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This is the most British sentence I've ever seen


I was having such a hard time understanding until I made it British.


I've watched lots of doctor who and other British shows I've gotten familiar with their slang a bit


That explains it, cheers mate


They’re called ”bin men” and not “rubbish men”? What a fucking missed opportunity!


No no no. You're the rubbish man. You put the rubbish in the bin. Bin man collects the bin. It makes the most sense.


He doesn’t collect the bin! He collects the rubbish and returns the bin you silly goose!


Thus, the century long race war began between the Bin Men and the Rubbish men clans.


yeah it’s short for dustbin men.


It is not just the bin man. The cashier at the local supermarket knows which locals like to get sloshed.


you can get liquor at the grocery store?


It depends on where you live. In the U.S., it can vary by state as well. Here in Wisconsin, you can definitely get liquor and beer at the grocery store.


I used to be a bin man and we know almost everything about your life Not because of your rubbish, because I break into your house and hide in your cupboards


lol no they don’t, we return empties here.


The whole fucken neighborhood does... That glass bottle noise your recycling bin makes is a dead give away hahaha


People down my co-op must think I'm an absolute wreckhead. I'm definitely NOT a wreckhead.


You can hear mine rattle after a weekend if there’s even a small breeze 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'll Belgium we have a blue see trough garbage bag for everything plastic or metal. When it's garbage day, you c'en see at what places people drink a lot too xD. At least if they drink beer out of a can. Some people also seem to only be drinking cola. Or if they're picking up old paper/cardboard, you often see places where there's 20 boxes of delivery pizza xD. Always a good way to get to know your neighbors


Where I live it's rare they actually get out of the truck.


Our sealed trash cans goes out to curb and are picked up by 3 different trucks .. the driver just pulls alongside proper can .. then big mechanical claw picks up can .. dumps it into top of truck .. then replaces can by curb .. driver never gets off his butt .. and .. they’re paid $28.00/hour .. and they have a very powerful union .. one of most powerful in state .. politicians kiss garbage union butts .. they vote as a block




I’m not sure how “the people that gather your trash know you’re a drinker by the sound of the bottles in your trash can. It’s Saturday, I had a drink and now my recycling bin is clinking down the drive” is difficult to comprehend?




Said the person who couldn’t understand a simple post.