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Bro if I can travel to another country to see them because they don’t come here then you can go to a different state lmao


Bro I’m probably the only Indian fan here😅


I feel ya man, but Atlanta just kinda blows to other cities. It’s just sketch ball central.


How is it sketchier than other cities? Not trying to start a fight but as a citizen of ATL I am curious lol


As someone from ATL too, the fact that he’s getting so many upvotes in here for that shows how ignorant people are


Ya I mean I can point out a lot of things wrong with our city, I bet they are the same issues in other cities as well. And compared to other cities I don’t get why it’s considered “sketchier” or worse lol.


I live in ATL as well. The major venues are in the middle of bad areas. And majority of the “scene” live 45+ minutes out in the suburbs. ATL isn’t cohesive like other cities I’ve been to see shows.


Ya I agree about the major venues not being in ideal areas and parking is a huge issue at lot of the venues too. I live in downtown and went to GSU being able to walk to campus every day so I get what you’re saying. The second issue would be resolved if they would just expand Marta and make our public transit system more accessible to those suburbs 45+mins away.


Yeah man, I’m honestly considering moving somewhere else just for more shows


I agree. And the shows that do come through they put in such crappy venues, like Saves the Day and Senses Fail at Buckhead theater and two tickets costing like $150. Would have had more room if they played in my apartment.


Haha dude the struggle is real living in New Zealand seeing them do Aussie tours multiple times a year


When have they done Australia multiple times in a year? They've been there Jan 2013, Feb 2014, September 2015, April 2019, and December 2022. Two of the above tours went to NZ. Am I missing some secret Aus tour that they did in some of the above years?


I don't blame them Atlanta blows.


As someone from ATL, I’m downvoting and disagree w this comment. Respectfully 🤪


Ya I agree, the last time I saw them in GA was one of the last times they were on Warped Tour. I had to drive to Birmingham to see their tour with The Wonder Years and Modern Baseball which is definitely the top three best shows I’ve ever seen.


When big bands do big tours it’s not typically the band themselves sitting down and deciding all the stops that they are gonna play. Big misconception from fans of bands that this is how tours come together. There are a significant amount of factors that go into planning a tour, and obviously money and logistics are at the top of the list. Will the show pull in enough money to cover expenses and does it even make sense location wise to play there? Tours are put together with the help of a tour manager, band manager, and a booking agent who work with venue and festival promoters in various cities to get bands to perform there. I’m sure bands have favourite cities and least favourite cities, but ultimately it’s not up to them where they’re playing most of the time.




Bet you won’t go into the city and say what you mean with your whole chest big bad tough guy.


Oh you fucking suck for this comment. Go revaluate your life, and as someone from ATL, you’re not welcome here.


You and I both already know they are one of those inbred people that live an hour or two north of the city in some shanty town where the highest reading level is probably 6th grade, have never visited the city once and continually help in keeping MTG in office.


Hit the nail on the head my friend. Unfortunately it does exist.