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It does when those calls were sold uncovered.


This right here. Uncovered, homie needs to go and buy it to transfer it.


Do you think the price action lately is due to market makers covering the calls they sold? I feel like it would be absolutely insane if they weren't. And then my guess is it's a matter of how many of those contracts they did cover before they get exercised.


Where is the evidence of this? Or is this the grey area in which everyones hope hangs on?


You missed that part of the story. Someone already proved via timestamps related to the 5k contract buys RK did that the first couple lots attempted to be hedged and then there was no hedging/price movement with all the other 5k lots.


So this current movement could be that hedging?


Potentially, and they are using his Livestream as a scapegoat for the price movement.


Not sure if you can tell who's calls ypu bought. 120,000 options. I highly doubt they are all covered. Highly doubt they are all naked as well


Because we were watching all purchases and available from market makers. All the market makers combined don't have 12m gme on their books, and the hedge we saw for the 5000 call buys was the first two. After that there was nothing on the opposite side. They're wide open.


Where can you see current figures of MM owned shares?


So I'm not sure about the mms not having the 12 million, but was it covering those first 5000 that drove the prince to $80? And there's 130k more...?


Someone mentioned an OCC rule about having to deliver real shares to exercised retail calls but I can’t find the comment I saw within the past few weeks


I'd be grateful if you could forward it when you do locate. Thanks


See OCC section 910. Retail options that are exercised cannot be FTD'd.


That's an interesting read, but doesn't disprove my theory that the share price rose over the last few weeks due to MM buying the shares to hedge against DFV and other options owners exercising.


I wasn’t trying to disprove anything haha and yeah that rule supports exactly that, they’re hedging dfv’s options lol


Sorry, I got lost in an internet argument cycle with all the shit I got on this post for being slightly skeptical.


Lolol no worries haha


name checks out


![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk) 🎷🐓♋️


Very funny. First time I've heard it personally.


Source: trust me bro


I found information on this from the options sub, posted 5y ago, Google "does exercising calls affect market price" and it should come up near the top.


Unless the calls were sold naked.


Shills gonna shill. Where are those 12,000,000 shares coming from they aren’t covered 🚀🚀🚀 #THEMARKET


Wasn't the hedging of them what moved the price over the past few days/weeks?




How do you know that? Can you teach me?


screen name checks out


So does the profile history. Gotta give them credit they are still trying with this shit haha


Just did the same thing. 🫡 so easy to spot


Soooo easy to spot these guys with a quick scroll through their history. Knights of new are hammering these clowns for sure


Im xx drs. I have "low understanding" of all this, but I can use Google and read. Just search "does exercising Calls affect price" Reddit posts from the options sub explaining what I have, all from before 2020/21. If I'm wrong, tell me why, I'm open to learn.


i have low understanding of all this maybe i should make a post about it....thats you 10 mins ago


Yeah, I told it the way I understand it, and if I'm wrong people will explain to me why, that's how forums work. Maybe I shouldn't have been as a matter of fact with my wording and more questioning, but I'm almost certain I've got it right. Still waiting for someone to prove what I've said is wrong, it just gets lost in unprovable conspiracy stuff.


Just wanted to pipe in and say I liked your post. It's scary to see the same things repeated over and over again. We should be much more open to discussing views that don't echo the prophecies that are repeated over and over. I'm also a xxx drs holder. not trying to shill or anything. I just don't know that much about The complexities of the market.


The entire thesis of this whole saga is they sell these naked. They never had the shares and they never bought the shares to hedge. They just collect premiums and drive down the price to force the options out of the money. Once exercised they have to buy. No IOUs here. Need the real deal baby and scrambling for potentially millions of shares that actually hit the tape? Oooh boy it’s going to be a show


Ok, so I'm right in saying exercising shares shouldn't move the price, but the theory is it will this time?


It does. The ceo of IBKR, Thomas P. said so in an interview


The whole webcam interview about how close we came to market crash in 2021? I'll rewatch, thank you.


He said the price could have ended up in the thousands


I thought that was because of shorts covering while retail buys calls/shares not from exercising calls, which is my point. Buying calls moves the price, exercising them doesn't.


In the meltface sub you stated that you don't hold any GME, but here you say you are an xx holder... Which is it? It seems your only reason for being here is to create FUD.  Good day Sir.


I can show my purple ring if you like, I was just fucking with a guy talking shit about how you sell on ComputerShare.


Cute, but you're wrong.


Can you help me understand why? I know you're not obliged to, but everyone benefits from information.


It's called naked shorting, otherwise known as crime.


Selling shares you don't own is naked shorting Selling calls you don't own is naked call selling, and isn't illegal it's just very risky at these levels, but still not "crash the whole market" risky.


I have 100 bananas, but oops I made an obligation to sell 200 bananas to different people. What happens to banana prices then?


You buy 100 more from someone else and the prices rises like it has done recently. No calls have been exercised and the price has risen.


100 more bananas doesnt exist, I have every banana in existence.


But I thought they just make fake bananas for retail accounts? Isn't that what the theory is based on? So DFV exercises and they can just give him fake bananas?


Unless… now hear me out on this… #THE DIPSHIT CALL SELLER DIDN’T FUCKING HEDGE!


Yeah I agree, if that's the case then it will move the price, but this is very unlikely and shouldn't be something to hang your hopes on. Why would MM risk that much? The drs numbers are not high enough to the point where DFV calls are unhedgable.


Username checks out.


and it is speculated that beginning of may was the test run to see what would happen...


flair education?? shill smh


Yeah sorry if the flair is wrong, I'm not a huge poster. Just thought I'd share what I believe I understand.


The 12,000,000 shares need to be purchased, and there is not enough to go around. No supply, biblical demand.


Average trading volume is 30m shares, the only need 12m for DFVs calls.


Go read the DD ape.


Cant E-Trade just issue DFV with 12m fake shares if the DD is correct?


There can't he more shares held than what exists. There is a finite amount of shares, and not nearly enough real shares to go around. This is why DRS is so important


Yeah I know but I thought the whole theory was that they make naked shares whenever they need them in retail brokerage accounts?




The theories are that volume impossibly can be this high with outstanding shares. 12m shares is a shitton when they are fraudulent.




Yes and no, you will get to a certain point where the data doesnt make sense and have to be adjusted, if too much is in circulation weird shit starts happening.


This is exactly my point. Doesn't seem like it would be that difficult. Especially because E-Trade accounts could just give DFV "fake" shares right? If that's what they do all the time?




Thanks for being normal. God speed.