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Per TPCHD website, Frugals had 6 violations on their last health inspection back in October. I wasn’t planning on eating there any time soon anyway. https://eco.tpchd.org/#/pa1/detail/FA0001366/PR0001641?FacilityName=Frugals


There are three lawsuits against Frugals for the people who died. One lawyer is representing them all. Edit: three lawsuits representing one that died and two others who were really sick.


Searched Pierce county court cases and it looks like they were dismissed? Maybe settled out of court?


Damn. I would be amazed if they didnt close down after this as well.


That's probably why they have business insurance.


Frugal’s. Haven’t heard it much discussed over the past few months.


Yes, exactly. So much so that I forgot that it was Frugals.


The Frugals that did it has been mostly empty ever since. Wonder if it quietly closed or just waiting it all out ETA: hope they close, no excuse for what happened.


With the Pierce county health department being the big PITA that they are, makes me wonder how Frugals got away with a dirty rotten ice cream machine for so long. 🤔


I'm convinced health inspectors rarely do their job anywhere in the US. I've had multiple friends in the hood cleaning business and it's gross how many places don't even clean up at night. Asian restaurants were always the worst. I have a standing list of places around Pierce and King counties I won't go to because it was clear they did zero cleaning between their quarterly hood cleanings (that are required by law). Edit: Shows like Hells Kitchen make it seem like a very common problem


I heard there was an issue with the milk supply for multiple places around the country linked to the same source that was contaminated with listeria, but Frugals' sanitation practices didn't do anything to help. On the other hand, TPCHD is the biggest pain in the ass out of any health department I have ever dealt with inside and outside of Washington.


surprised i still see cars there when i drive by, but nothing like the insane lines at all hours it was before.


surprised i still see cars there when i drive by, but nothing like the insane lines at all hours it was before.


Over the last month or so the line has been pretty solid every time I've driven by.


I drive by twice everyday. It's nothing like it used to be.


>kitaurio · 10 hr. ago · edited 9 hr. agoPuyallup > >The Frugals that did it has been mostly empty ever since. Wonder if it quietly closed or just waiting it all out > >ETA: hope they close, no excuse for what happened. Out of curiosity, in this particular context, what do you think ETA means?


I’m not u/kitaurio but it’s pretty plainly Edited To Add. What did you think it meant here? It’s obviously not an Estimated Time of Arrival.


That's interesting, I've genuinely never seen it used to mean anything other than Estimated Time of Arrival, hence my question. But I'm sure you were able to "pretty plainly" determine that as well.


Not sure wth I'm getting down voted but okaaaaay...


I literally saw someone claim they had their favorite burgers. Listeria must taste good


It’s not as busy but I still always see cars there.


That there are still people eating there at all is so wild


I mean… it’ll probably be the cleanest place you can eat for a while, after having something like that happen. 😬


It was the milkshake machine, not the whole place. Still the best damned burger in town.


So they were *only* so lazy cleaning the milkshake machine that they killed people? Seems unlikely


Health Department says the place is clean now. 🤷‍♂️


Are they? Yikes. Like Russian Roulette with 2 loaded chambers. 🤦‍♂️


They’re probably cleaner than anywhere else after people literally died. Restaurants all do some sketchy stuff, and I’m sure the health department is checking extra well there.


Just don’t get a milkshake


They couldn’t pay me to eat there. Not worth the risk


lol I am the same. I used to hit frugals in high school ALL the time. I’ll never go to this location again and am most definitely hesitant to go to any of them anymore. That said Jack in the Box had all that eColi crap back in the 90s and I still got a job there and ate the crap out of that food until I was in my 30s. But I still probably won’t go back to Frugals


The food is great. Milkshakes, not so much (Although, it's all new machines)


Frugals, and business definitely took a hit. It used to be that the line on both sides of the building was long (7+ cars each). They still definitely have business, but it's a lot slower than it used to be. 1-2 cars at time now. They didn't offer their shakes for a while, but now they do again


I have never eaten there. I used to do Frisko Freeze but had to stop: their burgers would just sit in my cast iron tummy and cause pain then a run to the latrine


After seeing the news about this place a while back, I have never eaten here since. I feel sorry for the people who go here because they may not know how disgusting this place truly is. Before anyone pushes to defend their burgers, if their shake machine was dirty enough to kill and seriously injure others, what do you think their other machines look like? I don’t know but I’m not willing to take a risk lol. Enjoy your $12 meal that might possibly kill you. More for you guys


You don’t think after that the health department was on their ass? I felt the same way after the old jack in the box E. coli thing, you probably won’t find a cleaner place right now.


Go ahead and eat up. More for you 🙂 I’m never eating there again 😎


Have you worked in restaurants? People will literally scoop food they dropped off the floor. You probably just want to stay home in general lol.


I understand some restaurants will be disgusting. That is a given when eating out; however, I don't enjoy eating fast food that has a track record of killing you. Does that make sense?


If you wanna eat from that nasty ass place so bad go ahead and stop trying to reason with people who dont lmao weird af


I don’t even eat there, you’re just lacking the sense that they will be extra clean right now, but you’re acting like anyone that eats there now is definitely going to die. I guarantee you have a better chance of dying literally anywhere else right now after that. The lines are constantly packed for decades while it was dirty and everyone was fine. I really don’t think anyone will die while they’re being extra cautious.


I could have swore I saw somewhere that it was determined that the lysteria was not from Frugals.