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“…Roaring kitty…who was virtually incomprehensible when I watched him on Friday” lol


"my daughter is a Redditor" damn, she be seeing us call her dad Cokerat on here


I feel bad for her, but not for him. At all.


might be from his wife's boyfriend


She's probably calling him a cokerat too


She's had the easiest life you could possibly imagine. The most gilded of silver spoons possible. I think she'll be just. Fucking. Fine.


I thought the same when I heard that. I nearly felt bad for the daughters, because his father is the laughing stock of this subreddit hahaha


>the laughing stock of ~~this sub~~reddit I have never read a positive word about him anywhere.


Loved the part where he called himself a Redditor. Sure buddy, seems legit.


Hello, fellow kids


challenge: connect with your daughter IMPOSSIBLE


Just wait until she finds out that he's a financial criminal


I give him credit for listening to his daughter and reporting back to us that his daughter disagrees, and that he does consider alternative perspectives. But really, defecting to Reddit’s “side” live, on-air and trying to align himself with the cool kids is just… “pick me!” Cringe.


They big mad


They’re so fucking stupid if they expected anything differently. I still can’t believe that was real, one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a LONG time


lol the dumb fuks


You can forgive them for not getting it. They weren't the demographic for that stream. They just either don't understand or get paid to pretend they don't understand and call it "news".


Personally, I think the only reason there was so much tension around that is because the media was hoping to use the stream as “evidence” that kitty was “ManIPuLAtiNg tHe mARkeT” they just wanted to be able to use that to gaslight everyone watching the news, and when he didn’t give them that chance they got salty.


oh definitely. They were hoping he was an idiot who was going to say something they could use to try to incriminate him, and he just trolled the hell out of them by being himself and having a chill stream just like he used to.


Exactly this!! DFV was brilliant! I was laughing at how everyone’s watching and that was all he did.. choke and laughed lol and just look like a fool in live stream lol… and so these jackasses are so mad cause what are they gonna say? GME is going up because Kitty went livestream doing nothing? lol


I won't forgive them for it. The funny part is yes they are getting fucked by something they can't understand. Keep in mind that everyday these people intentionally fuck retail by leveraging market structures that most of retail doesn't understand. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they don't seem to like it very much. Fuck um, no cell no sell.


Jesus Christ this comment needs to be framed


Yeah they really screwed up by showing the live stream on their air. What did they think was going to happen? Lol


They should have learned from the AEW CM Punk footage debacle. Now we can point to the marks no problem.


Off topic, but what was wrong with AEW showing the footage of CM Punk attacking Jungle Boy?


I'm not a million miles from their age, and I thought he played them like a kipper. I will admit, at the time watching it I was thinking "get on with it mate" but it's only after thinking about it, I realised everything he did in that stream had a purpose.


They don't teach them to have a sense of humor at St. Paul's.


Yea wtf did they expect? Him to come on and teach a masterclass on investing and go point by point through all of his information and trading strategies? Tell us exactly what we should do? Of course fucking not. It was a meeting for the apes to fuck around a laugh about.


They were sweating in expectation that he would either show he sold his position after that massive dip, or have him exercise live, or anything that could have impacted the price action (while they were actively halting at every word he said). Instead he showed up 30mns late, poured himself a beer, read chat while shaking his magic 8-ball and pulling UNO cards, drew the most basic ahh T-A on the chart and laughed his ass off for 30mns. It WAS a "total waste of their time" 😂 Fucking legend 👑




Best thing that's ever happened on television. ![gif](giphy|joeRYmOkLaj2U6hwdj|downsized)


If he had done ANYTHING even CLOSE to instructing viewers in any way whatsoever, he would have been picked up by a swat team and hauled off to "don't fuck with the rich guys" jail.


I was grinning the entire time with several audible lols. My wife, who never watched any of RK’s old streams, was like, “this guy is completely stupid, why the hell are you laughing at him? I thought he knew what he was doing, this is just a dumbass being weird.” Got ‘em.


I don’t know what I was expecting when I tuned into his stream, but somehow it was exactly what I expected.


Insulted 😂


Cramer’s new show, Big Mad Money!!!


This guy is so useless. He understands 0% of what is happening, and because he doesn’t understand it he doesn’t realize how stupid he sounds saying things like…he says. Maybe do a tiny bit of research from any source that isn’t a AAA propaganda factory, my guy.


He’s paid not to understand


Hes paid to lie.


Those guys are doing a clown act for the masses. They probably bought the stock too.


These... I don't know how to call these clowns properly, but if you got nothing to say, just shut the f* up. I can't even laugh about them, it's to sad hearing them babble on and on


Pot calling the kettle black, I don't know about you but I found this segment to be quite incomprehensible lol


And an insult to the cnbc audience.


Idk Jim sounding a little based here… which concerns me deeply.


*Proceeds to talk nonsense I can't believe they still don't get it, have we not been clear enough in 3 years. If you were a redditor and reading superstonk or similar, the kitty stream was thrilling, a celebration and affirmation that all we have been saying has real weight, kitty's strength shows it. This guy they can't even comprehend yet we all understand clearly, is the divide really that wide or they even dumber money than we thought.


Willful ignorance. They dont "want" to accept reality


It went completely over his head obviously


Right? What DFV did was BRILLIANT. Anyone who missed that really should reconsider their opinion of their own intelligence. And probably be using safety scissors, and keep the corks on their forks.


Boomer sees a rocket. THATS A UFO!


I absolutely love how salty they are over the RK stream 😂


I didn’t think these clowns could get dumber. ..I thought wrong


I'm so happy this was the first comment. Virtually incomprehensible. That should be the subreddits tagline.


I mean, I understood him perfectly. What was confusing about the livesteam? Is the big-brained financial TV anchor afraid of a magic 8-ball or something?


“Who was virtually incomprehensible when i watched him on friday” ….but you did watch him, didnt you? LOLOLOL living rent free


Says the man whose job it is to read off a teleprompter without using his cerebral cortex in any way


They're in denial, don't even make the tinyest effort to understand the bull thesis. We're on the right side of history here.


"He never listens to me at all." Should've just stopped there.


They didn’t want to mention our fourth billion 😂 suckers


Yeah even that they just skate right by. We’ll let you round down to 4 if you want, but 3 is just not classy.


Exactly. To be honest, it doesn’t sound to me like Jim Cramer wants to shit on GME anymore. He was almost sounding… bullish on it. Which is … strange. I would bet money he is out the door soon. His time is done.


He is just a mouthpiece for the wealthy. It may be possible some of his puppeteers are switching sentiment.


Maybe he is switching sentiment. He says at the end, regarding wealth inequality, that the sentiment regarding rich people is bad and that thats "just where we're at." He sounded tired though when he said it. Maybe being a rich talking piece for so long has pushed his daughter away and he's big sad because he's now having to live with selling his soul for so long. Or maybe he read the DDs and realized the old rich are big fucked.


Jim bullish on gme??? Our unstoppable force may have just met its unmoveable wall…😭


LOL Cramer is their only hope, Bullish Cramer is the only thing that can keep this stock down


We broke out of the dorito of doom so I’m sure we will break out of reverse Cramer


Why would we ever listen to a coke rat that's usually wrong?


Inversecramer exists for a reason. I guess cohen needs to open up more gamestops.


Yes Cramer, that's why Gamestop is kicking ass and taking names. If he listened to you, GS would be tits up.


I am worried about the mental state of Cramer


We broke him


he was mocking "I like the stock, I like the stock" and suddenly started to believe


To be fair, he’s a paid shill. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s also got some DRSd.


That's it, from now on I'll imagine that behind every stupid comment on this sub there's a Crammer trying to shill, so I'll just ignore them. Or better yet I'll say "hello Jim, how are you doing?" just in case.


Coke broke him


Cocaine brained weasel


He's very slowly trying to get on the right side of history, every day he's a little less anti. Nothing wrong with his mental state, he knows.


Cramer calling himself a redditor. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


>Cramer calling himself a redditor. No self respecting Redditor would call themselves a Redditor out in public.


The first rule of Reddit ... you don't talk about Reddit.


So true lol. Reddit? Never met em


For real. I went from "I saw this thing on reddit" to "I saw this thing on the internet" pretty quickly at work.


He only goes on Saturdays


*Hands creamer a banana* “prove it”


If he doesn't know how to use the banana, he ain't one of us.


To Cramer's daughters: Sup?


Lol. She should invest into gamestop. Would be hilarious. OBVIOUSLY NFA.


I remember a meme with something like… `hi fellow guys i came here to say this


This scene played in my mind in real time when he said that. One of the few times my ape brain dusted off the projector.


Came here for this


I laughed out loud at that. Hey Cokerat cramer. if you read this. Go retire already. Your annoying voice is something i'd rather never hear again.


Absolute gold lololol


The tune is changing and they can’t stop it. *If you can’t beat them, join them*


Wanna see them talk about the 4 billies, can't hear them!


It was foretold by the Due Dillingers


God this is one of the best things to come out of this whole saga. Jim sees the writing on the wall, he knows after 2 offerings and the stock still going that it's 2021 all over again. Faber couldn't appear more out of touch. He makes a good point, we are like a SPAC now. Blank check with a visionary young CEO at the helm who have all the options in the world at their disposal to invest that cash. Just up Edit: the best part, and I'm sure regular investors have to be wondering now about this too, is why even though I'm supposed to stay away from and forget gamestop, they just can't stop covering it! It's front and center! Roaring kitty time person of the year! Lmaooo


You would have to be pretty dumb to think shorting a company like that is a good idea. Pretty pretty dumb.


HA! I know right? And could imagine how fucking idiotic you'd have to be to continually roll your OTM puts for 3 years straight, build up millions in interest debt, and still lose all the same? Couldn't be me, that's for sure


LIke... stormtrooper dumb?


I really fucking enjoyed watching this. Cramer had to throw in a "taking advantage of the apes" and then ironically goes on to discuss with other CNBC talking heads, from the heart of the finance industry happening behind them, stating *our* thesis and agreeing with it. We've been saying it for over 3 years and you were calling us idiots! They called us BAGHOLDERS. How can he be taking advantage of HOLDERS whilst transforming the business into a huge Cohen SPAC prospect. Ohhhhh I loved this. They're in retreat boys.


We all need to send him an ice cream cone tweet or the real thing! Lol


What is spac? Or what happened to spac?


Special Purpose Acquisition Company They're known as blank check companies. Basically a pile of cash with a mission


“The rich people are the bad guys and that’s where we are” lol always has been




His tone DID seem sentimental on part of GME hodlers…I wonder if he’s getting a hint of what’s ACTUALLY happening for once…


His daughters are so embarrassed is what happened hahaha


His daughters don't want to see their dad doing the unthinkable on live tv when gme hits 1k




Closing worst performing stores? Lol...like what he already did over the past 3 years?


I think he was saying close all stores 😂


I think thats also the end game from RC, so...


How many textile mills does Berkshire Hathaway own? What percentage of packages are delivered by American Express? We could be in a whole new game soon.


GameStop goes digital only—all physical stores closed except for a select few. The select few become customer service / repair centers. Offers free shipping to Pro members with a tiered bases for new vs used items. Increases discounts by 1-3% for Pro members.


Could buy MicroCenter and expand that brand while doing everything else you mentioned


I think you are right


And they all pointed to revenue decreasing haha, yeah duh! What do you think is going to happen when you close stores? They are running out of shit to talk!


It's a headline that RC has decreased his stake in the company. No... He owns the same shares there are just more now due to the offerings. These mofos lie with each breath they have.


Just like "negative debt"


The big issue is the leases!!! LOL




Forgot who? You mean you all are actually investing?? I thought we were all here for the memes and bananus porn /s


"The rich people are the bad guys" Jim has finally figured it out.


He's just coming full circle.




Well, he also kinda stated he's a redditor, called RK a hero and got mocked by news pricks... Interesting turn of events!


I'd think he was gaslighting US except that he looks fully broken.


lol they shoulda put a kids show cheer track in the background and combine it with some dude saying "That's right, Jimmy! The big bad men at wallstweet are the bwad guys! :D"


I felt like, for once, he didn't wake up and go straight to the coke.


My take is that since Cramer is an industry guy he knows now that hedgies are fucked, and wants to stay on the good side of the public so he still has a media career after everything settles


Be wary when they praise you after all the bashing. They’re still being paid to NOT TALK about whats REALLY GOING ON with Gamestop. Its the elephant in the room. RC is building and improving the company little by little so they will be backed into a corner and ADMIT theyre WRONG. The SHORTS NEVER CLOSED. Every little thing that GAMESTOP does to improve the company makes them LOSE BILLIONS OF THEIR MONEY. KEEP HODLING


I definitely think this is the angle now. If they begin to treat it like a normal stock, retail might begin to treat it like a normal stock. But it's not. I buy, I DRS, I HODL.


Lmao imagine this same clip with a elephant in the background, wide-eyed staring at the camera, with "SHORTS NEVER CLOSED" painted on it.


One day you’re a criminal next day you a hero either way I got paid


oh no..


I thought the same thing, positive sentiment from Jim Cramer!!! I need another🍌


”If you are a Redditor like I am.” Cramer Old man, GTFOH https://i.redd.it/s7z4474rj56d1.gif




They all will flip flop at every chance the get. Watch their tune change to... Next up, it's an amazing story Gamestop is roaring back. It's a phenomenon we can't explain it.


Jim Cramer praised Ryan Cohen and called himself a Redditor?! lol what world am I living in? Cramer is finally seeing RC’s good points


Cramer is trying to fuck us with the power of the reverse Cramer. Not even a reverse Cramer can stop where we’re about to go.


Yup, if he's a real Redditor he would know about the reverse Cramer index lol


Which is probably why he's trying to look bullish. It's literally a reverse reverse Cramer move and I'm a little impressed 😂


that's some above 50IQ moves from our favourite coke rat. (hello and fuck you mr. Cramer)


The tone shift is very notable


Jim Cramer turning bullish wasn't on my bingo card.


This whole saga is just so extremely entertaining even if you dont have money in the game.


Jim Cramer turning bullish wasn't on my bingo card.


How are they unaware that GME already had ober $1Billy in cash before the ATM offering?     Say it with me Jimmy!!!   Their total cash holding is over $4Billy!!!


Living rent free....


Gamestop: In the best financial position it's ever been in. Jim Cramer: "He can afford to close every single store"


What a joke. Even if we operated at a light lost until leases ended it would be cheeped than wasting all that cash. 🤡🤡🤡


But they can’t afford to close every short


“The rich people are the bad guys, and that’s kinda where we are.” Jim Cramer


Doesnt even know his beers. Wow


Shut the @#$% up Jim.


This was hilarious.


RK’s livestream was an insult to capital markets in the same way that the capital markets are an insult to human decency.


“They have so much money that they could close all their stores” LMAO


This whole thing is cringe AF. A trio of soulless clowns, but they’re not stupid.  They know exactly what’s happening. Cramer trying to be “relatable” and acting as if Ryan Cohen would ever take his advice on anything. David pretending he’s an “esteemed financial journalist who is above it all” and not a down in the gutter hack – like the rest of them. And Carl just, eww – unimpressive per usual, as he skipped right over that Citron news instead of leaning into it. Pricks. Their actions remind me of the quote: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


Do they really think us poors bought all the 3 Billion worth of the offerings this past 2 weeks?


UP UP UP Up for you! 4+ billy not 3 lol


This is the beginning of the paradigm shift. No longer can CNBC or anyone else for that matter continue to talk useless shit about GameStop without providing hard evidence to prove their point. Spoiler alert, there really isn't any.


after all of that - the Heineken comment is really what got me. Was that a slight to the green beer company? Hilarious




“The rich people are kinda the bad guys…. That’s just where we are” HOLY SHIT Cramer said this at the very end! Good on his daughters for putting him on blast for trying to speak ill of Keith Gill. I sense a sentiment shift 🚀


Cramer actually sounds like he's on our side here.. wtf? BULLISH!


he did the same switch with tesla, and even used his daughter in that narrative switch as well.


Wonder how his daughter feels after he keeps using her.


He doesn’t wanna get dragged this round again


yup especially with Jon Stewart back on the prowl lol




Shit… you know what that means 😅


Top is in /s


The end to the inverse Cramer curse?


You’re not fooling me, Cramer.


He mentioned the French loan lmfao these people have been following gme like the vultures they are.


Ok. Which one of you is Cramer’s daughter? Lmao


There was more content in DFV's stream than this segment. Lolrony.


Cramer choking back tears that whole segment 🤡🤡 what a fucking clown


"The rich people are the bad guys, and that's kind of where we are 🤡🤡🤡" 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Fuck you pay me suck my balls


What a joke. Close the stores? Why? Some people are scared.


If you see what Kitty made out of 50k. Imagine what Kitty coukd do with 4Billys if hes really going to do the investments for GME in the future.


The crazy thing about the ATM was that the price didn't go down... So it isn't really a dilution, rather an expansion in terms of value. Through the ATM all that has happened is they got 3 billion dollars more in their warchest AND the marketcap rose by 3 billion... infinite money glitch bitch!


THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! JIM CRAMER RECOGNIZES WHAT COULD HAPPEN BETTER THEN THIS SUB DOES!! Lol I don’t think Jim is right on what they’d do, per se, in closing all the stores. But I think he’s right in the comment that he could completely reinvent GameStop and do a chewy 2.0 What I don’t think Jam and frens recognize is that DFV… and myself… think he already has. Anyone who understands the technology of blockchain and what it could deliver should be screaming from the mountain tops to this sub. So I’ll do my part. There is no better company in the world that is suited to deliver the metaverse marketplace then GameStop. Blockchain gaming is already a multi billion dollar business but there’s issues with adoption and mass appeal. Hundreds of billions have been spent by venture capital firms to fund companies that provide the software necessary to build a gaming, music, e-commerce use case. SOME company will figure this out with a product people want. Meta is already doing it today, they just can’t get people to join. The metaverse product is essentially bad. GameStop has already built the underlying infrastructure required to deliver a true metaverse and marketplace. The product they decided to put ontop of that infrastructure was essentially art NFT’s. They put no effort into it. They had no partnerships with artists or any companies/brands. The only partnerships they announced were Loopring which is essentially the solution to solve scale and transaction fees on Ethereum, and Immutible X… who literally had nothing to do with the marketplace. Given the structure of that agreement, we can derive there was some bigger initiative planned. Why else would Immutible pay 75M and then have time barriers around the release of something bigger? GameStop didn’t achieve the goals they had laid out. The product of an NFT marketplace was terrible. No one outside this sub cared. But the point of the launch was to test the underlying and then build and scale to the full release that’d include Immutible (presumably amongst others). So why didn’t it work? The crypto market imploded. The timelines that were laid out would have made GME go live in an environment where exchanges were crashing, fraud is being comitted, and confidence in block chain, at least amongst the general public, was at an all time low. You simply do not release a product into that atmosphere, especially as a meme stock, because you will be labeled the same, even if you are not. So we know they want to be a tech company’s they’re building to that horizon by the partnerships to something bigger. They’ve tested the product and know it works. Then they shut it down on Feb of this year on regulatory clarity. There is no way they’d need regulatory clarity to do an NFT art marketplace so everyone, myself included, just assumed it was a graceful way to exit a failed product. My assumption is that GameStop really did need regulatory clarity because they’re building something much much bigger and is the actual pivot of the business. That regulatory clarity now exists, it came on May 23rd seemingly “out of nowhere” but it’s been something folks have been working on for a long long time and those in the know who were helping advocate/lobby for clarity would probably have a few weeks notice that this was going to happen. Enter Plsr Dao - [this post](https://x.com/pleasrdao/status/1789000500811088284?s=46&t=bGTfIr6WtdxX4uLP4nhJwA) on 5/10, 2 days before RK came back is pretty curious in hindsight. I know everyone here is thinking they’re scamming us or w/e but that’s just dumb. We don’t know who the “mystery” member is but we know RC is a possibility. We know they’re going to do a listening party associated to GME and share ownership and there’s an announcement coming 6/13. You should look up who they are too and who they’re funded by (not in a criminal bad way plz). Andreesen Horowitz is their seed funder who is the top VC in tech who basically built all the major cloud companies. They have a mystery investor for a series A that have them 69 million and, at the time, they were valued at 1B. The entire core of their business is owning unique things and finding a way to monitize that in a new economy of blockchain. All of these things they probably own, but slecidixally the Wu tang album, can’t provide them any momentary value unless they figure out how to do it in the frame of a listening party. For their business to be successful, they fundamentally need a marketplace/metaverse to exist and it doesn’t yet. So why are they so connected to GameStop? They have the marketplace/metaverse. Lastly, as Meta and many others have stated. A true metaverse is going to take a digital and physical presence. That’s the definition of the metaverse. Amazon realized this and bought Whole Foods as a micro distribution center and physical retailer. This is a great example of what the metaverse is, the blending of digital and physical, because you buy something online and go to a place to pick it up. It’s not life altering, but it’s the definition of the metaverse. GameStop already has the physical presence and one thing that no one else has… the customer base. By in large, imo, people don’t access blockchain outside of exchange apps because it’s hard. They don’t know about it, they don’t trust it, and if they are willing to take the leap it takes a level of tech aptitude to set it all up. That’s not how tech gets mass adoption. It’s like MySpace pre Facebook where you build your own. The software exists that the onboarding/wallet can now be seamless and feel like your just logging onto Amazon. What doesn’t exist is the trust aspect. Inherently, gamers are more comfortable with new technologies then others. If there is something they want to play, they’ll be comfortable “trusting” block chain. If GameStop is building a product that their customers want, there’s no better customer base in the world to deploy something new to. Folks got too disappointed in the NFT marketplace and the shift in direction. I get it. A lot of failed hype and the NFT marketplace was a total let down because the product sucked. But you don’t have 30+ blockchain folks just building a shitty product. You don’t create deals/partnerships for hundreds of millions that you don’t plan to use. The crypto implosion wasn’t something they could control, the lack of regulation wasn’t either. Both of those are no longer barriers. Jim is right. This could absolutely lead to something much much bigger.


Yes you are the bad guys now shut up…


His daughter sees the memes 😂


Watching this clip is like being in a fever dream. Incredible.


In other words “The fucking guy did it. RC did it. Bear thesis is dead. We are all fucked”


Well now evening fucking Cramer is pro-GME. Thanks RC?


Jim Cramer’s own daughter thinks he’s an idiot. I will never watch Dumb Money. Ben Mezrich said in 2021 he believed GME should be bankrupt, and he got most of his info from hedge funds.


Bullish on Jim’s daughters


Holy shit, this was the Kansas City Shuffle


They expected a criminal mastermind to reveal his whole plan to the world and maybe accidentally tell on himself. Instead they got some guy throwing back some brews and hanging out with his buds.  RK testified in front of congress, he’s not gonna misspeak. He’s regarded, not stupid.


Cramer don't be devaluing my company by a billion dollars saying we only have 3 billion when we have 4. SMH.


"Heineken" was a low blow.


The Ryan Cohen SPAC.. I like that!


Hello, fellow redditors...


Its hilarious how even coke cramer is coming to the realization that rk is much bigger than what he appears to be.


4 billion in cash, no debt and proven successful CEO with a huge public backing. A unicorn SPAC