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the depths are pretty amazing imo. there are boss battles everywhere, yiga outposts, pristine weapons, and neat treasures.


oh yeah I’ve hit one yiga outpost, but the reward was locked behind a door with a seal on it :| when you say pristine weapons, is that just from chests? I haven’t seen many good drops


there is always a yiga enemy on these outposts that has a mark. killing him will open the closed room with the chests. one of the chests will always contain a schematic. pristine weapons are not inside chests but rather are held by these weird statues (different from the statues from josha's quests). these are black spectre like statues and are on top of a pedestal that looks like pebbles stacked on top of each other. there are treasures chests all over that contain amiibo armors, some would be zonai battery charges for battery upgrades. they could be guarded by bosses or on abandoned mines. i normally would set Sensor + to search for treasure chests and walk around the depths.


I think I'm bugged. Only weapons I ever see there are travelers swords spears and claymores


They’re still pristine and twice as powerful + more durable than their decayed variants. Eventually the weapons will upgrade to higher tiers but it’s not clear how the progression works, I.e. mainline dungeons done, number of mobs killed, amount of heart containers


I'm at silver variants started my second row of hearts too. 3 dungeons completed, and it's still just these weapons. I read there's supposed to be other weapons available too like the Zora blades.


Its def dungeon for me. Uograded with every dungeon, did 2 back to back


the depths are fun and I get wanting a challenge, but personally I just have a lot of fun exploring it and getting a bunch of resources