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Once I was in New York and I saw this tall adult man dressed head to toe as Peter Pan. My friend pointed him out to me and the moment we were both looking at him he yells at us. What are you looking at?!? You don’t stare at people in the Bronx! Lesson learned, mind your business.


Well you insulted the man. He wasn’t Peter Pan, he was the Jolly Green Giant. Rude.


And thoughtless


He was just gonna get a green half-caf half-decaf mint mocha latte, foam on the bottom, in a vase. Andre does that.


There are dudes in Times Square still trying to hand out CDs. They get offended and pissy when you ignore them. My dude, I don't even own a CD player. This ain't 2010!


I’ve SEEN Mr. Robot. I’m not about to get r00ted, bro!


yoyoyo buy my cd


My parents took my to NYC in the early 90’s. I was around 11/12yo and on the subway a man with a broken saxophone and two kittens sitting on his shoulders wired to his neck was ask for money for a new saxophone. People gave him money asking him to feed the kittens.


Hahaahhahahha, great comment, thank you


Idk, what any of that is but I want to make a guess. Is this where people try and stop you/slow you down and distract you so they can pick pocket or jack you up?? I'm interested bc the best advice I know for going to big cities is to keeeep movinnggg. Do not allow yourself to become a target and try to always maintain situational awareness at all times while in the City.


Mr. Robot is a tv show about computer hackers in New York. In one scene, a hacker posing as a rapper hands out “demo tape” cds to people outside an office building. One dumb office worker takes one and puts it in his office’s computer and it installs a computer virus into his network giving the hacker access.


The hacker gets access to the guys personal computer and webcam first and gets footage of his girlfriend in the shower, he uses it as blackmail and tells the guy to put the CD in the office. He doesn't do it though, his girlfriend does.


Yes you’re right, but I was just trying to keep it basic.


This is a good take. But no. The cd thing is to get 10 dollars out of you. They hand it to you like it’s free and when you walk away, they demand 10 bucks. The furries and super heroes too. Take a picture and once you do, they want money. And not just a dollar. In the city, you’re always a target. The trick is don’t be a victim. You can enjoy the fuck out of New York. Probably not in Times Square, but you can. Just keep your shit in your front pocket. And like the OOP says, keep it moving. There’s always somebody trying to get what you have. As you said? Situational awareness is everything. Don’t look like a victim. There’s always another target if you don’t act like a potential victim. If you’re talking about rooted? See the Mr. Robot answer. Plate glass windows make great mirrors too. Pay attention. And enjoy the capitol of the world.


My office is in TSQ. I usually feel like an idiot if you walk around on the street with your work ID badge on. Except in TSQ. I find if I leave it on until I’m past TSQ everyone leaves you the f* alone. Especially Mangy Elmo and his band of leperous nightmares..


Yeah. Times Square is a fucking soup sandwich. That’s a great idea with the badge. I worked in bars and restaurants. Always wore my uniform on my way in and on my way out. Once the culture see that you’re not a tourist, you’re no longer a mark. They move on to Justin and Kayla. It helps to have a “get the fuck away from me, I’m working here, at a real job, Elmo” look on your face. Or a look that says “go get em Elmo! I’m not one of them! I know why you’re up to”. God. I don’t envy you working there. You’re a better man than I.


Plus, because all the character put their heads up as they scope out their next mark, when you look down at TSQ from the offices above, you get Elsa or one of the other giant eyed characters staring straight back at you. Super creepy.


I’m laughing out loud for real at that! I imagine they’re all looking through their neck mesh to find the next victim! I’m picturing them all looking up at you with dead, unblinking, ping pong ball eyes. Nightmare fuel!


It's elmo and the cocomelon bunch. Im one and done with tike square


Its been going on for many years. It's not pickpocketing but straight up intimidating you into buying their shitty music CD's. I work in Times Square so I see it often and I feel so bad for tourists. If you really want them to not even try this just walk like you know where you're going and walk fast. If they do manage to start reaching out and putting it in front of you, just say no, and keep moving. No reason to stop and chat, or even making sure they heard you said anything. Do not touch the CD at all. Once it's in your hand they will pressure you into giving money to them, even if you don't want the CD anymore.


What if you just throw it in the street and keep on moving?


That's not even the scam 99.999% of the time, they just try to give you a blank CD and demand money for it. Many years ago there were actually rappers and producers that would give their shit out for free in hopes of getting noticed, but I don't think that's happened since the early 00s.


> They get offended and pissy when you ignore them. I would not know as I have already walked past them.


I work in that area and haven’t seen them every now and then. Maybe the fake monks and the disney characters shook them off the block.


I was in the city the other day to see the late show and passed a guy “handing out” CDs on my walk back to Penn. My first thought was, “Who the fuck still uses CDs?”


I got offered a CD last time I was in New York and I said to the dude “I don’t have a CD player” he whips out a flyer with a QR code and goes I GOT IT IN DIGITAL BITCH


Sir, I do not have time to listen to your mixtape


I taped over the Spin Doctors!


"I'm sure it's a bangr and I feel like I'm going to really regret this later but I simply have to get across town, thanks for your understanding"..


Because they want to hand you a 'free' CD and then tell you it was expected that you pay for it, and extort you for money. Classic New York.


Yep. Getting offended and pissy is the whole strategy. They’re targeting people who are weak enough to feel obliged to give them money if they act offended enough.


Someone should show them what QR codes are


Saw some guy do this at Santa Monica Pier at my last visit to the left coast. The guy was so torn whether to give him money for the CD he just touched.


I just took the CD and kept walking lol. They ran after me looking for a donation. Nah I'm good mate.


I had a guy try it on me just last year. I WAS INSULTED! I said "get the fuck outta here! Do I look like a fucking tourist to you, you fucking fuck!? Go bother Kansas or something! Fuck outta here." Easily one of the worst insults I've had in a quite a while.




Bing Bong


Damn Kansas taking shots for no reason


Oh there’s reasons


What the fuck even is a jayhawk


I did this too and it ended up being a blank CD lol


Not even a keylogger for the curious. What amateurs..


Guy called me racist because I said no and kept walking.


Me too. I just pointed to the black woman whose hand I was holding and said, "dude, this is my wife."


The usual scam is the second you touch it 4 guys surround you and hassle you for money. You can't hand it back, they put it in your hand and then get loud saying that you bought it and you need to pay for it. They can get crazy aggressive depending where you are.


Ah okay they were only kids and they were nice enough about it. Also had a man place one on my chest because I ignored him and I told him to fuck off, he tried to square up to me so I dipped into the crowd. Could see him watching me, that guy was dangerous. This was all in times square, wouldn't even dare do any of that in another street.


Usually saying “i live here” stops every scammer


I made eye contact and threw it in the nearby garbage bin


I'd say some would fight you if you piss them off enough.


What a nice young man to give tips from his bed room, living room, kitchen, and bathroom all at the same time.


For the cool price of $3700 per month. Gotta love how efficiency studios seem to be called junior 1 beds more and more these days….


3 quid for 12 underwear at the bus stop, how can you pass up that deal?


In 2002ish I was trying to drop a friend off at LaGuardia. Traffic on the highway was at a standstill and some dude was walking down the highway trying to sell landline phones for $10 a pop. I minded my own business.


This is just good travel advice, period.


Yeah, generally, do the same shit you do in your hometown, and avoid the same tourist scams that befall tourists where you live


He's not wrong. Stand to the side. Someone was rude to you? Yeah? Where were you standing? In front of the subway doors as they opened? 90% of the time people bitch about New Yorkers being mean it's because they were "I'm the main character" types that couldn't be bothered to get out of the way.




This made me LOL, I’m from NJ and commute to NYC once in a while and this story perfectly encapsulates the lack of patience of the average NYC/North Jerseyian. I get road rage on the sidewalk.


road rage on the sidewalk is diabolical LOL


Slow walkers and multi-generational familial groups who just got out of dinner should both be banned from NYC. Or at least referred to some help.


I work at an office near Penn Station and deal with that 3x/week. People walking wrong make me mad


I'm not even from NYC, but I definitely get road rage on the sidewalk (and stairs and escalators). People walking slow while blocking the entire path make me rage endlessly, just move to the side, it's not hard. Like if you wanna leisurely stroll around with 4 people side by side, then fuck off to the park a few blocks down, I'm trying to get to my train because the next one comes in half an hour.


I live next to a Buc-ee’s gas station, it’s also the only gas station that’s open after 10 PM. That place is my own personal hell if I’m just trying to get some gas and an energy drink on the way to work. I’ve had people stop right in front of the door and take a damn selfie. That place makes veins pop out of my head. It’s a gas station, get your shit and get out of my way.


a NY minute is the amount of time between the light turning green and the person behind you honking their horn


lol I know someone who says every time they walk in Chinatown they wanna just push the old people over, because they walk so slow and take up the narrow sidewalk (made narrow because of the gigantic piles of garbage bags and whatever else they're throwing out). It's just an intrusive thought but lol still gives off the same vibe.


I grew up in Paterson, NJ (eventually moved to Sussex County when my parents could afford to GTFO). Went to the city frequently to pick up miscellaneous, ummm, products. Same rules applied to Paterson. Move TF out of the way and mind your own damn business. My "down below" mentality didn't transfer well to the cows and corn crowd of Wantage Township as a junior and senior in high school. ("Down below" was anyplace south of Franklin on 23 or Jefferson on 15)


The amount of times I've seen cars or trucks start honking at an intersection while the light is still red is too high. Plus once one car starts doing it all the other cars behind follow suit. Shits really annoying if you're standing close by on the sidewalk.


You should visit Delhi sometime. Everyone honks all of the time. It's almost like echo location by horn.


Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard. Live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft. Wear sunscreen in both places.


“Palatable Dynamism!” I like that a lot. Can I use it?


I enjoy the phrase "palatable dynamism"


> Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. > Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Mary Schmich, Wear Sunscreen: A Primer for Real Life


As Fran Lebowitz says, “Pretend it’s a city.” Yes, you’re on vacation and want to look at the buildings and take pictures, but pretend everyone else lives there and is just walking to work like they do every day.


I hate when people fuck up my midtown speed walking flow, I’m trying to get in and get out!


I brought my now wife to NY from Boston 10ish years ago and “walked” to catch a leaving subway. I obviously left her on the platform because in Boston people hold the train door, foolishly.


My walking pace is New York City and I live in rural Georgia. I get road rage in the fucking grocery store.


People in Georgia walk like they forgot how their legs work, but will run you off the road if you go the speed limit. I’ve only been living here for 2 months and I already hate everyone.


I travel back to NY as I work there and used to live there. This is probably the worst sin of all. Literally GTFO of my way. Let me walk, you’ll be fine, I’ll be fine, everyone will be fine. What? (As I ignore you and keep walking) I have my headphones on why are you talking to me?


YES.  A few months ago I was trying to get to the Murray Hill Post Office before they closed and Jesus Christ, the amount of people who just stop in the middle of the sidewalk--entire groups or families who take up the entire width of the sidewalk--made me want to scream.  Granted I was walking down Fifth [Ave] which has a ton of sights but still, people have no sense and/or common courtesy.  I just put my shoulder up and push right past them like a linebacker. 


I have my morning commute down to a science and there’s no reason for a tourist to be outside and in the way at 8:15 am. Fuck all the way off (to the side) people.


"stand to the side" is true anywhere. I just hate shopping, or walking down the street, or even on a walkway in a park, and encountering people who are stopped dead in the middle, or ambling slowly in the middle etc... It's maddening how frequent it is.


The worst for me is people exiting the subway stairs walking slow as fuck while they’re loading their Google map to wherever. Get out of the fucking station, walk to a wall, and look. Do not cluster in a goddamn pack at the entrance after moving at a snails pace and then have a look of shock that people push past you.


This is not wrong not wrong at all I live in Pa ‘twas in New York City and must stress this not New York State. I was outside a door with my tool bag as I was doing service work for a company and door swung open and a loud mouthy woman began in how I’m the asshole cause I didn’t move. You know what she had a point and I respected it and learned.


I once had a very polite New Yorker in the subway ask me “Can you please get out the way?”


Same goes for London. The kind of tourists that walk four abreast down Oxford Street and then complain to all their friends back home about how pushy and rude Londoners are.


ya, leave my chicken empanadas ALONE!


Whereas if you get on someone’s nerves in the South, they won’t say anything but will viciously berate you in among others. Southern manners is a joke.


I moved to a town where people just stand in the way and that’s the way it is. You have to engage with these people to get them to move, it’s infuriating.


I left New York and now live in the south, this is exactly how it is. It is beyond infuriating how many times I’ve almost walked into people who step foot inside Walmart/Target and just stop right there at the entrance. And they look at you funny as you say “excuse me” and brush right passed them.


Yup talking in the middle of aisles and when you start to navigate around them they MOVE to be more in your way.


I wish people listened to this in Toronto So many people here think they own the sidewalk




I love visiting NY for this exact reason. It's one of the few places in the US you can be an asshole about people being in the way. NY'ers are on my level of efficiency.


That Barnes and Noble story sounds too specific 😂




Bet those empanadas are fucking lit.


There’s entire tourist families strolling down the street shoulder-to-shoulder here, like they’re walking slowly away from an exploding gas station in a music video or something. Solid obstructive walls of human nonsense. Here’s a tip: Bring your best Rangers hip-check with you at all times.


I always say “you are way too skinny to be taking up that much sidewalk!” and most people get the hint and step to the side.


I live in Vancouver and people are SO bad for this here. Not even tourists necessarily, just big, oblivious families strolling through busy public spaces in a cluster-gaggle


For real what is it with families in Van walking in one horizontal line?? There are 7 of you jfc split up!


They do it in the street then stink eye cars. So ignorant.


Kid nailed it. I would add don’t look up. But also, the subways are hot as shit in the summer. If you decide to ride the subway, and there’s a car that’s empty, except for one person, and the A/C is working? Don’t. There’s a reason nobody else is siting in a nice cool car with one other person. Said person is insane and dangerous, or they’ve got a stink to them that will crawl up your nose and stay there for 2 days. Or that person is insane, dangerous and they stink. Just don’t. Taxis are expensive. And slow because of traffic. But air conditioned and the driver may just stink, but he won’t be too dangerous. Drink water. Wear very comfortable shoes and don’t complain about prices. Nobody that works anywhere makes prices. We know shits expensive. We don’t care that you can get it cheaper where you live. We know you can. But you’re not there. You’re here. So don’t.


>I would add don’t look up. Fuck, lol. Born in NYC and work in Manhattan but I'm still guilty of looking up at the skyscrapers like a tourist and taking pictures of them from time to time. Feels embarrassing but I love them so much, my favorite feature of the city by far


lol. Times have changed. I’m old. No cell phones for a long time. Believe it or not, I was taught, by my dad, a consummate New Yorker, that if you gotta look up, only use your eyes. Same for when you see some crazy shit. Look with your eyes only. No head movement. And just long enough to asses threat level. It was a different city when I was a kid.


i dont get it, why wouldnt you look up?


Only tourists gawk at the tall buildings


I moved to NYC 17 years ago. I gawk at the buildings every day. Edit: I remove myself from the flow of traffic first.


There's a guy on youtube/tiktok who owns a gold/jewelry shop in New York. Makes content where he goes out and hands ounces of gold to people on the street. It's pretty common for people to just flat-out ignore him. The comments in the videos are always like "OMG such idiots!! Why would they not just take the freebie?" Not knowing that it's a pretty common hustle to hand a person an item and for the "vendor" to demand payment through bullying.


This guy New Yorks


The best advise is keep fucking moving.


Source: [https://www.tiktok.com/@dutchdeccc/video/7383875868743027999](https://www.tiktok.com/@dutchdeccc/video/7383875868743027999)


Born and raised and "Don't" is the best advice. It is so hot and the buildings either retain and radiate heat (concrete) or reflect it (glass.) (Edit: that means street temps are [120-150F](https://www.gothamgazette.com/130-opinion/11504-beat-extreme-heat-new-york-city-cool-streets). Add the humidity because Manhattan is an island and it is unbearable.) Everyone who has the money to not be there leaves. Hamptons, Fire Island, Shelter Island, Block Island, the Cape, LI north or south fork --people are paying to flee the heat. There is no good reason to pay money as a tourist to visit it.


Why is this attitude about NYC in the summer so different than a city like Chicago? Summer is *the* time to be in Chicago, it’s magical in the summer, so full of life and activities, and there really isn’t a notable difference in summer temperatures.


Totally agree with you! Summer in New York is so lively with the block parties, the beach parties, the biking in the park, the late night open air music events, etc Sure it’s hot, but it’s hot basically everywhere in the US


Dude mingles with people rich enough for a home in the Hamptons and thinks it represents the general attitude of NYers


The trash situation is one reason. Chicago’s got that shit under control. NYC still has curbside trash pickup… there is a certain aromatic ripeness here by August.


How hot does it get down on the ground? Looking online it only gets to mid-80s but I don't know if that's the 'actual' temperature with the concrete effect.


Honestly, not that bad. I was out today in NYC and it was in the 90's. Walked about four miles on the streets in total. Just walk on the side of the street with shade/scaffolding. Wear light clothes and drink water.


Good tips. I visited last summer. It was fun. Pay attention to this advice especially in Times Square.


Even better advice, don’t go to time square. There’s nothing but tourist and people trying to rip you off there.


Word. It is a cesspool, and the 7th Circle of Hell. I have no idea why people are so fascinated by it...


Because some people grow up in towns where the tallest building is a two story pharmacy with a John Wayne statue on top and the only billboard is for face off with John Travolta and Nick Cage. Times Square is a pretty cool thing to see. I don't mind passing through there once every few years. Especially at night when the place is practically glowing and it looks like it's still day time, its rather surreal experience. Midtown in general has some awesome stuff to see, the broadway theaters. the endless avenues of perfect grid sky scrappers surrounding you on all sides with architecture from the 1930s-2020s. For 100 years it was pretty much a unique experience (FIDI was more so the skyscraper center tbd back then). Now a few asian cities have competing skylines with a similar sense of urban insanity, but New York is iconic in this sense and still the king in many people's minds.


Where else can you go to M&M world tho


You’ve got me there


times square is the one place you dont need this advice because nobody there is a new yorker


He’s really right about the last one.  NY in the winter is charming. Lights. Cafe to cafe for warm drinks.  NY in summer just smells like hot garbage. 


It does get kinda cold though. Fall is really nice imo, it’s cooled down a bit and the trees are beautiful.


When I was a young chump getting on the subway I hesitated slightly, as I do, and some lady shoved me into the car! I was pissed. But looking back, I think I was in the wrong. I didn’t hesitate that long though. Still. It’s the way of the city, I guess?


In general, it's best to keep it moving but sometimes hesitating is good. Once on Canal Street a guy was selling Tag Heuer watches (fake of course) and he told me the one with the blue dial was a mood watch. $20 bucks, he said. I must have held it in my hand for five minutes waiting for it to change color. Finally, he said, OK, ten!




It's like one of my siblings. I can talk all the shit I want but if YOU got something to say about my brother you getting slapped in the face


Came to say this. I can call my sister a bitch but you can’t. Lol.


Yea that's a tough one though bc unfortunately your sister is a [BIIIIIIIIIIITCH ](https://youtu.be/5LGEiIL1__s?si=pslGHEduNUU4wPh8?t=39s)


About 17-18 years ago I visited New York for the first time as a 15 year old. My inner voice said "you should stand on that grate" and next thing I know I got a jet blast of stinky subway air tearing through me. I just moved to the side after it was done because I was so shocked but didn't say a work. But I could feel people seeing that thinking "fucking tourist" 😅


Is it just full on defense mode of the city? Or is it just one upping them on they haven't seen the worst of NYC?


![gif](giphy|DwU1E0TnaDJJu) he sounds like Fran Drescher


My immediate thought was “is that Gilbert Gottfried’s son?”


Yesss, he reminds me of Gilbert in both the way he sounds and his mannerisms


Exactly - I love how he said "numbah foive'!


He reminds me of oldie ny talk like he could be an extra on Broadwalk Empire


Last tip is really the best one, but also don’t blow up the spot of NY in October or April


Just going to leave [this](https://youtu.be/D6xd6YvoHLM?si=uhOo0wLqn2-GJTFr) here.


As a future ~~tourist~~ jerk, thank you so much


GTFO of the way. As a Californian living in NYC this couldn’t be more accurate. There’s limited space and you walking with your entire extended family shoulder to shoulder forcing me to step on the street and get hit by some psycho taxi? Ya people are gunna be annoyed.


How good are said empanadas?


i was just going to ask where the empanada guy is…


Mind your business.


Rule 101: Only a New Yorker can diss New York.




OMG COUPON SANTAAAA. They got me through so much of the pandemic. Much obliged for the reminder


he needs to shave the divet on his upper lip.


Thank you! I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find someone else.


Same! Thought it would have been a top comment.


The syyide


I remember visiting New York City for a family vacation in august back in 2015. We had a great time. It was hot as hell, but still a great city


Why is this young man giving me GILBERT GOTTFRIED?


"Naw I'm good, thanks boss" had me rolling lmao. I say this constantly and didn't realize it was a thing.


Fun fact these tips also work for San Francisco and Los Angeles. This they’ll be more passive aggressive about it


That's how I travel to NYC every year, DON'T!


No lies detected.


For the love of Jah, please step to the side. That's just good overall life advice


I live in South Florida and these literally apply to pretty much any busy city or area.


These are all on point.


It’s so funny, they come down to Florida and can’t stop complaining. The good ol boys don’t like it too much either.


My favorite thing about New Yorkers in Florida is absolutely fucking nothing. Not one goddamn thing. Leave.


They don’t understand the pain of hearing every sentence start with…”in New York…” Or saying shit that has no comedic value and is just abrasive and not funny. I love banter. But it has to be clever. They lean to hard on the “you don’t understand I’m from New York” no your just a dick. I have friends from New York but they left New York for a reason, they just miss the food.


New Yorkers appear to spend their entire time outside of New York comparing the universe to New York and finding it guilty of not being New York. "Neopolitan pizza in Italy? I get better pizza in Queens! You can't get a good pizza in Italy because they just don't have the right waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaata." "The Königsberg bridges? They ain't no Brooklyn bridge, am I right?" "Miami Beach? We got fucking beaches in New Jersey."




This all seems like general advice that would apply to any city, not just NYC. Except the last one, but everyone says that about where they live.


I couldn’t listen to someone that doesn’t know how to shave


This is good advice for any season


I'll go anywhere where the population follows rules 1 and 2. Like legit




He didnt say anything about walking like there is a gun on my hip and shouting "IM WOLKING'ERE"


Stay to the right of the god damn escalator




It maybe cringe but my guy ain’t wrong about any of what he said


"it's a grid system mothafucka! Eleven up and one over ya simple bitch."


Another New Yorker whose whole personality is being from New York


Some guy in NY with his kids filmed a guy getting chased for a beatdown. People were shaming him for not helping. Like bitch, he don't want to get fucked up too. Also why the fuck would he risk his life for some shit he ain't involved with, who's taking care of his kids if something happened.


One of my favorite NYC memories was being on the subway and there was a woman who sat directly next to a different woman who was already seated. Within 3 seconds of being sat next to, the 2nd woman got up and screamed "I NEED SOME MOTHER FUCKIN BREATHING SPACE". Definitely my no longer in Kansas moment


New Yorkers think they’re so different from everyone else. There are a lot of filthy, overcrowded, expensive cities. New York was unique maybe in the 80s. These “tips” apply everywhere now but New Yorkers will take offense to that.


I live just outside Tokyo, previously in the heart of Tokyo, which is the most populated city in the world (metropolitan area population) and also has a shit load of tourists. Been here 9 years or so. No one fuckin yells at you to move, people aren't rude - some people might be on the colder side depending on what you're used to, but polite just the same. The majority of the city is clean, or as clean as any mega city can be, but arguably the cleanest mega city you ever will see. You won't have random weirdos trying to hand you shit and scam you. The subways and trains are clean and on time. And while it's expensive to live in Tokyo relative to other cities here, it's still way cheaper than NY. I could go on. But nah, New Yorkers think somehow NY is different and that of course NY is the way it is, and it's shit but also the best place ever. I've had coworkers here that are from NYC and they all still have the same shitty attitude even after living here for like 2 decades, and they're fuckin proud of it. Every last one of them is rude as shit too. I'll never get it, and I frankly find it kinda pathetic. Don't get me wrong, NYC is its own unique and special place, both culturally and historically speaking, but...the people could stand to get over themselves. (I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this but whatever)


NYers mad as fuck down voting comments while they pay like $3k a month for 400 square feet and roaches lmao


The New York State of mind is delusion.


Yeah NYers are pretty up their own ass about their city, as if others don't exist.


There are two speeds in New York City. Fast and Move out of the way.




I enjoyed every moment of this 🥰


NYC is hot, dirty, expensive, and consistently smells. Born and raised in L.E.S. and moved away the moment I was 18. It's a city of haves and have nots and my broke ass didn't have shit. Barely visit family there because I have to deal with going there. Whatever magic the city has for people missed me.


This city sounds like a group of cranky toddlers


Also so buy stuff for people with sob stories. I got got for buying over $100 of baby formula last year because I’m a mark 😂


That accent is enough to keep me away at any time of the year.


But what if that one tik tok guy who was in uncut gems tries to give me gold!!


It’s like New York rode over Tom Hank’s son. Awesome


This is all good advice, but it’s a little ironic that drivers in New York have to park in the middle of the street whenever they’re driving and get a text. Step to the side.


Same with Paris and London


this guy shaved for the very first time before filming this


>Hopping a turnstile? Not your business. Fuck that and fuck you for defending it. It's my tax dollars getting violated, plus I like public transit. People should suffer for doing that.