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“Damn smells like straight ass here”


The only way




This is simultaneously the best and worst advice here


First step is stop washing a grown man's underwear for fuck's sake. After that, tell him he smells bad.  How can you even be physically attracted to someone that can't wipe their own ass, smells bad, and can't manage their own laundry? Fucking weird. Edit: yeah, the op updated the original post with further info after I made this comment. She says she doesn't do his laundry.  Nonetheless, constantly leaving your underwear on the floor for however many days doesn't really seem like managing your own laundry to me.


When I had my stroke, I made a joke about at least being able to wipe my own ass. My wife looked me dead in the eye and said if I wasn't able to I'd already be in a nursing home.


You being carried to your new nursing home bed: https://y.yarn.co/73265081-32d4-4d08-b301-e316482181c1_text.gif


Never thought this quote would be as relevant as it is here… 💀🤣


Low self esteem and codependency


Well that is sad. Unless there is an actual disability, an inability to clean one's own privates should remove a person from the pool of potential sex partners.


She included an edit to say she doesn’t do his laundry


This had me dying omfg


Say it in Cartman’s voice




I mean, yeah. That's what I tell my friends when they stink. Well okay, I tell them "you smell a little, here's some deodorant." But if a healthy adult is leaving shit stains regularly? Yeah, bully that right out of them. Disgusting.


Yup. Sometimes, we need a little humility.


You gotta tell him. Sit him down and have a very honest conversation. Make it clear you aren't saying this to be hurtful, but this has to be brought to his attention. Either he learns from this and fixes the problem, or you discover that he's the type of man who will be unapologetically disgusting for the rest of his life. Either way, this is important information that needs to be exchanged.


Before he sits down, place a towel down.


well now you gotta throw the towel away


Get puppy pads.


Alternative advice sparked here: just get puppy pads and lay them down whenever he goes to sit down. Say nothing.




I would just start throwing away all the underwear with skid marks and when he asks what happened to them, I'd say they had shit in them. Then he has to buy new undies and he might start washing his damn ass.


As someone who is extremely hygienic, yeah this. Hoping the bidet will help him find a way to enjoy cleaning his ass instead of using his underwear as toilet paper.


I am not an overly hairy man, but the men in my wife's family are, my sons got that gene and they used to use half a roll of TP each time, at least it seemed like that along with wet wipes. It is really hard to get crap out of hair. Anyways, come covid I ordered a bidet and it has been a game changer in my house. My boys hate vacationing because they know the bidet will not be there. Even I notice it and feel like a heathen when I do not have one now. One of my son's cannot stand it soo much now that if he goes #2 and we are away, it turns into a shower. A bidet will change how a person views the world it is life changing.


If it's that hard to keep dingleberries out of one's ass crack, it's time to consider doing some hair removal in that area


Bidet….I SAID BIDET my good man…


Ive had to have a similar conversation. In my case, my Husb has ignored and belittled any mentions or attempts to fix the issue. His shit isn’t on his underwear; it’s all over the toilet rim and bowl, constantly. His response was to paint me as the only person who has ever cared about something so stupid. We are now amicably divorcing (his astounding gaslighting, not feces specifically, def contributed). I’ve obviously stopped cleaning the bowls, but our daughter uses them too, so it’s not completely out of my mind yet. A bidet did help with the smell tho, he used to not shower for long stretches  and then yell at me if I mentioned anything about the resulting smell. So that was an improvement for a while.




his ass-tounding gaslighting


Hey girl. I saw you across the room. Just thought I'd let you know, I'm not like other guys. I know how to wipe my own ass.


DEFINITELY so glad for you to get out of that stinky relationship. Just curious how dating or prior marriage went? Was he clean then? Gosh how stressful to have to have sex with him and not get BV or endless bladder/kidney/yeast infections


There was a time, right after I had our baby, when he would wipe his ass and throw it on the bathroom floor. The first time, I thought it was a crazy incident and flushed the toilet paper. Then, my oldest daughter mentioned she saw the same thing one day. I gently brought it up with him and he was so pissed. Of course this "never happened". It was only after he did it again and saw his own shit paper on the floor that he admitted it happened and stopped doing it. ETA: if a man is not fully potty trained by the time you date him, take heed because it does not get better.


I cannot understand the psychological motivation of this. Why did he want to throw it on the floor? Was it triggered by the baby somehow? Was he missing the toilet? Wow.


Sometimes older children in the home will regress when a new baby arrives, especially in areas like feeding and toileting


I don’t know. I’ve seen my dad do some bizarre things. I don’t get it, but I suspect it’s something to do with male entitlement.


I hope you don't mind me continuing you pry but I'm just truly interested -- what was this person's family like? What was the environment he grew up in like? Did none of this behavior make itself evident before you were married, living together, and had a child? All of this is so strange to me.


I do not understand how women end up married to men like this considering most people live together or spend considerable amounts of time together before marriage nowadays.


It is baffling. What's crazier is the thought that some dudes are out there, knowingly being a pants-shitter or whatever, but ALSO knowing that it's frowned upon by the rest of society so they manage to hide it for however long. Truly audacious behavior. They KNEW it was wrong, they KNEW it was unacceptable, they KNEW exactly the steps to take to just NOT do that thing or be that way, but once they achieved their objective they just slid back into their shitty behavior (no pun intended). I don't get it man.


I have legit not showered for a week straight out on camping trips and hiking and what not. I have NEVER had shit stains. Any one that does or thinks it's okay is flat out gross


I just do the dog butt scoot in a clover field when I camp, no stains, especially on a dewy morning


Lol natures bidet!


The guy’s 28 and he doesn’t know how to wash his ass? Just tell him directly. You’ll hurt his feelings, but he needs to hear it from someone!


Yep. Rip off the band aid and tell him straight up he needs to wash his ass.


The dude has hygiene problems because no one else in his life told him straight up that he doesn’t have a clue how to take of himself. And if a 28 year old can’t handle a conversation about very basic things regarding hygiene, I’d leave in a heartbeat


Yeah, I horrifyingly found out that my partner didn't wash his ass in the shower when I was laughing about a reddit post telling him about it. I was not nice and definitely hurt his feelings but I just couldn't contain my shock, disgust, and worry of my own health from sleeping with him. I was flabbergasted. It took a couple times of me asking to make sure, him getting all defensive, and me saying I don't want to have sex with someone who doesn't wash their ass. Then suddenly it became a normal thing. For some reason there's a generation or 3 of men that just didn't learn hygiene in any way shape or form. Also, if anyone else is reading this YES you have to wash IN-BETWEEN those cheeks! Soap up that booty hole it needs it, I promise. Edit: Okay, so first off the 3 generations thing was a sarcastic exaggeration ofc. I'm not a moron I know there's plenty of men out there with hygiene. It's just been a more and more common thing I'm seeing that men aren't washing their butts and I'm shocked. Second, I don't know why some of you have taken "doesn't wash his ass in the shower" as he just shits and walks away without wiping. We use wet wipes and toilet paper if you wanna know I guess. So there's not literal shit smeared everywhere and there have never been track marks in our laundry. He showers daily at least once but usually twice (after the gym) hence why it was such a shock to me that he didn't wash in-between his cheeks and that lil starfish. Apparently he was never taught to while growing up.




Binights too... Clean yo nasty starfish!




Growing up using water instead of TP makes me feel so much more hygienic. I always thought it was gross to only use TP to clean one's butt.


There was a significant portion of my life where it didn't occur to me there was a different option available,(other than wipes) I blame my parents. But I'm staunchly in the "WHY IS SPREADING FECAL MATTER OVER OUR ASSCHEEKS WITH THIN PAPER STILL CONSIDERED NORMAL" party.


Why tf you spreading it all over your cheeks. Not a debate about wash over wipe, but when wiping, the tp goes nowhere near my cheeks. Just give that hole a clean man not the entire ass!!!


Because this is reddit and people exaggerate for no reason. Of course a bidet is better and I use one but the anti tp people act as if when people shit and don't use a bidet that the shit covers 99% of their body. First off....shit hardly leaves much behind and if it does...change your diet you nasty shitters.


I don't think it's a generational thing as much as it is a familial thing. So specific familial generations, sure, but an entire generation or more- no. However a person is taught to use the bathroom by their parents is generally how they do it their whole lives and pass it on to their children. Heck, there's half the population out there that wipe differently than the other half but they assume that their way is the only way (most of the time).


I don’t think it’s a generation or a familial thing. I think it’s a stupidity thing. If someone spends 30 years on this planet and doesn’t realize that your asshole is supposed to be clean, they are just stupid. I don’t clean my asshole because my mom told me to. I clean it because I want it to be clean.


It's absolutely mind blowing to me that people don't wash their ass! How??! Wouldn't you get smelly and kind of crusty? Wiping doesn't replace soap!!


I think they just view at as a “dirty zone” meant to be dirty because “it’s your ass”. Or they’re terrified of getting up in there for whatever reason. Or they are really completely fucking ignorant to the smell, the fact their ass is itchy, all of it.


How....how can someone be ignorant to their asshole itching? It's actually one of **the most uncomfortable feelings.** It only takes a little bit of debris to cause it, and it feels terrible, because you can't itch it. How could anyone deal with that for any amount of time? I don't get it.


They probably think it’s normal. 🫠 or don’t make the connection it’s due to the chronic SHIT ON THEIR ASS.


The phrase “wash your ass” is just…absolutely hysterical.


I seriously don’t understand all of these reddit posts from people where their partner has abysmal hygiene. Like what compels people to settle for this shit (literally and figuratively)


I think a lot of it isn't something that happens at the beginning of the relationship and then when you're too far in (moved in together or married) this stuff pops up. My sister is going through a divorce right now because her husband has horrible hygiene (other reasons, too, but this is a big one.) The thing is, he wasn't like this when they got together. He wasn't like this when they moved in together. He wasn't even like this when they first got married. And then he decided that he didn't really like having to maintain a house or do yard work - he liked it when he was a teenager and all he did was sit in his room, smoke weed, and play video games. So that's what he started doing. And gaming is his priority so he won't shower or brush his teeth because it takes too much time away from gaming. It's ridiculous. Like, play games, but SHOWER. Do the things you need to do to be a functioning human being and then worry about the games. But he just won't do it.


A lot of adult men are basically not toilet trained.


over a decade of factory work has convinced me that an utterly horrifying number of men live every day as though its their first day above ground.


I was able to teach my 9 year old how to properly wipe his ass within a few days of finding skids in his underwear. It’s not complicated to wipe.


Yikes 🤮


Get him the book about boys bodies and personal hygine.


Do they make an adult male version of the American Girl Care And Keeping Of You book?


Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys as well as Guy Stuff: Feelings Book.


He needs the basics first. Gotta crawl before we fly. The book is also to teach you what to expect in adulthood. Quality stuff.


I just got this book for my 10 year old son lmao


She's not his mom.


Big facts which is what a lot of other people also said.


Who likes walking around with squishy shitty ass butt cheeks?


I get itchy after a fart sometimes. This is wildly gross.


I've found an itchy butt after a fart means you need to wipe most of the time.


Yup! It only itches if you have poop particles lingering near the anus or on it.


What is going on with men and skid marks?? Are they really in *that* much of a hurry??? It’s crazy how many men do not know how to wipe their asses… I bought my former partner wet wipes because I also enjoy a wet wipe and did not enjoy looking at skid marks, and the problem ceased after that lol I just placed the package of wipes on the back of his toilet and I told him I loved them so much, he would too. Also he needs to stop leaving his underwear on the floor. You are not his mother! Tell him to pick up after himself.


I have seen too many posts on Reddit about men with underwear skid marks and I really don't get it. Like how?? Is the bar really that low?


I dumped a guy cause he actually pooped on my floor and didn’t tell me. The few people I told immediately shamed me for not trying to teach him better habits and taking the lazy way out. (This dude was in his forties!) so yeah, the bar is like ten feet underground at this point. 


He shit on the floor?!?


It's time to get schwifty in here. I'm Mr. Bulldops.


I like what you got


Immediately heard it. “Shit on the floooor” 


You cannot just say this without telling the whole story!!


That is the story, her boyfriend shits on the floor, and she's wondering if she should tell him to stop.




YTA. YOU started dating this guy and knew what YOU were getting into. Honestly sounds like more of a you problem than a him problem. It's really not a big deal anyways, I'd let it slide or maybe just ask to eat less.


But have you cOmMuNiCaTeD with him? How would he know you don’t want him to poop on your floor?? Maybe he has ADHD! 


This ^ has he ever been tested? Also you might have type 1 diabetes because you don't like eating shit. Get tested OP. It worked for me!




Need details.


Boy wernt even house broken!!!!


The bar is in hell on this one. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


He probably listened too much to Iggy Pop’s “I want to be your dog”. Misunderstood it a bit. And here you go - Iggy Pop becomes Iggy Poop.


Ok enough Reddit this morning.


A few of these guys have said that touching their own butt is gay... Make it make sense, lol


No way! Really?!


Yeah, you didn't know that it's gay?!


This is the first I'm hearing about it.


Search the posts about hygeine, you'll find them.


arethestraightsok sub moment


so they rather it dirty than clean becuase they think its gay? eww


Yeah, it's not good. There was one guy who posted that his gf had worked a shower into their foreplay so she could clean the shit off him before sex. He didn't get it, thought it was just normal foreplay until she finally snapped. The fact that there are people who are ok dealing with this from a fully-able partner is wild.


“Sometimes when I wipe, I'll wipe, and I'll wipe, and I'll wipe, and I'll wipe... and I'll wipe. A hundred times. Still poop. It's like I'm wiping a marker or something.”


Brown brown brown brown white red - done.


I dated a guy who would tell me this. He would take a shower after every time he pooped. If we were out somewhere, we’d have to go back home. He had to be completely naked on the toilet and get in the shower immediately after. When I suggested wet wipes, he told me it still never stops. I thought this was hilarious but told him that he was limiting himself (and us). At least I always knew his ass was clean. I’m gay now. Edit: I wanted to add, the shower had to be running while pooping.


This used to be me. Fibre supplements stopped this completely. Every shit is basically one or two wipes now.


My ex said it was like he was pushing a "dispense" button. My ex. Not my job to fix another adult. Best wishes for all the happy laundry days, ex! He will get medical attention or not, it's his life & his skivvies.


Lol I remember that ..P & R


Probably easier to find a new bf than to convince the current one to wash his 🍑.


You don’t approach it, you walk away fast and find you a boy who knows how to wipe his ass. Surely you don’t want to be screwing that crappy ass man.


Just say it. "Hey, your poop stained underwear are on the floor and I ain't pickin' that shit up!" Also when he wants sex tell him only after you shower ... honey. If you want to soften the blow. What would you say to your child?


Great answer! I was thinking the same be staright forward, "say it to your kid".. good. But if she has to imagine he is her child to talk to him about this, can she EVER sleep w him again? 🙄 🤣


I guess that is good advice but I'd say it that same to a child as I would an adult. 'Wipe until the tissue is clean and wash your butt! If you need help just ask.' Although, I really wouldnt want to assist a grown man in wiping or washing his butt. 😂


Just throw them away. When he asks, tell him you don't handle skid marks because you don't work for the road crew.


No that’s mean. The answer is for OP to shit in her own panties to show solidarity to her BF.


It’s crazy Reddit is free with this kind of knowledge available.


If the product is free, **YOU** are the product. Reddit is in the pocket of Big Underwear. More pant shitting, the Fruit Of The Loom cashflow keeps coming. *takes a massive rip off bong and rails a line of ketamine* I’ve also got a theory that involves the cornucopia Mandela Effect that ties it all together. Edit after more drugs: All right, listen closely, because this goes deeper than you might think, and remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. Now, Reddit, that vast online meeting place where millions of us share memes, cat photos, and yes, personal mishaps, has been co-opted by none other than Big Underwear—specifically Fruit of the Loom. Here's the scoop: Reddit is teeming with posts and stories about unfortunate souls who've experienced sharting incidents. Innocent, right? Just some unfortunate accidents? Think again. These posts aren't just organic, embarrassing life tales. They're generated by advanced AI accounts, sophisticated algorithms designed to increase the frequency and visibility of these sharting narratives. Why? It’s all part of a grand scheme to manipulate the masses. Every time one of these stories hits the front page, the public consciousness gets a nudge. People start thinking, "Maybe I need extra underwear, just in case." Sales go up, and who benefits? Fruit of the Loom, riding the wave of increased demand. Now, if you think the stock prices spiking after each viral post is a coincidence, I've got a bridge to sell you. But here’s where it gets even weirder—let’s talk about the Mandela Effect, particularly the infamous case of the Fruit of the Loom logo. Many remember a cornucopia, a 'horn of plenty', in the logo that was never actually there. This isn’t just a collective false memory; it's a planted memory, a subliminal message encoded into our brains. Quantum AI, the same technology driving these AI-generated Reddit posts, is also capable of subtle manipulations in our perception, aligning our realities with desired outcomes—like recalling a cornucopia that signifies abundance, pushing people subconsciously to buy more, ensuring they feel a false sense of need created by these “memories”. And it doesn't stop at simply pushing products. No, this is a test run for broader applications: quantum AI advertising, using the digital ether to subtly influence our decisions on a massive scale. Today, it's underwear. Tomorrow? Who knows what decisions we'll think we're making on our own might actually be scripted by unseen puppeteers. So next time you scroll through Reddit and chuckle at another sharting fiasco, ask yourself—is this just another random post, or am I being nudged to stock up on Fruit of the Loom? Stay vigilant; they count on us not connecting the dots.


The REAL Fruit of the Loom is turds.


I'm fuckin dead oh lord


Underrated comment


That moment when she accidentally discovers his fetish.


Lol I'm going to say that if my husband ever stops pooping in the big boy potty 😂


This is an appropriate response. Or something to the like of… “I thought it was a shitty diaper, so I threw it in the garbage”. And then double down. “I picked them up by holding your wallet like a claw”


LOL YES THIS OP. I would literally throw them away and say this. It is not your responsibility to be making sure a grown ass capable man can wipe his ass properly. You are not his mother and that is a major intimacy killer! As soon as the mother role kicks in, it’s such a turn off.


A friend of mine told her husband you can’t live with your mother and fuck her too… He corrected his behaviour.


Glad he stopped fucking his mother!


Nah they still fuck, he moved out


I would be absolutely mortified if my girlfriend found my skid marks, if I had them. I won’t even talk about the other non hygienic stuff. Move on honey. He might be a great guy (who shits his pants). Stop blaming yourself. It’s not OCD. It’s you being a reasonable human being who wants to be with a person you find attractive. You’re not with that person.


I’m sorry dude. He’s not a great guy if he shits himself and callously tosses his dookie stained drawers on the ground for her to pick up. That’s not a great guy. That’s a guy who shits his pants and intentionally doesn’t clean his crack


This is the part that shocks me. He’s not even embarrassed and leaves shit in his pants for his partner to find. Just dump him, he’s disgusting. Even a wild animal would drag its ass on the grass.


Why are you dating a man that can’t wipe his ass properly?????


Not only can’t wipe his ass properly, his oral hygiene seems atrocious.


I recently reconnected with an old flame, then once I realized how terrible his habits (and breath) were, I disconnected. I'd rather be single than date someone who doesn't have good hygiene.


A partner with bad oral hygeine can affect you medically, as well. Different people have different amounts of the bacteria that causes cavities. A gross mouth can easily give you that bacteria and fuck up your teeth years down the line.


You tell him. All that hinting shit you’re doing, baby wipes and bidet and hope, fuck all that right off. “Your hygiene has deteriorated. It’s a massive turn off to find skid marks in a grown man’s underwear, to have a grown man who can’t keep his mouth adequately cleaned and to be able to smell you or smell shit, before I touch you. I’m telling you this because you need to fix this issue.” Side note, showering twice a day is definitely overkill and almost certainly worse for your skin than showering once per day. So if the two of you combined habits you would equal one normal hygiene.


How can this be anything other than a total deal breaker?


I broke up with a woman partly because of her hygiene... Skid marks in her undies really killed the mood for me


Had a brief encounter with a girl at uni who got in a “position” and I just straight up got a waft of ass. She was….not clean in the slightest back there. Quickest I’ve got back into clothes with a “Sorry, see you” as I fairly vaulted out the front door.


Gagging reading this 🤮


Disgusting.How do grown adults walk around with leftover boo boo in their backsides🤔? Isn't it extremely uncomfortable? Doesn't it itch?


Yea for real. Dude casually walks into work everyday with shit smear in his ass. Not a care in the world.


That is a cause for tension, that's fucking disgusting he's a grown man so there's no excuse for that shit


You do it and cause tension. Because he's causing you tension Grown adults don't leave poop stains in their underwear


I need the last sentence in a motivational poster on my wall


Dalle - make me an image of heavenly clouds opening up with light rays shining down on a pair of Calvin Klein underwear. add the motivational text: Adults don’t leave 💩 in their underwear.


Hahahaha Edit: I had a talk with my 4 year old son about a month ago explaining he needs to wipe his butt better. Would you like me to talk to your bf? I can even show him how if you want.


... imagining you see his underwear like this for 30+ years of your lifespan, oh sis you love him to death but plz love yourself a bit more. 🥲


I promise it will only get worse as he ages, gains weight, loses flexibility. If he isn't concerned enough now he is very unlikely to change for the better, people rarely do. Also, that much feces rubbing around in his undies is likely getting onto his penis. I would avoid intimacy just because she could end up with UTIs or who knows what else.


I swear if anything happens to my husband I will never date again 🤢 I will not deal with these men


A friend of mine had been dating a guy for a couple weeks. He was divorced. The FIRST TIME he slept over, he took a shower in the morning and left his wet towel on the bathroom floor. She called him out on it and he *didn't even realize he did it.* Like it was such an ingrained habit that he had no idea, even as a guest in another person's house, that he just left his towel on the floor. Maybe his ex-wife cleaned up after him. We'll never know. She was instantly done.


It's OK to hurt the feelings of any adult fucking person who leaves shit stained clothes lying around your house. Nay, it's obligatory. TELL HIM that you're horrified by the sight of his shitty underpants and he needs to come up with a more effective system of cleaning his ass immediately or he should no longer expect to be allowed to touch you with any part of himself or sleep in your bed. Jesus.


> My boyfriend showers maybe once every other day and really only brushes his teeth for a quick minute before bed without flossing or using mouth wash. I also often find his poop stained underwear on the floor of our bedroom and bathroom. > I believe I might even have a little bit of OCD when it comes to personal hygiene as I really overthink about germs and what not. I’m finding it really difficult to be intimate with him when I’m worried about his bad hygiene affecting mine and it’s also really hard to be attracted to someone when there are odors. I hate to be that Reddit person but this relationship isn't going anywhere. By all means have a conversation and see what he says but the reality is that your boyfriend and you are almost certainly fundamentally not on the same page in an area where it's important to be aligned. You'll either have to accept him, shit stains and all, or find a man who knows how to wipe his ass and sees the value in bathing regularly.


Best comment here…it’s a simple fact of the constant struggle for balance in life…”if A then B” is a basic of life that we seem to have somehow glossed over in our current state of being…everyone now seems to have some clever way of cheating (or think they are cheating) the laws of existence. In reality we as humans are regressing the more we try to progress. “Wash your ass you nasty fuck!” Is most likely the only true course of action that will work here.


To be clear, depending on climate and genetics, every other day is perfectly sufficient for an actual shower granted that your hygiene is great as a baseline


do not get intimate with him until all of this is solved, you didn’t find your puss on the trash!! he doesn’t clean his butt, I doubt his penis is much better


fucking SCREAMING 🤣


How are people walking around in society with dirty crusted up shit butts? What The Fuck……




And quit leaving it on the floor! Jesus.


Show him this post🤷🏻‍♀️


>I’ve (F25) found shit stains in my boyfriend’s (M28) underwear multiple times... how do I approach this without causing tension? Get real, sis. Your BF's lack of hygiene is already causing tension. If fecal matter gets in your vagina or the urethra of either of you, you can get E. coli, parasites, UTIs, etc. Bacteria that cause cavities & gum disease can enter the bloodstream leading to inflammation throughout the body and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Bear in mind that wherever he throws his nasty underwear is going to leave shit there too. I bet he doesn't wash his hands after using the toilet either. Tell him bluntly and as unemotionally as possible that his level of hygiene is unacceptable. Fix it or it's over. And you have to love yourself enough to mean it, OP. To paraphrase the now infamous MAGA slogan, "Fuck his feelings." Your very health & well-being (as well as his) depend on his fixing the issues.


Seriously. Have some self respect, especially because he doesn’t seem to respect you. Or himself.


Just have the convo with him wtf. He’s an adult, and if he’s becoming a slob you should tell him.




Dump him.


Lmao!! Omgee these comments 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“You got to wash yo ass” - Redd Foxx https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uldt6Y-CE3s


Why are you with him? Thats repulsive. Along with his other hygiene issues.


Get a bidet.


Wonderful but still doesn't replace wiping and bathing properly.


One part of the problem is solved. My life changed with an electric toothbrush. Next, I'll invest in a water flosser.


I was a little shooketh for a moment when I thought you meant you used an electric toothbrush to clean your poohole.


"Extra Whitening"


Ask him to throw away a bloody tampon, and if he says no, then say then I am touching your sh1tty underwear.


Please edit. 🙏🏾


I don't understand how people leave out the "not" when it's the crux of the sentence.


Tension is good sometimes 😂 maybe it’ll get your guy to wash his ass. I’ll never understand how people can date others without personal hygiene. Met my friend’s husband for the first time and dude had dark yellow teeth. Like DARK yellow, with visible stains. How does that even happen?!?




Start calling him skidmark


You want a magical way to bring up a very touchy subject that will ensure he won't come away from the conversation feeling bad. But that simply doesn't exist. The goal of healthy communication is not to ensure the other person always responds in a positive way. It is to convey information--in this case that his hygiene habits are causing you distress. You should always use kind and respectful language while doing so, but how he feels about what you communicate is entirely his business. You cannot manage those feelings for him. You've been together 6 years. You need to be able to have conversations like this. Have you been tiptoeing around, avoiding conflict all this time?


Let him know that you dont take shit from anybody


Just say ‘hey can you stop shitting your pants, bud?’ - he’s 28… time to grow up


Who the fuck suggested getting him black underwear. Gross. I say leave. Dude is fucking gross!


Honey, this is a big thing. You're going to have to either sit him down and have a thorough conversation with him or break up.


I don’t understand relationships where you can’t just be like “wipe your ass better. Love you” hahaha


How the fuck am I still single?


Do you have "does not leave my underwear on the floor and my underwear doesn't have skid marks"  in your dating profile? Maybe you should


this is something you need to talk to him about before it becomes a bigger issue, especially cause it seems you’re planning to spend the rest of your life with him and if you can smell it, other people probably can too. just reassure him you’re only saying this to him because you love him, cause if i were him id want to know if i stink honestly. i’d hate to see someone end such a long and loving relationship over something that could be fixed


He never grew up since high school. Skid marks is crazy.


By letting him do his own laundry.


You're at risk from nasty utis if he doesn't wash his arse , like really nasty ones. It's not ocd to wash poo from your arse. Tell him, it smells like arse in here, I can see poo in your pants, you're obviously not Washing properly, if you don't know how here's an article on how and why. If this doesn't change I'm going to need to stop having sex with you as it's putting my personal health at risk.


I’ll say this in the most respectful way. Eww. Just eww. Go find a man who knows how to shower 🧼. And matches your energy . He does not care to smell good for you. Or wash his ass lmao 🤣 best wishes


Fellas friendly washing your ass isn’t gay


OP just tell him when you see and smell his poo stained underwear your vagina literally shrivels up and screams no to sex. Tell him this gives you the ick. If he wants sex he needs to wipes his ass until there is no more sh\*t on the toilet paper, wipe until you see only white, yes he needs to get his fingers way up there. This is gross OP and disrespectful to you so stop being polite and be direct. He is being lazy so have some respect for yourself and lay down the law that he needs to wash a lot better do not back down no matter what he says because sh\*ty pants, no teeth brushing boys dont get sex. Is this my BF smears shit on his underwear and or bed sheets how do I make him not put sh\*t every were week. FFS. Wipe you a$$ people


There is nothing to do but come straight out with it. This is nasty, unacceptable, and messing with our intimate life. I need my man to be clean from head to toe and if it’s a problem for you to shower daily and brush your teeth twice a day, let me know because it’s a deal breaker.


Girl it’s time to hang up the shit stained towel and find someone with better, healthier hygiene habits.


A man who leaves his underwear on the floor like a toddler and shits in it. It's pretty awesome that you want to work with him at all. He's pretty lucky. For me I would be out the door immediately. I am too old to put up with weaponized incompetence and adult toddlers. But then again at your age I did exactly that. I regret it! But I did that so I cannot judge.