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Who are these people complaining to i wonder. Only people that listen is the FSB.


I don't understand why there are so many videos of Russian appealing to authorities when the appeals don't result in anything.


ancient russian tradition called "appeal to the czar". see, the czar is infallible, appointed by god. rules by devine authority. but the crooked boyars. they're the ones who cause all the issues! they are the ones that lie to and deceit the czar causing so much suffering. so if only the peasants make the czar aware of these events, then surely the noble and good czar will intervene. [https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Chelobitnye](https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Chelobitnye)


And indeed, the ruler will make sure that his family and friends get help as soon as possible somewhere in Nessian Siberia, or they accidentally have an accident.


Theres a couple of North Korean generals looking forward to thier new Ruzzian brides.


Because slaves always appeal to the master. Master is protecting them and thinking for them..


It exposes their idea of what Russia is vs what it really is.


Because these people are mental slaves. They don’t understand that government are people hired by them to run the country. They feel like they are the subjects of the government and not its sovereign. If you are from democratic country it’s difficult to understand because it’s completely upside down. If you watch some street interview in Europe, America you’ll get people openly bitching about politicians without any restraint. In Russia people either say they are apolitical or extremely cautiously give some criticism.


What’s good is the apparent increase in volume of these reports. European Russians need to revolt and topple Putin. The More of this in the public eye, the better.


Arzhanov is a common Ukrainian last name and she seems to be talking about him being transferred to Samara with disabilities.  Probably from Donetsk. 


It does result in their imprisonment or death.


FSB is probably arranging to have these girls move into a highrise apartment block, preferably the very top floor...


Or to sell them to the highest bidder.


They will be sold to Big Vanya for a sack of potatoes.


Great view due to lack of windows...see? step closer let me show you


You get good breeze this high. Come, let me open window and show you! Please, step closer. You can trust me, the view is to die for!


That's right they only use polonium tea in foreign countries


I wouldnt trust that, the gravity seems to work weird at russia, especially at high apartments. Someone should investigate what is going on there


What happened??? She jumped!! Why is there a boot print on her back??


Easy. She obviously kicked herself in the back. But the boot print doesn’t match the boots she’s wearing? Easy. She obviously changed boots while falling. You can’t find the other boots on the ground? Are you stupid. This is Russia. Someone has already stolen the boots. Case closed. Nothing to see here. Nothing to loot anymore.


Naw….getting them jobs in local brothel. Probably.


Then they will move Them Suddenly to the ground floor!


That would be too obvious. The less obvious one is to fall out of a room from a window when said room has no windows. Or a suicide note next to a pistol, having room for 6 bullets and in the head there are 8 bullets stuck in the back of the head, so evidently that was suicide - in Russia. Belarus has to be included in this too; recently a diplomat fell down a building after being interrogated by the FSB (or whatever the name is in Belarus for the FSB).


Realistically they'll probably get told the father is MIA and then told to shut up or they'll be arrested for discrediting the armed forces. This happens fairly often.


Crimea River- J.T.


Its a very old russian thing to do when everything is bad, basically complainining to the head of state/president/whovere is in power and they think that they will be heard and all will be fine. They think that the president would fix all their problems, no matter how tiny or big the problem is.


Probably looking for a pay out from local authorities 


Gotta pay for those lip injections somehow.


Won't move their eyes close together... You can't un-alcohol that fetus...


Looks like a guppy.


That can be, but even then you have to ask at which point people rise up against terrorists such as the FSB oppressing them systematically. Without security apparatus, dictator Putin would be dead already, killed by people who don't want this mafia thug rule over Russia.


Also she has plastic surgery. ehehe


Their gulag commander will quite helpfully pass this along to their local representative


He dead


+ "justice will prevail" lol just gtfo of Ukraine


And prevailed it did. Lol he gone


a bag of onions awaits you in Moscow. Don't forget that Poostain loves you.


I feel anger, because of their sick mentality, we in UE must waste money for weapons instead for increasing life quality! I support Ukraine to be clear!


I see what you mean. Angry that these individuals can't think critically and choose a life of ignorance. Their ignorance is helping perpetuate the invasion of Ukraine. Taxes being spent for arms, instead of the many social services we utilize in the west.


Alas, there are too many non-critical thinking people everywhere.


Endemic and systemic. These people still can’t grasp the bigger picture. Even when it slaps them right in the face, they’re sure to skim around calling out the entire issue.


we need to keep in mind that this war is also conducted by those criminals to repress and isolate internal uprising against their core. In a repressive society anyone can be taken away and literally nobody will complain about the disappearance, if at all then only "we do not know", playing numb cow on ice. That is also a reason why hitting higher command is so important, because it also hits closer to the inner circle and the probability increases that it changes the mind quite significant for those families who thought they are part of the invincible elite. Imagine everyone around you would give a sh\*t about your dad, and if asked says go to the elite make an official complain. Then you do and all you did was to expose yourself to get snapped away and silenced by the violent or secret part of the elite who are those you complained to. In totalitarianism there is a clear disconnect between bottom and elite kept (usually paid by advantages in daily life and access) on purpose. So even if it slaps in the face, it immediately slaps back in the same face. What we see with this publicly made complains are attempts to make this a moral issue for the upmost elite in the hope it has some effect because the intermediate elite is there only to keep you away from the upper elite.


The propaganda is too deep. Or, they're simply scared of denouncing the war because they know it will get them sent to the gulag


Play Russian games, win Russian prizes.


"Are you sure this is how roulette is played?"


Russia conscripting 60 year old men as "assaulters", and the general public in Moscow think nothing is wrong. Everything is perfectly fine.




Bad for family too, means no body, no money, no make up.


Yea … her father is dead


“We blame only Zolotoy for our father’s death” is a shocking amount of cognitive dissonance.


"We **only** hold Zoloty responsible" Yeah, I had to laugh out loud at that. Time for you to go to Dubai...


They’re hoping putin will see the video and act in their favor. Just another bad boyar.


Something tells me these girls are going to trip and fall out of a window...


only if they make enough noise to become a problem


Beating a dead horse, are you?


As long as botox and makeup are flowing, your live can't be so bad. Except for daddy, of course...


Plastic fantastic.


Go to Moscow. The ultimate commander of “commander” Putin, will just have an easier time putting you both in jail for suitable torture. The fish rots- sinks at the head 1st and then down to the tail!


He went in Ukraine to kill children like you in exchange of money/rubles. He has found what he has subscribed for…🤷🏻‍♂️ Do not forget to shout at the end: long live tzar🤖 Poo-tin💩❗️KGB is watching you 👹


"Our father signed a contract to murder ukr0 hohol civilians for money so we could buy more makeup. However, he was injured and then forced to kill more ukr0 hohol civilians for money but we never got any of it so now we're complaining."


Looks like she has plenty of money to do cosmetic surgery. Therefore, no bag of onions for them.


Not enough for good quality surgery...


I doubt there are any good quality surgeons in Russia, they probably all turn out looking like freaks.


they go to turkey for plastic surgery, by the tens of thousands yearly.


I guess their face just signals "stay the hell away" to any normal guy.


Wait, 60 years old..?


Oh no! Anyway, moving on.


Who cares


"we will go to moscow" you won't do a single thing. you'll sit down and take it like the slaves you are. This has been going on for years and no one in russia is doing anything. Sacrficing your lives for midget czar Putler!


Giving the Orc commander a third eye in the forehead would have solved his problems.


Man is 60 years old and on the front line. Germany didn't throw old men into the line until they were on the road to defeat....hmmm.


Go to Moscow so the cops will arrest you then rape you like they do to the rest. It's funny she thinks the only lawless unit was the one her dad was in LOL. Lady orcs are the most corrupt force in the world EVERY unit is massively corrupt and if you want anything done about it you'll have to go kill Putin and reform your laws and military from the ground up.


I’m sure if she can just make it to Moscow to speak with Putin, all of this mixup will be fixed, Zolotoy punished, and her husband resurrected from the dead with all the other murdered Russian mobiks.


Is that the poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome?


i'm too nice to say it but this was exactly my thought. eesh. 😬


They and 10,000 more will morn the loss of their loved ones. Stop the bloody war, and then they can come back,not in body bags.


Russian CO’s have to be the biggest scum bags on earth


Where bag of potato?


Spoiler alert Ruzzki slerts. Dads fuckin dead.


The time for saving their father was a decade ago. They can speak up now, to promote a change that will benefit their grand kids.


they don't oppose the invasion. they only oppose that it didn't go well for them.


Fit enough to die. Soak up bullets and drones. My heart aches but his has stopped beating


So, so sad. A father went to kill Ukrainian children for money and now he's gone?


If i was looking for a RuSSian family member lost in Ukraine, I would start here, or rDroneCombat.


'Missing' is russian for '100% dead, but no benefits will be paid to dependants.'


Orcs gonna orc.


So zolotoy knows her now and she has no idea who zolotoy is. Not sure that’s to her advantage.


Well I only get beaten once, second time I have the money in lead form and Zolotoy can suck my balls. Second, they only complain about Zolotoy and not about his father killing Ukrainians, her father is more than dead, should check the dron footage from Ukrainians and will find him. The sad part is that we will have these cheap whores in few years here in Europe smiling while inside are as bad as their father and Zolotoy. Fking degenerates.


Thought the one on the right was dad hiding trying to get out of service tbh


They really should have dubbed in some sad russian violin music to this.


0 simpathy for russians


They will be invited to Moscow, then sold into slavery.


Yeah..their father is most likely dead, but with any luck this great sounding commander is alive to keep motivating more orks.


"We only hold zolotoy responsible" there are way more people to blame than just him.


He gone, like Russia's military, gone. And as a sane country, well, video's like this and others we've seen in abundance show it's gone too. Russia. What a fucked up people and country you are.


Two Things. 1 Dad or daughter probably left out the part about rape which is very common .as a consequence of not paying up. 2 There is no justice in Russia and it's funny to think how they feel entitled to it while on stolen land during an illegal invasion. I lied there's a #3 for all you Russian sympathizers .. If this is how Russians treat one another think for a moment if you will how they really treat Ukranians go ahead I'll wait...


Officers at the front must be making a lot of money. What a great gig. Shake down every private for every ruble with the threat of leading the meat wave. If he pays you, then wait until tomorrow and send him then. With 500,000 dead and wounded, that is a lot of shake-down!


Oookey, to bad...on to the next


hope they vote for p00tin


Sad that they don't blame putler for their father's disappearance. Nor do they condemn the war that most likely killed their father.


Russians really love him


You only need to await your bag of onions as compensation. Please stay in your open air prison as we do not need you coming to the West.


"They have no information about him"...therefore----no bag of onions for you ungrateful brats ( maybe your father should have stayed home...my thoughts)


Father is busy being a maggot buffet, he's not coming back. I suspect the FSB will soon help these two will soon join him, if they have not already.




Wonder what the fragging rate in the russian army is like.


It must not be very high because there are so many stories of beatings. Their ingenuity certainly doesn't seem to extend to justice. It couldn't be that hard to gather some broken fpv parts and toss them along with a grenade, into the officers dugout.


The more people they do this to is only good for ukraine as more unrest in russia is better


Well most likely he's dead. Second is these 2 are or will be extorted or killed for putting out call signs and military units. Not bright. I get it there worried about a loved one but look at who he was dealing with and now they put um on blast. They're probably already in jail at best


Category G = Good to Go


Save your breath, he's already dead.


Shaking down people for money. Hard to believe in a corrupt military. In the US military the commander would just have a bad accident.


no one cares + hes dead already


One less war criminal. Good riddance.


"We want to tell you about the lawlessness." No shit! Russkiy mir!


Petition Czar! Czar will solve problem!


hows about justice for ukraine.


Zero fucks given from here.


The so called commander robbed a significant sum from him, beat him badly and next day send him in a human wave attack to his death.. Perfect crime, will never be land in courts.. However, fsb has to be sensible regarding the "home-front".. If these things increase, the support for Pootin and the war might decrease so this "commander" might get a visit from fsb with the possibility of killing himself or rot in jail for 40 years...


We've probably seen her dad smoked this month


I’m surprised that they are surprised. Wouldn’t have expected anything less from the russian army.


Surprised the cross around the neck is not catching fire


A normal day in Russia


1) Your father was a lamb and like a lamb he was culled 2) The rampant abuse is a feature of the Russian military system not a flaw, it's by design: Moscow is fully aware of this and complaining about it will land on deaf ears


I honestly have zero sympathy for them. What a shame. Who is listening or cares at all? Orcs will do what they do.


Good, one Rusky less to worry about.


Watch out for open windows.


What a shitshow. Putin sent these girl´s father to the frontline and is responsible for his death


Chick on the right is spending all of his rubles on turning into an oil byproduct.


Chinese & NK-Men love such vids today.


Oh boy! I bet they can’t wait til Putin hears about this! He’ll fix everything!


If my daughter looked like that while wearing a cross, I'd too go missing. Peace. ✌️


So their old man was drafted at 60? What an "army"! A brutal, corrupt, thugfest, before you even get to the front.


The fact that they truly believe that this video appeal will actually help this situation…is really sad, to be honest. Once again the brainwashing has succeeded expectations and this is how ALL russians feel. They, in all actuality, believe in their hearts that these video appeals will help. SMH. What a fucked up beyond-belief country, if you can call it a country at all.


Sounds like daddy got tossed in the Love Pit! 🐓


Oh no, consequences


These people are so incredibly delusional.


she absolutely doesn't give a shit her father killed people in another country


I have the feeling for the Situation she describes, they are pretty both pretty relaxed, I mean their father was seriously injured before and now missing…. My best guess is that after the video she says “Alright, we did everything what we can for Dad, guess he will die, back to normal life”


"went missing" after being beaten by the commander? Yeah, he's dead and probably won't ever be found.


This is quite probably the regular story of Russian mercenary army (previously known as conscript or professional army up to 2023). Incorrectly called conscripts or mobiks, it does not describe frontline troops 2024. Russia almost collapsed when it tried to use mobilization to feed war in Ukraine, Putin learned some lessons there. As these mercenaries arrive to their units, their enlistment bonuses are extorted away. This money gets divided presumably up to the command chain in non-elaborate corruption schemes (you pay for your command bunker etc.). Unfortunately as they are mercenaries, payment for killing innocent people is very much the gist of enlisting in the first place so there might be some resistance. And to resist these mercenary army commanders is to die in horrible ways, but at the same time small sliver of justice is brought into the world. These complaining kids would sacrifice every Ukrainian in order to get their next lip job or other status symbol, they are not like normal kids so don't feel bad. My kids would be crying, not putting up videos about money when their dad was skinned alive.


And they are probably Putin-supporters who were pro-war and wanted their father to kill Ukrainians.


Spoiler: he's dead.


It is very similar to Nazi-Germany in regards to propaganda. The Nazis called the radio "Volksempfänger", where "Volk" is translated to the people (in a nation), and "empfänger" is a recipient, in this context recipient of a message (radio transmission). So, simply another word for propaganda. Evidently in this context here adapted to Russia and some Russians. With "modern social media", everyone can easily make a video and publish that. Without thinking, evidently. They rally behind a war, all based on their mafia-leader telling them to die for him in his war. It's quite fascinating how that works; most people I know would not die for fascism. And in Russia they got confused as to **who** is a fascist - propaganda works.


Tonight we feast on onions!


Welcome to Russkie Mir.


What a barbaric society


Shit lady you ran hard into the ugly wall


Well!!. That's Russia for you.


this shows again what a privilege it is to be Russian citizen.


They are adorable. Next they will be asking Santa Clause to bring their Daddy home for Christmas! The only thing that this video is likely to get them is a ten year stretch in Siberia,


Thank god he’s made enough money from his service to afford Botox…


So, do you still support Vladimir Putin, girls?


But it never is Purlers fault.


I question why he was there in the first place though, because the mobilization was almost two years ago and I dbout many of those troops are still at the front. This means that more than likely we have a voulenteer who willingly risked his life to invade a sovereign country, moreover the daughters are not upset at the war, nor the military structure or people in charge that made this happen. Dissapointing


Welcome to Reality dear Ruzzians… They want to go to Moscow- and then?


They don't look as if they really cared about what happened to him. Not upset at all. Weird.


I don’t understand how can’t they wake up and see their own reality. The war that they support is bringing death to their own families, they’re suffering because Russians invaded Ukraine. Now they want Justice???


he missing mean his is dead


Zangelina Zolie’s dad is beaten and missing but she’s still got time for Zotox injections. Bag of onions incoming. I don’t mean to make light of the situation (ok, that’s not totally true) but it’s just so exhausting hearing these lemmings repeat the same shit. YOUR LEADER/GOVERNMENT GIVES ZERO SHITS ABOUT YOUR FATHER OR YOU!!! When will you get that!? There is no winning here. None. This is an ego flex by Pooty in his high heeled bootys. Your dad is dead. Most likely by his own fucking people. Wake TF up!


I love how they dress like sluts to send a distress message for their father


What's her only fans handle?


The double captions make this so confusing


Pray with all your heart that your commander in chief has a miraculous change of heart, that he withdraws all russians from Ukrainian territory, that he gives up all war criminals to Justice, that he pays reparations, that he rots forever in prison.


No problem. Welcome to join the Freedom of Russia Legion and fight for justice


I think she should've ended her post with, "SLAVA UKRAINI" for the faster possibility of meeting with Kremlin officials.


It’s like praying to any magical sky fairy, makes them feel better, without doing much of anything.




Unfortunately, she'll get no info about her father because that asshole putin doesn't care & neither does the ruskie military! What a horrible country! 😝🤬😝


Welp, good luck on that, now U know what happens to NaZZi working for NaZZi.....


These orcettes remind me of something...


call ruski police


Dead with a bit of luck


Unfortunately he was probably promoted to tank driver.


“We’ll go to Moscow!” Lady, who do you think is doing this to your men?! It’s from the very highest rank in Moscow. Your complaints aren’t cared about


oh well


It’s unfathomable to me that, this far into the war, he families are still blaming lone commanders in the army, as though their family member had the misfortune of being under one of the few bad apples, and the military will want to do something about it. ITS ALL THE MILITARY. ALL THE SOLDIERS ARE BEING TREATED LIKE YOUR LOVED ONE. why won’t they understand this?


seems like propaganda


Biggest problem in Russia. Sheep doesn't know it's sheep. Once they become aware they live in dictatorship then things might move. But that's a job for next generation maybe.


Ancient Chinees secret eh


Looks like she had a beating aswel 😅


He's in hell now


I wonder if they are interested in politics.


Look at the tone of her voice, body posture, and her sense of self entitlement. 🤔 This selfish woman complains about the treatment of her father. She does not put into question why her father is in Ukraine in the first place.🤮 She is probably a Russian Imperialist zealot, Putin's supporter, and a Z fascist supporter. She is so arrogant and hypocritical to complain and demand justice while at the same time supporting aggression, invasion, looting, raping, murdering and war crimes of her genocidal country and "beloved" father, too.