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where can I watch tog in korean




no thats for reading it


judging from the fact theres no kor dub for the first season, there likely isn't gonna be one for the second


thank you for putting me out of my misery :)


How hilarious would it be if in the English Dub they also just call him Prince I Am.


Now the Prince and Wangnan relationship gets even more confusing


They can call him The Fresh Prince


Why do they change so many names? Are the changed names actually words with meanings? I know that "Bam" means night which translates to "Yoru" is it the same case for every changed name? Anyone that knows Japanese and Korean?


Wangnan Jah = I am Prince Ouji naru = I am prince


Thank you! Is there any chance you know what "Kana" and "Goseng" are?


I don't really know Korean. I only knew Wangnan Jah is a play for I am prince in Korean. Well for Goseng/Kana, it's written in Katakana so I don't think they have a translated name too unlike Wangnan which is written in Kanji.


I understand. Thank you


The official manhwa translation for TOG uses these japanese names so the anime follows that


You mean Japanese translation on Webtoon is like this? Man...


Yeah japanese people don't like reading stuff with korean names


That's literally all it is. Having said that, fuck that racist shit, the names are Korean, they should still be in Korean. It's fucked.


Its getting a s2 its good enough. They didnt change every name, so they probably have a reason


I literally told you the reason. Racism. Yes, that really is the reason. I'm not being biased, it's *literally* cultural racism. They don't outright change *any* name any more but when there's an opportunity they will. That's why most of the names are still their names, but anyone with "word" names gets changed to make it "preferable to Japanese people," which is code for the racism.


The biggest market is japan and tge language is japanese so its obvious they would try to change parts that their people prefers.  Korean manhwa try to insult other countries and glorify them selves all the time.  Idk why are you so triggered. 


First of all, the biggest market, any time, is China or India. They don't care about biggest market, period. They care about Japan. That's another bit of racism in the culture. Second, it says a lot that you're so focused on defending racism and calling someone else "triggered." Grow up, maybe, racist.


I read the official English translation on Webtoons and it was also Wangnan Ja. What am I missing here


Wangnan Ja is a word play and means „I am Prince“ The Japanese Ouji Naru also means „I am Prince“ Similarly how Baam means Night or Chestnut in Korean (hence why his name sounds tasty), the Japanese synchro calls him Yoru which also means Night in Japanese


I hope people aren't seeing this as if this is a VALID reason for the name changes. It would be like calling Ja LITERALLY "I Am Prince" and Baam "Night." Like, think about it how stupid this sounds to people just listening in Japanese. We actually do it with Lumillion (Mirio's hero name in MHA) being changed for no reason to Lemillion because of the translator's personal preference (and again, we know what the real name is because you can hear it in Japanese - LUmillion). Caleb Cook changing that is the same as these people changing Korean names.


But Wangnans name in Korean literally means „I am Prince“ they just localized the pun. Just how idioms usually don’t work in other languages. „Killing two bird with one stone“ only makes sense in English. The German version would literally translate to „two flys with one clap“ (and that’s one of the more fitting ones). So changing a name to something that makes sense is normal practice.


I'm actually for keeping the names and idioms like this, and adding a TL note. That not only preserves the original intent (can't do a chestnut joke anymore), but also gives you opportunity to learn some tidbits of the other language, why they have that idiom, and so on. I know my opinion is not popular, that's why localization exists. Maybe that's my perfectionist feature showing, telling me that I'm essentially watching a slightly different show, not the original one, and not getting the author's intent here. But that's just me.


AGAIN - it would be like calling Christian Bale "Messenger of God Bale." You don't translate NAMES. It's their NAME. It's not normal practice with other languages in Japanese, weird huh? And no, it's NOT. They didn't do it with ENGLISH, DID THEY??? Stop trying to make excuses. Accepting reality is key in order to make things better. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Korean_sentiment_in_Japan This isn't new information at all. It's all widely available.


No, english names are simply foreign names passed down through generations. For instance, Christian as a given name comes from Ancient Greek *Khrīstiānós*, which would've meant something like "follower of anointed one". We don't use the old meaning, but keep the new modernized word instead. An Ancient Greek would (with some struggle) hear "follower of annointed one", but we hear "Christian". [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/ew5adp/comment/ffztvs4) on r/linguistics does a good job explaining why some cultures are like that and others aren't.


The reason is, sadly, racism. It's a big cultural thing in Japan that they just straight up change Chinese and Korean names to Japanese names in their entertainment media. And no, it doesn't make sense. Them changing Baam to Yoru and Ja Wangnan to Ouji Naru is like changing Baam's name to Night in English. Or changing Emily Blunt's name to Rival Blunt. Or Zendaya's to To Give Thanks. It's completely disregarding the original work, frankly. It's a "we know better, this name means THIS in our language and our language is superior" kind of thing. Japan has a lot of issues with China and Korea, and vice versa, and this is one of the ways that it bleeds through culturally, sadly.


the thing is, koreans does it too. lots of japan original anime, i.e pokemon, digimon, dragonball (among others), uses korean name for korean viewership. * son goku = son oh gong * son gohan = son oh ban * bulbasaur = isanghaessi * taichi yagami = shin taeil * etc


Bulbasaur's name in Japanese is *Fushigidane.* Latin America also had a tendency of changing names in the 90-2000's. It is not racism, but mostly adapting the content to other places so it gets more popular.


so maybe pokemon isn't the best example in this case, even in my country they changed satoshi/ash to ali. and no i don't think this is racism since korea and japan shares basically the same root. this is more of a xenophobia. both of them is xenophobic to each other.


Yes, I know, it's bad both ways. The original names should be used.


agreed. it's kinda sad that japan and korea's bad blood still exist to this day, 79 years after their war ended.


I mean, a lot of our wars here in the US ended a long time ago and other countries are rightfully pissed at us.


It's not like we call Ash Ketchum "Satoshi from Masara Town" in North America


Yes, that's also really bad.


I think this is the realest answer I got today. Thank you. It is good to know some meanings, but as you said, straight up changing this is a crime. I would have loved to know "Wagnan Ja"s meaning, maybe as a translators note. But that's it. I agree with you that source material shouldn't be changed.


I'm glad you took it in the spirit in which it was given! So many people react poorly to information like this (and it does suck) so it's nice to see this. Thank you.


I'm always open minded and I know(learned) about the fact how those countries' people despise each other. I don't understand how it's hard to accept for other people tho...


Ah, that does explain it. Once you know something it's easier to accept related things. A lot of people genuinely don't know of or understand the animosity between Japan and Korea and the racism that sometimes comes as a result.


You're right


weebs dont like to think japan would do anything wrong.


Right... That's pure cringe but it happens alot


It's nothing new. 4Kids did it all the time for their dubbed shows back in the day.


Now that you mention it, Digimon had lots of small changes, which makes sense when it's for kids. But it's a different case with Tower of God. You should check different replies if you're interested in the reasoning


English dub will be better imo. Bam's va is one of the best.


I’m normally anti-dub, but you’ve got me curious. Who is it? Did they do S1 as well?


Johnny Young Bosch if I remember right. He also voiced in season 1 and is a pretty famous VA if you didn't know him.


Holy fuck?? Johnny Bosch is Dub Bam? Gonna rewatch the dub right tf now. To those that don’t know, he’s Lelouch (Code Geass) and Ichigo’s (Bleach) Voice actor


Not gonna lie, Ouji Naru is such a L name even if it means the same thing. Wangnan just sounds cooler to pronounce. Wangnan's face at the end encapsulates how I feel about he localized names.


Idk why they do this if the solo leveling have the og names in anime, I know different studio but is weird


Solo Levelling only had the og names for the worldwide release. For the Japanese release they translated them.


Thanks didn't know


It's gonna suck to accept this, but it's just straight up cultural racism. It's a very common thing to do this, and there's no reason but "we hate the Korean/Chinese names" (it happens a lot with Chinese names too). It doesn't happen EVERY time but there's no time in which there's a valid reason. They did it to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, they have for DECADES with that. Plenty of wars with each other have resulted in this kind of passive hate. It's also why lots of Japanese citizens were okay with Tetsuya Yamagami assassinating Shinzo Abe - Abe had a long history of cooperation with the cult (it's not a church) that also caused Yamagami's mother to end up dying - Yamagami hated him for that, Japan hated it because it was a *Korean* group that he was giving Japanese funds to.


Bam is also way cooler.


Why can't be Sougo?


You either should watch Tower of God in Korean or in English. Watching ToG in Japanese is like watching Demon Slayer in Korean where Tanjiro is Park Mujin or something. You certainly can do that but... Why?


Dumb analogy. The demon slayer anime was made in Japan with Japanese VA, so watching it in Korean would be watching a foreign VA dubbing the original animation. The TOG anime was made in Japan too with Japanese VA, so watching IT IN Korean would be watching a foreign VA dubbing the original animation. Watching it in Korean is akin to watching Demon Slayer in German.


The German dub is great though


German technology is the best in za warudo


You know it




Ahhh gut noch weitere Deutsche Enthusiasten in dieser Gemeinde zu finden


It's not a dumb analogy because that's not the point they were making at all. Tower of God is a Korean story, so watching it in another language with completely different names is like watching Demon Slayer, or any other popular anime, in another languages with different names. It's weird and off-putting.


Yes the analogy is dumb. Demon slayer in Korean would be watching a Japanese show in a different language than the original. Watching TOG in Japanese is watching a Japanese show (yes the anime is Japanese) in Japanese. It’s an unfitting and hence unintelligent analogy.


What makes an analogy good or bad depends on how many *relevant* differences and similarities there are. You misconstrued an obvious difference with OP's analogy as a relevant one, when one is not necessarily always the other What you brought up is an *irrelevant* difference to the core point OP was trying to get across. At the end of the day OP's point was about the jarring audible difference between hearing a characters' *original* name and their *translated* name. The origin of TOG's anime adaptation being Japanese isn't relevant and is a pointless semantic at best. The Japanese adaptation is still at its core a linguistic translation different from its source material (a Korean one), and thus pronouns will inevitably come off being hard to get used to, just as it'd be weird to hear a hypothetical Korean translation/change of Tanjiro's name Think about it this way: if Demon Slayer's anime was a Korean made adaptation where Tanjiro's name is changed to a Korean one (thus being a surefire equivalent to TOG's anime and Wangnan's name change), *literally nothing changes the core weight of OP's point*; people will still find it not as natural as Tanjiro's original name At best you can argue your German analogy is a *better* one because it transforms even the irrelevant *difference* into an irrelevant *similarity*, but that doesn't necessarily mean OP's analogy is *dumb, unintelligent, or unfitting*. OP still had a good analogy to get the point across. Yours is only marginally better because what changed from different to similar is still at the end of the day *irrelevant* Source: from a guy who aced the fuck out of his college finals in relation to analogies multiple times over


Disagree. The analogy is flawed, short sighted and easily improvable. Thus it was and still is dumb.


But what makes an analogy relevantly flawed and improvable is what I...you know what, never mind. Maybe you had different philo professors who taught argumentative analogy differently or something, or maybe there's a slight English language barrier somewhere. Agree to disagree and have a good day!


English language barrier? I doubt it. No idea how you got to that conclusion. C2 level and it’s my fourth language but nice try at a subtle ad hominem. If you don’t have arguments, resorting to hidden insults is pathetic.


It really wasn't meant to be an insult. Literally nothing wrong with *anyone* having a language barrier. Hell, that was one of two potential assumptions I brought up, but I see you focused on the one you viewed as a slight and could "um, actually" Also ironic you accuse me of not having any argument when you didn't address any of my initial points at all and just reworded your original comment to make the same unintelligent, short-sighted point. It's become clear you don't know how to assess analogies as properly as you think you do. Less a fault on language barriers and more a lapse in graduate level logic, which is fine, everyone messes up sometimes If you're that afraid of admitting you had a lapse in argumentative logic, I'll leave you alone. Just know you'll stunt your learning growth if you're hyperfixated on correcting others without correcting yourself. Everybody at any stage in their lives can continue to learn. Lates~


Buddy I suggest you get some tertiary education. Your judgement for what constitutes a good analogy is just plain wrong. An analogy has to be first and foremost analogous to the object it is compared to which OPs was not. Not even slightly. Apples, oranges, mele, arance, Äpfel und Birnen. Only a precise analogy has any merit at all and his was as imprecise as they come. It’s two completely different situations and the conclusion “hence you should watch it in Korean or (wtf?!) English (where they mispronounce any non English name every single time)“ is incredibly dumb. I hope you at least see how utterly ridiculous the conclusion is.


Dubs are annoying cause the translation is never one to one and is localized and sometimes the voice actors they choose aren’t that great. Tower of god is Korean so translating it to Japanese is already the same as a dub


It’s not because the VAs are Japanese, as is the animation. So syllables, mouth movements and general character fits infinitely better in Japanese!


Because it’s a Japanese show, that’s made with the Japanese voice acting in mind. Like most anime that’s the ideal experience.


Origin is Korean. Doesn't matter who adapted it.


Origin didn't have voice actors, it's a manhwa. If they produced this anime with Korean being the main language and having Korean VAs originally, then yes. Well, if the Korean VAs in dub will do it well, maybe. Always hated localizing of names.


There is already an official Korean dub (you can find Korean trailer here on this sub, was posted few days ago) and they use original names and pronunciation and it feels much much better and there is no confusion between first time watchers. Because right now half of the people who watched Season 1 call Baam Yoru which is not what the author intended and it divides community


>There is already an official Korean dub just because it's official, doesn't mean it's good


I personally think it's great. Japanese VAs are just overhyped but ya'll are not ready for that conversation


You’re actually insane. There’s great Korean VAs but a quality VA in Japan is the bare minimum to have a single line in the background.


I just watched that trailer. The downgrade of voice acting quality and the voices not matching the mouths is not worth having the names be faithful to the source material.


Fair enough, for me it's the opposite. I almost don't hear any downgrade (maybe only for Rachel's Japanese VA because she does a stellar job like doing 200%, which is hard to match)


I think i may be waiting for the english release


Lol, u/SalvadorZombie you literally deleted your reddit account or did you block me??   I get that you are indian (just a guess) but don't drag it every where. Do you have a clue how many indian people just pirate the show??  Do you think the mearch sales are that huge??  People can pirate that's their choice and sometimes necessary  but those don't bring money to the studio  And, if you think changing name is a crime and strong racism, you havent seen korean manhwa treating other countries like terrorists


Fuck you u/SalvadorZombie