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Welcome to Ukraine 🙂


I can just HEAR that when I read it


Chances of making it out alive suddenly jumped up drastically.


400 hundred z's taken off the battlefield, in one day, saved a ton in munitions!


Whisper the trees... or is that the faint sound of the new whispering death that haunts the russians once more.. Jaga Jaga


https://youtu.be/jYaE_PVh-g4?si=_QNknl-A2_BxcOe3 Slava Ukraine đŸ‡ș🇩 ♄


The difference is easy to see. The orcs have gotten low on professional soldiers and the Heroes of Ukraine are battle hardened.


Heroyam Slava 1000x


They are forged of the highest quality Ukranium!


and ukraine is also slowly solving the manpower issue, and with the 60 billion dollars in euipment comming in, things are turning for the better


Unfortunately not particularly true: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz994d6vqe5o They are running short on willing guys. Now they’re rounding up men out in public spaces, knocking on doors etc. A few weeks of training and then they’re sent off to fight. I think the guys fighting, especially the ones who were just civilians before the war, are unbelievably brave. But Ukraine is not sitting on a surplus of willing fighters and the situation is only going to get worse. That’s Putin’s whole game: waiting it out because he knows they can’t go on forever.


keep drinking the russian propaganda, they still have 11 million population to draw on if they wanted to. also it does not really matter if you are willing or not since you are being attack if you are called on its up to the front


? It’s BBC and they interviewed lots ok Ukrainians. I don’t understand what part is propaganda. And frankly, if people don’t WANT to fight, I don’t think it’s right to make them. The government should not be allowed to make a literal life or death decision about my own life.


Its fight now or fight in poland. If its a law that you must serve under wartime then there is no discussion about it but thats just how it is. And if you think bbc is the arbiter of truth that just shows how far gone you are into their propanganda. But id you must know ukraine has had to turn away people because there was too many voulenteers. Also its a war of genocide so you simply dont have the choice to do nothing


I would disagree, and I would say that that type of conscription law is unjust. If people disagree, they should turn the weapons against the recruitment officers, the commanders, or the politicians. If Russia had taken the whole country two years ago, I bet we would’ve all completely normalised it by now. Maybe a few sanctions, but I think it would be much like the takeover of crime where everybody made speeches about how unacceptable it was, and then got on with life. At the end of the day, this is a war because of political rivalry. Russia is using terror tactics, absolutely. But it’s hardly a genocide. If you gave Putin all of the lands tomorrow, the vast majority of killing would stop. My order of preference would be: 1. Live in a free Ukraine 2. Live in a puppet state Ukraine 3. Be dead For myself, as a person who strongly supports western liberal democracies and ideals I hope Ukraine beats back this invasion, takes back the land, and eventually becomes a productive, wealthy, democracy in Europe. However, I personally don’t believe that it’s worth dying for a political cause. If I was there, I’d be escaping or bribing my way out into another country. Then I get to raise my family in peace, watch my kids grow old, and do all of the things I want to do in life. This is not an existential world war, no matter what anybody says. I wouldn’t be dying in a trench just so that some politicians can look at a map and feel like their dick is bigger. Lastly, don’t forget that a reasonable portion of the Ukrainian population actually hates Zelensky, supports Putin, and wouldn’t even mind being absorbed into Russia.


Oh so its unjust to conscript people that dont want to fight? Well when russia takes Ukraine and drafts everyone into an army to attack poland then you can talk about how wrong it is. Not like its gonna do anything


Russia also can't keep this up forever. Setting aside the higher manpower toll a war takes on the attacker, Russia can't keep up these equipment losses. They're currently still able to mostly replace their tank and IFV losses, though we're seeing older and shittier equipment all the time - but that's because they're still salvaging their old stocks that have been rusting in a forest for decades. They're not going to be able to keep that up forever, and then even at full wartime capacity they won't even come close to replacement rate. I'm willing to bet that day is sooner than Russia wants to admit - hence bringing up a ceasefire and peace talks again recently.  This war of attrition is a game of chicken that Russia is going to lose if it doesn't swerve. NATO and Russian incompetence will see to that. In the meantime mobiks will continue to yeet into LMG fire and drones in golf carts. Looking forward to seeing ever more of that in the near future. 


*David Axe writes about ships, planes, tanks, drones and missiles.* And about ruzzians getting absolutely stomped! Best thing in Forbes


Yep, and the number of comment trolls dedicated to his articles is a good indicator of how worried they are about his accurate reporting. 


I find it hard to believe that the Russians cannot mount a successful extraction mission. Are the Russians that inept or do they just don’t care?


It was a deliberate trap and russians took the bait. UA controls the "citadel" north of these troops, a fortress of high rise buildings, from where they have total fire control. They let russians take the plant just to cut them off. More POW, more UA soldiers can get back from the torture chambers.


This is the same military who was real careful about observing how far himars could reach, so they moved their men and equipment *just* out of reach. Turned out that was a trap too. They never learn.


Also the flagship, the AWACS..




Even better this will boost morale for the defenders and the russians will feel it because its almost half a battalion of troops


And If you actuall knew anything about the war, you would understand that Russia isn't doing trades for POWs. The last one was a month ago after months of nothing happening.


So what you're saying is that they do POW exchanges. Just because they aren't every week doesn't mean UA shouldn't be taking POWs to exchange their brothers with.


No, they don't do POW exchanges. Idk where your from, but in a war where their are tens of thousands prisoners, trading 70 people over the course of 500 days doesn't really count as them actively doing prisoner swaps. Of course you can turn this into a semantics argument if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Russia is refusing to do prisoner swaps FOR THE MOST PART. I also never said anything about UA shouldn't be taking prisoners, I'm just saying you hoping that they will swap the "tortured prisoners" as you put it, is beyond unlikely.


Have you ever considered that most of the captured russians don't want to be exchanged? They can be charged 10 years in prison for surrendering or sent back to another meatwave instantly.


[no](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-says-russia-blame-months-no-prisoner-swaps-2023-11-30/), I [haven't ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/russia-stops-pow-swaps-wants-families-to-blame-ukraine-official-2023-12%3famp) [considered ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ukrinform.net/amp/rubric-ato/3808740-russia-repeatedly-refused-to-take-its-pows-ukraine-offered-for-swap-ombudsman.html) [that](https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-stalls-war-prisoners-exchange-heat-political-tensions-ukraine-kyiv-says/). Btw, you claim relies on their being ZERO Russians who are willing to get swapped, which is simply not true. Idk why yall are arguing that Russia isn't preventing prisoner swaps 😅


From your source: "In November, the Ukrainian government said it had registered 3,574 Ukrainian military and 763 civilians taken into Russian or Moscow-backed separatists' captivity since 2014. The figure included those who have already returned to Ukraine, it said. However, it said the numbers did not show all the current prisoners. Ukraine has already brought back 2,598 people from Russian captivity during 48 swaps"


Ruzzian now it's backing down on exchanges...because it's bad publicity...it's not good for their propaganda...and also not good for the brain dead Zorcs they want to eliminate Ukrainians not exchanging them...


Wow thats so cool, but what's cooler is I gave 4 sources, and what's even cooler is that this doesn't prove me wrong! If all 48 swaps where in the first year, that still means there has been a year and a half with no swaps. You really seem to be trying your hardest to miss the point of "Russia is preventing prisoner swaps as of late", and if you actually read the articles I posted you would realize that is the case. I'm not saying Russia has never done a prisoner swap in its existence, I am saying Russia is actively refusing to do prisoner swaps, especially when you compare to how many swaps they did in the first year.


There was one very recently when the blonde police woman from Mariupol was returned with many others.


Also most doesn't mean zero, nice try to gaslight.


Yes, but if 10% wanna get swapped and there are 10,000 prisoners, that is still 1000 people willing to get swapped. In order for your claim of "they aren't swapping because lack of Russians NOT because Russia refuses to swap" to be true, we would not have seen the most recent prisoner swap with 74 people. You are claiming that they aren't swapping because lack of prisoners, I'm saying that's bullshit and provided several sources to PROVE that swaps aren't happening because of russia, not because of whatever bullshit you have convinced yourself of.


Even if they cannot be traded in case of manpower issues they could be forced to serve on ukraines side, remember they still are close countries so it would be little problem to force their service for freedom as a ukraine citizen depending if they did warcrimes or not obv




That's false, Ukraine gives them the opportunity to chose. "To those who have surrendered, the Ukrainian authorities offer the opportunity to call their relatives and friends,[63] and to take part in a prisoner exchange organized between the governments of Russia and Ukraine, or to remain temporarily in detention with the possibility of staying in Ukraine or emigrating later." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treatment_of_prisoners_of_war_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine


With an enemy like Russia, you take what you get. We get it, they're stingy with their exchanges, and everyone would love it if they'd actually consistently exchanged prisoners. We're lucky they swapped any POWs, as they aren't a common occurrence in ANY war.


They USED to be common in this war, than Russia stopped doing them.


It makes sense for Russia not to trade POW. They value their men low and can just send new waves. They are expecting and can afford higher losses and you would probably need to offer 5 russians for every released ukrainan to make them agree.


Treatment if POWs is another reason. Photos like the one from the most recent exchange don't paint a pretty picture.


Yes, keeping a POW is cheap for Russia and they are dying off given enough time. A large number of POW would be a greater burden for Ukraine.


Yes, you are right with that point. But a question is, how long can Russian governments withstand the women and families demanding their men back or just asking for their fate. There is open counter speech in provinces. Yet, only in some provinces - but how much information do we get?


Yes and Yes


They totally don't care. I remember seeing an injured russian that didn't get evacuated for like 10 days. He had an amazing amount of maggots and worms living in his legs.


In the entire history of Russia when have they cared the slightest about their cannon fodder?


They only care to lecture how many died in WW2. That so many died due to The Red Armys incompetence and Stalins murderous leadership, and indeed the execution squads, is of course irrelevant.


They may care when it is not there.


Porque no los dos?


Could be both.




How can Russia win... there only hope is Trump xlol


I wish the Trump reference was funny. He is as great a risk to western security as Putin, and half our country is too stupid to understand that fact.


Or they welcome it. They didn't wear t-shirts saying "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" for fun. Putin is everything that the Christo-Fascists of America want 


He is probably everything they think they want. That is the issue with authoritarianism. It seems appealing because you don't realize the price of giving up freedom, individuality and the right to disagree. It portrays itself as a strong form of government for strong people, while in reality it is a incompetent form of government for servile people.


Jon Stewart gave an excellent commentary on this point when busting Tucker Carlson’s “interview” a/k/a sphincter-licking of Putin.


There is so much ignorance in those t-shirts it makes me doubt our country’s future.


Most Trump supporters are in a religious death cult where the only thing that matters is that they go to heaven after they die. Life and especially suffering doesn't matter to them, the end goal is all that matters.


He is an extension of Putin's risk.


I strongly doubt it’s half the country. He didn’t even get half the votes the last time he ran. And this time, he’s getting less. They are just the loudest.


I really hope you’re right. I’m gonna be voting twice as hard just in case.


> I’m gonna be voting twice RIGGED ELECTION


Hahaha Lara is coming for you


I strongly doubted in 2016 too. He didn’t even need half the votes then. He had i believe three million fewer votes from people like you and I. But US has an archaic election system that decides the outcome and states with more farmland but fewer people get much more voting power. And those states will vote red even if Putin himself was the nominee.


Sad, but true. 


That’s why it’s 10X more important to get out there and vote. We cannot be complacent and say oh there’s no way that half the country will vote for a convicted felon now. Get comfortable and skip it. Because literally nothing changed for 99% of the people who supported him before and if just a few percent of Biden supporters sit out it’s not going to be good.


If you're not in a battleground state, your vote kinda doesn't matter as much. Donate to Super PACs in states that matter instead of your home state, money's the only thing that talks and those battleground states(Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconson, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Michigan) are where your money goes farthest.


But do go out and vote down the ballot. If you're in a solidly red state, do or don't vote for the president, at least vote for your legislators and other positions like school boards.


Solid info! I encourage both doing this and voting. Too many otherwise smart people around me fail to do a single thing because they’ve been convinced of the bullshit lie that “both sides are the same/just as bad”. If they can’t see that it has not been the case for the past few elections then it’s probably too late for those people and they’ll never challenge themselves to research and see what each side is actually standing for these days.


Whenever someone says that phrase, it signals to me that they are either a moron who thinks they’re smart (flat earth etc) or someone who lacks empathy


Half the voting block, anyway. There is a larger percentage too stupid to care about politics who will not vote. Regardless, Trump is not in a good position to win.


I pray you are correct on that point.


I have a coworker from Africa who said he's voting Trump because, "I'ma get that bag." Dude is so fucking stupid. Trump would love nothing more than to deport him immediately.


tbh..i hope the military revolts if he tries to cut funding.


The whole Russia collusion was debunked a long time ago as PAID for by Hillary Clinton AND the DNC. Trumpers like watching Russians die more than you do. Facts. Fascists are the Democrats. Socialists and communists are the Democrats.


Is that you Lara?


I guess you have not been reading Trump’s quotes about cutting off funds from Ukraine if he is elected. Facts. He wants to stick to Ukraine because they would not be a part of his attempted smear campaign against Biden. Facts. When President, he threatened to delay or interfere with previously approved arms shipments to Ukraine if they weren’t willing to help in a smear campaign. Facts. The labels you throw around have been reduced to buzzwords that folks use when they want to get mad at the opposition and don’t know the specifics — I.e, the FACTS.


Man I have a lot of right wing friends who think Zelensky is a nazi and that "We should spend that money at home"--despite it being money we are literally spending on American manufacturers. And look at all the right leaning channels. Fox news, OAN, etc they are all anti ukraine. But I have next to zero left wing friends who'd say the same.


When Russians get their own Mariupol. A taste of their own medicine.


Russians will never have a mariupol, bucha or any other. They arent mosnters (ukranians) nor they will stoop to the russian level.


Just making a reference to hundreds of soldiers surrounded and stuck in a big factory. I bet they never expected that to happen.


Fair enough 👍


2 choices, surrender or be part of the mobik Meat cube.


At this time, without doubt, I would have done it (invasion) better. First, it was chaotic, than tragic, further to decisive & ended in comedy. The second whatever army got defeated by an almost broken army led by a comedian.


Turtle tanks, T62's and mopeds wtH!!!! Freaking humiliating!


How exactly do POW exchanges work? What happens when one side consistantly manages to take more POWs than the opponent? Do they exchange 2:1 or 3:1? Or do they just keep the excess prisoners for later?


dont feed em too much


OK, was this verified? I was checking multiple sources and it all boils down to one report. It is a huge info win for Ukraine and propaganda collapse for Putin, thus I’m surprised how little we know about it?


Trump is a populist. He takes the path that creates him the least problems. He had four years of blustering about getting the US out or reduce US involvement in NATO and never took even the basic steps to get it done. He had four years to end federal funding for NPR (clearly a democrat mouthpiece he hates) and never proposed anything like legislation to end it. Because he didn't want to take the heat involved in it. Trump came into office promising to cut Federal spending and "drain the swamp" but after four years in control the budget ballooned and Federal employment was greater than when he came into office. Trump won't end funding to Ukraine because the American people support Ukraine. He'll scream and bluster as he always does. But in the end he will spend and spend and spend just like he did when he was last in office. That is what populists do.


In 2016 Trump said it would be easy to wipe out the Federal deficit. He did give a massive tax cut to business and predominately to the wealthy that was totally unsustainable. Trump ended up adding $7-8 trillion to the Federal deficit and that is more debt than any President has added in the history of the Republic. I believe he will definitely cut off funding to Ukraine because he intends to give Putin all the territory in Ukraine that RuZZia currently controls. That will never be acceptable to the Ukrainians so Trump will be able to use that to justify ending any more assistance. Putin would be praying for a Trump victory in the Presidential election in November. It is his "Get Out of Jail" card.


>Putin would be praying for a Trump victory in the Presidential election in November. Not praying; he'll have an army of bots and trolls working to flood our social discourse with lies and misinformation. Trump is Putin's greatest hope for the future and he will actively work to elect him. 


I really recommend you watch John Oliver's latest piece in Last week tonight, it's on YouTube, the orange fuck may be a loudmouth amateur but much like Hitler this time around he has a bunch of Goebels with a plan....


Oh yeah. Trump and his minions learned from their mistakes last time. They will concentrate on those democratic systems and processes they failed to neutralize before. The few checks and balances that worked before to limit his autocratic goals will be killed if he should get another chance. Fortunately, I'm convinced he won't. 


Very well said I would just take note of the NPR/Dem mouthpiece thing - It just happens that NPR and the Democrats have some things in common, they are not tied together in any way. Both are progressive in that they care about logical, practical and fair ways to help the country, the economy, environment which includes underrepresented groups. A blend of capitalism and socialism. All things that make for a healthy, thriving society. That's all :)


In 2016 he had advisers that actively blocked him from doing crazy shit. Mattis was key in Trump not ditching our alliance with South Korea. In 2024 he'd have advisers actively goading him to do crazy shit. Stephen miller is a crazy person who will for sure pull us out of any alliance he can. These people live in a world where, "USA! WE'RE NUMBER 1!" and "USA IS A FAILING COUNTRY!" are presented at the same time with zero conflict.


The Romanian Brap Trap


Great. 400 disgusting mouths to feed that will only ever be liabilities not assets, wherever they exist.


has anyone confirmed this? I have not seen one upload showing any Orcs surrendering. Rather, glide bombs raising there position.


Refer to my first sentence.