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MF smoking a brisket


Is that a bbq catering team? The “kid” working the grill has a beer gut.


If I was throwing a party that big I would for sure would hire someone to man the grill than let one of my drunk friends be in charge of the BBQ


Wow! Some American is fat?? Crazy surprise! You new here buddy?


My point is that there is a middle aged person running the grill at this teen party, evidenced by the fact that it takes several years of drinking to obtain a beer gut. Childhood obesity is no laughing matter. On that, we can agree. But this is not childhood obesity. I didn’t even mention the ball cap which is likely hiding his mature male pattern baldness. Yes, college aged men can also experience MPB, but signs keep on pointing to this fella being a middle aged pit master.


I hear you... but I also went to highschool with dudes that had bad genetics and a love for large amounts of cheap beer. They'd be looking 40 at 21,and stayed in the party scene too long past highschool. So in reflection, I could totally see a party veteran working the grill looking 40 and being twenty 


Lots of people under the tent wearing the same sports jersey as well. Looks like a team, whether that be a sports or BBQ team, I can’t tell.


That’s because this isn’t actually a party at this guy’s house. He’s just the kind of person to whip out his camera every time he orders Starbucks, talks to customer service, preach about Jesus, or he’s in any situation out of the ordinary. Like this video. Anything for attention. Like having a tic tok for your 4 year old daughter to get followers. Like this guy.


No I saw the fat guy there’s no way he’s not college aged. He literally looks college aged. What are you seeing that’s not just being fat? You’re arguing that he’s a special kind of fat? And you say teen party, they’re college aged teens not 15.


[That man looks like he was born in 1969.](https://imgur.com/a/DNDHfrR)


Bless your heart. Yes, honey. That’s what I’m saying. Visceral belly fat is its own special kind of fat that happens to mature men who drink too much. You have a nice day.


That’s not how it works. A beer belly is just an old timey terminology for being fat. Alcohol does not cause a different look of fat than any other overeating.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17885722/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17885722/) >Conclusions: Alcohol consumption in elevated amounts was associated with risk of abdominal obesity in men, independent of energy underreporting.


Sometimes that distended bell can also have ascites. Also caused by alcohol (liver failure.)


Yes, fluid.


And you should learn how to read, that’s not what I said. I did not say that alcohol does not cause being fat. I said that alcohol doesn’t cause a different look of fat than any other overeating.




Sweetheart, it’s okay to be wrong. I obviously touched a nerve here with you. I’m sorry for upsetting you today. Take care, okay? Don’t overdo it with the beer.


You gotta be fat af to go this deep into this


My man is going to get reimbursed with some free barbecue here in a moment lol


part 2 please mate


You can look him up by his TikTok handle.


tik tok will not disgrace my phone with its presence thanks


Frankly, I hope my son can put together a party like that when I'm not around. It looks very civilized for a party of 18 year olds, the music is not that loud, there's food, no drunk people on the pool.. This dad is lucky!


I was thinking the same thing. Then I thought it’s probably 7:30 and there’s 8 more hours of party “planned” so check in back at 3am and I’ll be apocalyptic


It's still cool though, I will tell you no school shooter ever made a party like this.


Well now you’re just setting up challenges.


Well boys you just lost ur whole damn summer damn


I'm in my mid-50's, and less than 5 years ago, I was outed to my dad for having a huge party at my parents' house while they were away. My mom passed away over 20 years ago, and my sister's best friend's mom sometimes meets my dad for lunch, and one day my dad invited me along, and in passing, she mentioned the party, and my dad looked confused and asked, "what party?" I think at the time I was maybe 19 and my sister was 17. We were both generally very "good" kids, but my sister was definitely more straight-laced and less rebellious than me. My parents left us strict instructions not to have anyone in the house while they were gone. She wanted to have a few friends over in the backyard while my parents were away. I said okay, then I'll have a few friends over too. I didn't want to get in trouble for serving minors alcohol, and I didn't want to deal with any drunks if I could help it, so my strategy was to buy a whole bunch of grilling meat: hamburgers, hotdogs, sausage, etc and all the fixings as well as a buttload of bagged snacks like chips and pretzels. My theory was that if there was lots of food, even if people brought alcohol, nobody would get stupid drunk. A few BYOB invites went out, but friends invited friends, and before we knew it, we had about 150 people in my parent's 40' x 60' yard. My plan worked for the most part. Nobody was stupid, but with that many people just conversing, it was enough that a patrol car with 2 cops came around 11:30pm for a noise complaint. My sister was starting to freak out, and I told her I'd handle it. I talked to the police and explained we were just having a cookout. Our friends managed to hide whatever beer they brought, and the cops looked around and saw it wasn't some crazed party. I offered them whatever they wanted from the grill, which they happily took me up on and they left. An hour and a half later they came around again, telling us to try to keep the noise level down, and I gave them more food off the grill and they left again. This happened a couple more times, but with different cops. It seems word got around the department that we were handing out free food. Finally, they shut us down at 4:00am and sent everyone home, but not before I fed them some of the last of the food. The next day while I was at work, I guess my grandmother ("Nana") came around to water my dad's garden, and saw the aftermath of the party in the yard. My sister called me in a panic because Nana was pissed, knowing that my parents didn't want anyone over while they were gone. I told my sister I'd call Nana and smooth it over. I called her, and she starts yelling at me over the phone. I told her my parents said nobody IN the house; everybody was outside in the yard. Her tone changed immediately, and she said, "okay, honey, I won't say anything, but you'd better clean up before they get home." So back at the restaurant with my dad, I relay this story, and he gets a chuckle out of it. But then things got really weird not even a week after I get outed to my dad. I went to a bar to have a reunion of sorts with a bunch of people who were at that party. A couple of them, let's call them Kevin and Jen, were rumored to have hooked up and had sex in the park nearby my parents house. All of us had lost touch with Jen after she moved away a few months after the aforementioned party. We were very surprised when Jen showed up since we hadn't heard from her in decades. At some point, I guess Jen and Kevin went just outside the bar to talk, and only Kevin came back inside, totally in shock. He told us that Jen told him that she had his baby and gave it up for adoption. None of us have heard from Jen since.


Whoa, that was a wild ride. Appreciate it!


well that last paragraph took a left turn


It is kind of sad, that seems like a wholesome fun event. Dad needs to chill.




The account is gone 😕


He probably had to delete the video due to all that underage drinking happening on his property and him providing video evidence of it.


It’s up for me.


Really? I couldn’t even get the account to pull up and when I searched on Google it said “video unavailable”. Weird.




Thank you! That worked


Why did you copy/paste the top comment from the TikTok?


This is near the safe entries of reddit posts. I can understand the father being mad, but unless the kids stealing money and they clean up, I would be happy nothing happened and how they put it together


Ngl, I feel like if I had kids and they managed to plan like a proper party and not just a rave I'd just let them finish it lol


Why a party and not a rave?


A rave is more chaotic and probably more messy


My brother and I had a blowout at 20 and 21. Thought we’d done an impeccable job cleaning. Even. Fucking. High. Fived. Wasn’t til my parents got home, stepped out back and said,… *”Hey guys… are these… They Are! These are keg circles on my deck!!”* [single remaining overlooked red SOLO cup sways in the breeze from a low hanging branch (really)] - Not gonna get into the aftermath.


Seems like it’s a real party but fake situation for a funny video. Dude looks like a cool dad (idk what FUEGO on his lanyard is but sounds like a dispensary or something) and he’s probably throwing a graduation party for his kids. Some smart parents host these things for their kids so that they don’t wake up to the tragic headlines we’ve probably all heard- “new graduates dead after drunk driving incident” type of stuff. Or they’re just sneaky little shits and in big trouble lol


As cool as this is it’s fake. He posts a follow-up explanation about how he just likes to make fun videos.


Party looks super relaxed and nice. Chill brah


100%, but I also getting calling the cops because you don't want to be liable if someone gets hurt.


Also, you don't want to be on the hook for the underage drinking that is undoubtedly occurring.


Those kids are gonna make great event planners


Daddy chill


what the hell is even that?


"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT EVEN!?" - that guy, probably.


I hope this is real


It feels like it’s not. Everyone seems older than 17-22 in the background. And everyone is way to chill for it to be a party for 18-22 year olds of that magnitude with a pool, dj, etc. the dude on the grill is like 50 and the guys behind him are organizing/moving food all wearing the same shirt. So maybe that’s catered food? Idk. Feels wayyy to organized and chill for anyone 18-19 years old.


Or it started not too long ago. Wait until 2-3 am.


He seems kinda proud tho


Up kid is trashed


And this is why I have security cameras all over my house and especially the pool area. Not my kids but some of the neighbors seem to think it's free use.


Yeah, I haven't seen anyone with a pool who had a full on diving board like that. They're usually much smaller on home pools. And homeboy is wearing a lanyard? Also, I'm seeing a distinct lack of hands with drinks in them. Sure there are some, but not what you normally see at a party. I don't think ANYONE on the BBQ has a drink, for example. I'm thinking this is fake. it's some kind of planned event, and this guy is just messing around.


That looks like a very well organized party for an 18/19 year old to throw. I’d be proud if they were my kids. They’ve got a future in promotion.


Why call the cops though instead of just making people leave? Screwing his own sons, and maybe even himself


Looks pretty chilled to be fair, I'd join in and grab a beer then go round telling people you own the house and want a party fee.


I’d almost be tempted to join the party


I miss these kind of parties


Damn they’re bbqing. That’s pretty sophista es for a teen party.


Dude in the grill was a grown ass man


i so badly wanted to see the chaos when the cops pulled up


Dude! at least have a burger and a couple of beers before calling the cops! that party is lit !!


Hahahaha rager!


This was a huge rookie mistake (assuming it is true) that they did it the night before the dad came back. I am impressed that they organized all that (also nice backyard) but it is incredibly difficult to clean up everything the next day especially since you probably slept in. You can call a cleaning service but anything that is moved or damaged takes time to fix, replace, or correct.


I did that all the time when I was a kid, and so did all our friends. Was dumb to be so reckless for sure and thank God nothing serious ever happened, but we were kids and had a blast.


Just looked at his account. He would look 30 years younger if he cut that beard. I thought it was some 70 year old guy when he is in his 40’s.


Candace Party! Candace Party!


I reeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy wanna see the cops show


No way he doesn't have cameras and his kids obviously know. Staged video


not man enough to discipline ones own child ha, call the cops... insert ![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm)


This video is fake, he says so on another one of his videos


Fucking snitch Mad cus not invited


Crossed the line when they lit up that BBQ.


You missed the point dad. When your kids get this old, you can't treat 'em like they're 10 anymore.


As long as it's all cleared up by the time I told them I'd be back, then I see no issue here. The fuck has he called the police for?!


Cause it wasn't cleaned up by the time he got back, duh.


Yeah, because he was back earlier than he said he'd be. As long as everything is back how it should be by the original agreed deadline, then there would be no issue for me. Also, he seems to have called the police before he's actually asked anyone to leave. Guy seems like a bit of dick. Probably makes his kids call him sir.


If we're just making assumptions here like a couple of idiots, then I don't think he'd have had this reaction if it were just a few friends.


Ok so my last comment was an assumption, but he says himself that he was back early, and neither he, nor anybody else in the video is acting like he has asked them to leave so I think my assumptions are reasonable based on the information available.


We're also assuming he's even telling the truth. For all we know he threw the party and is doing a bit for the Tok.


Dammit you're right! This guy out here playing 4d chess!


because it's fake


I know many dad’s that are way cooler than him. Called the cops on his kids and their friends, what a fucking loser. The cops.




Here is an upvote brother, we all lose our filter sometimes on the internet. Safe travels