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Instead of ur friend, I'll talk to you for a whole day, our conversation shouldn't be about How you should positivity in ur problems, let's talk about anything or nothing, or listen to me just speaking nonsense till u get bored.


I admire you


Can I send you $ for lunch this weekend? Bless you


That's soo nice of you, I'm good I hope the $ is given to much needed person, that in itself something I'd be happy to, maybe give it on my behalf, I'd feel even better. U're too nice of a person, bless you.


That can help a lot, like people like me who barely have enough for food for a month after bills and I still can't have my own place not even renting, hell, I don't even have a fridge, it's rough


Are you still here, OP? Please respond if you are, I hope you're safe


I don't think he's still there


Dear stranger, I have made a post on this sub too, it was today actually and someone said to me “I've found that unless you've experienced it or wanted to die, or actively tried, then it's hard to understand for those lucky ones to never have it and then all you hear is it's a phase, your lazy, your faking which just makes it worse. They don't realize the strength it takes some days to just live.” I found this beautiful and istg I’m going to make it into a poster, this might not help you but I have read it 9 times today and a single quote is the only thing keeping me going right now, I don’t know you but if you ever need ANYTHING please reach out to me!!


Don't do it, at least wait tell your older, i'm waiting tell 40 to see if life turns around


Please don't do it.


People say ‘everything is going to be okay’ and ‘it’ll get better.’ Let me be the first to say, it very well could get worse. It might not get better. It could! But it might not. People will tell you it will get better, but have no account for that and won’t stick around to see that it does. They are empty words. The only way it ever really gets better is if you make it better. The truth is, most people are alone. It sucks. And people don’t really care about other people save some lip service or very specific circumstances. Fact is, you can do it alone, and you’re probably gonna have to. Get up and fight the good fight sir.




[Citation needed]


please respond OP, im genuinely worried abt u


Are you still here with us?


please i will give you my number if you need to talk or rant or absolutely anything plz don’t do it.


Hey man calm it down a little bit listen it’s hard how but it gets better if ur frends don’t care about ur life get better ones people care about u and stuff like this I promise u man just take a second and breath


i would tell u not to, but hell, im contemplating too so im not in the place to talk.


I’m here if you wanna talk


I hope you're still here with us, I hope things get better


Don’t do it man


i dont think he’s still here




i really hope they are but idk.


I hope he's in the hospital seeking help


Hey OP, I hope you're still here. Please stay alive.


I don't think it makes you edgy to reach out without disclosing your age. It can feel pretty isolating when others don't get it and minimize our experiences, so that makes sense. If anything, it's brave to still make an effort to connect with others anyways. Out of curiosity, what would you say has you crying the most each day lately?


Are you still here?


Update please...


Are you okay OP. We can be your friends


I know of a girl who hung herself. She was young, 19 years old. She had her place ready in University. Was a week off of 20, 2 weeks aways from University. Her family and friends miss her more than any of us will ever know. They go through unseen pain every day. She's the reason I won't. This was my nieces best friend. I'm not here to change your mind, I'm just here to add a piece to the jigsaw you may not have found yet. Reach out to therapists, support groups. Suicide help lines. Any thing. Hold in there. There's no one on this earth like you.


18 hours... You okay? I hope so


Why is this seen as so taboo? Shouldn’t we be in charge of our own life? Seriously if someone is in that much agony that this is the only out, i think it’s fine. Everyone assumes it’s one bad day and people are out here doing this.. no it’s usually an entire lifetime of trying anything and everything else to try to feel better. Sometimes feeling nothing is better than feeling agony. Just my personal thoughts and opinions.


YES AGREED but it's still complicated ya know??


This though.


It hurts when i hear people lose hope. I know i have been there too, but i think the only thing we need to do in this world is believe that we'll get through it.


here for you. tell me everything till my ears fall off. i hope you’re still here.


please don't do it.. i hope you're still here and ok op 😕


bro don't do that, why don't you talk to me and tell everything instead of your friends. i hope you're still there


nooo dude...... omg please... just go for a walk and see the things which is worth living for


Just please wait and don't fucking do it man. May something happens and you get another chance.


Dont do it


I bet he or she is still here in the world even if not on reddit. Research shows that 99.8 percent of people who post on Suicide Watch go on to have normal healthy lives after a blip of angst


Thank you, i'm not brave enough to type that out here. Ive actually been tracking the accounts of people that post these and can coraborate that stat. That being said Im genuinely glad they dont. But i checked their account and... this is there only post ever and commemt history is sparse, plus normally youll see OP reply to a comment sayimg they just couldnt go through with it. Sadly its been almost a whole day and... nothing. They might be one of the unlucky few :(


I'm hoping they've admitted themselves into a hospital. I've posted on SW before, then went to inpatient after being talked into it.


Don’t do it man


Are you still here?


I don’t think so


Hey are you good?


Yo, who the hell are the 200 people who upvoted this post?! That shit is more likely to make things worse


i hope you're alright op..




Please don’t


Don’t do it


Don't do it. Assuming you're under 18, are you able to talk to your parents about getting you into therapy? If so, please do that. They can get you help to make you feel better. Don't lose hope. You deserve to live ! Edited to add, that's not a true friend and clearly someone you don't need in your life. Reach out to anyone you can, if they dismiss how you're feeling and don't take you seriously then you don't need them. Don't give up.


But if your parents are piece of shit and your social is broken, there is nothing else much you can do. The only true friends that I have can no longer meet me face to face because of many different problems


What I have I give to you https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/07/drinking-coffee-may-reduce-risk-of-suicide-by-50/




I noticed after self harming for years that when I drank coffee it made me less hateful of myself and less desiring to punch my head. I went in search of confirmation and found that other people have done studies showing that regular coffee drinking reduces depression and suicidal ideation. I've attempted suicide before but mostly when on coffee I still want to die but mysteriously don't want to hurt myself!


OP are you still here?


I hope you’re still here.


Don't do it, I know life sucks, but there are many things that make life suck less, suicide doesn't mean you can stop ur life from getting worse, but it killed the very last chance of it getting any better


Don't do it man, I know it's rough, trust me, but life can be beautiful too, I have a lot of mental issues and no one cares either but I try to improve every day for myself, even though I scrape by after paying bills, I rarely have enough money for a month's worth of food, but I'm still here trying, I think about this too all the time, but I want to live a good life that's why I haven't done it yet despite all of this, if you want to talk or play a game or something like that I'm here too, I am a stammer (stutterer?) however, and even with all of this I'm still trying, with me also no one seems to care and most people ignore me, but hold in there, go to a doctor, get meds, be calm and really think about this, it's not worth it, so please don't do it


This is going to ruin your parents life.

