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Translation: "Congratulate me... Fuck, my NIVA has burned down... How did it happen? The FPV drone, that we were running from, hit the car... Bitch... They were watching us from the road, it looks like... Let's film it, so I won't be called a liar... Here is my beautiful fucking NIVA, burning nicely... Fuck, new tires... Fucking 650000 Rubles( $7,591)... Now I am car-less..."


Ah... you could just walk straight into the East direction where sun rising every morning...


Thank you


Two words I never expected to hear together NIVA and beautiful. That said I can't imaging he bought it for 650000 Rubles( $7,591), probably stole it along with a washing machine and toilet.


"The last Niva burned down The FPV they were running from flew into the car" "There is a catastrophic lack of electronic warfare protection against kamikaze drones‼️ They burn every day! They're burning everything! Unfortunately, most of the vehicles at the front are not equipped with anything. Managed to dodge, managed to jump out - alive. Did not have time… It’s certainly a pity for the equipment, but the main thing for us is to protect the guys. Chamomiles really save and help solve problems. This is what they ask for the most, because few people are equipped with electronic warfare equipment on the front end. We are really waiting for you - Good Wizards, I am appealing to organizations who can help in acquiring such important protection 🙏"


> Chamomiles really save and help solve problems. Maybe Ukraine's drone operators can deliver some Sleepytime.




Also NPCs and orks


Could have used your own car to leave Ukraine, taking with you several others. Missed your chance. Start walking if your squad wants to live, see their families again.


Just stay near the burning car orcs. You’re next on the menu.


Yeah, I'm like, whyTF are you just standing around in drone country. Grab some cover, continue to march to the objective on foot, or retreat back. Just standing around like a dumbass will just get you blown up yourself. It demonstrates again the poor training of the Russian army.


Drive By Ukrainian Style !


Oh no, they burned our golf cart.


You are next orcs!


Look up dickheads


Gotta hump those supplies by hand now "CYKA"


Congratula… bzzzzzzzzzz


Why the hell he is outside the car? Shouldn't he be inside? Беспорядок!


Get use to it orc.


One of them thinks it's funny. Maybe the loss of the squad car means they cannot avoid the front line for a couple of days.


Lada flames.