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How can one even survive that, wouldn't infections just kill you in long run?


You wouldn't believe what crap you can survive if you get the right treatment on time


Human body is weird, sometimes you survive the most insane shit with 1% survivability and sometimes a small injury can have fatal consequences.


A stewardess fell from a plane, 10 thousand meters back to earth and survived. Dozens of broken bones, but survived and (partially? I don’t remember) recovered. There are people that trip, fall over and die. Or drown in a puddle drunk. Or simply…keel over. It really is weird


So true . We all seen people absolutely mangled from past wars . They all said they're lucky to be alive. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Jack Daniel's himself died of an infection from a broken toe because he kicked a safe . Now quite a bit of difference between medicine then and now, but a broken toe damn.


My mother in-law got sepsis from a hangnail and landed herself in the hospital for a week.


Tell that to the old guy in the Monty Python movie.


If he survives the debridement process theres still a chance necrosis sets in and he looses the arm. If he survives the amputation he might be fine.


My favourite story of survival is Juliane Koepck. Her plane LANSA flight 508 crashed into the Amazon rainforest in 1971. She fell/flew 3000ft* down and she was still strapped into her row seat when she woke up. Her collarbone was broken and she had other serious injuries but survived 11 days through the jungle and lived. She was the single only survivor. *Edit. It was actually an incredible 10,000ft down that she fell. Or roughly 3000 meters. Thanks to u/RIForDIE for recognizing my error! 👍


I just read a little about this and wanted to inject more amazement - it was 3k meters. 10000 ft drop into a jungle as a teen. Thats wild


I stepped on a Lego piece once. I’m disabled ever since but alive.


Oh I couldn't wish such fate even for my worst enemies you are true surviver bud


If you properly clean out all the dirt, maggots and necrosis, then disinfect thoroughly and pump the guy full with antibiotics, then there is a good chance of survival. Given he's in the hands of a russian army doctor, I'd say he's dead now.


Maggots are the best way to avoid infection by removing the rotten flesh. [They have been used for centuries to clean infected wounds](https://www.swbh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Larvae-therapy-Using-maggots-to-help-your-wound-to-heal-ML3770.pdf). They are used in hospitals today but they breed sterile larvae for this. [Newer news article about their increased use around the world ](https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/22/breeding-maggots-heal-wounds-welsh-firm-biomonde)


Depends on the type of maggots.


That, is maggot bigotry sir, and I I will not stand such filth under my roof.


Maggot: "Someone said filth, and I am here for it!"


So next time someone calls me a Maggot I’ll need to go “Hey! That’s a sterile bred hospital maggot to you!”


I assume by this you mean some will eat good tissue and make the situation worse? what are the chances of getting the good ones or bad? I'm curious as I always thought they where good in situations like this.. as gross as they are.


afaik good ones are lab bred - happy to be corrected.


The ones in the video are probably lab bred from one of the many US facilitated bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. /s


Maggot gatekeeping


I know a guy that got wounded during the invasion of Panama back in the 80’s…he got severely grazed on his skull, bullet tore a path right across the top of his head. He was lost for a period, unconscious from his wounds…when he was found his head wound was full of maggots, and the doctors told him they saved his life, as they ate away at all the necrotic tissue in the wound and he didn’t get infected as he might have had the maggots not been there keeping the wound “clean”.


Amazing story and thats exactly the example of how this was all discovered and developed into a perfect hospital process now. People keep saying that the wild maggots would “*bring infection from who knows where*”, yet its only the fly that arrives and lays the eggs fresh into the wound and the maggots hatch there and start killing bacteria and cleaning the wound. So even if a fly did bring new bacteria, the literature implies that the maggots then kill that bacteria as they secrete enzymes that liquefies the rotten flesh so they can eat it. Yum yum yum! Science is wild.


Holy shit its truly papa nurgle's blessing




maggots have been used for a very long time, perhaps thousands of years.


What about the maggot poop though?


I have used them for debridement. They only eat dead tissue.


I know of an African immigrant who got lost in the desert and maggots ate most of his thigh. He is legless, but alive.


He must have a knarly scar now!


For sure…the guy got all sorts of fucked up…first he hit high tension power lines when he missed the drop zone while jumping in, got shocked and lost most of the movement in one arm, then after stumbling along those same power lines to find his unit, a couple Panamanian soldiers saw him and shot him in the chest, he fell on his back and they came up on him and tried to shoot him in the head to finish him, but his Kevlar helmet deflected the round just enough to graze his skull….after which he passed out. He then woke up and tried to radio for help, they told him to fire a shot so they could located him, which he had trouble doing because of his arm being messed up, but he managed to fire off a shot, which also wounded him again…dude should have been dead at least 4 times that day.


But now someone will argue with you that you're wrong bc they weren't the specific larvae in the wiki page....people no longer have critical thinking skills....


some maggots will eat healthy tissue too. So those someones would be correct.


Correct bit they also eat the bad shit so it ends up being a win bc your shit doesn't go necrotic. Not ideal, but might get you a few extra days until you can get real care. Literally search ww1 maggots and a slew of articles show up


melodic telephone wakeful zonked literate important distinct stupendous paint bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> [There are reports of the use of maggots for wound healing by Maya, Native Americans, and Aboriginal tribes in Australia. Maggot treatment was reported in Renaissance times. Military physicians observed that soldiers whose wounds had become colonized with maggots experienced significantly less morbidity and mortality than soldiers whose wounds had not become colonized.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy#:~:text=pneumoniae.-,History,was%20reported%20in%20Renaissance%20times.) So in WW1 soldiers who got maggots in their wounds healed faster. And I don’t think they had laboratory reared larvae in the Mayan times. So what is it you are claiming?


They don't realize that a nasty old maggot is still potentially better than nothing. I do think you could potentially get a horrible infection from a random maggot I don't know what the odds are.


I just responded elsewhere about this interesting fact. Only the fly arrives from elsewhere to lay the eggs and could bring bacteria, while the maggots hatch fresh in the wound. The maggots secrete enzymes that dissolve the rotten tissue so they can eat it, and this is what sterilises the wound. So anything the fly left may be quickly sterilised by the maggots.


False. Many documented accounts of maggots on the battlefield saving the lives of soldiers. Just Google it.




Emergency Room Nurse here, all the maggots infested wounds I've encountered always have unbearable rotting stench, I highly doubt they were selective eating only necrotic tissues. In contrast, maggot therapy don't have anywhere close with the foul smell.


I was thinking the maggots are saving more orc lives than the doctors for this reason.


THose are Regular fly Maggots, Good chance they EAT everything, Good flesh and dead flesh.....


Probably sent back to the front once bandaged


This is beyond infection, the black spots is necrosed skin.


Was about to say, that guy already looks like he has gangrene.


The most dangerous thing you should be worried about is the dead tissues, bacteria love dead meat. The Maggots actually helped him survive by eating away most of the dead tissues


Bacterias eat anything dead or alive, our immune system only keeps them in check. Maggots are rarely used anymore, the synthetic collagenase is pretty much the gold standard for wound debridement. Also maggots poop, probably more harmful and its easier digested by bacteria. The real danger is organ failure from blood infection or muscle breakdown.


Excellent reply til


We use leeches for blood supply however fairly often in modern med.


Why do you say maggots are not used anymore? [There is an entire industry trying to use them more.](https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/22/breeding-maggots-heal-wounds-welsh-firm-biomonde)


possessive joke wide person carpenter edge lush strong stupendous enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Once it gets in the blood, you'll see the veins go dark and spread. That's when it all goes downhill.


The maggots eat the dead tissue and clean the wound


Not those type of maggots, there are specific maggots who can do that, not all of them.


certainly true for the medical maggots (Lucilia sericata), not true for many other species which simply eat and spread until nothing is left to eat. What i see in the footage is the principle at which that dark age implodire is kept together as it basically is a collection of patches that falls apart if not hold together with bandages. If left alone simply not doing war it would be the most peaceful stretch of land on the planet - but no, its not enough patches with maggots eating it from within yet.


The problem is they also eat live tissue, lab grown maggots eat only the dead tissue.


For real? I've 'seen' maggots being used, and I wondered how they wouldn't eat too much. Thanks for the info


They were documented back before WW1 as being beneficial. Lots of these people dunno wtf they're talking about.


We need educated maggots that follow protocols soldier!


The maggots are not the most disgusting thing in this video.


The maggots are the victims LOL


Yeah that maggot was disgusting The fly larvae is pretty gross as well


The biggest difference between most of the Ukrainian and the Russian casualty clearing stations and hospitals is the total disparity in equipment and supplies, a Ukrainian casualty clearing/stabilising station is better equiped than any Russian hospital i've seen, and Ukrainian Hospitals are just very well equiped and stocked modern trauma hospitals, every patient in need of monitoring has modern systems avalible to them (I personally havn't seen any wounded in any footage or images without it being avalible), Russian hospitals are poorly stocked 60-80s style with a couple of more modern bits of equipment if they're lucky.....


Ukraine basically copied the western system of cas evac so they have aid levels at every stage from battlefield, to aid stations, to casevacing back to a hospital or trauma center in the rear. The west has a *lot* of recent experience and lessons learned from this. It looks like Russia is using the same system from the 1970s Afghanistan if not earlier. That's why you see a lot of wounded dudes offing themselves because they know they're fucked to a slow, painful death if they're seriously injuries.


Their standarts are lower, life for them is cheaper, but unlike what people say here that the russians have no medics, is simply not true, thats why their casualities are so high and they keep going even sending back wounded men


Ok so I've never dealt with wounds that are the result of shrapnel before, but I have worked around diabetic ulcers (the biggest being about a fist and half wide) and some car crash victims. You don't just loosely scrape out the shit inside the wound (in this case maggots and god knows what else) you have to THOROUGHLY disinfect it. The hospital I worked at, that would mean about 10 minutes to an hour per wound (depending on severity), cleaning all the puss, detritus and necrotic flesh using saline and disinfectants, then placing a silver alginate pad of some form (and even then they have to be replaced every few days), then you wrap it and give a massive broad spectrum anti biotic to the patient (within reason depending on allergies etc). Seriously all that is happening here is sealing a wound with all the bacteria still left inside. Dude didn't even take his fucking watch off.


I can only speak for US soldier care, but for wounds like this it would probably be done under anesthesia in less than 24 hours at a military hospital in theater, Germany, or back in the US. They can't do a great job in this example because the soldier is feeling a lot of the treatment. For US, the wound wouldn't likely get this bad as initial debridement would be done maybe in similar settings but a lot faster and cleaner. Combat medic(s) > field surgeon/PA > combat support hospital > military hospital. Once stabilized and healing, physicians, PAs, techs would pick out surface shrapnel in a clinic.


When the medic gives you four tongue depressors and says “put them in your mouth. No, the other way. Feel free to bite down because this is going to hurt.”


So I can only speak from a civilian perspective, but is there not a military version of the "green whistle". It's what first responders use in serious injuries when the patient is still conscious in Australia (halogenated ether as a type of anaesthetic). I've seen it used quite a few times and the patient (besides from being delirious) won't feel a thing. Would that not be useful in a situation like this, for out in the field? Once the patient can't feel, at least stabilise and disinfect the hell out of the wound until they can be exfiltrated to somewhere more appropriate?


['Green Whistle' Provides Pain Relief -- But Not in the US](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/1000476). From a quick search it seems like it's an Australian thing, but it's spreading.


Yeah, this dude should have opened wide for that FPV, a much better death than what he is/was in for


Yeah I've seen people in peace time die of antibiotic resistant TB (granted they were very old and their immune system was already shot) but it is a fucking slow and nasty process. I can't imagine the sepsis and other secondary and tertiary infections these guys will get. I know I'd rather go out quick


Saw a video on here of a soldier offing a fellow who got hit by FPV. Bullet to the dome. Probably more than ine reason for that, but im guessing the treatment wouded vets get, uf any, back in Russia is just a waste if time. Might as well start a new game and hope the "localtion die" isnt weighted based on your previous lives decicions.


Yeah I saw that. At first I thought no honour among thieves, but to be honest in that situation it seems the right decision


>all that is happening here is sealing a wound with all the bacteria still left inside It's called an anaeroburrito, and while they're good fresh, you really want to let the flavors blend for a couple days.


Not gonna lie I had a morbid chuckle. Take an upvote.


That was some funny shit for sure.


I'm not in the medical field and I thought this treatment looked pretty weak sauce. I was thinking that his whole arm needed to be submerged in a disinfecting bath or something like that.


Considering the "treatment" if he's not on insane anti biotics he will probably lose that arm. All those maggots, they aren't special medical maggots, they will be defecating in his wounds. That whole arm did need disinfecting


>special medical maggots "You see comrade, these are special medical maggots for the special military operation."


Why didn't they do something to kill off the maggots?


I'm guessing that they will stuff the Zorc with a massive amount of drugs and let it go...if the guy it's still alive after one week they again scrap any maggots and change the bandages LOL


So I did a basic first aid course a while back and was running through the DRSABCD in my head while watching this. Maggots didn't feature in the training so I figure I'd stop at the D for danger and call it a day if I ever came across this


Start at Danger, freak the fuck out at the maggots crawling out of his wounds and jump straight to the the Defib section. At least stopping his heart would do him a favour....


Looks like a lot of necrotic (dead) tissue, hence the maggots. This guy is in trouble.


Aren't maggots a good thing? They use them in hospital to clean dead flesh EDIT: TIL I learned about maggots, the more you know! 🌟


And there's a problem when the flies were previously crawling on dog turds for example


Small "once touched dog shit" icky isn't as bad as dead rotting tissue icky. Also, bacterial/fungal infections are decidedly "not that bad" when it comes to sitting in the hospital for a while. Broad spectrum antibiotics takes care of that. And a fly that's the size of a grain of rice, with legs that are suuuper small, can't really carry a whole bunch of, well, shit.


Specifically bred fly maggots in sterile conditions.


These two comments are getting towards the right answer. The "specifically bred" part is they are one specific species, lucilla sericata (green bottle flies) because they secrete enzymes that only digest dead flesh (vs chewing off live flesh). The "sterile" part is important too -- you don't want flies that were crawling in shit or other rotting corpses/carcasses before they land in your wound. Hopefully this puts the bed the confusion on medical vs regular flies/maggots. If the prevailing fly in the area is green bottle fly, there isn't much difference between medical and regular maggots.


It's a less bad thing, not a good thing. Better to have maggots snack on the necrotic tissue than anaerobic bacteria. Better still to have no dirt and maggots in your wounds at all. The best thing is only having the holes in you that you were born with.


The USSR made a huge deal out of training more doctors than the West. It was proof of the superiority of the Soviet system. Except the quality of the horde of doctors pouring forth from Soviet Doctor School was hilariously low, most of them practicing little more than voodoo black magic at best. No doubt you will find this difficult to believe. # /S


It's like all those Cuban "doctors" who consistently fail the nursing boards in other countries.


Is this from shrapnel? What are the chances of recovery from something like this?


Looks to be shrapnel due to the amount of holes, as long as they can get the maggots out it is likely a survivable injury although with the damage done your looking at nerve issues, infection, and further illness from the rotting meat inside your body. So it's safe to say in a normal army fairly combat ineffective... for russia another body to throw at Ukrainian lines lightly equiped to use up a little ammo


Shrapnel of some sort, judging by the wounds being mostly on the arm and upper torso he was standing in a trench when he got hit by something. Possibly a grenade or maybe even a mortar shell. Recovery wise looks like a lot of tissue damage, they’ll probably live but that arm doesn’t look good. Wouldn’t be surprised if they end up amputating. At the very least they’re going to have substantial nerve damage in that arm.


Yes as far as I know tho what kind of shrapnel I am not sure Not a medical expert so I can't tell you that however if you receive treatment in time pretty good as far as I know


They took the worms' lunch.


Holy shit, just a fucking open tent for that "surgery".


Don't forget to tell the rest how it feels invading another country. ☝️


Source:https:// t. me /russianocontext/3766




"Don't worry they're medical worms, they went to Harvard. They eat the dead flesh 60% of the time. That's the same percentage as your vodka rations. HAHA (in Russian). Nurse, bring me more scraping spatulas. You'll be back on the frontlines before you can say Russkiy mir ten times. That reminds me, did you hear the joke about the statue of Lenin... Doc, I'm not in the mood. I'm full of shrapnel and worms. That's what she said!!! No seriously, you're probably gonna die. No joke."


That juicy goodness coming out from the wound.


Good luck with that arm.


Should have stayed home


These soldiers give the word "Ork" a new meaning. They are more ork-like than the actual orcs in LOTR.


'Stop whining. Here you go, as new..now quickly grab your shit, back to the frontline. 🙋🏻‍♂️'


wow what a hack Dr. lol. Just mushing maggots into his flesh. GO Russia


You will address him by his proper name Dr.Cyka Blyatovich


Dr. Suka Blyat


Only friends may call him that




Just amputate his head already.


its needs amputation not cleaning.


Can’t even make this shit up, there’s literally a fly on his upper back at 0:57. They’re cleaning maggots out of his necrotic, shrapnel wound ridden arm, and there’s a fly on his back laying eggs in the wounds that they should be disinfecting with saline and antibiotics. What a joke.


At least the fucker aint dead and wont be in any condition to ever get involved in a conflict again


Do the Russians not have/give pain control to their soldiers? (*Yes, serious question..*)


Need a medical shop vac


Makes me think now I want meatloaf with rice in it for dinner....


You love to see it


russian gay "it hurts a lot"


Seemed like a whole lot of necrotic flesh was still there when they were putting the final dressings on. 🤔 Maybe they just needed to get him stable enough that he could be sent back to the front lines? Welp, whatever happens, at the point this video was taken, this guy was a whole lot luckier than most of the Ruzzians getting hit at the front. Evac + some Medical Care (albeit Ruzzian).


any real medical people: does this guy stand a chance?


Not in Russia. That arm is 99% of the way to gangrene setting in, abd all that dead flesh is probably starting to cause sepsis, hitting his liver and kidneys really hard. If he gets to a regular trauma hospital in 24 hours or less he might stand a chance, but most likely he will die from Sepsis/organ failure due to infection.


So this is what it looks like when playing dead works.


I’m no doctor but wouldn’t even just power washing that thing been better than what he did 💀💀???


They use maggots in some cases in the hospital to clean up necrotic tissue....


Back in the field in a couple of days!


Fuck! These poor fuckers! I know a lot of them are assholes doing horrible things, but they shouldn't be there in the first place. If that shithead hadn't got delusions of grandure of becoming the new tsar, they would all be drinking themselves miserablly into oblivion safely back in ruzzia. Nobody deserves to die like these buggers but unfortunately, they are all on borrowed time now.


They should let the maggots do their job of eating the necrotic flesh, then clean them out.


Man, I never knew maggots would get so much debate on a post. Good for you, maggots! Redditors are arguing over your nuances like no other.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the maggots intentional? IIRC They ONLY eat dead skin and kill off the bacteria in the wounds. I may have gotten this info from a TV show so there's a good chance this info is wrong or exaggerated for artistic purposes but I believe there to be some truth in it.


I'm sorry for those maggots that they have to consume this russian guy




That's one orc that's gonna have to jerk off left handed


Here in Denmark old people die from a urinal infektion because antibiotics dont work on more than 200 types of bacteria now. We are told that in the future this is what we will die from like they did 100 years ago, unless they find something that can change that.


Maggots eating maggots


He’ll be back in the frontline tomorrow! He’s good.


What a great “don’t invade a country” tattoo!


The pulse of the maggots


Amputation coming soon


This looks like Myiasis, or flystrike. I grew up on a rural farm and saw this happen to chickens all the time. If this is Myiasis, those maggots are destroying his muscle and nerves. It probably won't kill him, but his arm will never be the same if he gets to keep that arm.


He's probably dead. He needs to be in a sterile room and skin graphed.


Wondering why the guy isn't sedated.


Hang on he has maggots in his arm it actualy above 4 days for the flesh to rot and then it takes couple of days for the maggots to reach this side 9 days WTF, Im all for Ukraine to fuck over Russia but battlefield first aid this is Bullshit NO HUMAN should do this this cunt should have died in Ukraine hope he never gets back


Oh the way the maggot's AT THE Field station if he cant move his fucking Fingers he will lose his arm MORON he need to move get blood supply down to his fingers


Putting maggots on wounds is genuine medical practice, the ones they use eat necrotic tissue and leave healthy tissue behind. Now the real questions are if they actually put maggots there on purpose and if they did, how did they let it get this bad that the wounds underwent necrosis


This all could have been avoided if he had defected, stayed home or just simply surrendered


Maggots kept the infection from spreading


This guy seem like chinese. I thnik china send army to russian.


Maggots only eat the dead tissue, leaving healthy tissue alone. They can be used medicinally


Honestly the.maggits eat the infection. They are gross as hell but maggots do have some medical purposes such as eating infection


Dinner for worms


As disgusting and horrible as the maggots are, they might be the thing that saved that dudes life.


It just shows how bad the battlefield is infected. Even if you got a small wound and a single fly would land on it after it landed on a dead body. You're fucked.


They need gallons of h202 solution before these futile attempt to clean.


Being a Russian doc must be easy. “ hey glad you guys abandoned everyone.”


Deserved every ounce of that pain for coming to Ukraine to inflict untold suffering on its people. He's lucky to have made it. I wish him and his people only the absolute worst.


He will soon be sent back to the front🤣


Maggots weren't put there by a doctor. Russians unsanitary living conditions and no properly trained medic.


Thanks for warning me :) Otherwise I would have watched the vid :/


Horrid but effective


It’s what happens when a unprovoked war happens


He is the lucky one. One of the 1% that make it out. Glory to Ukraine!


He'll be back out there tomorrow


Гнилые внутри гнилые снаружи.


How painful this must be. I hope he got pain killer....


That arms gonna have to come off..


Dude thinks he is gonna be OK, goin home with some Aspirin.


Can anyone describe what happens for those of us that don’t want to watch it?


Dude is full of shrapnel wounds on his right side, primarily in his arm, that have gone necrotic and gotten infested with maggots. They seem to do a very basic debridement that amounts to scraping the surface of the skin and digging into a few of the bigger holes, then they start wrapping him in bandages. It's hard to tell because of just how much of his skin has gone necrotic, but it doesn't even look like they bothered washing him down or irrigating the wounds, because the dude still looks pretty dirty. There's a few cuts in the video, so it's possible they spent the literal hour+ it would take to properly clean out the guy's numerous wounds, but I doubt it. They definitely didn't cut out all the necrotic flesh though, because you can still see it as they're wrapping him in bandages. As much as I'm on the "Russia sucks" bandwagon, I'm not going to assume that this video demonstrates the full extent of Russian medical treatment. I'm guessing this was filmed somewhere more akin to a stabilization point than a field hospital. With any luck, that guy made it to a real medical facility, got properly treated, and will return to Russia to become yet another living reminder of the war on the home front. Dead men tell no tales, but the broken and wounded ones speak volumes just by continuing to exist.


>They definitely didn't cut out all the necrotic flesh though, because you can still see it as they're wrapping him in bandages. Yeah I saw the video cuts too, but you can tell they're just doing the human medicine version of covering up rust with a squirt of spray paint. I don't want to bandwagon either, but I'm not finding any context where what I'm seeing makes sense.


So the more I think about it, this guy is probably at the equivalent of a battalion aid station. Which is generally gonna be located just behind the front lines. These types of aid stations primarily exist to do basic treatments on the guys who aren't currently dying, and get the ones who are dying just stable enough that they can be transported to somewhere that's better equipped and hopefully they won't die on the way. There's probably a single doctor, maybe a dozen medics, and about the same level of medical equipment you'd find in an urgent care clinic - lots of general supplies like gauze and saline, some plasma, maybe a portable x-ray machine, and that's about it. And that's the context - they're doing what their location is equipped to do. As nasty as this guy's wounds were, he was still what would be called "walking wounded" meaning he was ambulatory and not at immediate risk of death due to hemorrhage or something. So all they're gonna do is remove his old bandages, clean, disinfect, and redress the wounds, and then they should be sending him further down the line to a facility like a field hospital that is better equipped and staffed to do the full treatment. For him, it looks like he's in for a few hours of surgery as they carve away all the dead flesh. and from my layman's perspective he's gonna lose that arm at the elbow because it didn't look like there was much to save there.


Wounds gone necrotic and maggots are eating away at the flesh.


i just dont understand if you injured in the field why not wrap the wound and prevent all the flies from laying maggots on you


Battlefield Tampons are not that good at keeping the fly away.


Anesthesia where


We patched you up, have a swig of vodka and get back out there.


Imagine this in a more civilized country: "Pt still got maggots, Burns and beginning necrosis over some more then 18% of his body. better wrap him up well lol and wtf is a anesthesia lmao??"


Small maggots eating big maggot from a maggot country lead by a Tzar of maggot. RuZmaggotSia.


From the looks of it the Ukrainians use actual doctors and the Russians have veterinarians at best.


Please don't insult veterinarians.


Must be Corsican


The maggots are probably better than anything if you’re stuck in the field without medical help. They’ll eat all the dead and infected flesh leaving healthy skin and offering t time for it to heal. Looks like shit does a power of good.


maggots only eat infected flesh. Use of maggots is gross as shit, but if you got a wound that's not been treated and have uninfected but dead flesh maggots can be used to clean it. Yes the Russians are using Roman era wound treatments perhaps...


Maggots are used in some medical practices legitimately to eat the dead flesh and keep infection from spreading


It's not the maggots, it's the hole things. 😭😭😭