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[Here is the drone view of this fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/195hocl/ukrainian_m2a2_bradley_facing_off_against_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of the M2A2 Bradley hitting the T-90M in Stepove (8+min video) Here is a better video and [2nd angle showing more of the fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/199gz53/another_angle_of_the_m2a2_bradley_tearing_up_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They didn't use apfsds, they used HE tracers which is even more embarrassing


Don't show this


Uhh why not? You can literally find patents online. This isn't confidential and is a relatively basic style of projectile. It's not black magic, just very hard and dense metal in a sabot moving very quickly. Russia, China, North Korea, and all of our "enemies" use very similar ammunition that does the same thing. If they were showing how the targeting system works on a Bradley, yeah that probably wouldn't be so good. This is harmless (the video, not the murder pencil)


I'm using murder pencil from now on in conversation.


Why not lol. It's a steel rod with a sabot. Hardly bleeding edge tech


Two months late and not to be pedantic but I believe those are made of tungsten so as to better penetrate the steel armors. Little mini "rods from god," if you will. Although instead of being dropped from satellites in space, they are fired from a ground based cannon. So "rods from man," perhaps would be a better nomenclature which sounds much less cool lol


Very interesting, but it was HE rounds that disabled the T-90.


In the longer video you can see them both theres also a video of the Bradley unit talking about this engagement


Oh okay, I’m just going off someone else’s comments on that video. If they were right, the Bradley crew tried AP rounds but switched to HE and that’s when the tank kill happened.


I read they switched to HE because AP ran out.


In an interview with one of crewman he said the feed mechanism for the AP malfunctioned so they switched to HE.


The brakes gunner gave an interview and he said that the AP rounds jammed, that's why they switched to HE round and they were literally blinding the T 90 by destroying their optics


Reminder: Bushmaster is dual feed.


Yeah, I’m only relating what I heard second hand, but the Bradley crew either went through all their AP or decided it wasn’t working and switched to HE. That’s the part of the video that most people saw, where their optics etc were getting destroyed before the tank finally crashed.


Depleted uranium sabot ignites fire when it touches air or water, it kinda looks like HE rounds.


Dont know much about rounds but that looks scary.


It’s a sabot round. Basically a non-explosive, armor piercing kinetic penetrator.


That sounds sick


Sub caliber munitions are fun. They are sub caliber, because they are made of dense metal, like tungsten, and heavy as fuck. But light enough so that they can get faster with the same amount of propellant compared to a full caliber round. They are stabilized by these plastic things, called sabots. They shed off when exiting the barrel, giving spin and stability to the round. Darts are faster than full caliber munitions by at least a factor of x1.3 and made to defeat armor. They come for tanks, and chain guns like for the Bradley.


How much can one of these penatrate steel plate?


Depends on the RHA value of the plate. Modern ammo for the newest version of the L55 are able to use darts that can pen over 800mm


Shit! That was ALOT more than Id imagine. I thinked like Max 100-200mm.. :O Wow!


That is for the large calibre cannons of Leo 2, Abrams etc Supposedly Russia's new Vacuum 1 has like 1000mm One of the other things with modern APFSDS rounds of Abrams and Chally 2 for example is they can be made of Depleted Uranium, which when penetrates armour of the target sharpens itself and also causes an incindiary effect, causing very high temperatures inside said vehicle. These smaller ones of the 25mm-30mm cannons on Bradley's and other such vehicles can be like ~100-120mm of rha penetration at close range Not enough to go through front armour of the heaviest of vehicles But enough to take out lighter vehicles frontally Though these can disable or kill mbts from the rear and sides if accurate


Sick rounds tbh. Very fasinating


They very much are, and are like basically developed from the APDS rounds from WW2 era. Usually countries use them made out of Tungsten Carbide as it isn't radioactive like Proven to be effective against heavy German armour being used by guns like the 6pdr anti tank gun. One of the APDS of this gun went through front of a Jagdpanther.


Basically a posh pencil!?🤯


25mm sabot round.....sexy as fuck and so cool being used on a T90


Fucking hectic watching it hit. So much cheaper than tank rounds too.


Remember when people said the main gun was worthless on a tank? It’s far from ideal and I’ll always prefer a TOW shot to the M242 (and a Jav shot to everything currently available), but I always said the 242 can kill a tank (mobility, optics, fun or otherwise) you just have to have the guts to sit there and bang it out with the tank. And for the tank crew to be so incompetent they don’t fire their cannon accurately.




Somehow I expect the sabot to fall of with much less force. Almost like it just falls of sitting there once out of the brass. That was surprisingly tough to take apart.


Those look nasty, wouldn't want them raining down on me. Glad they're on the Ukrainian side


I now have an idea to print a 1:1 for my 3D printer.


Oh, now I know why it’s called a chaingun


🤤 Playing darts with M2A2


Used to clean that bolt and chain regularly 😏🇺🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱🇪🇺 first gulf war 🥃 Slava Ukraine


Thank you for your service and Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇱🇷


That's a lot of packaging


It's essential to how a sabot round works of course. Without the jacket to snugly fill the barrel (the barrel's internal cross-section/diameter that is) and to thus harness all the directed explosive energy of the charge, the dart would likely just plop out the barrel and land a pitiful distance away. And/or ruin the barrel.


Wow! Its such in a good condition after it disabled a tank? Damn. Did they look around a lot for it?


Ho ho!


Tungsten? Or DU?


It's an aluminum sabot with a DU penetrator.


Thank you for showing the Tech behind it so Rissians can do something about it!...why do we need to show off all the time, c'mon people!


You know they have them in their own hands from the battlefield right?


Why is this guy wearing gloves?? It’s not DU so if it’s tungsten is that a health issue?


Those have DU penetrators but it doesn't matter you should still wear gloves when handling explosives.


Tungsten is a poisonous heavy metal. Depleted uranium is arguably, and surprisingly, not as dangerous as tungsten as a material. Really. Conventional mythology not withstanding. And yes, gloves are a good idea with any toxic heavy metals.


It's better to think ''Good thing I was wearing gloves'' than ''Oh shit I should have put gloves on''


Talk about lethal darts, Christ!


Tip made of used uranium?


Now I see why they call it a chain gun


Looks like a mini sabo round


We still fight with arrows they just look a little different lol


It just disabled all the sensors, optics they were essentially blind at that point, 25mm tungsten rounds unfortunately won’t punch through the front of a t90 the big puff of smoke was either the crew detonating their smoke screen or one of the rounds causing it to explode.


Do you guys know if the barrel for that type of ammunition is a smooth bore or rifled? I ask because the projectile has fins, a bit like the ammunition of tanks like the 120 / 125 mm which is smoothbore


Worlds deadliest game of darts


That's the round I had no idea was so advanced.


I call it: the ex wife


The round your gf told you not to worry about


Ribbed, for her pleasure.


What's the tip made out of?


The fudge? It’s just a Home Depot gutter screw?


I’d think even if it can’t penetrate the armor of the tank, I sure can damage the optics right?


E uranio impoverito


Awesome show the whole world a military secret by disassembling in and post it. Way to go. Dmf


High velocity rounds




They're ribbed for their "pleasure" 😉.