trip? She'd make sure every small mistake is corrected. I wholly expect an intense debate on every single topic, with Ronon staring in with his usual "I might not understand a single word but I'm exquisitely entertained by this" smirk. Oh and it would be quite funny having Baal also chime in with his usual high-handedness. Only for Sam to put him back in his place too.


Yeah, #2 would be the seat I want. For much the same reasons. Plus tbh it puts Tealc and Ronan between Todd and myself. I like him as a character but irl, I know I'd be terrified.


Seat 2 for the same reason. Also I would try to get McKay and Carter to fix the puddle jumper so we could get back to Atlantis because the O2 supply wouldn't last forever.


AWESOME. I cannot stop smiling, my face hurts. :D


Who knows. I'm a physicist so I have some ideas how to trigger them 🤌 also it's easy to bait McKay to anything


Not being smart enough would be most of the fun. Just throw insane Joe Rogan stuff out there and watch Rodney explode


Wouldn't be that hard. Throw a fun flat Earth comment in there and see if Carter joins in on egging him on


My exact thoughts. Have the best conversation with the two brightest minds in the galaxy all while you have an amazing view. Also, I would have to yell, "Computer! Deactivate the EMH!" At least once. They might all look at me funny, but I would need to know. If it works, that I get to activate the ECH, otherwise I'll grin and bear the puzzled looks and move on.


Then you say arch or end program and you just wake up or it really happens and then you faint.


Why would I leave? I can take all of Barclay's mistakes and build up in them!


Also Baal on the sidelines chiming in with scathingly witty remarks


Same answer different reasons. Keep the two of them from fighting so they can actually work shit out and get us unstuck 


Amd at the end, you will be the unsuspected hero of the episode who makes a short comment that triggers them into the solution. Then they argue about who's idea was that 🙂


I'll take 1, so long as I have citrus Rodney will keep quiet.




Lol wasn't that the lemon Sheppard gave him specifically for that? Lol


Cameron Mitchell gave lemon Sheppard, if I remember correctly


I’ll take seat 2 with a lemon


I was gonna say 1, as Ronan and I would happily *not* talk to eachother and deathglare Rodney into shutting up. My second choice would be 5. I can see that turning into a game of cards pretty quick.


3, because I think Meybourn would know some good jokes and the conversation with Baal and Tealc would be quite interesting. Also proximity to Carter.


That's what I'm thinking. You could get teal'c and carter to shut down baal and I find maybourne after his first few appearances to be hilarious.


Yes, late maybourne would absolutely be my pick


I think Baal or Todd would be the most interesting conversational partners, but only 5 is a proper chair. So 5 it is.


1 is the safest option you have ronin between you and bhaal tod and the kinsey. 2 You dont want to be stuck between the bickering of mckay and carter. 3 and 4 have the problem of bhaal trying to antagonize tealc with three also being next to kinsey and 5 well I’d rather not get eaten. Plus 1 you then have the science chatter to be droning white noise so you can sleep. Edit: just realized that’s maybourne and not kinsey so 3 doesn’t seem like to bad a option now but I’d still rather have 1 for the sleep benefit.


I agree with 1 spot, Robin would manage to get silence in the back, which would be respected due to his terror factor and tealc is the same msotly, but also, he is just so cool and chill, knowing me I would switch seats so could go around and talk to all and see how things are going with them all 😆 then move to the front and start asking what does this button do sheppard ? 😆


But 1 is next to the airlock.


5. Becouse front part of the jumper can be shut, so i dont need to lisen to McKay crying and complaiming the whole trip, and i like the wreits dark humor.


Number 4 or 5. Stroke his ego a bit and I feel like Ba'al would make a delightful conversationalist. Plus, Teal'c is close enough to kill him if things get out of hand. Number 5 has the better chair and is more comfortable... but depending on how hangry he is... i'm not sure if i'd want to be next to Todd.


>but depending on how hangry he is... i'm not sure if i'd want to be next to Todd. I don't think you need to worry, he brought his lunch on board. https://preview.redd.it/nu290d2vxi9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=537889a7d735374bbd44f85d215a9b46cc2838a0


Okay but why is the cockpit "upside down" ? Otherwise, 5


I don’t think it is, it’s a top down view of the ship not a cut away of the interior. What looks like the flight controls, if you look carefully in the window and you are seeing into the rear seat are from the POV above the ship


Yeah I know but still, the front and back sits of the cockpit or reversed right ? And the controls are flipped. No ?


No the front two seats are just moved too far down on the drawing where Sheppard and woolsey's faces are. They are in the nose area when they should be back behind the dashboard where you can see the DHD that should be between them. But I suspect they had to move everyone down to fit all the pictures on the jumper drawing




Same let be a background extra no drama please


Yeah. 1 is a background character to fill the scene. 2 is a background character who is comically tortured by Sam and Rodney’s conversation. 3 and 4 are redshirts who die dramatically when Ba’al does whatever it is that Ba’al is going to do. 5 may or may not be a redshirt, but the odds aren’t great. And I’d probably slip up and make a *please state the nature of the medical emergency* joke to Woolsey, rendering the entire trip non-canonical or accidentally introducing some really weird new lore about how Woolsey really does look exactly like Robert Picardo even in-universe.


5 you are 100% a redshirt taking one for Sheppard. I say Sheppard because Woolsey and Todd are less likely to do something stupid.


Looking at the seating arrangements, its actually the safest.


Background extras always get fed on/shot/blown up/abandoned on an exploding planet


1 Just get Ronon to choke me out. Wake up some time later to Doc Carson telling me im a bloody fool


Just so long as kavanaugh isn't onboard I don't care where I'm sitting


Actually, I think Kavanaugh could be entertaining if you enjoy shit talking about your coworkers (in a mean way).


Wherever I sit I can't escape the homoerotic subtext


I'm a woman, so... interesting for me. :D


1 or 5. You're gonna be pretty safe next to Ronan, plus if you don't feel like talking you're in the best place. 5 would just be fun being amongst that group.




4. Baal is a laugh.


He totally would be. :D


5 is a spinny chair. 5 wins.


2. because i know both people next to me are gonna be standing up trying to fix it


My first thought was "I Wanna sit by Sam!", but I realized she wouldn't be sitting, she'll be fixing the ship.


1. As close to Ronon Dex as possible. For a multitude of reasons.


5.  The back end might need to be opened to space/might accidentally get opened to space.  The front end can be sealed off AND is where the controls are. Plus Rodney gets annoying real quick. 


Seat 2. Perfect view of 3 of my Stargate crushes 😩 Sam right next to me, Ronan across, and Teal’c at perfect glancing distance. Don’t find us too fast 🤭


2 seems to be fun!


5: Todd, Shepard and Wolsey going at it :) I’d bring popcorn with me


1, because eventually Rodney will have to go fix something and it’ll just be me and Ronin, which is great on many levels.


3. Ronon will be kicking Maybourne’s seat and bugging him too much to be a problem, leaving me free to chat with Teal’c


Those are really weird words you said.... "Chat with Teal'c". I don't know how much chatting would go on.


Me: “Indeed” Him: “Indeed” What else is there?


Why do John and Richard sit on the nose?


Ba'al. Dude definitely have the most story to tell (though might be lying alot).


NOT #4. Not because I'd be frightened, with everyone else around. I just wouldn't want to impede some Ba'al - Todd interaction. It's too entertaining.


5 because I want to see what happens outside.


4, Baal had style.


def 3. Next to Teal'c and Maybourne and across from Ba'al.


2, as a mitigator. Otherwise Rodney's probably getting shived before the rescue team arrives. XD


One, Ronon don't talk much.


2. I exchange a lot of rolling eye glances with ronin


Def 1. Ronin would.leave me alone as I try and sleep.


5. So I can arm wrestle with Todd. And crack Wrath jokes.


4. I have a sense of humor and if we are stranded I want to have a good time.


Seat number 2. Rodney Mckay has fixed more broken jumpers that we know of, and Carter is there as backup in case Rodney screws up.


2 if I can bring a lemon, 3 if I can't,


4 Team Ba'al, baby


Baal and me gonna have a fun time messing with everyone.


4. Right next to Ba'al, as you know he has an escape plan. I want to be close enough to piggyback onto it.


1. Me: *upward nod in acknowledgement.* Ronon: *upward nod in acknowledgement.* Rest of trip:….


5. Not only is that gonna be the cattiest part of the ship, the number of Todd vs. Sheppard one-liners would make it worth being a potential in-flight Todd snack.


2. It'd make me sick to my stomach to watch this fucking creep slowly slide over


That would be one heck of a ride regardless. But probably 2


5. EMH has us covered.


Next to ronin would be a peaceful silent flight


3, because I want to hold Teal'c's hand when it gets bumpy 👉👈


1 definitely 1. I could sit in silence with Ronon while watching Mckay try to flirt with Sam. Perfect


Hahahahha man this is too hard. I’d go with 3. Safe with chill Teal’c who also now knows some good earth jokes. Maybourne would be annoying but less annoying than McKay and Ronan could take care of him.


I would happily sit on john shephard


1 so I can chat with Ronin and Rodney, both my favorite people.


5 John Sheppard is the man


Next to Teal'c, naturally. He's cool, probably has great Jaffa stories, but also I know he can be comfortable in silence. And if anyone starts shit, he's right there.


Sit next to Ronon. I can twist his Dreads.


That depends, where are the snacks stored in this tub?


In seat 5.


3 or 4. Having the chance of listening to Teal'c sassing Baal would be amazing. Though I think Carter would be at Baal's throat in no time.


1. I'm the red shirt Ronon can't stand and rolls his eyes at all episode. Then at the end I do something heroic and sacrifice myself and Ronon pretends we were best buds


Next to Carter. Always


3, no hesitation


Next to Todd so he suck the life out of me to avoid small talk whilst waiting to be rescued


 2, wedged between the 2 smartest humans, and far away from the one who ses me as lunch.


2 so I could listen to the solution to the problem


5 for sure ridin with my boy todd


2. a few well asked questions would get McKay/ Carter convos going.


No O'Neill? I'm opening the hatch and venting the atmosphere.


For me there's only one real awnser. 2. Assuming that we're stuck, and good and proper stuck and the only hope is to wait for the Deadelus to show up, then it comes down to entertainment. 1, Ronin is horrible at conversation, he'll likely be trying to sleep, or working on a project of his own, such as knife sharpening. It might be good for a short brief conversation, but after a few grunts, you'll realize he's already clocked out of the situation. McKay across from you won't be paying you a lick of attention. He'll either be too busy with Carter, trying to fix the situation regardless, or working on his own theories and the like. Either way, you're too 'beneath' him to engage on his own, and he'll endeavor to end the conversation ASAP. 3+4, Maybourne has the "It's not a pyramid scheme, trust me" energy to him when it comes to personal conversation, but atleast he'll engage in it. You'd just rather he didn't. Teal'c will be slightly better off in terms of interest, but much like Ronin, he'll eventually clock out of the situation, or be dealing with Ba'al in some manner, though to eveyone's credit, it doesn't descend into immediate violence, he's simply the threat of force that keeps him in check, which likely will consume alot of his time. Ba'al, for his credit, might be alot more engaging with you, he'll chat you up, talk about your 'favorite earth past times', and the like. But you'll slowly begin to realize that no matter how you awnser, whatever he asks always somehow turns back to him and his 'superior' opinion. That even if you agree with him on something, he'll simply applaud that you're like him in some regard. His god complex will always show up and try to make himself out to be the center of all things in that Jumper. The only true entertainment that comes from it is when Mckay or Carter call him out on it and ask if he can fix the Jumper. When he innevitably fails that, he'll fall silent for a short time, before ultimately going back to his self-adoration. 5, This room has the second most potential of the 2 rooms you have to select to sit down. However, it's a distant space between. Todd will be cordial, but you get the feeling that if things take longer then expected, you've already drawn the short straw on who Todd decides to feed from to survive. Your shirt might not be red, and you might not die or suffer through it longterm, but you'll regret your choice of seating regardless. Woolsey will be a borefest immediatly, and won't shift on this. He'll cite regulations, rules, and protocol, and then get annoyed whenever Todd or Sheppard don't follow them. He might cool down on certain things here and there, such as the aforementioned need for Todd to survive, and infact it's probably Woolsey who convinces Todd to have such feeding be a 'temporary' solution. Sheppard is the redeeming quality here. He's everything you could want in a traveling buddy. He'll engage you on conversation, strive to find unique ways to pass the time, and generally just be the voice of reason in that cockpit that you can really relate to. However, the other two simply just drag the experience down, and there's a solid chance that he just kicks you all out of the cockpit like he did when Midway self destructed. Which leaves us with 2. Why is this the only choice? Carter. She's alot like Sheppard, very sociable, smart, but not so stuck up in her own intelligence. She can put Maybourne in his place, and is the second half to Teal'c's intimidation of Ba'al. The banter between herself and McKay will be interesting, and even if she catches onto the fact that you've begun goading McKay's technobabble and hairbrained ideas on how to get out, or how a certain piece of tech might work, she'll have a level of respect for you. You'll likely walk out of this experience with a new friend, not only in just Carter, but McKay as well. Why McKay? Despite how you annoyed him with those goading techniques, you still engaged him, and got him to think critically, and learn something from the person he admires. He might not ADMIT these things, but you'll notice the change in attitude.


4. I'm next to the best choices of Teal'c and Ba'al, and can keep an eye on steve in front of me in case he gets peckish.


My symbiote prevents the Wraith from feeding on me. I'll sit next to Todd and start something for our amusement.


Is the naquadah being toxic to Wraith canon tho?


I have not stated my symbiote was a Goa'uld


Interesting! What is it, then? :) I guess I would take seat 4 so I could talk to you across the room and pick your brain. :) Plus the banter coming from both sides would be wild. :)


Someone who is the last of their kind, whom I discovered on a distant world, fallen into icy ruin. They harbor a deep distaste of the Wraith, among others


Really? How interesting. And misguided. :) So you would not choose seat 5 after all?




5 and kicking woolseys seat all the trip


Please don't, annoyance tastes bad.


2 seems nice. You separate McKay from Carter, who will be very thankful for that. You can small talk with both, who are very interesting. And you're sitting in front on a beautiful man who will probably be very on edge about Todd and Baal.


5, love Todd.


1. I'll harass Rodney into saving the day in 11 seconds. 


2. Hands down. No hesitation. 


Behind Woolsey and next to Todd? I'd constantly be nonchalantly be putting my hand on Woolsey's shoulder to calm him down then looking Todd in the face and making a look like I'm eating the best steak dinner ever. Todd would merely look over at Ronin who would give him the stink eye and a small shake of the head...


I like you. Take seat 5 and I would take seat 4. Hint: you can tease a predator about many things, especially one as witty as Todd, but the surest way to get yourself eaten when stranded is to tease them about/with food. Some things you just don't f\*ck with. Seat 5 would quickly become available, especially with Ronon that far away and Ba'al there to block Teal'C's way. :) But perhaps you're an adrenaline junkie, who's to say? Not a boring moment with you onboard. :)


Nah. I think I'd be too endearing and with all the good guys on board I doubt he'd eat anyone unless it was allowed. I'd love to see how Bal's symbiote regen would fair against Todd's wraith drain. Maybe that's the way to keep them both in check?


An interesting idea. There's a rumour that circulates tho according to which the naquadah in Ba'al's blood would be toxic to Wraith. With so many safer options, why choose the problematic one? You are definitely endearing. :) That does not mean that you're not food, especially if too cheeky for your own good. Even with all the good guys there, it only takes a moment. Todd is Sheppard's brother, fraught as that relationship may be, and Sheppard has fed him before. You are not. ;) If you plan on banking on your entertainment value, better provide *good* entertainment, You only need to outpace Maybourne, though that may be harder than you think. :)


5. Todd and John Sheppard in the same Jumper ? Give me just some pop-corn and i should be good.


oh absolutely 5. todd, woolsey, and shepard? sign me up


5. I want my Todd&John comedy banter


Not exactly sure, but maywether and ba’al would be getting flushed out the hatch.


Doubt. Todd's gotta eat. Edit: strike that, looks like he'd be eating u/AKDragoon first. :D But if we're stranded for more than two weeks (unlikely), Maybourne would make a very nice snack.


1 because hell yes Ronon but also it would be fun to see him make Maybourne squirm. Plus, Ronon might even let me snooze on his big ol' muscular arms so, really no downsides there. (No offense, Teal'c, I just don't want to sit any closer to that smarmy ass Maybourne than I have to, but I won't try to intervene if you need to, you know, convince him silence is golden.)


1. I'm with Ronon. Wake me up when there is something to shoot at


1! Todd is bound to get hungry. By the time he's finished munching on the people in the front, either Carter or McKay have formulated some crazy plan. I'm saved! 🎉


A smart strategy.


The banter would be off the charts in seat five, no way I’m missing out.


2 because the seat in front of me 😂


I am throwing myself out the airlock.


I just want to be on this ride, I really don't care where.


I’m flirting with Todd & no one can stop me. I don’t even know if Wraith know what flirting is but I’m going to introduce him to it. See if I can talk him into a little recreational feeding ~


We're not stopping you, dude. :D Did you bring popcorn as well for the rest of us tho?


Yes! Save some for Teyla tho. 💖


4 -> I think Baal would actually be an interesting conversationalist and if you stroke his ego enough I think you could get some interesting tidbits out of him. I mean we're in a puddle jumper, I don't think he can really feasibly gravity torture you for entertainment so if you can provide some intersting back and forth it might pass the time?


Seat 4 next to my boy Ba'al.


Imagine being like "You guys know your whole life is a fuckin' TV show to my species, right?" and being able to prove it lmao, I wonder what everyone's reaction would be.


"Hey you guys know Wormhole X-Treme! right? Well, that's what you are to me. I got years of your lives in my personal DVD collection. I was stuffing my face with Cool Ranch Doritios when Jack took Teal'c fishing!" Before Teal'c can respond, throw him a "Indeed, and I know you hated every minute of it!"


I'd sit next to Baal just to ignore him the entire time to talk to Carter. It would drive him absolutely up the wall. And I bet Teal'c would also find that to be very amusing.


2, seated across from Ronan and between the eggheads. I would ask them all sooo many questions.


I hope nobody sits between Carter and McKay because by God the human race needs those two to procreate with each other.


Multiple people have offered. A sad day for humanity I guess.


3 so I can discreetly kick Bal through the trip.


2, I'll gladly be the barrier keeping Rodney from creeping on Sam, also we can talk D&D


Seat Two, all i need to do to survive is strike up a conversation that is *just* interssing enough to no longer qualify as a background character.


1, Ronin won't talk the whole time so that's a plus


Torn between 4 and 5. I feel like even with high tensions between Teal'c, Carter and Ba'al it would be a fun show. 5 would be fun because of Todd and Shepard's relationship and Woolsey asking Shepard if it's a good idea to be sassing him given their current situation. I'd just do my best to add fuel to whichever fire I'm watching. Also toss McKay into a pissing contest between Ba'al and Carter on who's smarter and you just know it'll be an eye glowing party


2 is the only good choice for me. Though 1 isn't bad.


I’m rollin with Ronon.


I'm on earth cause I wouldn't get security clearance...


2, to take advantage of being seated between 2 geniuses that could teach me some advanced physics no one else knows about. If you have a good understanding of a subject, you should be able to explain it pretty well. So by not having to figure it out on my own but having teachers instead, it shouldn't take a genius to understand, just someone with a physics PhD. I'm not there yet, but at some point I will. Even if I met them before that, I'm sure a tutoring session with them would be enlightening. Rodney might be arrogant about it, but I have a feeling if someone's genuinely interested and trying to learn, he wouldn't turn you down. And Sam definitely wouldn't.


Obviously I'm going in between McKay and Carter so that I'd be able to glance over longingly at my homie Ronon. I could ignore even the fiercest scientific debates for that.


Man could you imagine the exchanges between Ba'al and Todd. Holy shit.




1 it would either be a quiet time or at least he’s good for a laugh.


Hey Ronon, ever killed a god? Teal'c over here already has a few


I'm absolutely sitting between Carter and McKay.


We're going to be rotating regularly.


Mommy carter even if have to stand mckay


5, todd totally ignoring me and sheppard eyes for security.


It doesn't matter where I sit I'm still the extra and am going to die


Standing on Seat 2, holding a flashlight to an open panel while Rodney and Sam argue about which crystal to pull.


My question: why is Rodney not shotgun working on the problem??? But seat 5, of course.




Do I sit next to Carter or across from her?


The whole trip, I’d be concerned about Ba’al wanting a wraith host!




Shouldn't Ronon and Woolsey swap seats. Chewie always sat next to Han.


Either next to teal'c or between McKay and Carter. Obviously just ignore McKay.


Has to be seat 3. On one side you have Teal’c and he will absolutely be giving grief to Ba’al, and on other you have Maybourne who will no doubt be annoying Sam whi will end up wanting to smack him. It’s complete entertainment.


5. Talking with Todd and Sheppard would be fun, and Woolsey really grew with his time in command. Plus you can hear Meredith's bitching through the bulkhead.


I like 1 and 2. Don’t mind talking to Ronan, Rodney, and Sam.


There are no bad seats


Idk where I’m sitting, but next to Ronin, I kinda think Mayborne might be about to die. 


Between McKay and Carter for sure. Live for the drama.


1, in the back corner out of the way while Sam and Rodney fix the ship


2. I’d love to get to know Sam better.


2. No questions


1 or 2.


Seat 2 closely followed by 5. Seat 2 is the closest I can get to Sam.


3. The local banter would be tip top