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Life is full of odd, peculiar coincidences.


I did that once. I found a guy on FB that I had been engaged to in highschool and sent him a friend request. Honestly I thought he was an amazing person and he definitely deserved better than me. I apologized for being such a nut job and I was hoping we could be friends. All that was super awkward I guess and we stopped talking again. Fast forward 8 years and he walks into the Kenpo/Muay Thai school my son and I go to. He started acting like we were old friends and I did EVERYTHING in my power to not freak out with joy. I just told everyone in that room that we were friends in high school and he was by far the coolest person I knew. Then I focused on training with my son. The guy didn't come back to the school.


Who sends a friend request at midnight like that? She was thinking about you that late? Unless she’s in a different time zone, I think it’s a little odd for an engaged woman to reminisce with her exes at such an hour. Wouldn’t love it if my husband was messaging and reminiscing about his ex boyfriends at nights


She’s in the same time zone and city lol


I would just not, man. But you do you 👍


Judging by the fact op said he and his wife had a good laugh at it I'm assuming he's happy and won't go there


This person was a dodged bullet for sure.


That seems like exactly the right time. After alcohol or weed, or maybe just trying to sleep while your brain says you should look someone up.


Alcohol and weed + texting your ex= not a good idea


>Who sends a friend request at midnight like that? An old love >She was thinking about you that late? Late is the time when one thinks of old loves >Unless she’s in a different time zone, I think it’s a little odd for an engaged woman to reminisce with her exes at such an hour. Are you an intrusive landlady in a Jack Lemon movie from the 50s? >Wouldn’t love it if my husband was messaging and reminiscing about his ex boyfriends at nights Naturally! You're not the recipient in that scenario


Forgive me for having empathy for her fiancé, who is in that position, I guess.


Selective empathy is no empathy at all.


Every human being has selective empathy. Why do you think generally people are more likely to help those they care about?


I empathize why you would say that in this situation. See, universal empathy is easy.


I mean did you empathize with me without making the decision to think about my actions and why I’m doing/saying them? Did you do that for every person or just me in this moment? That feels selective, but why would that be a bad thing? Edit: I am genuinely not seeing the difference between the empathy you’ve just conjured for me, and the empathy I conjured for someone else. No attempt to be rude.




I love Donald Duck so much, he’s my fave


I know Donald is not much for such things but, this thread has another synchronicity now!