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in the last past days i thought the same… something is going on… dfv comeback… power week of tweets… 45m sold shares within another week… some people buying $20 calls… something is going on… idk what… but its such a great feeling to be there… and… i like the stock (and dots?)


Hiccup with no news, 45mil / 2bil, Consolidated Audit Trail implementation, swaps dates landing on CATs days, preliminary earnings, real earnings, massive calls, 1.x billion in volume, bi-polar media, DFV, etc... There's more than enough reason for everyone to be hyped. Except those that are shorting; legally or illegaly. 3 trading days before SkyCat is turned on and every single transaction logged.


2nd time today that I’ve come across a comment of yours that gave me BrainBolts!! (‘M’) Thanks! Keep it up! You’re helping ppl who need reminding of important facs or else, who are slow! like me!!!!!


Upvoted for SkyCat. I wonder if it got the CAT name from DFV lmao


Happy early cat day!


What is skycat? I’ve been OOTL


In very basic terms it’s supposed to regulate the market better because it watches the trades or something like that, but I’m not sure if seeing the crime will actually yield arrests or anything beyond slaps on the wrist for offenders. That combined with the new rule that all trades must be settled in 1 day (I think it’s technically 2 days but idk) means that there will be a lot more pressure on anybody doing anything shady to control the market using algorithms or any other means I don’t have the money to access.


Just look up SEC CAT implementation on Reddit or Google, I honestly don’t know enough to accurately give you an explanation but somebody else might.


SkyCat? Beautyfull


It’s a great time to be alive.


It's like we're getting to relive the greatest hits of the saga! We must be nearing the end...


The greatest hits is right. My s.o. Doesn’t understand why I’m so invested in this. It’s because it’s a SAGA!


the saga continues!




My mind just has Braveheart scenes running through it. Not even the one tweeted by RK. This saga has lords abandoning the field of battle and hedgie troops getting set on fire by archers that “are of no concern”. It’s the greatest of Sagas and the scenes just keep rolling


Commenting for history.


Greatest time to be alive


I feel like I’m part of something. Something great! Love you all no matter what happens. No fighting. ❤️


Incredibly low volume on EU side over here rn has me feeling some kind of way.




Not enough dots………. Use more next time……..


It's the Wu-GME Clan in full effect!


I didnt know twitter was an indicator


Wellp… i don’t really care about fomo. I don’t think retail are the ones who can trigger moass. Its either gamestop with a clever move or it will happen on a random tuesday because the internal house of cards broke down. Until then, the price is bogus and controlled anyways.


If by "broke down" you mean "the fed and it's slaves decided to clean out the pipes again like 2008", then yeah, that'll be a good random Tuesday. 3 years of bullshit have proven nothing will collapse without their permission. The money printer is the ultimate dystopia-boss.


i think so too, MOASS will happen wen they finally decide to let it happen. i will def be taking the day off on that random tue lol


I don’t think retail is responsible for 50-100 million trades a day, but I’m just an ape so what do I know maybe ronk99 here is selling and buying the same share 50 million times a day


Got me :/


I mean, its retail who DRS their shares. Certainly that helps


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) 👍 I look at it like this. at which point can/should we read a sign? DRS, shop, write the gov’t, & learn enough to try & follow along. It’s what we can do (& we do it pretty well). ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ One thing I like that OP pointed out was how much chaos this brings. if we know this much, THEY must know at least as much as we do. Which, IMO, at this point, is FANTASTIC!🏴‍☠️ Edited: for clarity


I know I'm buying like this is my last chance!


I hadn't bought in years. I just held and DRS'ed all the shares that I could, and haven't touched them. Needless to say, yesterday I upped my position substantially. I could've bought so many more when it was at $10 of course, but it wasn't "time" yet since I didn't know how low the stock would go and I figured we were still just way, way too far away since we were relying on locking the float via DRS before anything would happen. For all we know that could still be the case, but this summer (specifically this next month) has brought me so much FOMO that I said: "This will be petty cash to me once MOASS happens, so I might as well contribute to MOASS with it!" Something is definitely different (sentimentally) if it made me do this here. Well done, RC/RK/LC/GME.


Fuck you, I ain't selling shit.


Right! I d g a f Nothing can squeeze or pry shares out of my hands. I went dead broke last year to the point i couldn’t buy fckn bread and selling didn’t cross my mind. When I say FUCK these financial terrorist I mean it


well i really hope there will be regards who never sell lol me on the other hand, ill sell when my price is right and it'll be people like you who will prop up the price for me lol


Lmao look through this kooks post history. Hes trying to get people to sell around 70 or 80, what a clown. Sorry kenny, we are gonna fly past that and smash your ass straight to pluto.


lol i wish i was a paid shill i teach public school. all im saying is i am personally selling at 70-80. im out but you can feel free to stay for the infinity pool. we are all individual investors here or what? or is that only true when its said ironically. ive been buying and selling gme for 3 years. ill continue to do it


According to everyone here, MOASS is inevitable and the shares will be worth a gajillion dollars each So if you sell all your shares except one, you won't hurt MOASS at all, and you'll still be a gajillionaire.


lol well you definitely look like a paperhanded bitch


You’re a fucking 🤖


That word is not even in my vocabulary


It was fun, a couple of weeks ago, to see my recent investment in GameStop grow nearly 600%. Did not sell! I am satisfied to HODL and for my recent purchases to be up 100% since March 28; and, I bought some more yesterday, with the goal to DRS another large batch of XXXX shares, before the end of June. When MOASS begins, I'll expect more than 600%!


Agreed! This is a good perspective. Simple and powerful. Thanks for sharing! 🦧🚀🌙


The journey has been the true gift.


Its being...


This volume dwarfs what happened prior to the sneeze. I just love the idea of all those little Algos fighting for shares. Just looking and grinding away for those elusive sellers. They’ve got quite the hike to make on that tape before they’ll find them. This is just the start. Buckle up.


https://preview.redd.it/6pelr633hc3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48ae76c334324f7568dd7499e3e611bbf660981 Fomo will come with the macd cross on monthly chart




I'm hoping RC capitalises on the current momentum. I think the very recent run-up will have been hard to contain and come at a cost in terms of effective hedging to get it to normalise, not leaving it too long before dropping a bomb (especially with another $1bn) is key to make best use of this. Realistically they're primed to invest money now (I'm sure a $1bn buffer will do, so they can invest the other $1bn into something which makes a splash and seems set to provide a good return on investment), so I hope they're not sat around too long before they do this.


Idc what the price is I just put money into gme


Fomo close of shorties hit, the dominos will fall


It's not FOMO that's driving the big block call buys and the dark pool buys. You are dead wrong on the FOMO part. The over 100M volume GME casually had yesterday, which was multiples of what SPY, NVDA, APPL, TSLA and other big name, big float tickets did isn't from institutional nor retail FOMO. It's all too systemic and strategic. What exactly would be the end goal is anybody's guess. But back in Jan of 2021 was certainly a run up caused by FOMO. Not this time.


Last time, there was a shit ton of media, clowns like Colbert were talking about it, Reddit allowed all posts and an uncontrolled subculture. None of that is allowed now. You have to be *regarded* to think they'll let any of that happen again.


UBS has telegraphed their intention to close their shorts. Kenny and others are already making preparations to manage it as best they can. From their perspective they want it to just be a case of transferring (and increasing) bags without a huge price impact. We could continue trading sideways for several more years unless the company makes a big splash with a Merger/acquisition or something else. Doesn’t matter to me. I have my beneficiary set up on my ComputerShare account and instructions in my will. Shares will never be sold.




“Proof”? Maybe not “Evidence”? a metric shitton. Some is admittedly circumstantial. However Occam’s Razor is also a factor.


Evidence other than chinese whispers?








Instructions unclear Purchased 20more


Looking for GME to announce something big.


There is only outside fomo when the price runs, or dfv was tweeting, sorry. When we hit $80 all my friends were talking about it, now that it’s back down they’re all back to business as usual “it’s over” “should’ve sold” the only time we will see legitimate fomo is when the price is running again, that’s just the reality of the situation.


Much lower volume in the german market today. Not as much fomo as I want to see


But price isn’t dropping quickly either. Those who may have fomod in are not selling either. Fomo momentum spikes, then the price catches up, then we get waves of fomo. 


> we get waves of fomo These big volume days are NOT getting their volume from retail trades!




Hmmm. Yesterday we were up and down and 100M shares volume and still closed within pennies of open. I smell a RUGPULL


I was up over $25k in the most recent run up. Not once did I consider selling anything. As soon as my account was in the red again, I bought more. (Bought 20 at $21 each for a total of $420) If I was up $250k, I still wouldn’t sell. If I was up $2.5m………. I might honestly sell a share or two 🤷‍♂️. Mans got to live. But I am in absolutely no rush. 95% of my shares will never see the selling side.


The short thesis isntndead until Gamestop becomes consistently profitable.


I believe the Interest alone on 2b is enough for us to profit every year at this point unless gaming just stops


I think I read that as well but at the same time it depends if they can actually make the correct financial decisions to produce those yields


In RC we trust, he's got a solid business mind


I sold about 20% of my stake that was held with my broker. The other 80% is DRS’d and didn’t touch. When it sank back down I bought 10% back. Still have high xxx with computer share, xxx with my broker and now I have cash for my registered disability savings plan which the Canadian government will match 2 to 3 times deposit. I have MS and I’m recently off work on long term disability. Like you said, everyone is in their own unique situation and has to make decisions based on their circumstances. I’m still here and the most excited for what’s going to happen next in a long time.


Media coverage is STARTING to turn around as well. We bullish here....always have been. But hey, i just like the stock.


Bring it


I feel like for the first time since the whole web3 gaming attempt, something else is actually happening big behind the scenes


I had five close friends fomo the last run up & now they're diamond hand addicted


Time to buy some shit. Batteries, Headphones, shirts


Excellent post


We’ll see


Snek awards are back???


Don't reddit's stupid game. No awards. No cakeday. They hate you and will control this sub in any way they are instructed to do to protect their own stock price.


Don't reddit's stupid game. No awards. No cakeday. They hate you and will control this sub and prevent anything related to GME in any way they are instructed to do to protect their own stock price.


Please, someone make a Wu Tan meme!


Cash isn't king right, it's been like that for the last 2 years though Get long, get paid


I mean, in the context of people being able to cover bills/essentials.


Yes you're right. Also whoever has their affairs in order right now will likely do well in the coming years.


No Cell , No Sell is not a meme. If the crime will not be punished and send to jail , THEM will comeback and steal back from APEs all the MOASS VALUE. Crush them , rebuild from ground ZERO


I almost had to sell due to a financial situation. Luckily still holding. 


I find joy in reading a good book.


I love RCs approach. The silent method is kind of like a woman who dresses sexy but covers everything up thus letting my imagination run wild.   Remember apes,   You lose nothing by holding.   You gain nothing by selling. 


Beautifully put!


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Yes!


Good post. V understanding


Commenting for history


I don't know why, but I'm still stuck on 741. We had one share, that got turned into 4. The only number left is 7. Read it in reverse. 147. I dunno why my dumb brain is tingling over this. I was looking at the outstanding share count for the fruit computer company, same with the gpu ai one... Billions of shares worth. Each share worth hundreds of dollars. Iirc gme has 350m shares outstanding. If you multiply that by 7 you get around 2.4bn shares. The price would have to be right to maintain a listing wherever, but I just can't shake this feeling. A company that has 2bn in cash with super low interest debt of ~600m just doesn't have the capacity to go bankrupt. And if there really are apes diamond handing 100x my personal share count, the bear thesis has been dead since before the first billion was raised. I have zero proof, other than some caffeine induced sleep deprived hallucinations but I'm not counting a 7:1 split out of the question. And I'm still waiting for my Computershare temp password so I can check in on my DRS'd shares online. For now the phone is working.


Why was this FUD paragraph added to your post? "There are undoubtedly some who seriously considered selling during the last little run-up. Times are hard and, at the moment, cash is king. Before everyone starts piling in and criticising those who did sell, please consider that everyone one of us is in our own unique situation and, for some, those funds are better served elsewhere at this moment." Seems pretty shilly to me. The only thing it did was add more fuel to the FUD fire. Genuinely curious how you think that added anything necessary to your post?


I mean, if facts are FUD then there’s not much I can say about that.


Just seems weird like why did you feel the need to add that to your post? Still didn’t answer my question. It’s just so formulaic “I know so many are frustrated by rc not giving any guidance” and then followed up by “I know so many of you were thinking about selling during that last run up”  Ive said my peace here. Going to buy and drs more. Love you all


It’s true, it’s been said in this sub. That’s all. By the way, if you’re going to quote me, quote me correctly.


Because the real world exists outside this subreddit


Did not answer my question. What did that paragraph add to the post?


Reality. HTH. 👍


Empathy. Ever heard of it.




Funds are not served better elsewhere tho


To a family with no food or needing to make rent…you would be wrong. Sorry. I am holding, but I will not judge another apes needs.


Agree but cash is not king. Definitely not with inflation like this


Cash is always king because the lady at the cash register ain't going to accept your RH app as a payment for the crayons and the green dildos.


I get that! But lately cash is generally crap. And they want you to use cards and apps and such. Soon they are gonna track everything and control everything. Ofc we don't what that haha


I’m seeing the opposite. Many places around me that take cards are passing down the fees they incur to the customer. Signs everywhere stating “all credit card transactions will have an additional x% added”. Or raised prices enough to offset fees, and offer a discount to cash customers.


That's great. It will force more people to use cash


no one knows but apparently people think DFV have insider info ..


Soon as I see someone talk about selling, I downvote. So fucking shilly. Like YIKES. 🤡 So anyways, I kept buying and DRS’ing.


Need the baby..that's the end all


Wu tang is us, we are wu tang, this whole album ordeal was intended to do the same thing our movement is doing, which is uproot this evil corruption that plagues our world.


Ignore Wu Tang eh? Why does that phrasing sound so familiar?


I read GameStop has like 600 million in debt though. Operational costs?


lol, no. They have a small French loan for the thing that happened in 2020


That’s not what I read in TradingView’s financial reports.


I don't know what Tradingview's source is (if they have one), but the only only debt Gamestop currently has is a french covid loan of 41 million dollars. It has been like that for a long time. Look it up for yourself.


I did look it up. I’ll DM u a screen shot.


You should make a post, dude! Who is Gamestop owing money, btw? Because I don't know, but would really like to. Do you have any links?




Oh wow, a random screencap with zero source to back it up. The only financials I adhere to are what GameStop publishes


It’s not random, it’s from the trading app TradingView. That is the source. You’re downvoting me when all I’m doing is sharing information.


So you use trading view as a reliable source? Show me in gamestops filings where it shows they have 600 million in debt. They don’t.


Some long term debt/loan thing. Like a mortgage you don’t and also shouldn’t return all at one go (if I remember correctly).


Why the down votes? I literally just read what the financial reports were saying on TradingView 🤷🏻‍♂️

