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E version for export. Because the PLA hates combination gun/missile systems. The domestic one is guns only.


> Because the PLA hates combination gun/missile systems Why?


I don’t work for the PLA, but I’m guessing it’s difficult to optimize both equipment and training for two completely different systems. With a combo system are you training a gunner or a missileer?  If you crew one of those things and you’re all pumped on adrenaline and Rip-It’s are you gonna remember to flip the toggle switch to cycle between the gun radar and the missile?




Skill issue


Besides, the 625 was designed mainly for small and cheap drones so its kinda pointless to have manpad with it.


Yeah i dont expect that gun to have either good range or compatibility with ahead, or full size proxi fuses.


Wrong. All 625 spaag have both guns and missiles, but the caliber and type of missile are different. PLA's 625 25mm gatling, but the 625E has 30mm gatling instead. And is 625E has better missles. Another thing is that not all 625 in PLA has radar. They will be guided by another commanding unit.


The missile mounts for the domestic versions exist, but they’re never used. Same as on the Type 95.


That's true. I can't find a video about it firing missile.


I'm assuming a part of selling AA systems to other countries is the fact that the gun can probably be used in a direct fire role against infantry and civilian vehicles. The buyers who do that probably don't want to buy expensive missiles


Why don't they just build licensed Tunguskas or Pantsirs?


They have Tor-M1s and Crotale’s


They bought Kashtans from the Russians 20 years ago and decided they were so terrible they'd never touch the entire concept again.


Say what you want about the PLA, some of their modern vehicles look really snazzy, this one probably being my favourite of the bunch.


The angles on the Type 99 make me feel things.


Their digital camo is usually also very pleasing


Their navy is literal minecraft water textures 😭


Afaik, they did remove the baby blue uniform, but yeah spot on.


The ZTL-11... Ooooh boy


for a minute I thought this was sitting on an Oshkosh or similar vehicle and was something the US was fielding


*shows spaag* Shoots building. Not hating on the platform, would love to see it shoot a target drone.


It's because it's a lot scarier and more visually striking. These videos are for propaganda purposes, and it's so that you can imagine what it would do to you if you were an enemy soldier occupying the building.


idk, found Rheinmetall's demo, where they actually shot something down, quite compelling: https://youtu.be/pb5_F4_Eod8?si=l92WM7io0fXUUe3a&t=102 After the Chinese video, I am only left with the impression that it can't lift its cannon too high or its accuracy is terrible.


I think that's very cool from an operational standpoint regarding drone defense, but the implications for humans aren't scary. I really do have a suspicion OP's video was to show that they can also use it to absolutely annihilate a building.


Last time I seen this thing fire it showed the radar locking onto its own shells, so I’m guessing that’s the reason they didn’t show it hitting an airborne target.


the firing video you are referring to did show it hitting the drone, which is an airborne target. The radar was also not locking onto its own airbursting shells, it was the firing computer. If you noticed in the video the targets were a group of at least 3 tiny quadcopters on the move, with the drone sized 25mm explosions its not surprising that the computer would get confused. If they were looking for a jet sized or helicopter sized target amidst a hail of 25mm it wouldnt have happened.


The radar and fire control are connected, But you are right I meant fire control system. If they are looking for a heli or a jet at gun range then it’s already over for them.


here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy0OweDbmTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy0OweDbmTI)




SPAAG also doubles as an anti-building weapon, I’m guessing it’s trying to advertise to third world countries who need to use SPAAG against rebels hiding in buildings


That building was a well disguised helicopter. /s


Casings falling right where the door is, that could be annoying for anyone using it at that moment.


Going deaf standing that close when this is firing would probably rank higher on the list of annoyances than a bucket of hot shell casings on your head.


Do you think they operate it outside?


I mean like infantry exiting/entering the vehicle while the thing is providing fire support


It's an SPAAG, if it's providing fire support and infantry are having to get in or out of it then something has gone very wrong.


Infantry exiting / entering the vehicle? Mate look at the title, this is an SPAAG, not an IFV Cheers


Yeah that's reasonable.


Classic Reddit: being downvoted for admitting your mistake.


Yup, nothing new.


What else makes this not functional as an IFV than in name? In this very video we see it operate as an IFV but without the infantry carrying.


Almost every SPAAG can be used for direct fire support. Yes it is based on MRAP but space is used for ammo and electronic systems.


We don't call M163s IFVs either.


that thing is a SPAA, not an APC or IFV


But it's an C-RAM used for air defence, it's not meant to carry Infantry


real, would be a prick if someone left the door opened and you slammed the door ontop of some casings. But only so many places you can put the port I suppose.


I love this subreddit


Black cartridges ? Is there something better/cheaper than steel or brass ?


Painted steel casings and lots of propellant residue.


Why the paint though?


Rust prevention and maybe for better gliding into the chamber of the barrel. Steel gliding on steel produces high friction and high wear.


Could just be for the video (note the contrast to the camo) or recognition purposes (use the black ammo for the BBRRRTT Car).


It's likely lacquered/polymer steel cases - the finish can be different colors, and cheaper than brass


Do you have the link to original video ?




Gunner, you see that building with two windows there? Yeah? Make it into three windows.


Some legit Porn, nice.


Isn't that a bit much recoil?


Gaijin? 👉👈


It sure would be an awesome spaa to have, maybe at 10.7?


It's really neat that they do this sort of free outreach to homeowners and help create a cooler, more aerated living space for them to live in.


Gaijin when?


I was gonna say the same thing, I’m thinking this would fit in great at the 9.3-11.3 mark depending on the missiles. 10.7 seems like the best br though as 10.3, 11.0 and 11.3 are kinda useless brs for china.


Super accurate lol


Remember, dont do that on parades, people don't like to scoop that on parades.


Disappointed that the original video doesn't show any missiles being fired. Guess that wasn't in the budget.


Time to mount the GAU-8 Avenger on a bradley


It won't fit. Your going to need a bigger platform.


[Put it in sideways?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFJ_YqnlElY&t=374s)


can we fit three on a HEMITT?


I'm surprised that the Marines haven't already done this. "Sir, we have our new escort vehicle." "What the FUCK, Spanner? What. The. Fuck. Is. That?!" "It's a 30mm gatling cannon. We can take it places. I named him Freddy" "...how? Why? HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!" "Those fellas just left it lying around, y'know. Also, because we can kill a building. Maybe a tank, idk. Worked in test firing, though." "...I knew we didn't have fucking air support."




Looks like it could use some upgraded shocks to absorb recoil


I need one, I want that turret on a GM-352 hull, wheels are untrustworthy




shooting at a pretty big, immobile target at an unknown distance very impressive


I just love copium from Western fanboys that cope, seethe and mald at the mere idea other countries build good military weapons, it shows a DEEP insecurity


>cope, seethe and mald Biggest projection I've seen in months


Projection? How I'm literally getting down voted just because I said the truth, china has the second best air defence capabilities China 🇨🇳 Equipment C-RAMs 50 (46) VSHORADs 130 (1,650) Long Range SAM Launchers 1,153 Medium Range SAM Launchers 530 Short Range SAM Launchers 1,210 SPAAGs 2,230 Towed AA Guns 13,570 Manpads 228,500 Munitions Long Range SAMs 4,942 Medium Range SAMs 2,050 Short Range SAMs 9,416 Very Short Range SAMs 232,060 USA 🇺🇲 Equipment Long y SAM Launchers 522 Medium Range SAM Launchers 3 VSHORADs 598 C-RAMs 43 Manpads 60,000 Munitions Long Range SAMs 4,492 Medium Range SAMs 24 Very Short Range SAMs 90,200 Russia 🇷🇺 Towed AA Guns 16,729 SPAAGs 967 Manpads 196,000 Long Range SAM Launchers 4,380 Medium Range SAM Launchers 471 Short Range SAM Launchers 712 VSHORADs 907 (1,909) Munitions Very Short Range SAMs 200,318 Short Range SAMs 5,298 Medium Range SAMs 4,644 Long Range SAMs 17,818


Those are very impressive numbers. The thing is I've seen very similar claims about Russian AD before 2022 and we've all seen how it turned out. As for downvotes you probably got them for acting like a shill


You say before 2022 as if it means something, Ukraine is a tougher opponent than anything the USA has faced since Vietnam. The USA best opponent recently was Iraq, an absolute pathetic military which was completely outdated equipment. Acting like a shill for telling it how it is too a bunch of clowns who's idea of military research is googling *why western weapons are better* nah you're okay I'll stick with actual research.


>Ukraine is a tougher opponent than anything the USA has faced since Vietnam Uber copium >I'll stick with actual research. May I see it?


Go to my profile, it's all there


>uses quantity of weapons to compare Russian, Chinese, and American air defense, completely disregarding quality and budget >America's strongest opponent since Veitnam was *only* the fourth largest military [by quantity] using oUtDaTeD equipment, while losing zero tanks lost to enemy fire and conducting one of the most complex and successful invasions to date China has an extremely competent military industrial complex, and to dumb it down to ChInA oNlY sEcOnD tO RuSsIa because LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS without considering how effective the weapons are and how they're used is sacrilegious


Iraq's military was an utter joke, let's not ignore the fact that their military was outdated, ⅓ the military support wasn't USA, ½ the logistics was other countries and Iraq was crippled by their bear decade long Iran war You want quality, good thing my ranking system has technologies generations then eh (Xx) Means in storage China 🇨🇳 C-RAMs 96 4th Gen SPAAGs 1,512x 3rd Gen SPAAGs 720x 2nd Gen SPAAGs (550) 1st Gen SPAAGs (600) 5th Gen Towed AA Guns 3,000x 4th Gen Towed AA Guns 3,000x 3rd Gen Towed AA Guns 2,850x (2,750) 2nd Gen Towed AA Guns 4,000x (3,900) 1st Gen Towed AA Guns (1,000) 5th Gen LR SAM Launchers 12xx 4th Gen LR SAM Launchers 1,137 3rd Gen LR SAM Launchers 4x 4th Gen MR SAM Launchers 610x 3rd Gen MR SAM Launchers 380x 2nd Gen MR SAM Launchers (300) 4th Gen SR SAM Launchers 120x 3rd Gen SR SAM Launchers 910x 2nd Gen SR SAM Launchers 180x 3rd Gen VSHORADs 1,780x 1st Gen Manpads (30,000) 2nd Gen Manpads 90,000x (10,000) 3rd Gen Manpads 138,000x 4th Gen Manpads 500x Russia 🇷🇺 4th Gen SPAAGs 624 3rd Gen SPAAGs 244 (1,100) 2nd Gen SPAAGs 100 1st Gen SPAAGs (450) 5th Gen Towed AA Guns 2,300 4th Gen Towed AA Guns 7,641 (4,000) 3rd Gen Towed AA Guns 800 (22,000) 2nd Gen Towed AA Guns 5,988 (9,000) 5th Gen LR SAM Launchers 24 4th Gen LR SAM Launchers 4,376 3rd Gen LR SAM Launchers (800) 2nd Gen LR SAM Launchers (1,100) 4th Gen MR SAM Launchers 287 3rd Gen MR SAM Launchers 160 2nd Gen MR SAM Launchers (1,400) 4th Gen SR SAM Launchers 432 3rd Gen SR SAM Launchers 481 (400) 4th Gen VSHORADs 91 3rd Gen VSHORADs 2,372 1st Gen VSHORADs 240 (200) 1st Gen Manpads 30,000 (40,000) 2nd Gen Manpads 90,000 (70,000) 3rd Gen Manpads 76,000 4th Gen Manpads 4,000


>5th gen, 4th gen, 3rd gen, 2nd gen, 1st gen WOW! This is a super accurate and universally accepted metric of measuring capabilities and where technologies lie in strategies and use! Im sure all "x gen" equipment performs identically to one another and fill the exact same role in their respective militaries! I'm also sure that you are qualified and well informed enough to weigh their effectiveness against one another as well as know their condition and crew training! Not like something like fighters with relatively well agreed upon generations show huge differences in effectiveness not only from model to model but also depending on who and how it's used... Wish I also had a reliable catalog inventory of all equipment, their effectiveness/generation, and readiness rate for world powers as well...


I may not agree with this specific comment but it's true that people constantly underestimate enemy countries, even Russia with human waves tactics and shit tier military is doing damage.


Russia does not use human waves




Please sir, be careful when smoking cope, it's very potent and overdose can easily happen


Well done Kommerat, Gopnik. The great red leader awards you 5 social points. Now here’s you shovel. Go fight for motherland now and we build great concrete memorial for your service to dictator.


Absolute cringe


How can you talk about impressive if this SPAAG didnt fire on a moving airborn target? Shooting a hut is an easy task




Is their equipment combat proven?


Absolutely. I can get a list of Chinese equipment and tell you what's it's been involved in although it will be a while, off top of my head Aircraft alone their J-7 has been used by 14 countries and seen use in Uganda & Tanzania War, Second Congo War, Iran & Iraq War and been used by Sri Lanka against rebels. It's J-6 was used by 15 countries and was used in the Indo-Pakistani War, Vietnam War, Second Suda Civil War, Somali Rebellion, Iran & Iraq War and the Kampuchea & Vietnam War with its A-5 (Q-5) CAS fighter being used by 4 countries seeing use in the darfur war and Myanmar insurgency and there recent JF-17 was used to do strikes against India and took out a MiG-21UPG.


You are talking about license built MiGs from the soviet union. Only the last one is chinese developed and thats only a 3. Gen aircraft. I was asking about chinese ground based AA systems


This is false on all accounts. .1. You asked if there equipment was combat proven. .2. Only the initial versions of the J-7 were similar, everything later was their own designs. .3. The J-8 is either 3rd or 4th Gen depending on variant. .4. You also just ignored the JF-17 and Q-5 which are both indigenous design. The JF-17 is absolutely not a 3rd Gen aircraft that is nonsense on all accounts, it's a modern 4.5 gen similar to Su-30SM and F/A-18E with glass Cockpits, AESA radar, modern ECM systems, high capacity computer systems allowing C2 capabilities and digital electro optical targeting systems with HMD capabilities


I asked for combat proven ground based AA as this is the topic of this post. And yeah read again the chinese jets are nice. But again, AA please




Well I mean You realise that the famous F-15 is mostly famous for shooting down 2nd and 3rd Gen aircraft lol only about 10% were export downgraded MiG-29As. Iraq where people act like it was a big fight had an outdated air force. But regardless the MiG-21UPG is a modernized 4th generation fighter, it has modern radar, electronic fly by wire and multi function displays with BVR capabilities. It was a reasonably modern aircraft.


The chinese military advisors themselves warn the generals that their equipment isn't combat proven. Its part of the 3 won'ts. Its utter cope to say something is combat proven when even the propaganda arm of the cccp says it isn't


This is just utter nonsense, it's literally an objective fact that countless amounts of Chinese military equipment has been used, especially with indo Pakistan wars and wars in Africa. Your arguments is pure denial of reality


> it's literally an objective fact that countless amounts of Chinese military name 5


Chinese generals warn of a "peace disease" affecting the troops, not the equipment.  Chinese equipment itself gets plenty of action in Africa and the Middle East these days. It would be a very big mistake to underestimate equipment because it is not "combat proven".  Honestly this emphasis on "combat proven" equipment is honestly quite dumb.


Then why do you keep on saying these silly things. It’s almost like you have a fascist dictator fetish that make you think the russia is still communist soviet and ignore that fact that it collapsed… again. And now you cling on to some empty hope that “communist” equipment outshines western equipment. Here’s a fact: It doesn’t.


*USA* 🇺🇸 *MIM-104E Patriot PAC 2 GEM+* Cost $1b Max Intercept Range 160km Max Radar Range 200km Max Altitude 36km Missle Speed Mach 5 Overload Tolerance ~30g Number Tracked and Fire 8 Maximum Target Velocity Mach 6.4 Targeting Systems Multi band AESA Radar with ~2,000 T/R modules. *BVRAAM* AIM-120 160km Range ~Mach 4 ~38G Tolerance AIM-260 (Prototype) 300km ~Mach 5 *M142 HIMARS* Cost $4.3m $18m export Firing Rate 6 rockets in 45 seconds Number of Rockets 6 Reload Time 5 Minutes Armament Guided and Unguided munitions Max Effective Firing Range 150km Speed 85km/h Range 480km Features C2 computer systems GPS satellite receiver Battlefield Management System Missle Systems *A-10C Thunderbolt II* Cost $15M Speed 706 km/h Combat Range 463 km Wing loading 482 kg/m2 Thrust to weight ratio 0.36 Armour 38 mm Armaments 30mm Autocannon with 1,174 rounds 11 hardpoints with 7,620kg capacity Radar range N/A Targeting Systems Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny laser targeting system 2nd Gen IFLIR AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening targeting systems Counter measures Infrared Counter Measures AN/ALQ-131 ECM Avionics GPS navigation Integrated Flight & Fire Control Computer Link 16 SATCOMS *AH-64E Apache* Cost $52m Speed 293 km/h Combat Range 480 km Armaments 30mm Autocannon with 1,200 rounds 4 hardpoints with 1,995kg capacity Standard Payload 38x Hydra 70 unguided rockets 8x AGM-114 Hellfire anti tank missles Radar Range 50km Weapons systems GPS Global Navigation System Smart Onboard Data Interface Module Targeting Systems AN/APG-78 EHF Target Acquisition and Designation Sights, Pilot Night Vision System 2nd Gen IFLIR Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System Counter measures infrared countermeasure *M1A2 Abrams SepV3* Main Gun M256 120 mm smoothbore with 42 rounds Secondary Gun 1 × 12.7mm RCW heavy machine gun & 2 × 7.62 mm M240 machine guns Ammo Storage 42x tank rounds with 1,000x 12.7mm rounds and 11,400x 7.62mm rounds Armour depleted uranium Chobham Composite armour with graphite coating with 3rd gen Abrams Reactive Armor Tiles . (Actual numbers are unknown for pens but estimates are said to be 2,600mm Vs HEAT and 1,200mm Vs APFSDS) Operational Range 426km Turret Rotation 5 Seconds 360° Max Visual Range 12km Elevation −9° to +20° degree Rate of Fire 1/3-8 Seconds Speed Road 67km/H Counter measures Soft kill APS AN/VLQ-6 with 6x IR smoke canisters and Hard kill APS Trophy. V3 counter remote-controlled IED and CREW Duke electronic warfare system. Effective Firing Range 3km HEAT 5km APFSDS Targeting systems Fully digital ballastic control systems with 2nd gen Improved Forward-Looking InfraRed (FLIR) for gunner and secondary gunner, Abrams Integrated Display and Targeting System. Crew Protection Armoured crew capsule with blow out panels *M1A2 Abrams SepV2* Main Gun M256 120 mm smoothbore with 40 rounds Secondary 1 × 12.7 mm M2HB heavy machine gun & 2 × 7.62 mm M240 machine guns Armour Chobham Composite armour. Unknown Ammo Storage 40x tank rounds with 1,000x 12.7mm rounds and 12,000x 7.62mm rounds Operational Range 426km Turret Rotation 7 Seconds 360° Elevation −9° to +20° degree Rate of Fire 1/3-8 Seconds Max Speed Road 72km/H Counter measures AN/VLQ-6 Soft kill APS Maximum Visual Range 10km Max Effective Main Gun Range 3km HEAT 4km APFSDS Targeting systems Fully digital Ballistic control system with 2nd gen thermal imagers for commander and gunner. Crew protection Blow out panels. *F-35A Lightning II* Aircraft Capabilities • Range: 2,800km • Service Ceiling: 15km • Speed: Mach 1.6 • Manuvarabilities: Thrust/weight at 1.07 and wing loading at 526 kg/m² with G tolerance of 9 • Engines: F135 Turbofan with thrust of 125kN and 191kN at afterburn Technology • Radar Range: 200km • Stealth: 0.001m² RCS minimum with average unknown. 0.05-0.5m² estimates average. With X band to VHF radar of 0.06-0.74m² RCS in simulations. • Avionics: 8.6m lines of code, 1x X band AESA radar with 1,676 T/R modules. Multifunction Advanced Data Link, GPS Receiver, Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System, HAVE QUICK, AN/ASQ-242 C3 Suite. • Targeting Systems: Low Probability of Intercept Radar with electro-optical targeting system, Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System, laser rangefinder, helmet-mounted display system, 3rd Gen Forward-looking infrared and infrared search and track. • Counter Measures: 360° Radar Warning Receiver & missile approach warning system and AN/ASQ-239 Barracuda ECM suite. Weapons Systems • Firepower: 25mm rotary cannon with 10 Hardpoints with 4x large Internal and 6x External • Weapons Capacity: 8,200kg ordinance capacity • Effective Firing Range: 160-200km for missles • Dogfighting: 3km range for rotary cannon with 180 rounds Internal Payloads: 4x AIM-120 2x AIM-120 2x AIM-9 AIM-120 160km Range ~Mach 4 ~38G Tolerance


Your arguments are a joke


*Russia* 🇷🇺 *Ka-52M Alligator* Speed 350 km/h Combat Range 470km Armaments 30mm Autocannon with 460 rounds 6 Hardpoints with 2,000kg Standard Payload 20x S-13 Rockets 80x S-8 Rockets 12x 9K121 Vikhr Anti Tank Missles Radar Range 32km Targeting Systems OPS-24N-1L observation-sight system PrVK-24-2 long range targeting system laser rangefinder helmet-mounted display Heads up displays long-wave matrix 3rd Gen thermal imager Weapons systems Onboard ON-5S Ballastic computer GLONASS Global Navigation system Counter Measures Terrain-following radar Directional Infrared Counter Measures missile approach warning system Crew Protection Ejection System Armoured cockpit *Su-25SM3 Frogfoot* Cost $11m Speed 975 km/h Combat Range 750km Armaments 30mm Autocannon with 250 rounds 2x 23mm Autocannons with 260 rounds 11 hardpoints with 4,400kg capacity Radar Range 250km Thrust to weight ratio 0.69 Wing loading 608.31 Kgm2 Armour 24mm Avionics BTsVM-90 digital computer system PRnK-25SM weapons systems GLONASS Receiver Targeting Systems laser rangefinder Heads up displays helmet-mounted display electro-optical sight 3rd Gen ISRT Counter Measures missile approach warning ultraviolet sensors ASO-2V infrared countermeasures SPO-15 radar warning receiver *S-500* Cost $2.5b Max Radar Range 700km Max Altitude 180km Missle Speed Mach 6 Targeting systems Multi band AESA radars with ~4,000 T/R modules Max intercept Range 600km Altitude 180km Speed Mach 5.9 Maximum Target Velocity Mach 20.4 Number Tracked and Fire 10 G Tolerance ~20g *9A53 Tornado-S* Firing Rate 12 rounds in 38 seconds Number of Rockets 12 Reload Time 20 minutes Armament Guided and Unguided munitions Effective Firing Range 200km Max Speed 90km/h Operational Range 1,000km Control Systems Automated fire control equipment R-163-50U radio station GPK-59 navigation system 1D14 laser range finder GLONASS Receiver *T-14 Armata* • Armour 44S-sv-Sh Malachit steel-composite armour with Monolith 4th gen ERA front hulls ~1,900-2,200mm Vs HEAT ~1,100-1,400mm Vs APFSDS • Maximum Visual Range 15km • Firing Rate 1/5-6 seconds • Gun Elevation -7° to +14° • Effective firing range 6km APFSDS 3km HEAT 12km ATGM Main Gun 2A82-1M 125 mm smoothbore cannon. Ammo Storage 45 Tank rounds, 4-8 ATGMs and 300 12.7mm & 2,000 7.62mm rounds. Secondary guns 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm RCW turrets Targeting systems Fully digital Ballistic control systems, Laser rangefinders, 3rd Gen thermal imagers for commander and gunner. 360° degree camera system for augmented reality. Turret Rotation 7 Seconds 360° Counter Measures NII Stali Upper Hemisphere Protection Complex with AESA radar and VLS Launchers for AA purposes. Hard & Soft Kill APS Afganit with Nakidka RAM and low visibility hull and exhausts to reduce RCS and thermal signature. Operational Range 500-600km Max Speed Road 80-90km/h Crew Protection 3 man Crew, driver is protected by armoured capsule and crew by blow out panels for ammunition. G *T-90M* Armour Relikt Composite armour & 3rd gen ERA coated with Nakidka RAM. Front hulls APFDS = 1200mm HEAT = 1900mm. Main Gun 2A46M-5 125 mm smoothbore cannon. Secondary Guns NSV 12.7 mm RCW turret & 7.62mm coaxial machine Gun. Ammo Storage 43 rounds with 6x ATGMs, 500 12.7mm rounds and 2,000 7.62mm rounds Maximum Visual Range 12km Max Effective Firing Range 4km APFDS 3km HEAT 10km ATGM Rare of Fire 1/8 seconds Gun Elevation -5° to 14+° Turret Rotation 9 Seconds 360° Operational Range 550km Max Speed 60km/h road 42km/h off road Targeting systems Fully digital Kalina fire control integrated combat information and control systems systems. T01-K04DT/Agat-MDT computer systems with PNM-T 3rd gen thermal gunner and commander sight. four video cameras that provide a 360° view of the environment for the commander. Counter measures Soft kill APS Shtora-1 with 12x IR smoke canisters & Hard Kill APS Arena-M with EMT-7 counter mine directed-energy weapon Crew Protection Semi armoured crew capsule with blow out panels for AZ-185M2 Autoloader. *T-72B3* Main Gun 2A46M-5 125mm smoothbore gun Secondary Guns 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine guns Max Speed 75/kmh Operational Range 460km Max visual range 10.5km Effective Firing Range 2km HEAT 4km APFSDS ATGM 5km Gun Elevation -5° to 14+° Rate of Fire 1x round every 6-9 seconds Ammo Storage 45x rounds with 6 ATGMs with 750x 12.7mm rounds and 2,000x 7.62mm rounds Armour Composite armour with 3rd gen Kontakt-5 ERA. 780 mm vs APFSDS 1,320 mm vs HEAT Turret Rotation speed 10 seconds for 360° Targeting systems Fully digital Ballistic computer controlled stabilisers with 3rd gen thermal imagers for commander and gunner. Counter Measures Hard and soft kill APS systems with laser warning receivers, Crew protection 3 man crew with driver protected in armoured capsule. *Su-57 Felon* Aircraft Capabilities • Flight Range: 3,500km • Speed: Mach 2 • Service ceiling: 20km • Engines: 2x AL-41F1 Turbofans with 176.6kN thrust and 284.4kN in afterburner. • Manuvarabilities: 3D Thurst vectoring with Thrust/weight at 1.16 and Wing loading at 371 kg/m² and G tolerance of 9 Technology • Radar Range: 400km • Avionics: 4m lines of code, 2x L band & 3x X band AESA Radars with 1,918 T/R modules, IVS-50 BINS-SP2M GLONASS Receiver, IMABK AI suite, S-111 C3 Suite, Sh-121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system. • Targeting Systems: Low Probability of Intercept Radar with electro-optical targeting system, laser rangefinder, head-up guidance system & helmet-mounted display system, 3rd Gen thermal imager and infrared search and track. • Stealth: 0.01m² RCS minimum (estimate) with original T-50 prototype having intended RCS average of 0.1-1m², estimated average of 0.2-0.5m² and RCS from X band to VHF of 0.12-0.71m² in radar scattering simulations. • Counter measures: Directional Infrared Counter Measures, 360° radar warning receiver & missile approach warning systems, L402 ECM suite. Weapons Systems • Firepower: 30mm Autocannon and 16 Hardpoints 6x large & 4x small internal and 6x large external. • Effective Firing Range: 193-398km for missles. • Ordinance Capacity: 8,000-10,000kg capacity for ordinance. • Ariel Dogfighting: 1.8km range for Autocannon with 150 rounds. • Internal Payloads: 2x R-37M 2x R-77M 4x R-73 6x R-77M 4x R-73 R-37M Mach 6 398km Range ~22g Overload tolerance R-77M Mach 5 193km Range ~12g Overload Tolerance *BVRAAM* R-77M 193km Range ~Mach 5 ~12g Tolerance R-37M 398km Range ~Mach 6 ~22g Tolerance


Great copy past of completely irrelevant stats. No one is going to read through that and give you a 1:1 comparison of the Apache, Abrams, Leclerc etc. You are just an indoctrinated “useful i***t” if you really think that’s impressive compared to a western war machine.


*Comparisons* *T-14 Armata Vs M1A2 Abrams SepV3* Firepower T-14 Effective Firing Range T-14 Operational Range T-14 Max Speed T-14 Ammo Storage Draw Armour T-14 Firing Rate Draw Counter Measures T-14 Turret Rotation M1 Abrams Crew Protection Draw Targeting systems T-14 Gun Elevation M1 Abrams Winner 9-4 T-14 Although this again is unfair as SepV3 is only 3.5 gen and Armata is 4th so we'll do T-90M instead. *T-90M Vs M1A2 Abrams SepV3* Armour draw Firepower T-90 Ammo Storage draw Range T-90 Effective firing range T-90 Firing Rate draw Max visual range draw Turret Rotation Abrams Elevation Abrams Speed Abrams Targeting Systems T-90 Counter measures T-90 Crew protection Abrams Winner T-90 9-8 *T-72B3 Vs M1A2 Abrams SepV2* Firepower T-72 Effective Firing Range draw Max Visual Range T-72 Max Speed T-72 Operational Range T-72 Armour Draw Ammo Storage Draw Firing Rate M1 Abrams Counter Measures T-72 Turret Rotation M1 Abrams Gun Elevation M1 Abrams Targeting Systems T-72 Crew protection M1 Abrams Winner 9-7 T-72 *Su-57 Vs F-35* Weapons Systems Su-57 Technology Draw Aircraft Capabilities Su-57 2-1 Su-57 *Tornado-S Vs HIMARS* Firing Rate Tornado Effective Firing Range Tornado Number of Rockets Tornado Reload time HIMARS Targeting systems draw Operational Range Tornado Max Speed Tornado Crew Protection Tornado 7-2 to tornado *S-500 Vs Patriot* Missle Range S-500 Speed S-500 Maximum target velocity S-500 Max Altitude S-500 Max radar range S-500 Missle speed S-500 Overload tolerance Patriot Winner 6-1 Patriot This is unfair though because Patriot PAC-3 MSE and GEM+ like THAAD are just 4th gen SAM systems where as like HQ-19 and David's Sling S-500 is a 5th gen system *Ka-52M Vs AH-64E* Speed Alligator Combat Range Apache Armaments Draw Radar Range Apache Weapons systems Apache Targeting Systems Alligator Counter measures Alligator Crew Protection Alligator Winner Alligator 5-4 *Su-25SM3 Vs A-10C* Speed Frogfoot Combat Range Frogfoot Armaments Warthog Manuvarabilities Draw Armour Warthog Avionics Draw Radar Search range Frogfoot Targeting Systems Frogfoot Counter measures draw Winner Frogfoot 6-4 *BVR capabilities* BVRAAMs R-77M Vs AIM-120 Range 77 Speed 77 G tolerance 120 ERBVRAAMs R-37M Vs AIM-260 Range 37 Speed 37 G tolerance draw Winner R-77M 2-1 R-37M 3-1 *Sources* EurAsiantimes, Rostec, Wikipedia, Lockheed Martin, Military Today, Misselry, Wikipedia, Military Factory, Weapons Systems, Aircraft 101: basics about aerodynamics and avionics wordpress F-35A, J-20 and Su-57 radar scattering simulations Military Wiki, Janes Armies, Tank Encyclopedia.


The Armata is not even a tank 😂😂😂 It’s a concept. The russia can’t even produce it! Holy f**k you are running high on the grade A copium. This is hilarious!!!! And sad AF.


Phahahahahaha 🤣 the god dam copium man how tf is it not a tank phahahahahaha 😭 literally just denying reality at this point god dam it


You are an embarrassment to the tank community. Please enlighten us all as to where the russians have an assembly line set up for the production of the T-14 Armata and how they are going to ensure the components necessary to produce it. Mate you need to go out and touch some grass before you dig that hole of yours even deeper.


Mate you're an embarrassment full stop, wtf are you talking about? .1. The T-14 was revealed in 2015 with around 26-52 prototypes, some were used for trials in Syria. .2. the T-14 entered low initial production in 2021 with around 40 made. Russia has stated they will not be buying more until after the war, I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why this is a smart idea because the T-14 is a completely new tank and new design to the old T series .3. the components necessary? How ignorant are you ? You realise Russia builds around 200-400 T-90Ms every year, you realise they build hundreds of BMP-3Ms every year ? You realise they build hundreds of 2S19M2, 2S35, 2S40 every year ? You realize they upgrade even hundreds more ? You realize they build 50-70 Su-57, Su-35S, MiG-35, Su-30SM2 and Su-34M every year ? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, just another brainless mainstream media NPC who's information probably comes from tik tok


You must've been looking in a mirror to read that first line, what a joke you are.


Bro how many T-14's or Su-57's are in service? You are fucking delusional my man.


Wasn't armata never used in combat and then cancelled? While the other tanks are actually being produced and used.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a T14 barely make it across the boarder before it was taken out?


I've never heard of one being destroyed in combat. Many T-90Ms were (including by bradley's 25mm lmao), but I haven't seen anything about T-14.


Ok, maybe I'm misremembering then.


This is nonsense. And shows you don't do even basic research. The T-90M was engaged by two Bradleys, who disabled it's optics blinding the gunner and then the turret malfunctioned. The Bradleys left and it was attacked by a few FPV drones.


Yup. Russia's best MBT in service being oofed by damn 25mms. By old IFVs that are a bigger and squishier target than tanks, at quite close range. They didn't even use ATGMs like they normally would. It's about as pathetic as the most modern Abrams variant goetting knocked out by BMP-2's 30mm.


Gotta love the propaganda these days


Not propaganda so much as my lack of tank knowledge and poor memory. I enjoy looking at tanks, which is why I'm subbed here, but I certainly don't know much about their technical specifications or model numbers.


Well take it from someone who's done a LOT of research on this (check my channel if you don't believe me) the amount of propaganda out there is ridiculous.


Your comment you mean?


I love how this sub is full of brain rot that can't 1. Make an argument. 2. Defend their position. So far the intellectual capacity of this sub Reddit has mostly been "west stuff good china/Russia stuff bad" literal meme quality of brain rot


Bro… you literally came straight off the bat with “China best AA! I can tell from watching Gatling shoot at house! Much better than western”. You are the problem here. Not the “intellectuals”. The reason they don’t give you a valid discussion is because they are not going to go down to your level.


Showing off an anti air piece by shooting at a house at an unknown distance is a weird way to show off your equipment


Probably just trying to show how destructive it is


Yes fast firing cannons tend to be destructive as is seen on an M163 from the 60s. The cannon can be the best in the world but won't help if it can't hit a plane/munitions due to targeting systems.


Why wouldn't it be able to hits target ? China's military equipment is combat proven, so it's proven to work. I just wonder if this was the USA I wonder if I wrote the comment *Germany has the best air defence capabilities second only to USA* I GUARANTEE it would be UPVOTED, even though it's blatantly false. This is why I started a you tube channel, the amount of ignorance around military capabilities is unbelievable, if you know anything about military technology, anyone who says X equipment is bad because it's from Y country, is not to be taken seriously. Im unbiased, I don't support any country, I just say how it is


Again, why show off antiair shooting at a stationary ground target? When you see American videos of AA they are engaging drones, same with German ones. Not saying Chinese equipment is shit, but calling it amazing after it shoots a derelict house to pieces is hardly warranted. Also where is Chinese equipment combat proven? And so is US or German equipment, either from before or in Ukraine now


Because again probably just to show it's destructive force, heck the probably did to ab air test, it's just a snippet of a video. Chinese military equipment is on par with the other 3 military Superpowers, it's all the latest stuff. I said Chinese air defence capabilities are second to none, air defence capabilities means their abilities to engage air targets so how many short to long range SAM Launchers they have, how many SPAAGs, how many towed anti aircraft guns, how many crams, how many Manpads and how much Munition they fire. I make military essays and I have listed every bit of this down on my profile, sources are on the SMR link


Where has Chinese equipment been combat proven?


Second Congo War, Myanmar insurgency, darfur war, Indo-Pakistani War, Vietnam War, Second Suda Civil War, Somali Rebellion, Iran & Iraq War, gulf war and the Kampuchea & Vietnam War Just off the top of my head


At least we got somewhere. Doesnt change the fact western weapons are also combat proven so I don't see how this is a plus for China. Yay it works




Amazing argument


The shell casings and vehicle motion look straight up AI generated for a animation.


This is the gun that losses lock of the target because the radar can’t filter out the clutter from the gun. At least it use to I don’t know if they fixed it.