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When the Russians leave they will destroy everything.


Well hopefully they leave in a hurry then. Or just explode (military I mean) whichever one


Then we will just have to help Ukrainians rebuild then! As long as russia is gone that is all that matters at the moment


When the Russians ~~leave~~ they will destroy everything


why would you deliberately move to a war zone? Usually people are desperate to get away from the booms, but russia keep sending people in


They're a special kind of stupid. And flushing toilets.


They are encouraged and incentives to go




Perfectly answers the question in a short video. Well done whoever posted it.


I’ve wondered and I have to imagine pricing is affected by the war? I wonder if it’s the same principle as those people who go to war zones/places with recent terror attacks because it’s super cheap


Likely moved there just after 2014 and Russia was probably giving incentives to do so because they want Crimea to be Russian.


It is RuZZia's way of colonizing an area. They have done this for hundreds of years. Nothing new.


Why? Because of the three most important things to consider when buying real estate: 1. Location 2. Location 3. Location


Russia's economy is not good. It could be the choices are either very poor living or move to crimea now at good prices. If war goes well they can be well off.


Funny thing is the civilians are probably quite safe, as Ukraine only attacks military targets. It is their own army they should be afraid of.


Unless they they go sunbath next to military installations.


You beat me to it!! But to be fair, that was a missile that was intercepted and ended up dispersing its payload over an area not intended to be hit. Just looking at the spread of those clusters tells you it wasn't the intended target or else they would have been concentrated in a much smaller area.


Exactly this. As soon as Russia feels the need to leave, they'll make Crimea into another Bakhmut. Another Mariupol. Another Vuhledar. Another Ukrainian city flattened because of the greed of a dying fascist dictator.


Yes, dipsh't you bought a house in a good place. The Ukrainians will come for you. And evict you because your deed is in Russian, and this is Ukrainian land.


Translation: "There are flashes and shit... There is an explosion... Wow, what a boom, look! What a nice fucking place to buy a house with a plot, Dimochka... The sound has just arrived... Fucking A, what a valuable footage! Some fucking warehouse probably... And the military base is over there too..."


0:30 about 10 kilometers away 0:55 shows about as tall as 3 stories at 100 meter. A kilometer about.


\~5km away


Soon, parking shouldn’t be a problem….


Americans: parking lot spam intensifies


Can Ukrainians tell the difference based on the accent between a Russian-speaking Crimean who lived there before 2014 (as a Ukrainian citizen) and a Russian who moved there after 2014?


Yes we can. I can tell difference between someone who was born and raised in Eastern part of Ukraine speaking only Russian and some one who recently moved from Russia. I can also tell someone that grew up in Belgorod even thou it's Russian Oblast. They have similar pronunciation and words that Eastern Ukrainian that's speaks Russian would have.


It depends on where they moved from, but more likely than not there is a difference


Can you tell if Dimochka is a native Ukrainian or a Russian immigrant?


He doesn't sound local to me. Which would be a safe bet, considering that after the Russian occupation about 800,000 people moved to Crimea from Russia, and about 100,000 locals, who didn't want to take Russian passports, left...


So what's gonna happen to those "poor" 800K Russians who moved to Crimea after 2014?


I'm guessing they will leave voluntarily the same way that almost all Serbs left Croatia after [Operation Storm in 1995](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Storm#Refugee_crisis).


it's personal for a speaker... with every language


Yes. Where Are you from? British? Can you tell the difference between a Londoner and a northern Brit? Scottish, Irish? Can you tell they are not English even after they move to England? American? Can you tell the difference between people from New York and Atlanta and LA or a New Orleans parish? I can. I'm sure Ukrainians can as well.


I know enough about linguistics to not make assumptions about linguistic areas that I'm not familiar with.


Fair enough. It was fairly common knowledge at the beginning of the war that the Ukrainians were using a password system where they made them say the password. The password was a ukrainian word that Russians couldn't pronounce correctly and thus was an easy way to tell. There's also countless comments on these subreddits where people translate what was said and they also mention where they sound like they're from. Besides, this is the case everywhere I've ever lived. I've lived in 6 countries outside of my country of origin. Every place had distinct dialects and the dialect, and slang, and pronunciation, and even words being used/not used changed even if the language was the same. This is the case for Italy and Sicily, islands in Japan, parts of China, the UK, Canada, the US, and South America. There's a distinct dialect for people from Mexico City vs someone from Chihuahua and they're not that far from each other. Cuban and Dominican Spanish is different. The Spanish spoke in Miami is different than the Spanish in California is different than the Spanish in Guatemala. That being the case, it's logical to assume at this point. >I know enough about linguistics to not make assumptions about linguistic areas that I'm not familiar with. If everyone were that way, nobody would know any Latin.


"The password was a ukrainian word that Russians couldn't pronounce correctly and thus was an easy way to tell." That doesn't tell me anything about the Russian accent in Crimea. "Every place had distinct dialects and the dialect, and slang, and pronunciation, and even words being used/not used changed even if the language was the same." Sure, but I don't know what variety of Russian the Ukrainians of Crimea speak (those who lived there before 2014). Do they speak a south Russian variety where they pronounce G like H, or do they speak a more standard variety similar to Muscovites? Furterhmore, accent/dialect borders don't always correspond to political borders. A Northern German might have a hard time distinguishing the Bavarian accent of a German from Passau from the Bavarian accent of an Austrian from Linz. Same goes for distinguishing between Alemannic speakers from Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.


i am Italian and I can tell the difference between who is born and raised in my city and who is not or born and raised 50 km away my city.


Same. I'm Slovak.




Take the hint dude


Too bad after the war, they will confiscate all Russian owned property.


Useful for Bomb Damage Assesment?


Sounds like typical Russian humour to me


"So, we still going to the beach, daddy?" "What? Why, you little sh....."


Its time for you to leave Crimeea orcs!


Thought the bird was a drone for a second.


Russian's style, he will still pay the loan for the house after Crimeea is back where it belongs.