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What media?


Gee if only there were an article you could click on to learn what the argument is beyond its headline.


New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, The Economist. Media that's center to left that many Biden supporters think should be on "their" side and get angry when those media go against them.


Why would you list the Wall Street Journal? It's owned by the same company as Fox News. CNN is now run by an alt-right Trump supporter.


Who is this alt right trump supporter at the helm of cnn?


John Malone.


What news source do you think is giving unbiased analysis of Biden's mental state?


None of them are in a position to do so. That goes for Trump, too, and all the stupid "Trump has a meltdown" articles that come out on a weekly basis, which just end up being Trump talking like he always does.


CNN belongs to a Trump supporter, Wall Street Journal has never been center or left, and trying to put The Economist in that direction is a fucking joke. MSNBC, well, the MS should give that one away. Might be the only one that democrats might think should be on their side these days…


Warner Brothers Discovery is a Trump supporter? Also, Microsoft sold its stake in MSNBC in 2005. NBC kept the name MSNBC for brand recognition.


And that somehow makes it left?


Where did i say anything was left?


“New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, The Economist. Media that's center to left that many Biden supporters think should be on "their" side and get angry when those media go against them.”


I mean I think trump supporter isn’t a good term. But discovery are quite right wing mostly. That’s thier audience- I make stuff for them


What news source do you think is giving unbiased analysis of Biden's mental state?


None. Look, I hate the democrats, but I hate MAGA even more. All of the outlets you mentioned are pushing narratives that actuallly support Trump. They are not left, and they are only in the most loose understanding of the word centrist. The issue here is that bidens performance is not the issue compared to Trumps absolute refusal to answer a question or his absolute inability not to lie. The focus on Bidens poor performance and not on Trumps downright evil performance is disastrous.


Trump being a compulsive liar isn't news. That's been well known for the past 8 years. Even if the media posted lots of stories about it, and they have posted a decent number, those stories wouldn't be shared by many and wouldn't get many views, because everyone's already heard it. Biden's declining mental faculties are news. Switching to a new candidate that isn't senile will increase Democrats odds of victory, not decrease them.


> are pushing narratives that actually support Trump. Wow have I been living in some bizarro world for the past 8 years? Fox is really the only one that supports Trump. Hell, CNN got caught leaking debate questions to Hillary’s campaign.


The Economist endorsed the Democratic candidate in every election since 2004.


I just want one - just one - to hold any of these caricatures to a proper answer. To investigate and push back at all. Biden is just four years older than Trump. The media covers it like one is substantially older. Neither should be running due to age related health concerns, though they will get premium care. Like Trump did when he mysteriously went to the hospital. Why was this not followed up on? What's with the bizarre and plainly false medical reports? The media failed to investigate. Neither is as sharp as they were, or need to be. Trump fell asleep in his felony trial. His supporters carry "real men wear diapers" signs. None of this is normal. There is a huge asymmetry in the trustworthiness of the candidates. But it's not often put in context by the media, because creating rage bait drives more engagement. More ad revenue. Ask hard questions and lose access and revenue.


Fake news, owed by Trump shills, bending over backwards to defend Trump. You're proving my point. with your bullshit. Real media should be unbiased. Unlike you and Rupert Murdoch propaganda.


What news source do you think is giving unbiased analysis of Biden's mental state?


Did you forget my question that fast? There are bigger questions about your mental stae.




Case in point. Biden has arthritis and a lifelong stutter. You, on the other hand, have serious problems.




I remember in 2020 when Biden was polling dead last in the Dem primaries, and Bernie was leading. When it looked like Bernie had a chance, every other Democrat dropped out and endorsed Biden. The establishment opted for what they considered the "safe, moderate" candidate and effectively galvanized those older primary voters against Bernie, so he wouldn't get enough delegates at the tail end of the race. I still voted for Biden against Trump then, and I'll vote for him now, but let's not pretend like he was anyone's favorite candidate. He was far too old then, and rather than open the race up early this time to let new, younger blood in, the Democratic establishment chose to shove Biden down our throats again for fear of the progressive left making waves in an economically distressed time. If Biden loses to Trump, the Democratic party will be to blame. We are suffering through what is perhaps the worst pair of Presidential candidate options ever, because Democrats chose establishment interests and status quo over progress.


Here’s the thing though, Biden beat Trump. Dems have over-performed since 2016 in every race. Every poll has been off. If Biden didn’t beat Trump in 2020, that MAGA asshole would be trying for a third term right now. The media pegged Hillary as too old in 2016, as they did Biden in 2020. Fuck that noise. Dems are big pussies and get scared when they win. They need to be administering a kill shot right now, but instead they’re putting the firing squad in a circle position and hitting themselves in the process. Every one of them has to stop taking about a weak Biden when there are countless great administrative achievements they can tout. Instead, they’re letting one bad debate dictate the next couple months while the other team is rallying around a treasonous, convicted felon, and convicted rapist, who now might also be a pedophile. Add into the trend of what happened in both UK and France this week alone, there’s a lot to be going off about right now. Instead there are doom posts like this and fuckin shit editorials. The media is owned by billionaires that want a narrative. Fuck them all.


I think Biden still has this, but it will only be because Trump (and the GOP by extention) have just become so horrible and unpalateable to independent voters that they are forced to overlook Biden deluding. The abortion ruling, project 2025, Jan 6th - these are all historic fumbles, and to top it off, Trump has basically doomed them. His primary candidates are wildly unpopular, and he's done nothing but take L's since 2016. Simultaneously, he's effectively purged the RNC of any detractors, so they're going to have to go down with the ship. The party is his now. That doesn't mean the Democrats aren't doing their best to shoot themselves in the foot at every turn. They're just lucky that the GOP is blowing their legs off on the other side of the aisle. I guess my point is this shouldn't be competitive at all, and the reason it is, is because the Democratic party has been afraid to take the next step forward for the last two election cycles.


Literally anybody but Trump but it isn’t just “one bad debate for Biden”. He’s beyond his best before date that is very very obvious and in any other sane universe he would be retiring, in fact he wouldn’t have even run in 2020. (people forget he considered himself retired after the Obama administration ended but he ran because of Trump’s win)


Let's be clear here: in any sane universe, Trump wouldn't hold sway over half the nation. We don't live in sane times right now.


His son Beau had died around that time, hence the reason he decided not to run after being VP.


You still believe the talking points lol. The party chose Hillary. Period.


If Biden wanted to run in 2016, he could've. The party doesn't select candidates, primaries do. The GOP establishment despised Trump in 2016, but he won, and then they got in line behind him. If establishment could get behind Trump, they'd get behind Biden if he won.


The DNC argued, and won in court, defending their right to choose their preferred candidates


Choosing their candidates doesn't mean they'll win the primary. Dean Philips put himself into the primary, and he could have won the DNC delegates if there was some crazy upset. That didn't happen, but not because the DNC rules forbid it.


Like with Biden, they hand picked their preferred candidate and had everyone else drop out to coalesce behind **thier** chosen candidate. And like obedient children voters fell in line


That is how a democratic Republic works, yes. The people vote. Voting against the DNC is just normally a wasted vote. They hold the majority of votes and are the largest liberal group in US politics. If you vote against them then as a liberal you're basically handing power to the other ideology. The joys of FPTP on display.


This is only an anecdote, but I live in a red-leaning purple area with a lot of politically disengaged non-voters. I did not have trouble convincing people to vote (for Hilary/Biden) the last couple presidential elections *once they saw a debate*. However I will most likely not be able to convince *any of them* to vote in this election, precisely because they’ve seen the debate. Non-voters don’t vote because they think it’s pointless. They think both sides are serving the same elite interests and neither will actually make their lives any better or worse than the other guy will. You can however arouse a little bit of patriotism in them when it’s apparent one candidate is just a Russian puppet. It turns out they don’t have that same impetus to vote when it looks like it’s puppet vs puppet though. And honestly, not knowing who is pulling the strings on Biden seems to be making them equally as nervous as Trump being a Russian puppet. It just fits into their paranoia about voting being a scam too nicely. So I suspect we’ll see a lot of swing voters that didn’t sit out the last however many elections sitting out this one because they can’t bring themselves to vote for a marionette so clearly being controlled by others, period, no matter which side is pulling the strings.


Great stuff. A LOT of people don't vote on right/left axis. They vote on vibes, and want to vote for a fighter, and someone who will "change" the system, whatever they perceive that to be. That is why Trump got a LOT of votes in 2016, because he was seen as someone who would really shake things up. It's also why Project 2025 may be so harmful, not because it's so extreme, but because it's such a PLAN, so to speak. Biden would do well to be much more of an angry old man, fighting against the "elites". The media is excoriating him for it, but its honestly a pretty good look for him.


At this point in his presidency, Trump was at -16 net approval.  Today Biden is at -20.  [Source](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/). Trump was a very very unpopular president and Biden today is less popular. In the past 70 years the only president that has been less popular was Carter, and he lost his reelection bid.


And you think Trump's approval has risen since then? That was pre-Jan 6, pre 90+ indictments, pre 34 felony convictions, pre-ROE overturn, etc.


Not risen but better than Biden, the reason we know this is that he's performing better in the polls today against Biden than 4 years ago.




It's a different brand of unpopular... Polls are only part of the picture here.


[Here](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/), his net favorability is 10 points higher than Biden's.


Which is an indictment of that data, don't you think?


You’re the only one rambling on about really nothing.


Nah, I'll still blame dipshit "always-R" voters because they are the trash who votes for trash.


False. Bernie had a pllurality, not a majority, and the other candidates realized that staying in the race was detrimental to Democrats overall. They dropped out, Bernie got crushed. Bernie was elimintated on Super Tuesday. He didn't carry a single country in Michigan. I could go on, but the point is that Bernie is not as popular amongst Democrats as his fans would like people to believe. Then, you write: >in an economically distressed time. The US is essentially at full employment, and by any measure is better off economically than at any time in the last 60 years. >We are suffering through what is perhaps the worst pair of Presidential candidate options ever, because Democrats chose establishment interests and status quo over progress. Maybe look at Joe Biden's record? His first four years are arguably the best first four years of any president ever.


Bernie was barely getting 20% in the early primaries, and the drop out to support Biden came when Joe got 51% of South Carolina. And not for nothing, Bernie shit the bed when it was time to unite the factions. His Nevada victory speech was the cringiest tone deaf thing I’ve ever seen.


For a short moment in time, Bernie was leading the leading candidate in 2020. His team knew there was no majority for him in the primary, but the Warren campaign (the only other progressive) was either already dead or still dying - so he could lead the pack ahead of the splintered moderate candidates.   So what did he do with his moment in the sun? He went on 60 Minutes and just felt like he had to defend educational policies of… drumroll… Fidel Castro.    That’s when the establishment panicked and united behind Biden. The Republicans then later really tried hard to paint Biden as a socialist in 2020 and it actually hurt ~~him~~ his party* electorally. Imagine how well that would have worked with Bernie Sanders.    *= Thanks for pointing out this issue Wanna_Know_More. I checked the timeline on the Bernie interview and the mass dropout of moderates, but didn’t get this part right. There was a post-mortem in May 2021, and it was mostly candidates down-ballot who got hurt badly by the socialism attack, it didn’t work on Biden himself though.


By what metric did Republicans smeering Biden as a socialist hurt his electoral chances in 2020? I remember it being a ridiculous claim that had no bearing on his chances.


But I'm a redditor and "I" wanted Bernie and I don't care that Bernie had 0 minority votes and would have gotten annihilated in the general election.


Candidates dropped out because they kept coming in 4th place or lower and running out of money while Biden was always in the top three and still funded. "The establishment" isn't real.


Lol because Bernie is such a spring chicken cmon man


Fuck Bernie, it's not about him. The point is we need younger talent and stronger personalities to drive the Democratic agenda in the DNC pool, and it's pretty horrific that the candidate we have is an 81-year old who is deluding and falling apart before our eyes.


Hey I'm with you, I'm still mad at Biden for the RAVE act lol. But you take what you get I guess and I have faith in his administration. I would love an alternative but I just think it's way too late this time and all this talk risks fractioning the base at the worst possible time.


Correct. The fools hate progressives so much that they defacto'd a fascists. Their old, grumpy, privileged, protected, and wealthy.


That's an old cee-lo trick. You and two of your buddies go to play a game with a "sucker." He thinks its a four person game but the three of you decided to split your winnings evenly no matter who wins. Your team now has three chances to win against his one. When enough rounds are played, you've taken all of his money. This method of probability-shifting is cheating and should be made retroactively illegal.


Thing is, this was a huge unforced error. Biden could have said he wasn't running for a second term before the primary, and the party could have had an open primary. It would have had a ton of positive media coverage, and Biden would have looked like an elder statesman doing what was best for the country, and passing the baton on to the next generation. I don't think the winner of a Democratic Party primary would have a lot of problems beating Trump. Instead, Biden chose to run and the party backed him, despite the fact that the majority of voters believe him to be too old, and his approval ratings are in the 30's. Now, it's become clear that he really is suffering from age-related cognitive problems, and it's falling down around them, and they're either going to have to run with Biden, or he's going to have to drop out anyway, and they'll have to scramble to put together a campaign with another candidate - which would most likely be Harris, who wasn't even able to make it to the primaries last time, and very likely wouldn't have won an open Democratic primary. It's poor judgment all around.


Yup, agreed. It would seem given the communications that have happened after the debate that the current thought is to hold with Biden and hope Trump's so distasteful that independents will have to overlook Biden's deluding. Given what's at stake, it's a baffling and infuriating position.


I’ve been saying this less eloquently for a year now. Thank you. I screencapped your post so I can send it when needed


That’s kinda of asinine if you’re a Democrat then you’d be the blame and if you didn’t vote why are you trying to blame others. Unless you’re not a Democrat and all of this would make sense.


First, I said the Democratic party; not Democrats. Second, I did vote. I never said I didn't vote.


You’re going on the theory that a Corporation has rights but you can’t sue a corporation because it’s not a person. The Democrats don’t hire someone to represent them they represent themselves.


Oh for fucks sake - the Republican Party’s total and wholehearted capitulation to a corrupt corporate donor class and their fascist pick for president are what got democrats into this fucking mess


If the Republicans ran a strong, moderate candidate, the Democrats would be far more likely to lose. America would certainly be better off, but Democrats would probably be doing even worse in polls.


If the Republican candidate were someone actually sane, we wouldn't have the problems we do now. Someone with genuinely sane and nuanced views on foreign policy, healthcare, abortion and trans rights, who condemns the brinksmanship that has defined the GOP since the Obama adniminstration and reaches across the aisle just as much as Biden does. We don't have that, we have Trump and the people who support him no matter what he says or does.


Yeah they probably would. But they didn't, because Republicans don't believe in moderates or sanity anymore.


You kind of nailed it. From my perspective I can’t see this debate about Biden ever happening if someone like Mitt Romney were the GOP candidate for President. No matter what you think of Biden, Democrats understand what is at stake because the GOP decided to hand their party over to fascism. The media is looking for clicks. That’s it.


I read the article well. I understand where the reporter is coming from stating how big a deal this was to report in the newspapers. My issue is that the same kind of coverage was not applied to Donald Trump's inability to actually answer a fucking question. Or his outright lies? Or his inability to stay on topic. I see five to one one Biden should go versus Trump is a moron. And that's my problem with the issue. Of course, the fact that most the major newspapers and news sources are owned by people who stand to gain a whole lot out of trump probably doesn't play into it at all, regardless of how the reporters views of politics are


You don't understand why the current president being unable to answer questions in a debate is bigger news than his challenger, who has been known to ignore questions for decades, does the same?


An article by Nate Silver about how blaming the media's bad coverage of Biden for his low polls numbers is getting confused about causation. Biden is doing poorly because he has real problems and people notice those problems, media coverage of those problems is mostly ancillary. The New York Times never talking about Biden's age wouldn't make people unaware of it, nor it would it make them not oppose the idea of Biden still being president at 86. It also criticizes reality denial and "noble lies", where people dedicated to stopping Trump think the best way to do that is to deny reality and tell whatever lies it takes to get Biden elected. Not only is that unethical, it's counter-productive, and just makes people ignore you in the long term.


Following nate silvers’ election forecast should not be confused with “knowing outright” how an election will go.


Nate Silver is not our friend


He’s the guy from 538 that horrifically missed on 2016, right? Kind of hard to take anything he says serious after that.


He did not horrifically miss in 2016. He was the only truly mainstream stats guy at the time that gave Trump over a 10% chance of winning. He said it was anywhere from 25-35% chance the week prior to the election. That's not unlikely at all. That's the odds of a coinflip going against you twice, which happens all the time. He is one of the best analysts there is in the mainstream still, full stop.


Nate silver didnt predict the comey letter


What is your point, exactly? He correctly understood that state voting results are not independent and that a healthy error margin is needed rather than the tighter ones other analysts went with while assuming far less dependence


“Horrifically missed” is nonsense. 538 put Trump’s odd at 33%, 1/3rd of chance. People just suck at interpreting statistics.


Didn't literally everyone miss on 2016?


I think push polling has become a political way of life. When Silver got started, he was a statistician, not a pundit. He is part of the pundit class now. There is no doubt in mind that there are good statistical analysis tools that can be used to judge progress. But they are damn sure not going to share that info.


>But they are damn sure not going to share that info. He posts weekly stats from his model on his blog, albeit behind a paywall.


Oh Nate Silver nonsense. Smells like autofellato behavior by a journo trying to discount and distract from the fact that the media environment is highly centralized & highly right wing, the media is in fact a huge portion of why things are as bad as they are today. About Biden specifically? Who knows.


# The media has been saying exactly what the whitehouse has been telling them to say this entire time. # They are entirely worthy of blame.


lesser evil voting is why we're here


Nate Silver - the party that called the media the enemy of the people is going to win... ...so I'm going to criticize the other party for some reason but it's not media bias against that party or anything.


The media may be deserving of an ungodly amount of blame they are just a natural product of our economic system. It is like blaming the weather for bad infrastructure being bad. You have to work within the environment and meet people where they are. It is unfair and biased and sometimes no matter how hard you work you don't beat it. Though Dems failing to beat it is largely their own incompetence. They got media that will fall in line if they got the right incentive. That is part of the job of politicians.