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Change your steam account password, enable 2fa, deauthorize all devices from steam guard, report the deck as stolen with steam support. File a police report and contact your car insurance


Perfect! I already did the report and we went to the supposed location with the police officer, as I had an iPad that was still giving me a location. I already changed the password and did the 2fa, what freaks me out is that I used it as a computer for my thesis, so there are some Google accounts, and stuff there... Hope I changed everything, a option to lock and brick it would be great though. Will contact support, thank you very much!


I would tell support you have sensitive data saved on the deck as well, maybe they can remotely wipe it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to change your other account passwords and add 2fa as well. Google has a similar way to remove devices.


Unfortunately according to all the stuff I've read about the deck, Valve cannot remotely wipe it. The hardware required is not built into the deck. I think Valve can still help OP, maybe with banning that Steam Deck's serial number from being registered on a new Steam account. But they can't help with the stuff OP had in their browser in desktop mode. The best you can do OP is change your passwords on all your online accounts... If you use a password manager that would be the first one to change your master password for


Just an FYI, theft of personal items in the vehicle are typically covered under a home owners or renters policy, not auto insurance policy. Any damage to your vehicle would be covered if you carry collision coverage and the damage is higher than your deductible. Good luck.


Another fyi, this varies per country


I’m pretty sure Google lets you force sign out of your accounts.


Unfortunately this is one of the shortcomings of the Steam Deck, is that there is no user friendly encryption you can easily turn (or on by default like on iOS, Android, Windows Bitlocker etc.) Just wanted to post here how to do it in case someone comes across in the future: [https://gitlab.com/popsulfr/steam-deck-tricks#encrypted-vaults-with-plasma-vault-and-gocryptfs](https://gitlab.com/popsulfr/steam-deck-tricks#encrypted-vaults-with-plasma-vault-and-gocryptfs) I'm not going to lie, it may seem very complicated if you are not used to messing around with Linux, but it will allow you to put your browser (and other apps you installed via flatpak through the KDE App Store) into an encrypted vault. So you have to enter the encryption password before you can access your browser, etc.


This is a pretty good downside of the device for people to be aware of, thanks for sharing your story and sorry that happened to you. It's a gut wrenching shocking feeling, that creeping realisation that you've been robbed.


this is precisely why i installed bazzite, for the full disk drive encryption. Its a bit advanced what i did so i wouldn’t recommend it, but i created my own secure boot keys and enabled tpm2 auto decryption using pcrs 7+14 (it’s the best i could do on fedora atomic). I also setup a pin on it so you will always be prompted to enter it to use the device. the dangerous thing about this is if i ever lose my keys and my install gets corrupted, its game over, my steam deck will be a brick. the other draw back is the pin can technically be brute forced via a usb attack, i think. In this scenario, you could program a microcontroller of some sort to act like a gamepad and then spam inputs until you’re in. I opened an issue for valve to address this vulnerability: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/10932


Once the pass word it changed with apple the device is locked the new pass will be needed or it will wipe once that is done if it is like an android phone there will be a requirement to be able to sign in with the previously loaded account thus for the thief the device will be effectivly a brick unless they can guess the pin or password... As for the steam deck do what has been suggested notify valve disallow it on account and remote log it off. It is a load of weapons grade bull that valve cant do anything it is a case of they wont as they dont want to become the police. But good news the steam deck becomes extremely useless when not logged into steam they will need make an account. This is where steam could be blocking them as each deck has a serial when you log on have stolen serials blocked. From there loading a new os will be the only choice. It will also cause valve to terminate any warranty service.


In case you get a replacement, my tip is put it under your seat in the case


Yeah, next time I'm leaving it home 😂 thinking of getting a legion go instead. Wanted to play Jedi survivor


No legion go, windows is not worth it


I know... Trouble is now I feel like we're getting near the end of Steam Deck cycle, because of the chipset. I'm having that internal debate tbh


The legion go is very similar in terms of power, get another steam deck and upgrade it when the next one comes out. Between you and me it's not worth the price for a very slight performance boost


Thanks for the advice man! I think you're right, the Os on steam deck makes it pretty superior. Plus I think the battery life is way better.


I am glad I have managed to convince you to stay on the path of righteousness


What happened when you went to the location


OP and the thief had a rap battle, but the crook escaped.


Hahahahah you made my day 🙌


Pokemon rematch, they only stop fighting once you win


It was a dangerous neighborhood, but the location was approximated to around 20 meters. I think it's inside an apartment on a building, so I have to wait for a warrant.


Change your web browser password as well. It doubles as a password manager for many.


Heck, change all your passwords. Chances are you're logged in the browser you're using. Good luck bro


Yeah, I changed all the ones I remember 😓 I hope I didn't miss one Will tell support as well! Thanks guys, you are responding super fast hahah


Hey, I work in cybersecurity. Just want to emphasize you need to change ALL. OF. YOUR. PASSWORDS. Especially your banking/financial stuff, and ESPECIALLY your email accounts. And don't use similar passwords to anything you already use. You need to assume that all your shit is out there now, and lock down accordingly.


Okay, I'll double check 😓 thank you very much


Sorry to hear this happened, friendly reminder also to change your master password if you use a password manager


I would correct - first you file the police report and then show it to steam support. As soon as someone brings it for repair, thay will be able to track it


Report it to valve so they can track it, if it‘s used by another account: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/grtBTEkAA5


Afaik the serial number of the device should be linked to your account, so you should turn to steam customer support. I don't know how of if they are able to cooperate with law enforcement - i guess that depends on the country you are living in.


Thanks! I live in Bolivia, so I don't think they'll be able to help with law enforcement, but I already did my report there, will contact support now


This truly was a 'lamento Boliviano'


You already got advice on what you wanted, just curious if it was out in the open or tucked under a seat? Not victim shaming, I just use mine in the car a lot, but I always tuck it away under the seat before we get to our destination, and our car always looks empty. Still, worried it may walk away one day.


To be honest it kinda was my fault, I always take my backpack out of the car, but as I was only going to ask for food and wait in the car, I didn't hid it. It was a big backpack, so it wouldn't fit under the seat, it had my ipad, steam deck, a Dji camera, my headphones, gym stuff. It was a safe zone in my city as well, but considering we're in a crisis I guess there's no safe zones now...


Ooof that's brutal. Sounds like that one hurt. My condolences. I appreciate the transparency. I'm just trying to keep mine safe as well, so this helps. Eh we all make mistakes don't beat yourself up, a costly lesson bit you will bounce back. I think I am still going to use my lcd model for car trips despite having an oled just in the event it ever gets stolen.


Yeah, I mean at the end of the day it's material stuff, I'm thankful nothing happened to me as a friend got beat in the same scenario.


No. It is really not your fault. It is the thief's fault. There's stuff you can do to discourage thieves, but even if you do not do them, for whatever reason, it is still not your fault. I hope you get your Deck back, as unlikely as that may seem, and that nothing further comes of this.


Yeah, I mean it's something I can learn from and change what I do to prevent it in the future. You're right, I'm not guilty of it and I can't change it, plus I know it's only material stuff, that comes and goes. Thanks for your words mate!


As another has said. Read the T+Cs of your home insurance policy, if you have one. Some cover contents insurance in the car, once it is locked. Might be a hard route but would take the sting out of the financial loss side of things.


Yeah, I did check the car insurance and it doesn't cover it. And we don't have home insurance, it's really expensive here and covers too few things, as we don't have earthquakes and a sea... Thanks though


I am so so sorry this happened to you. But the universe is balanced, it will come back to you 💗


Thank you! I take it's just something that happened, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I don't hold grudges.


I don't live in an area where people steal from cars (we're kinda civilized, at least about that) but for my peace of mind, I always tuck valuables under seats or in the trunk of the car...


I'm worse, I will pull over my car like a few miles from where I am going, put it all in the trunk and then drive the rest of the way there so no one sees me putting it in the trunk....


That's super smart, actually. What's the point of hiding it if someone sees you hiding it where you left it parked.


Well, if you park someplace, someone might see you dropping them in the trunk. If they are bad guys, they might be going in your trunk to get them.... Breaking the locks on your trunk won't just be the cost of the items but, the repair to your car and normally damage is done to the paint too... When I was teen with my first car someone broken in and stole my radio. Truth, I don't trust anyone when it comes to personal property. If I was standing 3 feet from my car, I would always lock it....


This is something I would do if I owned a car.


Yeah. The way I see it, is you can’t control the people who walk by your car, but you can make sure your car isn’t an obvious target. It only takes one person in a town of thousands to walk by and go “oh what’s that?”


I walked past a work van in my neighborhood parked outside the owner's (or at least driver's) house and could clearly see a cheque facedown on the dash. So just the back, no identifying info shown (and the front could very well have had cashed/void written across it) but a thief doesn't know that, and will take the chance busting into that van to find out. Plus I'm sure there were tons of tools and equipment in the back. Like.... be more aware, people. Don't leave invitations for thieves in plain view in your vehicle.


Nah man. I keep it in my laptop bag. I never leave it in the car


Do you have Steam Guard enabled? Also, delete your payment information. Unfortunately, Valve’s warranty doesn’t cover stolen items.


I don't think any warranty covers stolen items, to be fair.


That’s too bad. I guess it can be added to an insurance of some sort.


If you have an Amex they will cover it :)


Sorry that happened to you. I've seen this happen to people too and the only solution I found is to never put any electronic device or anything expensive in the car where it is visible from the windows. Put em in some car drawer etc.


Off topic but many years ago, b4, 2FA, my steam account was comprimised (stolen) and my password was changed. I alerted support, and by producing the ctedit card / debit card number that I used in the majoriry of my game purchases, they reverted my account back to me... fairly quickly...24 - 48 hours I think. I lost nothing but my time. (and yeah I still had access to my main email address.)


If you recall do anything on the desktop such as website browsing to bank accounts, or ecommerce, change your passwords and enable 2FA on them as well.


I feel for you friend. Havent opened mine up but if there is room: chuck an air tag in there (or galaxy tag). It might help you find it in a situation like that.


The space in the Steam Deck is just enough for an AirTag, there are a few posts about that. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/yk1j5o/small_tweak_to_the_apple_airtag_on_steam_deck_no/)


That's actually a really neat idea, might have to see about doing that...


Rip gg


I'm sorry to hear that. All my friends wondered why I put a code on it. This rh sadly. Hope it works out, man..


u/Danouvega, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Someone stole my steam deck) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That feeling sucks so bad. I got my Switch stolen a couple years ago and I'm just now experiencing handheld gaming again with my Deck.


Did you managed to get your Steam Deck back?


Nope... Honestly I don't think I'll get it back, I am checking regularly on marketplace, but it's not likely to find it


I am sorry to hear this!