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Below is an overview of what is going on, starting June 12 over 4,000+ of the largest subs will be closing...what started out as only being closed for two days but that list is now shifting towards indefinitely https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/


Well we could always start a FB group and end up on CNN


Rip usmcNSFW zuck killed a good group.


He's thinking of MarinesUnited








Ay yo that shit almost got me njpd. Forbidden words


Baby Arm ![gif](giphy|Tq2tPTrQANKfK)


We can never have nice things


It was cool until I started seeing that zip full of nudes float around. I knew it was bound to get people in trouble. Thank god I never touched it as NCIS had to interview me. Been off Facebook since fuck all that.


Well making exes famous didn't help either circa 2010, it was actually impressive how fast those circulate


In the end though MU was a great resource for Marines to be Marines, and lives were fucking saved because of that page


Rip 29snaps


Shit I haven’t talked to VP in a minute. Last we spoke he was in wounded warrior. This was in 2017 I think


Remember when that shit went down? And we all got chewed the fuck out by some Sgt Maj or Lt Col? I didn’t even know that group existed at that time and.


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. Thank you








But first sarnt says to stay off the grass gunny




This conversation is so Marine LMAO!!!


Is something funny about a marine who can't follow orders? How about you give that devil some peer correction instead of sitting there laughing?


Clear lack of discipline and a negligence of duty. Liberty is secured. 0800 outside the company office for a chucks inspection


>0800 I'm hoping this is because you have PT planned between 0500-0730, giving them enough time to shower for 3 minutes, change, and drive back for inspection right?


No, it’s because health and wellness inspections will be from 0400-0745. company Guns, First Sausage, and the CO will be inspecting each room. We’re running a PFT after the inspection


First of all, love the initiative. Great job inspecting cleaniness, uniforms, and then physical readiness all on the same day. How ever "first sausage" is not a rank. It would be who of you to learn your friggin daggone knowledge. I'll see you at 0345 so you can tell me what you learned.


Sooooooo….. Spider man push ups across it.




But I'm in the 1st Civ Div, where am I gonna find the bleeding commie bodies needed to make the grass grow?


I prefer eating dirt.


I just use the Reddit app for iPhone am I in the minority? Why do people use third party apps to view Reddit? Genuinely curious


I thought this was how everyone does it too??? What is everyone using? Porn hub ?


I use it through a live link on my wife’s OF account.


Word? You mind sharing with me so I have new place to visit ???


Let me check with her BF and make sure it’s cool to share.


Might as well ask for all of us at the same time. That way you only risk him beating you up once.


You're good bro, I don't mind.


It’s cool, go ahead


Oh word ? Your good then


Bro don’t worry about, it’s fine.


Wife’s boyfriend?! As long as he pay’s his fair share of the bills, is what I always say.


Ah- the gaping buttholes mentioned in the OP.


My understanding is that there are a lot of 3rd party mod tools that make moderating a ton easier. The consensus seems to be that subreddit quality will go down across the site of the mods lose access to these tools. There are also accessibility features that don’t work well in the official app. Apparently the text to speech is atrocious.


Except, I’m pretty sure in the AMA they said it wouldn’t affect mod tools.


r/AskHistorians compiled a list of promises Reddit made but never kept, specifically regarding mod tools. Don't trust a damn word they say. Relevant section: >Admins have promised minimal disruption; however, over the years they’ve made a number of promises to support moderators that they did not, or could not follow up on, and at times even reneged on: > >In 2015, in response to widespread protests on the sub, the [admins promised they would build tools and improve communication with mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/3cbo4m/we_apologize/). > >In 2019 the admins promised that chat would always be an opt-in feature. However, a year later an unmoderated chat feature was made a [default feature on most subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/gakw51/in_30_minutes_at_830_pm_edt_raskhistorians_will/) > >In [2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/gvji7z/askhistorians_is_closing_to_new_posts_from_830_pm/), in response to moderators protesting racism on Reddit, admin promised to support mods in combating hate > >[In 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/pbe8nj/we_call_upon_reddit_to_take_action_against_the/), again, in response to protests, Reddit’s admin promised a feature to report malicious interference by subreddits promoting Covid denial. Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/142w159/askhistorians\_and\_uncertainty\_surrounding\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/142w159/askhistorians_and_uncertainty_surrounding_the/)


Yet after all that, everyone is still on reddit. For all this bluster, yeah, reddit may lose some mods but it’s not going away as one of the most popular sites on the internet. All this reminds me of one time a couple years back when reddit went down hard for a few days and everyone was threatening to go to Voat. Didn’t happen. This will be no different.


There are apps for people that are actually dyslexic or blind etc. Reddit doesn't support them, they are 3rd party. People have worked on those apps for years (some 10+) and now they are all shutting down June 30th due to reddit's new policies that start that day and bans them. No point in working on an app that is banned. Reddit is doing this because it takes away from their advertising $$$. I just use the regular app and don't see myself going anywhere. But I understand why people and the app designers are pissed.


The actual Reddit app sucks ass compared to the many 3rd party apps.


I use narwhal, have ever since I signed up for Reddit. I do have the Reddit app on my phone too though just because it was easier to open links that are sent to me, but I don’t understand how you can use the normal Reddit app with all the ads. I can’t tell the difference half the time.


Ads? I use the Andriod app and I only see ads in the post dash board, just scroll past. Nothing crazy they aren't over encumbering or anything.


Yeah same. Always used the official app. I tried Apollo a couple times and didn’t see much of a difference


I got overly angry whenever the official app would trick me with those advertisements that are meant to look like a real post.


We regroup at the gates of hell, but… They use other 3rd party apps like apollo https://apolloapp.io as an example. Gets rid of more ads and changes interface etc. There are also different functions when a moderator/admin, controlling bots, and other shit that is affected by use of third party apps and API etc. That is why the big “stand” on June 12 to not do anything on particular subreddits is all about. As a former Marine as well, I wouldn’t ask about the third party apps. It gets weird. That is my perception of the reddit battlefield currently. Carry on with the plan of the day.


The official app is a data hog, slow, and less user friendly compared to something like Reddit is Fun (the app I use)


I paid 3 dollars for Relay for Reddit years ago. Zero ads, zero suggested posts, it's actually showing me only and exactly what content I want to see. The official app does not do this, nor does the website. Moderator tools on the mobile app have been largely non-existent for years, so moderators have a hard time modding without good 3rd party apps, and lots of actual content creators prefer it. Reddit's alternative is just not up to par, and it never will be given the speed of development.


I’m using Apollo for the iPhone, which is not just the best Reddit third party app, it’s one of the best apps for anything I’ve ever used. I wish every app was made, as well as Apollo. I don’t browse Reddit, I browse Apollo. This is like losing an old friend to cancer. The cancer of GREED


Always have myself


I use Narwhal. It's just a much better interface overall. I don't want auto-expanded GIFs and photos and other shit. Easy swipe to upvote or downvote. You can fly through comments real easily. The official reddit app wants to be Insta or TikTok so badly, sucking in mindless scrollers who won't notice they are looking at ads every third post.


Bacon the Narwhal! I use it too and love it!


I started using third party android apps before an official app was ever released, and the app that I settled on works really well. I've tried the official app but I didn't like the design and lacks features that my third-party one has. I probably won't quit reddit entirely, but I don't care enough to bother swapping to the official app so I'm just going to stop browsing it on my phone. It's probably a good thing because I roll my eyes at a lot of stupid shit that gets posted on this dumbass website.


Yea no doubt. I prefer to use this app as a resource. I bought a house recently and the amount of knowledge from this app is amazing. Regular people say stupid shit. But regular people also have a lot of knowledge and even great recommendations for movies or food or whatever. Imo it’s how you use it. Stay away from the news section haha it’s such a left wing bias it’s insane


Yeah. I sincerely hope this blackout stuff doesn't kill reddit because it's an endless ocean of usefull information for every topic under the sun. If I Google something, 90% of the time I add "reddit" at the end because I'll likely find better info here than on some other random website.


3rd party apps are formatted wayyyy better than the official app. It essentially seems like a different app/website all together. I think I'm just gonna quit reddit if RIF is unavailable to use


RIF Will also be going down at the end of the month


Yeah, hoping that reddit realizes they are essentially killing themselves by doing this, but Ik it's highly unlikely


You’re using an m16a2 from bootcamp. We’re using the latest and greatest that self cleans and sucks out dick. But only for another 3 weeks :/


Also where the fuck is my free aol cd




So what are you using and why?


When I had an Android I used relay, when I got an iPhone I started using Apollo. When I’m on a computer I use old.Reddit. It’s just a cleaner and more enjoyable experience. A lot of quality of life improvements. There are a quite a few things I don’t use, but others do/did.


Meanwhile the AKs from the 50s work just fine. Ain’t broke, don’t fix.


Meanwhile the AKs from the 50s work just fine. Ain’t broke, don’t fix.


You’re right, we should only ever use old shit!


One reason is privacy. The official reddit app tracks your device ID, making it easier to ban you and keep you banned.


Or don't behave like a savage, and don't get banned to begin with? Social tax, man. You're a dick? Jail.


This reasoning is why our country is slowly descending into a tyrannical police state. Who gets to decide what is "savage"? You? The government? In this case it's China, since Tencent owns a huge share of Reddit.


People these days think using apps other than the app specifically made to do something is edgy. My kids have 45 different texting apps on their phones. I just use my regular text from my phone, its always worked fine. They're adults so its not like they're hiding stuff from their parents.


No there wasn’t an official app for Reddit for years. Reddit then bought alien blue a third party app and made it worse. Now they want to get rid of all the apps that were made due to them not developing their own.


This app is the only way I've ever done it. On my laptop a couple of times but the switching between apps and computers always seems weird to me so I usually use either or. This app doesn't seem too bad to me, But I'm 45....I've seen some some horrible attempts at electronic interfaces. Using apps to access reddit would signal you want reddit to have an app. So reddit spends a bunch of money (I assume) on an app that people wanted, and wants people to use it. I mean, its a business so I understand.


> Using apps to access reddit would signal you want reddit to have an app. So reddit spends a bunch of money (I assume) on an app that people wanted, and wants people to use it. I mean, its a business so I understand. Well that’s the thing. They promised all these developers of these apps they would be able to stay around and they would keep offering support. They maintain these apps as a job and then Reddit sucker punches them and wants them to pay an unreasonable amount of money or cease existing. The only reason they are doing this is to sell out to investors. This is sadly a path all social media’s go at which point they harshly decline in experience because they make greedy choices that screw over the users and content creators just to milk more money to investors until it’s dead. It’s very reasonable for these developers and users to be upset about this big fuck you from the sites admins and CEO. Because at the end of the day you are right it’s business as usual where some rich greedy asshole gets involved and ruins the fun for everyone.


I don’t see how it’s edgy to use a third party app, when I started on Reddit that was the only option. Same with Twitter back in 09


People used third party ab, so they don't have to deal with the ads..


Reddit killed off a bunch of whiny bitches that don’t like change. The iOS app it just fine and the words are the same no matter where you read them. Reddit is going public later this year and are cutting off the freeloaders from their tit by way of charging way more for API access. It’s smart. Buy the stock.




I got burned so badly by GoPro that my asshole is still smoldering. If Reddit comes in cheap, less than $20, I might jump in with a little bit, but it won’t.


They can’t dump due to lockout periods. Tech stocks that have a clear path to profitability tend to rise real fast after IPO day and then drop and those dips are usually good buying opportunities. *usually*…


Yeah, FB IPO was a total bust 🤥




They still have the similar ad model for scrolling and tracking. They don't know you're name. But they know mostly the same data points of the user


I'm with you on this too. I use the browser and the official app. I'll get downvoted for this but I think the people of reddit are being ridiculous about this whole thing.


Same here you can still view nsfw content anyways




To porn hub comments we go


I didnt even know there were third party apps just to view reddit. And honestly i dont give a fuck. I hope the whole goddamn internet crashes forever and we go back to hoe things were before the internet


I second hoe things! My favorite kind of girls.


Confirm "hoe things"


Rachet activities?


Thot theatrics


Slut stuff


Dame drama


I’m in the same boat as this guy honest thoughts if think it’ll kill Reddit or is a horrible think maybe touch grass not Sgt majors grass but some kind of grass


God I love hoe things. Sign me up for hoe things


We all going to ebaumsworld


Ahhh ebaumsworld that shit fucked with my development




Adios y’all…..it’s been real it’s been fun. Catch y’all on the flip


Lost Marine Plan: Break out your dusty laptops.


Tumblr. And we all laughed and laughed and laughed.




I feel like it'd take a full offensive to wrench the place out of the hands of the dumbfuck motards that make up that place.


Pretty sure most of us already have Grindr.......


* doot doot doot *


So I’ve never heard of these 3rd party Reddit apps, I use Reddit Actual. What unknown horror secretly rules my life? I’m unaware of what I’m supposed to be upset about, so could someone fill me in?


Can't find the article I read, but the gist is that Reddit's killing off a bunch of third-party apps for money or some dumb shit. A bunch of folks, maybe on this sub or others, use said third-party apps to moderate their subs because the new Reddit interface on desktop has become pretty user-unfriendly and riddled with ads (compared to old Reddit) in an attempt to force folks onto the app. Iirc, the desktop version moved/removed some mod tools so they're only accessible via the app. That and most of the mods of subreddits are volunteers and therefore unpaid. So if Reddit does go public, there stands a fairly good chance that a whole lot of unpaid labor would be used to line someone else's pockets. And that's uncool. To wrap it up, Reddit seems to be trying to make themselves beaucoup money in the short term.


>Reddit seems to me trying to make themselves beaucoup money That is how most corporations work :/


I know, and I know most of em would love to not pay their workers. We should still at least try to call them out on their shittiness when it occurs.


Reddit is about to release their Inital Public Offering and their trying to boost their revenue to make maximum amount of cash


I’m a mod for r/usmcboot. While I mostly use the iphone app, Apollo has many features and tools for mods that just aren’t available on the reddit app. Most of it really is useful for spam control.


I'm just gonna move back to Myspace. Tom wouldn't do us dirty like this.




I only use the reddit app and don't really care about NSFW content. I'm basically here to share pointless things and make stupid jokes. If reddit is anything more than that to someone, they probably should think about quitting. Seeing all of these posts about people fleeing reddit is laughable. It's almost as if people think reddit owes them something, and they are going to take their ball and go home if they don't get it.


For me, it’s just that Reddit has been useful for finding unique info about both common and niche topics over the years. Like useful stuff that doesn’t really exist elsewhere.


True, I miss old Reddit where fun subs like fat people hate could exist without moderation, but I like how now USMC and tacticalgear have a good amount of people to contribute :/ What do we do fellow tards? Someone put their LCPL seminar to work and lead me


Something something lead Marine to water something can't make him fuck it


And that will still be around just not on some third party app. Big deal


I hear you, but for many Reddit /is/ a lot more than that. Reddit is where I learn about: - Sports - Politics - News - Home DIY - Lawncare - Technology - Satire/Comedy Yes, there are other sources for all of these, but Reddit is kind of like a mall — your one stop shop for everything, and it’s all wrapped up in a pretty decent experience. But the more social media consumes our lives and manipulates reality, the more I become okay with its demise.


That's how I use it, but I'm realizing more and more that it's a net negative on my life. The "good" reasons (a few niche subreddits and a general knowledge of what is going on in the world) for coming here draw me in, but then I spend far too much time mindlessly scrolling through r/all and I almost never feel like it was time well spent. I hate using reddit other than 3rd party apps or old reddit so I think once the 3rd party apps go away, I'm going to use it as an opportunity to spend much less time here.


This is honestly the best way to explain it


This makes sense, but I think I would be able to do this same thing with the reddit app and would not require a 3rd party app.


You can, but as the old saying goes, variety is the spice of life. I personally use the native Reddit app, but I understand others prefer an alternative. I’ve also read that the native Reddit app is severely lacking for moderators, and that third party apps are required to do any serious “work”. Reddit is well within their right to do whatever they want with their platform, but their approach seems to be a bit egregious.


If you want to do so without suggested posts, communities, and ads, then yeah you need a 3rd party app. Otherwise you're not the customer, you're just the product.


I don't pay to use reddit, so I am neither a customer nor a product. Just some dude reading and writing pointless shit on his phone.


I'm only here for the asshole verdicts.


You don't like looking at boobies?


Not on reddit. Plenty of places to see boobs.


But Reddit's free


Uhh, so are many porn sites. Heck, just Google "boobs pussy".


I sometimes google "boobs" or "tiddies" when sad.


>I'm basically here to share pointless things and make stupid jokes. fu-ckin, same. >Seeing all of these posts about people fleeing reddit is laughable. its like those commercials that are playin on Spotify about "is Elon killing twitter? tune in to learn about how hes restructuring twit-" who gives a fuuuuuuuck. its some sort of detachment syndrome that people prop up and put sooooo much importance on a pointless self agrandizing ego tripping machiavellain fantasy boosting waste of time better spent jerking off, thing that people are treating like its the end times.


The only NSFW content I look at is MorbidReality and maybe I should stop reading that. Super depressing


I think the 3rd party app users seriously over estimate their share of reddit. I think it's going to be much ado about nothing.


Pretty sure a shitload of mods (who do this work for free) use 3rd party apps because it's easier to manage their subs than through the regular app or the site (which moved features to the app).




Pretty sure a shitload of mods (who do this work for free) use 3rd party apps because it's easier to manage their subs than through the regular app or the site (which moved features to the app).


It's about a *lot* more than 3rd-party apps. I don't think you realize how much of the content on this site is driven, curated, etc. through the use of the Reddit API.


If they kill the porn I'm leaving


Don’t go to truth social that place is full of two left foot having mouth breathers.


I forgot that cesspool existed.


Obviously we start a vaguely angry t-shirt/coffee company. You would've known that if you'd done your MCIs, Debil.


Rumor has it old MySpace Tom is super lonely and always looking for friends. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I say we all join the leatherneck dot com forums and we'll all just talk about the Old Corps and belittle anyone who served post-Vietnam.


It really sounds like the people running Apollo need to start a new Reddit.


All of the Marines are more than welcome on my Discord. You just have to promise to bring your juvenile behavior and stupid memes with you. I love you Jarheads.


Go the way that many services did. Something we remember that never comes again.




Are you guys... Not already there?


This one. https://military.convenecommunities.com/register/670 Growing Military and Veteran Community with ability to be anonymous if you choose. Create content too. Videos, blogs, etc Edited to add: Owned by a Marine!


If Reddit dies I will be so happy.


Once they took Alien Blue away from me, I just started using the official app. It was the next best thing at the time. Let's go back to Digg and make it great again. #MDGA


I bet Reddit will be fine


It will. Bot coders (good and bad) will adjust, 95% of the people bitching will move to the "official" reddit app, whine about it for a few months until no one cares, and that'll be that.


[Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) pretty much everyone is joining on the Lemmy.ml server. I still have no idea how it works, but it's just what everyone is doing.


I think the sites like that one are too confusing for the masses and therefore won’t end up becoming the replacement. Right now, it’s looking like tildes.net and squabbles.io are the two that are blowing up which have similar interfaces to old.reddit.com.


Do you want an alt right reddit? Cause that's how you get an alternative right reddit lol


I still have never used a third party app. I didn't even know that was a thing until the other day


People use apps other than the Reddit app? I didn’t know other apps for Reddit existed.


Yup. Reddit didn't even use to have their own app. They bought one (Alien Blue) so they could say they had one, then nerfed the shit out of it. So you can usually tell how long someone has been around. If they are on the official app, probably only a few years. Check out Apollo, Narwhal, Reddit is Fun, Baconreader, etc.




Wait, I use the browser on Safari. I even request the old desktop view. Never knew there were third party apps for Reddit


The local bar or vfw.


Well, if it dies, it dies. Wait and see, wait and see. If so, I can spin up a forum. What shall we name it? I am no good with names.


Misguided Children?


JTTOTS? Also, women's gaping assholes is 90% of why I'm hear. Violent death videos is another 9%. Sometimes I get mixed up and jerk to the wrong thing.


Same, it all starts to blend together. I see the red NSFW tag and I’m auto fapping even if the gaping asshole is from a shotgun blast rather than a dragon dildo or fist. It’s an honest mistake.


Since I've only ever used the reddit platform on my computer, the only thing I will be affected by all of this, is fewer people. Hate to say it, but I will see how the dust settles down first before I get my panties in a bunch. Hate to loose the group though, its nice to have a bunch of jar head, leather neck, dumb asses to join in conversations with and share my own stupidity.


Porn Hub my friend....porn hub


Respectfully, Reddit won’t go anywhere. And, I’m betting 95% of the users who “quit” will eventually be back.


In all the reddit posts about this .. not once have I seen mention of NSFW stuff being affected... Source?


I don't watch porn on here and don't use a third party app so 🤷🏻‍♂️


People use Reddit for porn??? And 3rd party apps, dedicated to use reddit, but look a little bit different. So what. Man, so much fucking drama.


The app works fine, but I wonder if they are gonna start charging once the API stuff is settled.


I'll stay here on reddit cause I think this is a bunch of bs yall are blowing out of proportion


Yea, this is a bad take. The third party apps existed under reddit's good gracious. Hell, they even had to pay to keep them up, at no cost to them. Reddit simply said that they no longer wanna pay to keep third parties alive and that they need to fend for themselves. Third parties, realizing how expensive to upkeep shit are now trying to pull victim card while trying overlook the fact that theyve been freeloading their existence this whole time.


But the mods do their work for free too


Yeah that’s not what’s happening. No one isn’t saying Reddit shouldn’t be paid. What’s being protested is the insane pricing for the API calls. Not a single app dev is upset that they have to pay. Everyone knew it was coming at some point but were just surprised by the pricing and the short time frame given. Reddit doesn’t like 3rd party apps because they can’t run ads on them. That’s why they want to kill them off.


I'm not going anywhere


I'm curious how you can't use Reddit without Apollo. There is at least two ways on iOS that you can view Reddit without Apollo.


Its overblown and Reddit will be fine.


I didn’t even know 3rd party apps existed. I’ve been using the reddit app this whole time.


Stuff like this always bugs me. Bunch of virtue signaling "damn the man" types that have no clue why things are happening. They just follow the crowd. Same people that loved the COVID vaccine and wore their mask dutifully as if they're better than everyone else .


Well, those that masked up are more alive than the ones that didn't. So...I'm pretty sure alive people are better than the dead.


Reddit isnt going to die. NSFW is still allowed. The cost per API call has increased exponentially to a point where it will drive away 3rd party apps.


reddit aint going anywhere. I use the site in a browser. Sometimes use the reddit app if I can't remember how to poop when I'm on the toilet. I don't use reddit for NSFW, there are like 10000 websites that actually do that better. Fuck Apollo, I never even heard of it until they started complaining about the API data prices. I mean I dont actually care one way or another but they seem to be super butthurt and thats my fetish.