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These give me Megaman Zero vibes. The 4th one is genuinely a great design


Oh shit you are actually right about that design, my unfiltered anger blinded my eyes.


Yeah. The others I get it, but the short black one with the giant gun is peak


Even the 6th one? I thought It looked cool.


I do too but it shares the same build as the others so I get would this gut and others have an issue with it


the one with striped thigh high kneesocks tho...


Awooga https://preview.redd.it/hunbqg0my12d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=345c984a781b742f9a887c2ad314451c0d816d46


https://preview.redd.it/ekfm5626d22d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84cbb257e4f9b7c57ff31a4b45fdf2f46cce4c0 You forgot my favorite


Careful there, she's married


You think that’ll stop me




JOB BOT? REALLY?! Actually I can’t judge, I’d still hit Lobotomy Corp’s Sephirah no matter whether they looked like toasters or not


And it’s a revolver which makes it better. That and a shotgun are my go-to guns for games lol.


It’s not exactly Mega Man Zero, but these designs give me Model L vibes


Must be the proportions.


For some reason 4 feels like an anime version of a chess piece.


MMZ mixed with Kill La Kill vibes


Unsurprisingly the one without a tiny girl body with giant mecha limbs looks good


4 would be great for me if it was just like an android and not supposed to be a giant mech, just looks a little too goofy for the size it’s supposed to be.




Honestly these designs are a guilty pleasure for me lol I agree with you these are Stupid as Mechas but at the same time they are Stupid ass Mechas that I can't bring myself to hate lol I just really love the style that they're going for here, some of them going wild with their proportions, the pop colors, and the weapon and armor designs as well are really neat It's so stupid with it's clearly Human Girl design but it doesn't hide it and in fact celebrates it to the point I can't help but love it I mean sure it's not your traditional mech but that's clearly not what they're going for either and they know it, I mean for god's sake >!the final "mech" of the series was a Giant Bride!<


Stupid can still be fire. Idek where these are from, but they work for me since they're all consistent.


Darling in the Franxx, the mechs are piloted by doggy-style


I thought the last mech was genuinely cool before it turned into the Giant Bride


If these were, like, robots then maybe. But as mechs these are ass


Megaman reploids looking ass


The 4th one is the only decent design and even then it’s not as a mech


I like the 6th the most, then again I usually think mass production/grunt suits look the best


The way the black colored mechs kinda pops up between human and machine is honestly amazing.


If you guys don't mind I am gonna rant for a bit sooooo.THESE TIN CANS OF BOLTS WITH METAL TITS DONT EVEN LOOK LIKE A FUCKING MECH,THEY ARE JUST CHICKS IN ARMOR COSPLAYING AS A MECH AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED IN THE THOSE KAWAII ASS FACES WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE HUMAN FACES!? So yeah honestly they look like sex dolls than an actual mech that is built for combat 1/10.


Now here is the RGM-96X Jesta just look at it sleek,tactical,practical,and most importantly PURE SEX! This is what a mech should really look like yes it looks simple but it gets a job done in the most precise way possible.




Jesta is besta. Peak Feddie GM


literal peak grunt mech design


I personally don't think comparing a realistic robot to a super robot is fair. Maybe something along the same vein like the Valsione from SRW. Or even the Neith and Nephtis from ZOE. Those are clearly going for a feminine design but not pushing it into the creepy cute looks the franxx bots do. And at least for the Valsione, it has an in lore reason for the human like face. I don't think they are "bad," but they are not to my tastes. I actually like the last two.


tbh this is quite humanised too, an actual realistic mech would probably have a completely different skeletal structure for better stability and such


You know you can put all of this in one comment


I can't every time I put an image on a comment and try to type the image disappears. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't


Hey, ever seen a VOTOM? Now those are good machines. Not pretty, I’d be lying if I called them pretty, but beautifully ugly. Smaller than most mecha’s mechs. Made to be scrapped and replaced, the MC doesn’t even get a unique one, he gets the generic green that basically has to be swapped out after every flight because of how fucked up it gets. What episode in the first arc he and his buddies put together a cool custom build variant complete with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. It’s scrap by the end of the encounter. I fucking love it.


Notably they have no face until they're powered on. A neat detail imo


They are not "chicks in armor cosplaying as mech". They are at least robot-girls. Come on now. But yeah, I can agree about human faces. They would have been a bit more interesting with more robotic ones. But also, are you calling them sex dolls just because they have elements like boobs, wide hips and really slim waist in their design? That's kinda unfair. I understand your criticism and agree that they are a bit too sexualized, but I don't think your reasoning is the best.




I mean the show is gooner bait right


In my opinion, they probably would’ve worked better as cyborg magical girls instead of Mecha


>looks like sex dolls Wasn't this that anime were a boy had to mount over a girl in order to ride this???


I like the designs. There's variety amongst them but still coherent as the same overall ascetic.


You’re getting mad at them for failing at what they were never going for in the first place. https://preview.redd.it/cdve7j0dk02d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3773f3471da96061026fb3f44a914efdb55cf7a


Honestly I like the designs. I think if I did had to change anything it be the face and body. Make them less human and more mecha.


I kinda like some of these. I like the orange, blue, purple and especially black one, just because of how silly she looks. The only one that i don't like is pink, who just looks like a robo-cheerleader. At least the ones that i mentioned have good weapons, she just has claws and little to no armor.


https://preview.redd.it/llbu8zs7h02d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46069e2d11c05a090b4ad1ee8e8e4e6880ddd6f2 Thighs


Barely disgused? Brother, have you seen how they pilot that shit? They are actively advertising the fetish


Ok but you have to admit it’s cool that the mechs all have design features taken from the flowers they’re named after, like the blue unicorn horn on Strelitzia is a direct reference to what actual Strelitzia flowers look like https://preview.redd.it/cw7aqvl0012d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e79eaa429c4808cd80d59380bbdec6849c41e3


As a certified mech fucker… Yeah, this ain’t it chief


https://preview.redd.it/dj8mvzfpb02d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98d70a9678d7b134e8c6e02dfe1bac45e717187 This is far better in terms of mecha sex appeal




I didn't understand you guys until I saw the FM Aerial. Someone cooked with the design here https://preview.redd.it/x3fttrnm732d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=63ac136511c4a684081324d6e26348497c31950f


I mean, this barely counts as a "mech" design, I ain't faulting you for not wanting to fuck these


Looks fine to me. Mechs are inherently a dumb concept, as long as they look cool or visually interesting, I'm on board.


These are really good? Am I crazy for thinking that? Maybe it doesn't fit in the stories tone or something or I'm missing something but just seeing these designs, I kinda love em


These are good designs, I think what you have issue with is the concept itself. The approach. But with the goal being school girl mechs, these are top notch examples.


Yeah, I love them! :<


I like everything except the human faces. I think the designs are great otherwise.


They look more like exosuits than mechs. I think they're neat tho


Man, that show was taking every drug on the books by the end man


I love the aestheticc but I just wish they had animal parts to give off the fact that theu can change forms


I tried to give this show a shot, but when i saw how they pilot these "mechs" i just got hit with so much cringe i ended up dropping the show.


WHY ARE THEY IN DOGGY STYLE!? https://preview.redd.it/1qvwz2rai02d1.png?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8f1858090d3bc3d7f3d453d43e72f21f51f9bc


It's so embaressing. I remember seeing people defend this with "No, see, this is actually a genius statement on relationships and sexuality and-" Like, no bitch, the people that made this shit were just horny and wanted an excuse to do this.


I do think there was a supposed to be some sort of message in there (IIRC this show was the director's baby and I doubt he worked on it for however long without coming up with something that was meant to be taken away from it) but the final product certainly didn't include it. There were clearly a lot of themes of transitioning to adulthood, but nothing ever really happened with them.


This can be expanded to studio trigger as a whole, i cant recommend any of their shows to any non-anime person as they all have stupid horny anime-bullshit


It’s giving “she wears a bikini for armor bcuz she breathes thru her skin” vibes




People saying it’s genius definitely got their blood going somewhere other than the brain. But to play a little bit of the devil’s advocate I do feel like it is trying to represent different kinds of relationships you might encounter as a young person, whether they be ones you find yourself in or ones you happen to see as people around you begin coupling up. I was hoping they’d explore each of the partnerships, but it loses the thread pretty quickly and just hones in on fan service like a horny seeking missile. They set it up pretty decently. There’s the brash immature boy and his partner who is a little more mature, but a still hothead so they argue all the time. This relationship can go two ways, either they grow together as people, and they become a balanced unit or they drive each other nuts till it’s all they can do to escape the relationship. There’s the emotional distant perhaps even homosexual boy who really isn’t getting this whole being with girls thing. He’s got some hardcore misogyny going on which makes you wonder if he’s taking his anger over society’s expectation for him to be with women out on the girl he’s been assigned to be with. She’s just trying to make things work. Either he’s not gay and he just needs to learn empathy, or he’s totally fucking gay and just needs the bussy. She needs to run, either way, it’s not gonna be a pretty journey for him, and she’s too nice to be going through all that. Then you got the match made in heaven. Big boy and his amazing cook girlfriend, pretty much destined to be together forever. They just work. Then you got the main guy which definitely makes me think the creator maybe shares this experience. The kind of relationship where you get involved with someone who’s mainly using you, they’re far more experienced and you’re just kind of along for the ride, as intense and painful as that may become. Then there’s the other one which I honestly can’t even remember, I think I thought the dude from that one and the probably gay dude were gonna “pilot” together, but I honestly can’t even picture the couple that pilots the blue one I think? Don’t even know which one they we’re bangin’ in. Cause by the time I’d done this amount of thinking while watching the show I’m pretty sure it had become clear that they weren’t going to expand on any of these characters and relationships as I might have hoped and it was kinda just porny evangelion which could actually be funny if they’d leaned into it like with Kill la Kill’s Nudist Beach stuff. Instead it’s just a lot of high pitched moaning and grunting.


The thing is that this is Studio Trigger, and they have a good history with this nonsense actually having meaning, so early on there was a reason people had faith in it. I wasn't going to give it as much as everyone else, but I still expected some solid theming That went out the window along with all reason later in the run


Whenever I look at these, I feel like they would belong more as bosses in a gunvolt game.


i dont watch darling in the franxx nor have i seen anything about it, but these look fine? would definitely be better if they werent mechs though.


eh, a bit samey but not really offensive?


Oh, oh so that’s what they look like


Number 4 and 7 are fine. Always a fan off bulky legs mechs


And most of these designs, would be great if they looked less "human".


But they look cool though 


Idk man strelitzia goes hard


I actually like the mech designs. It’s the everything else about Darling that sucks


Sorry but these are great, and I'm not usually very one to like anime designs.


These are tight, thank you for posting.


Honestly i love these. They remind me of Xam’d


I like them honestly, having never seen the source media, they look like a unique take for a mech. I especially like the Gunlance one, who's weapon looks like something out of monster hunter. I think the only reason the design would feel bad is how different it seems compared to it's source? Other than that, it's a good design, would fit in something with a different animation style.


nah I dig it


Really? I think they’re alright


From a design perspective, they may not have been the best, but i respect the creative attempt at making not-gundams that a lot of mechs can't help but fall for. Like obviously from tank design if mechs were mass manufactured today then they would have simpler geometry the same way cars are mostly rectangular but i get where the hate comes from. They leaned so far off course they made overstylized mecha-girls if you can get past their unique cockpit positioning that correlates to the... suggestive themes of the show.


I honestly like them. I think they're fun. Shame the show took a flying swan dive into dumpster territory halfway through.


They look quite cool and unique...


I'll admit, while I thought the first one I did see in the show was dumb af, I didn't see most of these. Somewhere between the first and second episodes when they got to the scene that showed the seating arrangement in the mech, with the handles on the little girls hips and them bent over in front of the boys, I audibly said "go fuck yourself" directed at anyone involved with animating/illustrating/authoring/etc. the IP and turned it off. This acclaimed anime/manga that people are tugging themselves off over, running their mouths about how great it is, and it's just pedo garbage....


Most of these designs would be great if they didn't have the titties.


Is it weird like these? Maybe It's because I'm looking at them from the perspective of being creepy/alien. There's something kinda cool about a mech that's just a bigger, uncanny version of a persion.


Eh, they're pretty originals. Haven't watched the show but I don't mind them at first glance.


Fourth one actually doesn't look too bad, kinda seems reminiscent of a Mega Man Zero boss while still looking like something designed expressly to carry and aim that really big gun.


Honestly I don’t hate them I honestly think there fine design La they honestly feel more like mega man designs


Tbh I love these aside from the weird anime girl faces most of them have. Take the eyes out and they instantly become better


I like the designs, kinda reminds me of Virtual On: Cyber Troopers.


I think they're great. If you're looking for mechs that are halfway believable as working machines you're obviously not gonna find them in this show. But the whole thing is more of a metaphor anyway. They have a lot of character, you can't deny that


Nah strelizia is freaking goated, such a sweet design


All these are pretty bad except the one with the fucking monster hunter Gunlance that is amazing


Honestly I like all of them except the last mech you see . I don't want to spoil it , but the final mech in the show is a genuinely horrible design and I have no idea what they were going for


I can see where you're coming from, if they were normal characters I would be okay with it but mechs should look mechanical (it's in the name) and powerful, especially because they fight giant monsters. At this point it should be the status quo that monster fighting mechs should look as, if not more, intimidating than the monsters they fight, not like these that look submissive and breedable


The creators know exactly what kind of fanbase they cater to


Wait, they’re mechs? As in, people get inside these and ride them into battle?


Snapable waists fr fr


They’re not bad per say but yeah they don’t really work work as mechs. And I kind of really on my like the last 2…


I think these are cute, but don’t really strike me as good robot designs. No idea about the show itself, never heard of it.


Mechs designed by Vivziepop


Honestly, the 6th one is actually pretty good


Aside from 3 I like the mechs. Terrible show


Strelitzia is literally Tauburn without the unfiltered rizz


the short one with black and green is amazing imo the rest is meh


Kinda reminds me of the Mechs (Mortar Headds) from The Five Star Stories/Gothicmade.




Lemme guess you’re mad the robot has tits


I genuinely fw all of these if they didn’t have faces (Lancer player)


Of all the things in franxx the mecha designs are the ONLY thing I like


To be honest, the 4th, 6th and 7th ones are not as bad because they at least *tried* to reel in the "anime girl in bodysuit" aesthetic I think the main issue is that from a mech design standpoint, they look too "organic" from the torso up, which the 4th design handily avoids through its design. For comparison, you have Nobel Gundam, which still has the "anime girl" aesthetic and utility skirt - albeit armor plating rather than thrusters or hovering shields, but it is balanced by the blocky, mechanical structure which helps ground it. I found a Twitter post that shows an artist design of the main DiTF mech in this sort of 'vein': https://x.com/triggeredshiki/status/1617158720726654976


That linked post definitely fits more in line with a traditional mecha design, but I think the final result is more interesting and visually appealing because of its uniqueness. The juxtaposition of its lithe body compared to the large spear, shoulder pads, and headpiece goes hard.


And just the fact that they're in there doggy style controlling this. Like, I know it's Studio Trigger, they made fuckin Kill La Kill, but it just feels a bit much in DITF


Hey what's wrong with #4 bro? Also that's literally a gunlance from Monster Hunter.


They would work if they weren’t giant robots.


They look more like robots than mech.


The second looks ut is from balan wonderworld


I'd say the designs are great, but definitely not as mechs I subscribe to the rule of cool in character design, but I can agree that it can go too far. This is one of the examples


I guess if you're going in with the perspective of traditional mechs, yeah these are bad. But as a casual viewer who isn't a hyper-fan, I love most of these designs. The first one and last couple are really great!


You not seen some awful 12 episodes and done mech shows


I've seen worse than this


Oh they’re awful


4 gets a pass cause it look like female gammoth armor with a gunlance https://preview.redd.it/huqn5vlvk12d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe7bc02cd2374bfa888d15f3e7ecc05dc22fcdc


I like the 4th one but dislike the rest


The mech designs sucked but damn the dinosaurs they fought I think are top tier.


the design is very human


Wait until you find out how they're piloted. Their giant hoods also have screens in the back of them lmao https://preview.redd.it/agugaz09p12d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1515b5b9f5d6c4e99f6048eccbdf5c69fe1a8e9


They aren’t that awful, but even for me, someone who has no problems with impractical and/or horny design choices, they still just . . . don’t do it for me. If I had to guess I’d say the super basic torsos, which are more or less just humans with robot colors and details, combined with some neat mech design tropes, makes the final product look more like a heavily modified mannequin. Just the ramblings of a rando, though.


“What if we made Gundams, but with boobs.” “Dude, you’re a genius.”


4th is really cool... however what the fuck are the other ones https://preview.redd.it/msve5fj5s12d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72148c8e3b78c9cd8236362cfd6f01cb36c50ae


Their 'stampede' forms are pretty cool though. But yeah, but too waifu-ized.


Remove the eyes or give them "Visor/Gundam" styled "eyes" and I think it would be a vast improvement. I know nothing about these "mechs" but that's just from an outsider's point of view


Darling in the Franxx, also known as Horny Evangelion


Evangelion if it was shit.


Gundam, but fuckable.


Mechanically speaking they all had “tell me you like Evaengalion” vibes, bigger issue imo was how they piloted them like guys you could have just copied vandreads idea of 2 mechs combining for one. Would have been more subtle over let’s have 2 people doggy style and just play it off.


“No but you don’t understand the robot girls are part of the show’s profound symbolism calling for the entire Japanese population to have sex immediately” -NOTShinzoAbe3333


I mean, these could work if it was anime about robots. But as mechs, not so much.


Some guy in my college gave a character analysis presentation on one of the characters, so I decided to check it out, and nope, done reading that


I actually thought these were creative designs. Mechs are usually blocky, and I understand that there was a sexual appeal motivator for this, but I just thought it was interesting because it's a mech design that wasn't just blocks and tried to do something different with strong silhouette shapes. But top comment made a good point, I think it would've worked better in a Megaman-like scenario


Idk what this is but it looks like shit


Honestly mechanics a spectrum from Military fantasy to full dumb super hero and these designs head towards the later. Especially since they were within Triggers framework at the time.b


Nah these are fine. The final mech that is clearly just Zero two however is a trash design. It's like they gave up making mech designs. https://preview.redd.it/bdy1eqg2122d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaee9b1342836c7b2792833abe1f9bfa1023da2f


Big O has better designs


its a hot girl anime, can't expect hard sci-fi tank on legs when the point is market them on body pillows though tbh i don't see anything particularly visually offensive with these as designs? unless the reason for the hatred is not that they fail as characters but as good mechs, then I can understand.


Awful mechs, but i like the design enough to search r34 of it


4th one looks like something you'd see in guilty gear ngl.


Thank you, that entire anime was grating to watch too, it lacks any subtlety and its only saving grace is the crystal smooth animation the studio pulled off.


idk i like 4 and 7


Ngl liked the mass produced designs way better, only thing I liked about the weapon designs in Franxx was the spears, gadam i love spears


These are great designs, fym?


I like mechs with this general direction, but Five Star Stories atrikes a balance that I enjoy more https://preview.redd.it/yps34tw7a22d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f0a4ea53b9345d6c04fd02b48265d4c813a519


I remember when people just called them "waifubotsc"


You know it’s a bad mecha anime when nobody fucking talks about the mechs.


Soemthing somrthing that one post about a mecha deries being good or not dependent on people talking about the mechs (see: Voltron). Being honest though my ass did not know Franxx was a mecha considering all the art I saw was the pink hair lady and sometimes the blue haired girl.


The fourth one looks so silly, but in a cool way


Where do the pilots fit? Why do the eyes that should be some form of camera (I forget what the exact lore is) look like human pupil eyes?


They'll never be in Super Robot Wars


The 4th one is literally a gunlance from monster hunter.


1, 6, and 7 are legit good designs and I won't hear it


These are not mechs these are anything but mechs, these are robot women in battle armor, these aren’t mechs, where’s the brutalist architecture, the battle damage, the androgynous body and face /j


if they didn’t have human faces or just no face they’d be amazing


This is Genista slander! (Genista being the black and green one with the Monster Hunter Gunlance)


I kinda like the black and green one


some of the faces are far too human to be read as a mech for me. that shit ain’t robotic and lifeless enough


Didn't watch the show so never saw these, but damn they suck


4 has a Gunlance from MH


I don't hate them but I agree they aren't well designed mechas, I think I give them a pass simply because they're more super robot. I hated the show though just way too horny


Could be worse. At least they're not overly sexualised and gratuitous


I do like the weird uncanny skeletal look. If only one looked like that, it might be cool. It's an issue when that's just the design. I think number 6 and 7 could work as a one off design, just not as a mech


They're good designs, they're just not mechs lol


Idk, I kinda thin they're alright.


Actually these are peak. It would be less weird if they were robots though, and not mechs with pilots. These would be wonderful designs for androids, not war machines.


Ngl I love these designs. Especially 6


I feel like the Star Driver mech designer might be the same one for Darling in the Franxx


Personally I love the designs. While I love a classic militaristic design like the Ground Gundam, or a more flashy edgy design like Barbatos Lupus Rex, these are fun, too. I loved how expressive they were.. the few times the anime showed them..


They don’t look like mechs but 4,6, and 7 are all good for non-mechs.


I think they're cute, but other than 4, they're way too skinny for 15 meter tall mecha. The pointy feet on 5 are cool too


I mean they don't look bad but they don't look like Mechs and it's definitely odd


Someone watched Evangelion and felt it wasn't horny enough. Also the name drives me absolutely insane.


I have never seen the show. I will die for 4.


where tf are they hiding the pilots? how fucking enormous must these things be to actually have a cockpit anywhere


I guess you can say they "triggered" you


I'll Hate FranXX til I'm Stone Cold but the main girl's mech and the silly black one with the jacket actually kinda look cool


The last one actually looks good


Respectfully? I kinda disagree, I like em. I like how wild with the proportions they go. Rule of cool, y’know? I will say as huge-ass mechas those are pretty wacky design choices. I think they’d better fit being human-sized androids.


I think the last one looks relatively ok


I would watch a series with them as protagonist after all they are basically people


I think it was said in reference to voltron, but I saw a post stating something along the lines of "if there's a mecha show that's so popular you know what all the characters look like but none of the mechs there's a problem" and I feel like that perfectly applies to darling in the franxx