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Like I said in another thread, I think they’re both feeling very trapped in the relationship and with the amount of responsibilities/struggles they have when they’re stable in aspect of their life (mentally, emotionally or financially). That’s why I don’t care how much or many of the teens or parents they to paint having kids young as fine or great.


I think people are forgetting Lilly's (and her mother's) behavior in previous seasons. They steamrolled Lawerence over stupid demands like placing all of the mattresses in one bedroom, so there was no room to walk around. He was stonewalled when he was opposed to the arrangement. The necessity of a budget is completely ignored. Yet some of you wonder why Larry is crabby.


I remember this. Looks like they are all STILL sleeping altogether. He’s gotta hate that


I think lily has a big part in him. If I was him I would get sick of her ass spending his money that he comes home tired for. Lilly thinking that money grows on trees is probably the reason he is so mad. I would blame him though and I don’t think he is aggressive I just think he is tired of lily.


Lawrence is definitely hitting people behind closed doors, she needs to dump his sorry ass


downvote me all you want, that boy ain't right in the head but he sure keeps up a mighty fist, just ready to punch at any given moment! You can all quote me 1-2 years from now when Lily is sobbing about being a divorced mom of 2 because her ex was abusive 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lily is suffering from Disney Princess syndrome, the only thing she cares about is having a wedding 🙄 To hell with how her bf treats their kids and her....she wants those IG pics!


You're disgusting. What even would make you say something like that?


Have you watched the show? 😂


I was kind of in the same situation Lily is. I had my first at 19. Baby daddy dipped out. Another guy stepped in, we had one together and got married. Let me tell you, neither one of us were our best selves. We were way too young to have a family like that. I know it was incredibly tough on my now ex to go from a normal life to being suddenly a dad of 2, plus dealing with coparent issues. I personally think both Lily and Lawrence are digging into whatever societal roles they think they are supposed to play, all the while being too young and immature to fulfill those. I think Lawrence is on the freaking edge, I know Lily is too. I hope they have a real sit down with each other soon get straight up about it with each other. Because the way it’s going now is nowhere fun.


It’s just really off putting as a parent myself, that he pretty much stated he wouldn’t allow Lily to coparent her child with Aaliyah’s dad. Stating joint birthday parties and activities “aren’t his thing”. That’s fucking crazy to me because I just don’t think that’s really a mature way of handling things. It’s not fair to Aaliyah, it’d be one thing if Lilly felt that way as well, but it seems like he’s the type that wouldn’t allow her to make her own decision. I could also kinda understand if he was just her bf but they’re literally getting married. It just seems like he lacks maturity overall, Lilly obviously does everything around the house. He just lays around because he’s lazy and doesn’t value the time and effort she puts in as a mother and partner.


I agree he comes off as a very grumpy person. However he could be very different off camera. Her mom not wanting them to get married is because her mom’s marriage to her dad didn’t work out and they were too cheap to get divorced. So she likely feels trapped and doesn’t want her daughter to do the same. Her issue is with marriage itself not with Lawrence.


I don't really understand the divorce is expensive so we stayed married storyline they have. Maybe it's different where they live but divorce in my experience in my state is only expensive if you are splitting assets, fighting over who gets what, veering off into domestic relations with custody and child support and have lawyers fighting it out. A simple agreed on divorce is like $150-200 from start to finish if you fill the papers out yourself and if both parties are mutually agreeing, it's just a matter of filling everything in on a few papers and filing it at the courthouse. And if you are low income sometimes you can get certain fees waived. Also, if both agree and it's been a set amount of time, it's usually finalized within 2-4 weeks and you never go to court or anything - it's just really a judge looking at what was turned in and signing the decree and mailing it to you.


Lawrence is absolutely annoying and crazy he acts like the kid he made isn’t his responsibility the same way he thought Aaliyah wouldn’t be, news flash they’re not going anywhere. Lilly’s mom is right they shouldn’t be getting married they fight like cats and dogs now they won’t make it a year married. He’s constantly having an attitude and she expects way too much. They’re a match made in hell.


I don’t like Lawrence at all.


Honestly. Idk about it either way. But I do believe Lilly just has this obsession with being married and having a family unit that’s together. And if it weren’t Lawrence it would be anybody else who would meet her at the end of the aisle.


My opinion of him changed during the last reunion. I can’t remember the exact situation— but it had to do with that abusive asshole and Lawrence wasn’t putting up with it. That showed a caring side to him. I’m thinking he’s just not a fan of cameras and is annoyed by them or the requirements to film.


He’s a grown adult man, he doesn’t have to do it. He chooses to so maybe he should stop throwing a fit like a 2 year old and grown tf up.


I’ll never understand people thinking he’s just camera shy. The man looks deeply angry and like he’s about to snap at any moment, his eyes are incredibly unsettling and he always acts annoyed with the kids and everything around him, and always has an attitude. It gives off wayyyy more than “camera shy” - that’s the BS excuse they used for Aden too, and that he was “tired”


Aidan is a sociopathic narcissist if I ever saw one.


Lawrence has serious anger issues


I mean look at their instagrams he LOVES that little girl! He’s very different on social, I fully believe that he’s not comfortable on the show


Social media is not real girl 🤦🏽‍♀️ of course they have cute little happy family pictures together. Their social media accounts are also used to promote the show. My parents were abusive as fuck and my stepmom used to loveeee posting cute lil family photos on insta lol.


Neither is reality TV though. Footage is manipulated by producers to create the character that is best going to fit their narrative to keep viewers interested in the storyline.


Yeah because nobody fakes happiness on social media.


you can’t be fr


Omg, I was literally wondering the exact same thing when watching the latest episodes! He appears so disconnected from her and the kids and doesn’t seem to have any personality at all


I completely, totally, fully agree with you, OP. This whole “I think he’s camera shy” doesn’t sit right with me. He looks like a man that loathes his partner and their his life together. The look on his face in every confessional of them on the couch, he doesn’t look at her - he looks at the crew on the other side of the camera with the most off putting face. I can’t describe it, but it’s scary. He does not like her.


Didn’t they get pregnant pretty fast in their relationship? He was never in love with her or even wanted to be with her after awhile but they were also with child


I thought that way about Lawrence for a minute, but then I decided that I think he is likely very camera shy and just not that into filming. I think he is a hard worker and doesn’t like playing to the cameras to be Lilly’s sidekick since she clearly runs the show. I agree he looks bored and uninvolved, but I’m hoping it’s just filming and that he is a good guy in real life. I’m rooting for these crazy kids as they seem like decent humans who are doing their best. So many of these couples are just so awful, and Lilly and Lawrence show promise.


Unrelated but does anyone else think the mom’s excuse of not divorcing her dad cause it’s expensive is a load of crap???


It’s crazy to me. I’d think since she’s also on the show she gets paid. What’s the bfs name glen idk he can’t help?


She’s probably using this divorce as a way to NOT marry glen. He honestly deserves better than her. I wouldn’t have stayed this long with a woman like her that refuses to divorce an ex.


Yes! Because lily said she grew up poor but it was too expensive to divorce. It's only too expensive to divorce if you have a lot of money to split lol


It’s how lily can afford to move out on her own and not work even influencing so mom pays for her spoiled ass and life


And gave them her house. Like wtf!!!!


I love a good downvote for telling the truth 😂 just means people do this too and are mad being pointed out 😂 A whole ass house! Like not the basement but a whole damn house!


I wonder how Lilly's older siblings feel about that. No one is giving them a house.


How is lily better than Mckayla for both mooching off their families? Lily got a house from her mom, she drives her moms suv, she doesn’t have a budget ever and has never worked a day in her life Mckayla got crab legs and a bedroom. She also was a bartender 😂


Maybe he got the vacation house? 😂 It’s a large house in a expensive area so they have to have $$$


That’s what I thought! And for her to keep using that as an excuse just seems ridiculous.


I think it’s legit. I have an aunt who stayed married for twenty years, even thought they separated after 5. Neither had the money to divorce and neither was in a hurry to remarry, so they felt the legality was unimportant. (They married later in life at 40 years old, too, so it wasn’t like remarrying and hoping to start a family with someone else was a thing). In my aunt’s case, she wanted to stay on her husband’s insurance, too, and he agreed to it. Now knowing that Lilly’s dad is an alcoholic, maybe that played into their reasoning, too. I can genuinely see people not wanting to spend a decent amount of money on something that doesn’t matter that much to them.


Uncontested divorces can cost less than $1000. After 14 years you'd think you could afford that.


Her mom doesn’t strike me as someone that is very intelligent or takes initiative to seek out information. She probably doesn’t know about an uncontested divorce, or if she does, thinks it’s too complicated to figure out and that her only option is to hire a lawyer to do it. Someone (probably her own mother) probably told her it would cost an arm and a leg and she didn’t bother to actually talk to a lawyer to get a quote. Having worked for a family law lawyer for over 10 years, it’s shocking how many people can’t figure out a desk order divorce or attempt it and when it gets rejected come to us. Most people cannot follow simple written instructions.


It doesn’t necessarily mean the literal cost to divorce. It could be the hit to the overall financial situation. Splitting assets and retirement could really lower quality of life. Who knows …


Right! They don’t seem like they’re struggling financially so her excuse just seems dumb.


I get the feeling Lawrence feels defeated by Lily. Like when he tried to have a conversation with her about Christmas spending and she wouldn’t hear a word of it. I also get the feeling Lawrence has tried to discipline the kids only to have Lily undermine him.


I think Lawrence is cheap. Lilly makes her own money (likely a lot more than Lawrence does because she’s doing influencing and advertising work and he’s doing a physical labour job-I think).


I think he might just come across this way on camera. Some people just don’t do well and he may not be interested in it or even just trying to come off as a tough guy.


my closest friend had a very successful YouTube channel. Whenever I was on - I’d get hundreds of hate comments. I can personally speak to just not doing well on camera.


I am all for people embracing their natural hair but everytime I see grumpy Lawrence I think of troll dolls.


Yes, it’s just so uneven!


Saaameeee!! lol I just wanna get out my tiny doll brush and give him a style


I think Lawrence gets a bad false rep. I think he's overworked, camera shy and not an outwardly emotional person. Think about it. He became a dad at a young age to a newborn and an adopted daughter. Lilly doesn't have a job so she stays at home with the kids (which is fine), but it means he must bring the income. Not to mention Lilly can't drive (as of now in the season). I just think he's not the type to express much emotion in front of a camera let alone many people. I do think he truly cares about his family.


Lilly is doing influencing and ad work. I bet she brings home more bacon than he does.


We don't know that. Even if that's true it doesn't matter. Lawrence is allowed to be human. He can get tired from his own job and still be a great parent which I think he is.


She talked about her influencing and ad work on the show.


I meant we don't know if she makes more money. Also my point still stands. It doesn't matter. Lawrence can be tired too lol.


I’m not arguing that he can’t be tired. I simply commented what I did because of your statement that “Lilly doesn’t have a job” so he has to “bring the income”. He isn’t the sole provider, it’s not all on his shoulders, as you seem to suggest.


I just said something similar. I think he’s just no good on camera and either uninterested or possibly trying to come across as a tough guy that doesn’t care about it etc. I don’t think he’s a raging abuser. I have dealt with many years of it myself and can usually spot another one. I think he’s just a quiet gruff guy with the cameras around.


I get the feeling he's a total teddy bear once he's alone with Lilly. People also forget they get very little privacy. In the last season Aliyah slept with them and now it appears LJ does. Not judging their parenting style, but I can see how that would take a toll on any parent after awhile. No privacy.


I agree. Also what most people don’t realize, is that 90% of the show is reenactments of events/conversations that already took place. It seems like they’re filming constantly but in reality they only film for very short periods of time. Also, if it’s anything like MTV, the producers create drama so the show is more interesting. If that’s the case I can see why Lawrence would seem detached and lacking emotion.


Exactly. You always see little moments of him making faces and silly things with Aaliyah and smooches on the baby. He’s probably exhausted and doesn’t want a camera in his face when he gets home from work. He probably just wants the money while they have the chance to make it to help him out.


I mean look at their instagrams he LOVES that little girl! He’s very different on social, I fully believe that he’s not comfortable on the show


People said they were rushing because they picked a date 3 months away. It was not related to how long they’ve been engaged.


He doesn’t like her, that’s the first thing I thought this season. I think the only way they’ll get married is if she pushes and plans everything and he gets taken along for the ride… which is exactly what seems to be happening.


I just saw her on TikTok - it looks like they did get married? She is wearing a wedding band on TT.


I've never understood them. He's never seemed to actually like her let alone love her and frankly she doesn't seem to like him that much either. Pretty much all they do is fight, so sure why not get married?


I could see them like the bickering couple for life They don’t hate hate each other but they aren’t for eachother but don’t want to separate so they just bicker 24/7 but still care about them I just smoked 🥬 so excuse me


He could do more to help her for sure, but overall I think he’s way way better than most we see


Lawrence wants to act grown so he puts this act. I don’t like how he treats her and I share the same concern her mother has because of his behavior. This new season Lilly seems quieter or is it just me? Like she’s broken and tired and I feel so bad for her. He also has complained several times about her spending so I’m guessing that’s where the money is going.


I think she’s really stuck. She’s so young with two babies, doesn’t have a work history or higher education, cannot financially support two children on her own for a long time even if she was single, and is with a man who would certainly fight her every step if she left. I think she is a cautionary tale for pregnant teens. Even if you end up having a kid young it doesn’t mean you’re destined to be a stay at home mom relying on your husband for everything. Ofc if you want that life, good on you I guess. But she didn’t get time to explore her own interests and passions that most SAHMs do before they have children. I feel for her.


I feel for her too ever since last season. When Lawrence got home and immediately complained about how the place was a mess and said she doesn’t do anything. That made me so mad for her!! She’s trying her best it takes time to figure it out with one kids now imagine two. I like his mama but I do wish she puts him in his place because that’s not how you treat your child mother


I thought this during the first season he was on. But the more I seen of him I truly think he is kinda camera shy. Tlc loves to make them look bad, but he works and she stays home. & honestly we have all been there before where we are doing a million things and our husband/spouse just sits there lol. I think he means well they are just young with all eyes on them.


I think they have a brat kink. He finds her funny and likes her just fine. You just have to see when he breaks character


Brat kink?


Y’all watch a couple of edited clips about these people and think you know they whole life story…


Everyone asks about TV money like TLC is paying them more than enough to get through the month. TLC notoriously pays poorly its goin to bills lol. The better question is where's Lawrence's work money going and are they barely getting by while Lilly has her attitude around finances? Only thing I can think of. They're very dysfunctional together.


My personal opinion is that Lawrence is young. He stepped into the step father role and also has a kid young. He never got to truly experience life. Not going to college, traveling, making new friends, etc. just being a father and making money for a girl who can’t even control her spending. I just think he’s depressed and he doesn’t necessarily regret his life decisions but it’s hard to live with. Mix that in with raising a daughter who doesn’t like discipline and having cameras in your face, all before the age of 25 is HARD


Her mom only thinks getting married is a mistake because her own marriage didn’t work out.


Her mom has serious procrastination problems


The show hasn’t been fair to Lawrence this season. He definitely does more than play video games. He at least used to work long hours to support his family. He’s never done a ton at home but walking into a partner, toddler and new born to support in a new apartment. He saved a ton of money prior to them moving out and Lily spent a ton of money. Both are pretty mature for their age but need to be with their family.


I think he’s probably just tired of a camera in his face after he’s been working all day, a wife talking about a wedding that they don’t need to have and kids running around because it’s witching hour (all parents understand that one). I think he’s young, works a lot and isn’t necessarily fond of the camera—but likes the paycheck.


He is just a guy that took on the provider role and responsibility of a father to a child not his in his early 20s. I believe that life is definitely 10x more stressful on someone his age than say someone in their late 20s early 30s in his position. Lets also account for the fact that he is very new to what is expected of a provider as I think he mentioned in earlier seasons his father wasnt in his life much. That is what people are seeing when he is on camera. Lilly is one of "many married single mothers" sadly and I feel for her but she definitely is one of the more lucky teen moms with how much support she has.


I think he said his dad died when he was 6. No one ever mentioned if Sandy had other relationships or remarried that I know of. But yes I agree, he really doesn't know how to be a supportive provider. I think a lot of men believe the paycheck is enough. I haven't seen any of the new season because I watch on hulu but in s5, he wasn't very emotionally supportive. However, in the TellAll, he seemed happier and more easy-going so I'm thinking that they script him to look like a mean guy on the inside to match the mean physical appearance. Also, not inregards to your comment but I thought they were already married, no? She calls him her husband on insta


I think he’s probably the best dad on this show. I know the bar is low but his kids are happy and comfortable with him.


I don't get the Lawrence hate. He doesn't play well to the camera (which I think is why people hate him). I wouldn't be super excited about cameras being on me during my days off either. He provides for the kids and seems to genuinely have accepted Lilly's first as his own - he seems like a decent dad to me. Trying his best. I think Lilly is clearly the one that wants to be on the show. The wedding drama is def fabricated too.


I think he really doesn’t like being filmed. Yes he can show toxic traits, we all can, but I think he’s in a shit mood having their lives filmed and exploited


He's a provider. Some women prefer that. I love his mom. She keeps it real and isn't so negative.


I love his mom too! And their kids really seem to love Grandma Sandy!!


LOL his mom is great, I like the scenes that she's in.


Lawrence = toxic masculinity


the should not get married, its such unhealthy relationship and i dont think either of them know it or know healthy relationship skills/communication


In the long term they are going to get so annoyed by each other. Lawrence is clearly bothered by how lily spoils the kids and lily is annoyed by how little he does to help her with the kids and house. I get that they want to give their kids a stable two parent home but sometimes forcing that into existence isn’t actually what is best for anyone


He just looks generally unhappy. All the time.


I just have the feeling the Mom already knows she’s going to be on the hook for this wedding.


Lawrence is only staying because of his son. That girl and her daughter are insufferable.


20k in 3 years saved up by 2 young adults with 2 kids and only one person works??? She also loves to spend money so of course the 20k isn’t going to be saved


I said this somewhere else lol I was just saying how is he supposed to be happy when he’s expected to step up and grow up and Lilly stayed immature AF. Her mom goes on pick ups and drop offs with her, never had a job, has an extremely codependent relationship with her mother. If the gender roles were reversed I think that the reaction wouldn’t be the same. Lilly has no concept of money so the whole she’s a “stay at home mom” her job is the home and finances lol yeah no she expects so much from him and really gives so little in return. Lilly is the momma’s boy and Lawrence is the girl that thinks she can become a priority.


Lily doesn’t have her license?


You also forgot when one of them is spending a lot on house items they don’t need


I’ve never seen Lawrence as the big bad guy everyone else sees him as. He’s a typical guy in his early 20’s with a family but everyone treats him like he’s mentally insane.


I also think he doesn’t care at all to be filmed, honestly.


Idt he does either. He also might be an introvert. The amount of people who get to know me & tell me they thought I was mean & intimidating is crazy


I do NOT like that kind of attention at all but if it brought in a paycheck I would probably grin and bare it lol


It’s not just about that. Some people can just be chillin enjoying life & their face still looks stank. I’d rather him be himself than fake which I’m sure people would also have a problem with.


i get the same vibe. i’ll bet he hates having his picture taken, too. i bet he laughs with her and stuff when they’re just living their lives


He comes across as trying to be controlling and is very arrogant about what HE thinks is best. He was not a parent before meeting her and doesn't know it all like he ACTS like he does. That's not a "typical" guy in their 20s. That's some teenager bs.


That wasn’t what I said nor was any of that said by op. She was talking about his mean demeanor & that’s what I commented on.


I don’t see it as much as some people are saying. When they first moved out and got an apartment he didn’t want Aaliyah sleeping with them and Lilly got her way. Then I noticed they’re back in Lilly’s mom’s house & they have the master bedroom & her little bed is in their bedroom so he may say certain things, but he doesn’t seem to get his way


I’m gonna play devils advocate and say they give him a shitty edit. Obviously I know that what he’s said is real but the context is off if that makes sense? They genuinely seem like they don’t like each other very much


I think they have a much better relationship in regular life


Having a film crew in your home for weeks on end has to add stress for sure. Especially if Lilly wants the show more than Lawrence or if they're just doing it for the extra money at this point since they need it.


Honestly I think the bar for her is just really low bc for her not having her dad around I’m sure her thinking style is very much “well at least he’s here and contributes financially” which is really sad but I know a lot of young women (and a whole lot of men) with the exact same mindset


He definitely gives me bad vibes… and he has never seemed to like Lilly’s daughter. Notice how he always talks about LJ this and that but never even mentions Aliyah. Very odd to me


I’m not sure what either of them sees in the other, TBH. Their parenting ideologies, financial habits and communication styles are wildly different and they really seem like they make each other miserable. You know that couple that’s been married 20+ years and over time they’ve grown bitter and resentful but for practical or financial reasons they can’t divorce? So they stay together and hate each other a little bit more every day? That’s Lily and Lawrence. And this is *before* they make it to the wedding.


I think a lot of this has to be staged/scripted. Lily is like the Teen Moms on MTV - always crying poor and acting like she is not getting paid to be on TV. I bet TLC pays for the wedding. Also, she doesn't drive so how did she shop for all those Christmas presents she bought for the kids that Lawrence supposedly knew nothing about until Christmas morning? Ewen Aaliyah said it was too much. (Please tell me that was not an actual Iphone she got. It was a toy cell phone, right?) My hunch is that Lawrence is so hands off because he wants order and discipline and that doesn't jive with Lily's "gentle parenting" philosophy. I'm sure the word no, and any kind of consequences is a no-no. There is also the issue that he is not Aaliyah's biological dad so he probably feels hesitant to discipline her, and then how do you discipline the other child? Also, off topic: why would it cost so much for Lily's parents to divorce? Couldn't they get a no fault divorce pretty cheaply?


Amazon. I didn't "shop" for Christmas presents either, they were all delivered to the house.


I thought of that. Must have hid the boxes from Lawrence as well as the kids!


TLC doesn't pay for shit and doesn't compensate anybody on any of their shows well. This is known. They most definitely won't be paying for the wedding. They make the 90 day fiancé people pay for their own plane tickets between countries... If they asked TLC for an extra $20k they'd get laughed at and probably not brought back on the next season. Divorce is expensive for everyone involved even no contest.


I have heard they paid for the Sister Wives weddings, and also pay for vacations for cast of shows like John and Kate, and Outdaughtered. I haven't heard any rumors about Unexpected.


First season moms start pay at $425 per episode (according to Tyra and Lexus). It's bad. Sister Wives and John and Kate were flagship shows that bring in lots of views. Unexpected not as much in comparison so it's not a priority show on their pay scale.


Wow that's low. I wouldn't put my life out there for that price lol. I know they also get partnerships on social media, but I think it's more free stuff than actual payment.


He gives me such a weird vibe. And I find it so strange that him and his mom never acknowledge Aaliyah as being one of his kids even though he’s “raising” her. I understand she’s not biologically his but it’s almost like he sees it as him doing a favor to Lilly for providing for her.


He always seems like he’s about to snap too. It’s low key scary.


Maybe the D is fire? 🔥


It’s certainly not his winning personality


Ok Gypsy! Lol


Lily spends waaay too much money for them to save. If she really wanted a fancy wedding she could cut back. If she actually just wants to be married, they could go to the courthouse and we know they haven't.


Agreed! I don’t know where she thinks all this money comes from! He can’t be making that much as a young adult. Stop. Spending. Money!! Your kids will be fine.


Lilly makes money too. Not only does she have a lot of products she promotes on her social media (she has around 250,000 followers) she has an online store. It seems that many people don't know this.


Nope, I didn’t know this. Thanks for pointing it out. I always forget about the influencer thing. Good for her!


I think he hates being on the show. But since he’s the one working (he works hard) they need the $.


welll he signed up for it


Also when they’re filming he’s off. So on his off days he’s filming


I agree. I think he hates being on TV. But he also is kind of a do nothing guy. He's not ever helping lily with the children, or cooking, or cleaning. Being the only working parent is not a good enough excuse to be moody all the time and never pitch in. I'm not a Lawrence fan, and I don't think lily's mom is either.


Do you think he’s different outside of the show? I sure hope he is because yikes 🫠.