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The conditions of these wounds, especially the large maggots, show how slow and inefficient Russia's casualty evacuation process is. No wonder so many are taking self-inflicted dirt naps with grenades.


The condition of those injuries are at least several days old and they are not getting to any type of advanced medical care. This is just one step above basic field care. I wonder if there is is a formal triage system where chest, head and abdominal injuries get priority since they can’t wait as long as these limb injuries.


Correct im angry because i know during world war 2 the soviets had better battlefield first aid than now even in Afghanistan they had better battlefield first aid WTF is wrong with them


I'm happy they're in such a sorry state, it means UA victory is very realistic as long as aid dosn't falter.


It's not a battle, it's genocide in the guise of war.


Russia has been suffering from brain drain for decades. Doctors are few and they know that only a fool would join the military.


I guess corruption burnd alot of stuff away


Actually in my opinion, to an extent the maggots may be beneficial to those type of wounds because they help prevent infection, but the lack of a proper medical system is astonishing.


They could be using the maggots to get rid of dead tissue but I think it is because of very slow medical help


these are not of that type maggots, im pretty sure


Yeah I think so to


Maggots are good to treat infection


Maggots breed on sterile conditions from a very specific type of maggots yes. The maggots you find the wounds of a Russian soldier is not the correct type of maggots.


Yes, if you deliberately put select maggots there. However, if they infest and breed by themselves it's a sign of an old would that is literally festering, and has even bigger problems than maggots (necrotic tissue, sepsis, gangrene...), any of these conditions can turn even a light wound into a life threatening situation.


Every video of a russian getting hit with an fpv drone always shows hundreds of flies on the soldier as soon the smoke clears from the explosion. Flies waste no times with all the food they receive. Natures way of breaking down "ruskies" is very efficient.


Dude that video was nuts. He was still fully conscious just COVERED in those fuckers below the waist.


That one fly that peeked, then crawled in the rip in his pants. I don't know why that stuck with me. Anyone see that?


As others said, they’re great when applied in a sterile environment using a disinfected specially bred maggot that is bred and applied in small controlled numbers. In this case it’s in the open air, with adult flies depositing their eggs in wet open wounds. Which means you have thousands of shit covered flies of numerous species waltzing around in open wounds laying eggs, with thousands of maggots competing and dying for food in said open wounds.


You are right, these are fly maggots and they are as sterile as can be - from egg freshly put into the wound by a living fly. Expectations of some, that there are some ingenious maggots used in hospitals - yes they are, but the only benefit is that they cost something and you don't need flying flies in the hospital.


Chop that leg


and then shove it up.......


Ass ?


We can do better than that: Putin’s ass


Better yet; beat him with the wet end.


Bruh i find it kinda wild im watching someone’s leg get amputated and im just casually eating my breakfast


Desensitization will do that to ya.


Not always, i was never bothered by watching medical procedures. One time i even watched a bit of educational autopsy video out of curiosity. Desensitization does play it's part in watching guy burn and then blown up by drone but medical stuff is medical stuff. What this looks like is a field medic station where they just prep the patients to be moved for actual surgeries. The last guy had only few scraps removed from the leg and then wrapped for transport.


Yesterday there was a 2 drone hits on a guy with part1 and part 2 vid, all those flies on him..., second drone came as a merciful end. While I was watching, I thought that I was becoming numb, until I went to sleep and couldn't get that scene out of my head. This is the most brutal war I've seen in my life, and I still don't dare to look at it from the Russian perspective. I wouldn't have the strength to see similar scenes with Ukrainian soldiers. Even though there are people on both sides, it is much easier to watch the aggressor suffer, especially knowing that they are here for money or have chosen to kill others rather than potentially go to jail if they refuse.


I also saw the guy with the maggots and flies around his wounds that shit was wild


War is War, and Hell is Hell, and of the 2, war is worse. Except for a few of the brass, almost everyone is an innocent bystander - Alan Alda as 'Hawkeye' Pierce in M.A.S.H. Even Iraq and Afghanistan never had the high definition these videos do. The prevalence of drones makes it all the more visible. These wounds are similar to mortars, but it's indirect so you never saw it. B-29 air crews during the firebombing of Tokyo, flying below 10,000 ft, reported being physically ill due to the stench of burnt flesh. Chinese POWs and civilians being used as live dummy's for Japanese bayonet training. Australian service men being dismembered alive, emasculated and hung, still alive, from trees in the New Guinea to be consumed by the jungle until found by their compatriots. Don't even get me started about WWI. Everything heavily censored, in black and white, grainy color, or never even shown before.


And we thought we had seen all and got relatively comfortable watching it... now Russian is sending women as canon fodder.


I similar thought occurred to me. I hope it is not a problem that I can view this objectively and have little to no aversion to watching it. Honestly I was curious what they were going to do next.


Weird time line we're living in.


Same here, I think we saw so much gore shit meanwhile, that this is nothing special anymore.


Maggots and Cheerios go together like peas and carrots.


Eggs sausage and hash browns kinda felt weird eating the sausage when amputation came on


I was in my lunch too ha ha


Same man, I always look at this sub when eating breakfast. I’ve seen some horrific stuff without even batting an eye while munching on some cereal


Me literally shoving bacon and eggs in my face while watching a dudes ass blow through his face


Yeah, I almost find it soothing to listen to them scream out in pain


Idk I like it when it’s them like exploding or like getting shot but when I see like surgeries I can’t not imagine myself having my limbs cut off while awake


0:35 sewing shut a gangrenous wound while the maggots are crawling out. 0:40 remove a shredded foot and ankle, apparently by sawing away a length of shin bone. 1:54 even Jesus looks the other way. 2:47 bandaging a hopeless died off lower leg.


The last one I simply don't get. I only have basic medic training from military service but even I would try to amputate that leg. Why do they just wrap it up? It basically a meat smoothy - how in hell should that heal?


This is just field medic station (or equivalent). They don't do the actual final amputation there, just prep them for transport like the last guy. He had too much damage to do anything but wrap it and send him onwards. And as this crude [example poster shows](https://image.slidesharecdn.com/principlesofamputation-221210111610-62e1701d/75/Principles-Of-Amputation-14-2048.jpg), the actual amputation requires cleaning the bone, sewing it closed and make sure it drains extra fluids out.


Lmao!!! Good catch on the maggots. Did these guys even go to medical school?


Anybody else notice that those are just regular gloves? Not even a pretense of sterile procedure.


Looking at that room, I doubt sterile gloves are going to make much of a difference.


There's no adherence to any trauma care basics at ALL. But the gloves just stood out, like they're so proud of using ' 100 in a box' gloves for limb amputation


I mean you take of your watch to not infect someone wounds per protocol. But then you take of your watch so that all that wound shit won't get on it. Who wants a watch with all that shit on it?


Who afraid that colleagues will steal that watch 😁


Don't forget the fact that the "doctor" or "medic" is wearing a fucking watch and a bracelet, they aren't sterilising any of their utensils after putting them down (come on at least dip them in vodka) and those damn cotton pads that they are using as a base before wrapping come in fucking loose cardboard that doesn't even seem to be sealed in plastic or even air tight. I mean the first guy literally had maggots crawling out of his leg, so I guess infection really isn't high on the priority list. There definitely isn't anything wrong with wrapping an open wound in non sterile materials for extended periods of time... /S


Truly a strange sight. Small maggots eating big maggot from a maggot country lead by Tzar maggot. It's maggot all the way down. lol


There are no surgical masks either. People are probably coughing and sneezing all over the place.


When dealing with an already infected wound, you don't use sterile gloves to remove old dressing. Sterile procedure is for replacing the dressing.


The doctor is literally performing a foot amputation and wrapping it up " post op" in a filthy environment without any hint of sterile procedure


This wasn’t an amputation. The traumatic amputation happened out on the battlefield. An amputation would have ended with the sewing of a skin flap over the wound and closing it with stitches to begin healing. This is likely a location near but not on the front line where they’re prepping wounded to transport to surgical hospitals for further complete care. This is the kind of location they’re going to work to control bleeding, airway, and get them secure to travel. Feels weird to feel unmoved by someone’s suffering but I’m glad he gets to go home and be a visible reminder to the rest of his nation that they should stay the fuck home.


Probably a makeshift crapsack setup. Doubt they have what would constitute for proper medical equipment if they don't bother to get their wounded before this stuff happens.


It doesnt matter. Its pointless to use sterile gloves when the wounds are not sterile anyway. Btw, most of non sterile gloves are actually sterile, they are just at different price range and the packaging is obviously different. All the cleanliness of modern hospitals is not essential to get job done - its more important in hospitals, where otherwise germs would spread from previous patients, but you can relatively safely - such us 99%+ cases will be ok in otherwise healthy patients - do surgery such as of hernia on your dining table in your apartment with things, with exception of narcotics, bought in you local pharmacy.


Holy shit, just a fucking open tent for that "surgery".


Not much better than civil war era medical


Russian doctor training is nothing like it is in the west. It's a 6 year program after high school that is roughly equivalent to a master's degree, and out you go as a full-fledged doctor. No four years of pre-med in college, no highly competitive entrance process to get into a medical school, no grueling residency after medical school. Being a doctor in Russia doesn't pay particularly well and doesn't attract applicants like it does in the US. Nonetheless if you can't get in fairly you can still often bribe your way into a doctor program. When that salesman at the used car lot tells you he was a doctor in Russia before he came here, believe him. And be thankful he's not a doctor here.


Back to the barber💈doctors ... or did they ever get past that


At least the old school barber shops had the decency to amputate. They Are just wrapping the wounds in non sterile cloth for further infections down the track... I hear sepsis is all the rage nowadays




Jesus Fuck.. The guy who is opening up the “sterile gauze” - literally puts the clean gauze right against the dusty ass packaging *HE SHAKES THE DUST OFF THE GAUZE*!!!!


Yes, that appalled me as someone who works in veterinary medicine. There is no pretense of a sterile or even clean field.


Crimean war level hospital settings. Who would have thought 150+ years later Russian soldiers are still getting the same treatment. Sad.


As much as i want to give russia and russians shit. But these guys seem to be doing the best they can with the situation they have. Both training and equipment wise they seem to be lacking. But they seem to at least try to do the best they can in the situation. They are trying their best to be some kind of first stop from the frontline and stabilize the wounded. However badly you might think of russian soldiers. They still deserve medical attention to some degree and, if possible, not be left fully crippled the rest of their life.


Think logically, the worse it gets for them, the sooner they may give up on this war. It's good for everyone involved. lol So more maggot please.


It can also backfire. Because russia and their state media might go on to tell the public ukraine is using cruel weapons, etc. Also, you missed the point of what I wrote, it was specifically talking about the medical personnel. They're doing their best and shouldn't be given shit for that. You can complain and mock the equipment and training they're provided. But don't mock or talk shit about the people itself. They're doing the best they can.


Putler and his cronies are already telling the public whatever they desire. They don't need a worsening battlefield situation for that. I mean, his entire "justification" to invade Ukraine in the first place was a so-called evil nazi conspiracy that obviously didn't go according to plan. Their medics are indeed doing the best they can, but they most likely have as much sympathy as the vast majority of the russian population. Not to speak of the high probability that the lives of these wounded soldiers will most likely not get any better after their treatment. 🤷🏻‍♂️


that last guy looked like he was wounded a month ago.


so there's this thing called ... saline... or even just boiled water. washing out the dirt and shit from a wound typically helps...just sayin...


Ikr, they can even make their own saline solutions. Home care nurses used to teach clients how to make up batches in their own homes.


Nah. It would be too easy


Source:https:// t. me /russianocontext/3767


Imagine enduring all this bullshit for the glory of putin.


There were better surgical conditions on the set of the TV show M.A.S.H.


suddenly im hungry for some spaghetti and w/meatballs. Slava Ukraini


Heroyam Slava


Smart not to give him any tranquilizer, they wouldn't want him to be drowsy when he joins the disabled battalion for their assault next morning.


This also shows how ready the flies are to welcome the orcs to their ecosystem. Take the invite.


I already asked this on *another* surgery thread but seriously, *do they not have pain control to provide their soldiers?!?!*


No idea tbh


I think he's screaming "should have stayed home!"


IM ANGRY Not at Ukraine but what the fuck is Russia Doing im all for bitch slapping Russia but this shit is beyond belife for the 2nd best army and what they do to the soldiers. Thank God Ukraine doesnt do that. Glory To Ukraine and carry on defending your Territory,


"right, all done. Back to the front on the next buggy for Ivan."


I'm not disgusted at all. these "human" without a soul are just meat.


Bruuuuh im grossed out 🤮🤮🤮🤮 still watched it tho


Dr. Sizzor at work...


You misspelled butcher..


He will be back at the front on a month.


Russian medic to patient; "We are finished for now. We will wait for the gangrene to tell us how much more to remove, if you survive."


I am really feeling grossed out but I still watch I want to be tougher man these injuries are horrific.


No Morphin?! Bljad Edit: That was the weirdest amputation i have ever seen.


Welcome to Ukraine suka! I guess Putler's villas and gymnasts mistresses deserve your pain and suffering!


No anesthesia??????


Makes me extra proud to be an 🇺🇸!


2 months recuperation then back to the front for more meat grinder party for these orcs. Sorry Mum no spuds or onions this time.


So basically all they did was cut the unnecesary skin and just tie it up? Lol


Thought I was watching Footloose again! Get em Ukraine!!!


No legs ruskie is of more value than a dead ruskie


Its like American civil war doctors.


"Morphine what's that?"


I just wonder if all major channels, all around the world were to publish this type of content daily, if it would have a positive/negative/indifferent outcome on society preventing assholes from starting future wars or if society would just switch to a niche channel. Probably the latter.


Now i know where all thy flys are coming from ,the orcs spread them


Very nice!


In war there are individuals suffering, not the country who start the war


Yea, imma gonna go ahead and skip this gross sh%# show! Yikes!


Believe it or not wounded Russians are better for Ukraine than dead Russians. They go home and are a walking talking billboard of the war. They are a drain on the economy. They take resources at the battlefield that could be used to fight.


I see why they always off themselves when they get wounded


So the myth is true.. Russian doctors wear adidas pants


And this is probably an officer who gets especially good Medical treatment. Private Conscriptivitch is waiting out in the dirt somewhere.


Orthodox jihadists. Fuk em.


All the evidence of the good work of the Ukraine. Slava!!


Doesn't look fun


Wow the Russians seems to try to safe his live. Respect, normally they left them to die. This should be show in Russian tv.


Brown paper bag was later handed to a delivery for a dugout barbecue.


Footless, back to the front tomorrow. Blyat!


Nothing in this video is sterile. They know he's not going to make it because there simply isn't enough modern technology and units to save these people. They will put him in a wheel chair with an AK and send him back in a month if he makes it.


They will later pay their gratitude to Putin anyway.


All minor wounds, nothing serious. Send them back to the front line tomorrow. - some Russian colonel, probably.


Imagine being unlucky enough to survive those huge traumas just to get treated in some nasty room with sub par treatment and I bet no medication or anything that’s a whole other level of hell.


So how long are they allowed to recover before being sent back to the frontlines?


And putin will send them back tomorrow for another assault


Stubby is going to be ready for the front line in no time.


The smell!!!


The maggots only eat the dead parts, they "clean" the wound. Of course, normally it shouldn't take days before they get to the doctor.


I'm not sure if these are doctors. They're more like butchers.


Don't you know morphine?


Russia still uses WW2 bandages in 2024.


i see a lot of paraolympic candidates


Maggots crawling around, no anesthesia, fuck Russia. These orcs deserve what they get for invading a peaceful country, but fuck, being treated that way by your own Drs, damn.


Everything but the drones looks from WWI in this war.


I didn’t know the orcs even had doctors. It doesn’t seem like they can afford the bandages, and doctors have meat which can be used in an assault.


battalion, today we eat meat! :D


Meh, it got boring after the screaming stopped...