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This is a case of Russians complaining about UA doing something that they themselves have been doing themselves since the start of the war, and they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. Especially in civilian areas.


>they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot They don't like it when the shoe and the foot is on the other side of the field, you mean.




Crying is what russians do best


They are also great at being fuckin' retarded


Vodka. They are great at abusing Vodka.


Crying & Dying. 😭🪦


& lying.


And sometimes 💥flying


Without even trying.






Washing machines


Toddler blankets




There is a song on tiktok that vatniks might like in times like this: [“Looks like someone’s mad. go cry about it, bitch”](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYxeCLGu/)


Now we understand where Trump gets this from. It all adds up combined with his interference in actual supplying the tools required to UA. …


War? Where’s the war?


So probably the label states "If You can read this, you are not coming back!" 😂😀


“If you can read this, goodbye”


idk about them being literate


Come back alive But not YOU!


Yeah, but orcs and reading? That's an unlikely combination.


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Tough shit. They always have the option of going home instead. If they want to stay in Ukraine, they better get used to it. It's all down-hill from here.


They don't.


Only about 6 feet down


What do you mean by "option"?


I mean, they could pull a Prigozhin and turn their weapons against the putin regime


Tell me you’re 14 without telling me you’re 14


Would you do that? Its easy to act tough on the internet. There are videos of russians breaking their own limbs as to not have to fight. Would you do that?


And if he says yes he would, then where do you move the goal post to?


I would laugh and mock. Why do you care?


Because it's a pointless question that, as you've just shown, is always made in bad faith. You're just making noise for the sake of it, maybe lurk more instead of lazily mocking people who actually give a shit about something. And to the point: just because most people are cowards doesnt mean the one person you're talking to wouldnt take drastic and direct action in service of their values especially when the stakes are as high as they are.


Not a pointless question at all, i put mr internet tough guy on blast. I happen to know russians who had to flee because they didnt want their sons/brothers/fathers to die in a war they did not start. People on here act like every russian person is a blood hungering mass murderer. Thats is not the case at all.


of course I would. Don't give weapons to people that you are going to threaten. But your probably a russian anyway, so independent thought is beyond you.


Do you think they were forced to fight in Ukraine? Even with a draft they could’ve refused to go.


In Putin's Russia, I believe that's called desertion.


when everybody deserts then its called coup


Not one person was criminally prosecuted for dodging a draft. Once you came to draft point - yes, they got you, but prior to that everyone who wanted to avoid it - did.


"Police and military press-gangs in recent days have snatched men off the streets and outside Metro stations. They’ve lurked in apartment building lobbies to hand out military summonses. They’ve raided office blocks and hostels. They’ve invaded cafes and restaurants, blocking the exits." Of course, when this happens, just say "I don't want to go to Ukraine", and they will let you go. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/10/16/russia-mobilization-men/


Nice, you quoted "in recent days" and linked to an article from 2 years ago. And the article finishes with the story of Alexei who just said no and, yup, they just let him go.


When people chose that, they get their legs and hands chopped off and then medics practice saving them with tourniquets. It’s the slowest, and most gruesome death imaginable. At least just being chopped up by the cartel means you’ll bleed out and lose consciousness. There’s a reason they convince thousands of people to drive to their death. It’s way better than being tortured in the slowest possible way.


What the f*ck are you talking about


What happens to conscripts when they refuse to go to war.


Post a source


Ok I will try to find it.


Yes many are forced to fight


just do not be forced and you are good




I know, right? Once a guy gets a conscription notice, there's not much they can do unless they're gonna somehow flee the country. Failure to appear makes them a criminal - there's no casually returning to civilian life. So they're in the army now and off to training. Next thing they know they're at the front about to be sent on a meat assault. Now I like to think that at this point, if I thought I was being sent on a suicide mission, that I would frag the fuckers sending me, rather than making the people who are defending their country have to kill me. But who knows how much the Russians are aware of - how much they've been lied to and brainwashed - or whether they are just holding onto a glimmer of hope of going home. They do have options. But none of them are good. And they might not even be aware of them.


Nothing like a War to fire up the imagination. Hat's off to the boffins out there!


The will to survive is something that can and always does expand the boundaries of the human mind.


I agree...The will to survive is a natural god given instinct but definitely boosted during time of war ..


Well, survival could have been had without firing a shot. This is the will to kill. I’m not saying it’s wrong or anything negative but like most weapons of war, they’re developed by people with no risk to themselves while usually deployed by people facing death. I mean, there’s plenty of exceptions even to that scenario. Nuclear weapons and such are deployed from a very safe distance and represent some of the most ingenious weapons development of human history.


Nuclear weapons and such are deployed from a very safe distance- depends who your flinging them at.


What did this mean? I'm not familiar with this tech.


It explodes with very close movement, if someone steps or kicks it in the grass, the foot is gone


foot is gone and you are swiss cheese


You aren't wrong. Look at those ragged looking case shards.😬


Looks like more than a toe-popper. Those look like pre-sectioned fragmentation disks. It will absolute shred a MFer, but the amount of explosive doesn't seem excessive, so I'm guessing they want maximum shrapnel with a smaller kill radius.


A horror when you think about how the Russians are dealing with the guys they send out to the front. They might spend a day dragging themselves to a medic, and that is after existing in ever greater levels of filth since they left the bus that took them. Most die picked off by drones, my example I am going to make him drag his useless perforated legs through fields of artillery creators and burnt out armoured personnel carriers, pausing to marinate in festering standing water if any of the drones buzzing seems like it might target him. Probably would be a mercy, but the drone operators won't waste a munition on this sack of crap, he's just a human shaped sack of infection with a close expiry date at this point, if nothing else the infection will get him before the week is out, and what a miserable time that will be. Battle lost finally some medical attention, in the 30 hours since he tripped the mine he's maybe dragged himself a kilometer, now the only chance to save his life is a double leg and arm removal, they call this operation 'the sex toy', actually they call it something i cant type here.


>They might spend a day dragging themselves to a medic You're in luck, Dr. Ivan needs some amputation practice. His hand's not so steady when the nurses don't let him drink before the procedure.


In the cold calculus of combat, it's better to inflict a severe injury than it is to kill. A dead soldier represents one soldier out of the equation, an injured one can represent two or three and other soldiers help and care for them. Of course, the orcs are playing 4-dimensional chess here. They just leave the wounded orc to die without another orc to help them. Ha! Screw you severe injury! Maybe next time you'll just kill them!


So a low-tech, DIY land mine. Princess Di would be horrified! Seriously though these will be a real bitch after the conflict. I hope they can limit their use and find better ways to kill Russians.


Wouldn't be surprised if there's some component that's comparatively fast degrading, essentially disarming the charge some way or another (or simply triggering it on a timer).


That's a good idea, it's impossible to stop using anti-personnel mines now that Russia uses an absurd amount of infantry, but if there were some mines that self-destruct over the course of about 2 years, it would actually be much better


This is common with US produced antipersonnel mines. They’re called self-destructing (SD) and self-deactivating (SX) mines. We produce them as part of an effort to comply with [understandable] international humanitarian concerns.


That's good


Unless you’re the farmer standing nearby.


Interestingly, now that electronics are so cheap and available, one way is to simply make them electronically triggered, with a small lithium ion battery on board. Batteries have a pretty predictable self discharge rate, which can be adjusted with various things like bleed resistors. Basically, if you leave a cell phone in a drawer for six months it'll be stone dead; same principle.


Sounds a good way to destroy the morale of your enemy but it can also turn on you after.


So these don’t explode on impact? They’re small mines basically?


It’s a mine


Complain when that gets coated in contact cement and rolled in tiny ball bearings!


It's already covered in what appears to be metal fragments but ya, more would be bad too


I was gonna say a quick dip in cow plop before loading it into the drone would be good for after care in the unlikely event they survive. 😁


That’s a war crime


Then don't invade a sovereign nation.


I’m not on the Russias side but if Ukraine needs the support of other nations committing war crimes would make it harder for them to justify support.


Fortunately when you compare Russia and Ukraine in terms of war crimes... There's no comparison. All wars will yield them to a certain extent, but Russia flat out ignores international law and the Geneva Convention from the highest levels of government. Not to mention threatens the use of nukes.


I don’t disagree all I was really trying to say is Ukraine shouldn’t go and do that and smear shit on grenades


Fair but I don't think that really crosses their mind TBH. Grenade is effective enough on its own.


Interesting, I did not know that! Someone should have told the Viet Con. 😁


Just because the Vietcong did it would not justify Ukraine doing it. Yes Russias shit and has committed their own atrocities and definitely committed their own war crimes but Ukraine doing the same would cause them to lose some support that they desperately need. I get it you know fuck Russia and I know taking the high road doesn’t win wars but it does win support.


And dipped in horse crap for good measure.😉


Considering the abundance of horses on the front line...


You got me professor, will dog scat do in a pinch?🤷‍♂️


Complaining to who? HR?


Tough shit for Russia


"Come back alive*" *Doesn't apply to Russian orcs


Complaining about everything, but they self use vacuum bombs that suffocate UA soldiers.


Haha God damn stupid russians, you can't start to complain NOW?! it's too late for that 😀


First the Russians complain about the stolen washing machines not being cleared of lint, then the toilets not being cleaned properly and now this. What a set of whiners….


There was probably more change in the bottom of the washers than they've ever seen. Ungrateful orcs.


It's not every day that I hear of a charity organization that provides lethal aid. Finally, a charity that I can support!


We need to flood their positions with this tech


Putin's orcs have been dropping frag bombs on civilian targets and they think that's ok but when a small frag gernad is dropped on orc military...they don't like it???


looks like a mean grenade. hell yeah.


Looks like a dried up turd


so is that the barebone grenade with a proximity sensor?


So I am guessing the bottom brown part when set off, shoots out those little brown pieces in all directions, like a porcupine would shoot out its quills?


Porcupines don't actually shoot out their quills. That is a common misconception


That's the idea where the "fragmentation" part of the name comes from.


Ahhhh the poor piggy orcs are crying that they started a war and its not fair that Ukraine is kicking their fkn orc asses. Slava Ukraini


Better hope they never have to advance through areas littered with these


I mean if you’re not there you can’t get hit with anything so leave?


They should write their complains to Putler!


Yes, if the Tsar only knew of this...


AH they thought they came to play Tiddlywinks.


Russia is set to become the most "PWD" country.


Go back to your own country, problem solved.


Fuckem if they can't take a joke


Just gtfo from Ukraine


"Come back alive" is the largest and best Ukrainian volunteer fund. The range of weapons and systems they buy and produce is very effective


If y'all go home you won't have to worry about the big scarey Ukrainians. That's it. Pack up your shit and go home.


The life expectancy of a Sapper on a conventional battlefield is expected to be approx 30 seconds. They're a highly sought-after target as they help the armies move efficiently. It's one statistic that influenced me to leave the trade.


Live and die for freedom. Russians no life. Russians exist to die for nothing.


There was a video not to long ago,of a ru🚽🚽ian sapper and a reporter filming a video about how sappers work , then the sapper said “look there’s another one right there” as he waved his hand while holding something, he activated the sensor and it exploded couple of feet away from them both, the reporter died or he died , I remember it said that one of them died and the other was badly injured


That shit can really fuck you up. Jesus, it looks intimidating!


They can just go home anytime, problem solved.


If you don’t like it then just go home it’s that simple


If that thing explodes near you, you won't come back alive.


You can support them [here.](https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate-en/#donate-army-card-weekly)


The invading orc cunts can fuck off back in their vast pigsty home land and no one will kill them…it is not rocket science, but the they are hooked on sucking Poo-tin’s dick 🤷🏻‍♂️


looks like a bike chain/chainsaw chain wrapped around a fuse.


fuck me that looks nasty though


That grenade looks nasty. Good.


The Ukrainians are some of the best trolls on the battlefield, so just shut up, remember don’t feed the trolls


I'd say that would be much more leathal if the bright metal band was painted black or drab


Still redmi watermark on the picture. Probably coordinates too


yeah well fuck you we saw those kid toys looking mines , fair game signed the west,