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This is getting absurd.


Dead is cheaper then wounded. Russia makes sure they dont have many wounded.


dead also don't go home and complain


Ronald Reagan was correct when he said Russia/Soviet Union was an Evil empire in the 80's.


We have been saying it since 1169


Evil runs in their veins and bones. The funny part is they don't see anything wrong with that?


Yep the whole country is full of whack jobs. Been this way since the beginning of time


Also: the brainwashing is at a different level. Propaganda is a 10 out of 10!


George Orwell wrote 1984 based on what Soviet Russia was doing to it's people.


Orwell had the Nazis as another example. Part of the success of 1984 is that it warns of pervasive reality manipulation in the service of an absolutist state without identifying a particular ideology.


it's an interesting book for sure! i feel like the protagonist observing people during the two minutes hate when reading comments sometimes. people be crazy.


the low quality Victory cigarettes where the "tobacco" trickled out if you didn't hold them straight is a perfect metaphor for all the contraptions we see the Russians building.






Toxic society


Met Russians on vacation in Cuba. Liars too.


Had a russian coworker in germany who got fired cause he was arguing with a customer about war in UA. They are not liars, just unbelieveable stupid! 😂


The couple my wife and I met were certified Liars! We just laughed. They think Westerners are stupid.


My experience with Russians is that they don't care what anyone thinks. They have zero respect for other cultures when visiting their countries. They don't care if people hate them. They also seem to not care if they get hurt or killed doing stupid sh%t. Obviously, I'm generalizing, but as a whole, it is true. I think part of it is just culture and maybe some of it is from living under communist rule. Massive corruption, constant scarcity of food and other goods. No prospectives of a better life. You take what you can get when you can, doesn't matter if you lie, cheat, kill. I find it ironic that after living under the "collective" they conduct themselves the complete opposite. Zero empathy for their neighbors or anyone for that matter. /rant


Russia is a nihilist-coded fascist state. Apathy propaganda has been their primary M.O. for decades. There's a reason the Russian stereotype is a depressed drunk that doesn't think anything will get better so nothing matters, and there's a reason no one there protests save for the occasional toothless PR move that ends with the protestors being disappeared. Subsequently, there's a reason the most frequent propaganda spread to America is stuff like "both sides are the same, don't bother voting" and accelerationism. The leaders basically found that the most efficient way to stay in power is to reduce them to nothing, pump them full of alcohol, and have them chug away at the bare minimum without much anger when they suck up all the wealth for themselves. It's not the most efficient way to function, but it's the easiest way to stay in power. Not entirely unlike a person that stuffs themselves with alcohol and other fast dopamine just to escape from thinking about other things.


They have a jungle perspective.


"Everybody hates us because they're jealous of our power and strength!"


I don’t know if you said it ironically, but that’s literally what you would hear from a typical russian. I’m not joking


And yet some retards were doing the same mistake (thinking that Muscovy can't probably be this evil) again and again in 1654, 1659, 1709, 1921 and in 1996.


Well done on being one of russia's neighbors rather than assimilated.


Damn you're old


Moscovia started to exist in 14th century


Yes, but that region was part of Vladymyr Suzdal principality. Which was then changed to Muscovy after they moved the capital to Moscow in 14th century. Then only in 18th century they changed name to Russia. So, different name but same heritage. Same as with Kyiv principality. Which later was called Ruthenia, and then Ukraine.


Imagine he would be alive now and see that there are pro russian politicians in the US government. I'd watch what would happen


Regan was a straight shooter. He called it for what it is. Donny Johnny Tramp-tard is a conman. Should be jailed for all he's done & throw away the key. I'm a GOP turned Dem. The guy is totally unhinged & incoherent! Yes, I know Biden is old. But I'd rather have an old president in charge of the free world than an idiot/Moron... that will sell out to Mr. Poostain for a loan he got years ago? If he got one.


Yea and beside trump is only 3 years younger


Poostain, another good name to my collection of names for this stinky stain on humanity that prick is.


Mr. Poopstain, Mr. Poostar, Mr. Pootin, Mr. Pooptin... Many different variations.


Reagan is spinning in his grave so fast we could turn him into a dynamo, hook him to the grid, and have free electricity forever.


They're even worse now, but you'd never know it, the way some people praise Putin.


And all republicans solidly agreed with him then. The world has certainly turned…


FDR said it after WW2.


today, Putin helps Trump and Trump supports Putin. How times have changed.


And if they die, the regime can just claim they deserted or are MIA, avoiding to pay out anything to families.


If they die? Bold of you to assume they're going anywhere but to die.


Yes, they also need no payment.


They don't want soldiers returning at all, they want them to fight until they die. The soldiers come back and tell them the govt doesn't give AF about them, that the propaganda is lies, there aren't Nazis, that everyone there freely speaks Russian, that they are trying to mind their own business if not for Russians invading, they live better, they country is not plagued by degenerates like Russia, etc. The fact they even brainwash soldiers to not surrender by telling them them UA will do terrible things to do them if they do is obvious they are setting them up for suicide missions.


also why the casualty numbers are very likely skewing a high proportion of dead unlike the usual rough 30%


Reports I keep seeing are saying Russia is losing 1k troops a day


Yes which includes both wounded and dead. The real million dollars question is how big the ratio is.


Given the amount of cleanup UA is doing after each failed assault, it looks like 10:1. The only survivors seem to be the ones that run first, run fast, and run far.


They seem unarmed. Maybe Russia counts on them becoming captured and so straining the medical possibilities of Ukraine?


It’s not uncommon for troops to be unarmed in the suicide meat waves. It’s only important for guns to be aimed at their backs.


On the contrary, they're armed with walking sticks. Those things can give a person a bad bruise.


It could be, that these two are trying to get away from the front to get medical help. It is just a possibility.


Looks like there wasn't even an "assault": They just pushed them out of the tanks and told them to go "assault that village" and then drove off.


Sometimes, dead is betta. ~Putin


I think there is something more important than "cheaper" - if they never come back, they can never tell of the horrors that happened in Ukraine.


Even better, it force Ukrainian to spend munition on them (again). That's what happens when you don't do the job right the first time.


First comment so I am just going to leave this here This is the source https://x.com/Teoyaomiquu/status/1808514147446915561 You can also find more info there about their fate Footage seems to be a bit speed-up at the end No mention on whether they came in crippled or not I am one of the people who initially shared the info of one of the crippled unites here on the sub Update the statement came from Butusov https:// t . me/ButusovPlus/11568 "No, these are not Nordic walking followers. These are Russian occupiers from the so-called “cripple detachments” who are going on their last assault on Ukrainian soil. Village Glubokoe, Kharkiv region." Thanks for the info OP


Well we saw a video from them last week complaining didnt we. No question they're bloody russian cripple detachments lol


Well, I was the one who shared that, so yea I don't doubt that just wasn't sure whether these ones were part of one of them, or just Zs that were healthy before being sent to the front and got wounded Butusov is a good source however


Nordic walking?




distance speedwalking with hiking poles


They don't seem to have weapons, what is the point? The only thing I can think of is drawing fire to reveal the enemy?


This is my best guess https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/X9DZggRErR Bingo for the most part like storm-Z just there to take on drones and lead as far as we know Tho I still wish for more evidence like the full assault video before stating that these are 100% from the crippled units since thsi is debatable


They also use up Ukrainian munitions by absorbing them into their bodies. Russia is hoping Ukraine runs out of bullets before it runs out of meat.


Not a shill but this seems like BS? They don't have guns and they aren't under fire so how is this "assault" supposed to be taking place? I see 2 guys walking with crutches and that could be literally anything


They were most likely sent to defend an area to free up men for an actual assault. Here's a document which implies this: [https://t.me/russianocontext/3783](https://t.me/russianocontext/3783) >At the same time, personnel discharged from hospitals and temporarily recognized by the military medical commission as unfit and unable for health reasons to perform tasks as part of assault groups are sent to perform tasks in the defense


Putin wants them dead so they cannot tell their family what a failure it all is.


A video of two wounded guys walking is not proof of what is being claimed, not that I don't think it is happening, I'm just saying this isn't proof.


I mean, logically you'd need to ask where they even got the crutches from, and then ask why they're openly moving about in what clearly isn't an inhabited area, and thusly in some active warzone area.


It's been absurd since day one when a crazy dictator started attacking a country for fantasy reasons


The Cripple Blyat Brigade.


Russia doesn't have the will to finance people with disabilities. Best to just let them die a 'natural' death.


Seriously, I don't know why those guys who got asked to assault a position when they can barely fucking stand, let alone walk, just go "Yeah, no. Take me to jail."


I don't think they're being asked nicely and also don't think "jail" in this conditions are any better than maybe a quick death by a drone, probably they will be tortured, attached to a tree to die slowly or raped by their comrades, guys are screwed either way, they were supposed to die in their meat wave.


"Okay soldier, you are now inmate. Now I have just conscripted you. You are soldier again. Get moving!" - Ivan the Butcher


More like, “yeah, no. Wrap det cord around my limbs and blow them off so the medics can practice tourniquets, then shoot me in the chest so they can practice sucking chest wounds, then cut me up all while I’m conscious. Then blow me up on an anti tank mine”…


Their fate is the same but their family has no hope of getting money if they refuse. Russia is peak dystopian capitalism.


And still they don't revolt ...


Thats what about 100 years of brainwashing and propaganda may do to a person. Or in this case, a people.


100? Try thousand, Russians have been slaves in fact and mentality ever since Ghenghis Khan fucked them up.


The experts point to Ivan the Terrible's reign (1547 – 1584) as the point where Russian society changed dramatically for the worse. He's the one that instituted the [Oprichnina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oprichnina) to eliminate all competing centers of power.


Just for my own curiosty, do you have any links to that expert opinion? I've always been fascinated by Russian history, particularly how consistently tsarist the culture seems to have been for centuries now, but most of what I've read just covers the Romanovs.


Yeah I watched a video from a militar historian and he explains that in order to survive the Khan times you had to be violent, liar, thief, literally survive and till this day they're a fucked up nation, lead by psychopaths.


The Mongolian empire had full religious and cultural autonomy for all their subjects, anti-corruption laws, strict adherence to treaties and obligations, protection for merchants crossing their territory (How else do you think Marco Polo got access everywhere?), and more womens rights. Russians had more rights under the Mongols than they did under their own Tsars.


Doesn't the Mongols killed like the 10% of the world population at the time ?


You right. They've done so much good.


[Most likely no.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/tnH6uyod6G) 30 million of that figure comes from comparing differences in Chinese census records before and after the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, but that supposed that every missing person was killed by Mongols. That's a scale of genocide that would put Nazi Germany to shame, and there's no evidence or claims - even by the Chinese who suffered during this invasion - of mass graves, death camps, wholesale genocide, etc. We know for a fact there are a ton of other reasons why records might differ, such as the simple fact that there was huge amounts of migration and the Yuan didnt have the bureaucracy to take censuses in a lot of cities, and of course the Black Death. It didn't just magically appear in Europe without affecting anyone in Asia. The stories of Mongols depopulating Iran also comes solely from Ibn Babutta who wrote it about it 100 years later. Again, the same lack of physical evidence for the supposed widespread genocide, and there's enough apocryphal stories like the Tigris turning black from the ink of books thrown in there, that we need to take it all with a grain of salt. The Mongols were a successful but not uniquely violent conquering empire.


They lowered carbon footprint so thats good


Try a thousand years of selective breeding….peasants don’t grow on trees.


Why would they? Many of them know exactly what's going on, they sign contracts willingly. It's a fairy tale that most of them are forced or brainwashed to fight. Read some tg channels where they exchange information about new recruits - they post screenshots of chats with new recruits there (I believe it's a requirement, as they have some kind of finders fee). Most of them do it for the money, most of them know what's going on and what are the risks.


An entire country of NPC zombies. Thanks to centuries of purging, no more hero blood left.


For glorious name on monument.


And an eternal flame burning... a few years, max.


Until one more refinery is hit.


No names. Monument of the unknown soldier, eternal flame lit by cheap Russian natural gas. That’s it. Individuals don’t count, so does their names.


The war will end sometimes, but many more have to be killed till then.


Why they should revolt? The problem is that west people do not understand Russians. They go to war for salary (2k $ month), they not forced to war




I’m no genius but I imagine that salary is really good for Russia.


Who's going to revolt? The people living comfortable enough lives in Moscow and St Petersburg? The elite? You're not gonna find much success in a revolt unless some people with power support you, and as it happens Putin has systematically gotten rid of anybody with power who might stand against him.


Because they are dead


Blows my fuckin mind


They're too dumb


Hlyboke, Kharkiv oblast


Hey mate sorry to bother you but where did you get the info that these were part of one of the crippled unites since I couldn't find where Constantine said that


Butusov said that


Ah alright thank you


maybe they were retreating to a field hospital after being patched up on the frontline? becasue this seems too dumb even for russians.


There's no context here just a video of 2 wounded people. Not sure how much I believe this


There's testimonies of wounded being sent into another assault, and it's not dumb. You find out where the enemy positions are and you don't have to pay for care of the wounded anymore.


Yeah sure, it all makes sense. There just is no proof at all in this video, despite what’s stated in the headline.


Agreed. We have multiple reports and testimonials that wounded get ordered to assaults and I fully believe it happens based on those, but this video proves none of it.


User *sgerbicforsyth* posted earlier: >Well, we have videos from Russian soldiers who said they are being shipped back to the front after being wounded and rendered ineffective. >We have videos from captured Russians telling Ukranians that the wounded are sent back to the front after being wounded and rendered ineffective to fight. >We have peaked Russian military documents that state orders to the effect of "anyone who can walk will be part of assault units and no one leaves the front line. The most wounded stay in local hospital units and close to the front as possible." >And now we have drone footage of wounded soldiers clearly "operating" in a front line area, rather than being back in a hospital or medical center. >This drone footage by itself might not be conclusive, but it lends further credence to the rest of what we are hearing and finding. It's probably better odds than not that these two men were sent back to the front from a hospital because the orders state that they are "good enough" to participate in assault missions.


That's the kind of shit I used to do in Red Alert. Just send one infantry unit to each corner of the map and when they die you've found the enemy. The difference is those units cost me 80 imaginary game credits and weren't... Y'know... Humans.


> and weren't... Y'know... Humans. As far as you know..... https://www.gateworld.net/atlantis/s3/the-game/


Of course. But no evidence this is that. Like zero evidence.


True, testimonies can be staged by actors, that serves just as an indication of what may be happening.


Imagine breaking your leg thinking you’re lucky enough to finally go home to the fam just to probably get splinted up given some shitty anti inflammatory and sent back out there probably same week 🤣 I see why more people put a grenade in their vest


I actually think that’s partially a reason that they’re sending these guys back out. Imagine how many guys are getting “wounded” by the smallest piece of shrapnel and trying to get out of the meat grinder to go back home. Why would Russia even try to contest that they’re not wounded when they could just throw them in the “wounded brigade” and send them back in.


Tiny Tim brigade.


timmeeeeeeh \*happy wheelchair noises


Livin' a lie!


A deleted scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.




Ladies and gentlemen, this is the second strongest army in the world.


First the dirtbikes, now this. Whats next...


Remaining WW2 veterans assaulting* those nasty Nazis again! Medals as chest armor! Uraaaaa! *Wheeze* \* slowly, very slowly


Pogo-Stick Assault groups !


I haven't the faintest idea. Maybe they'll be throwing stones soon.


Maybe wheelchair squadron...


Dirt bikes were actually second. Last year they were using chinese assault golf carts.


In the Ukraine\*


Not anymore it ain’t


They are good for mine clearing


Can you imagine how deeply ingrained the slave mentality must be to get people to do this shit? No wonder none of them have guns, though. Couldn't carry them using crutches and they'd end up shooting themselves instead of their commanders sending them to their deaths.


The people who have to do are the ones least able to resist. The ones able to resist knows its not them. Today.


They tell them they'll shoot them now and they have zero chance of survival or go into the field and they have some chance higher, even if only a tiny bit greater than zero.


Yeah, poke em with those sticks, poke em!


They can still soak up some bits of metal that should've ended up in putin.


I mean yeah, one or two extra legs included.


Indeed. If you can walk, even using a stick as a crutch, you can soak up bullets, drone drops, or FPV hits as well as anyone else.


Damn they got the Volkssturm phase in about 2,5 years. At least Germany needed about 4 years to send children, crippled and old ones to the front...


And was fighting the entire world, not a country that no one gave more than 2 days to withstand Russia.


Music is earie. Second army in the world. It's just sad and so difficult to comprehend the ridiculousness of what the fuck they're on about. Also Fuck Russia, no rest of the wicked.


I'm pro ukraine and wouldnt put it past the russians to do that... but this video just shows wounded troops hobbling around a blitzed out shit hole that could be anywhere, even miles from the front line. and there's no evidence that they are being sent in to combat.


Coordinates of the Village: 50.2603140, 36.4248363 If you watch the complete video there is a small timeframe that shows the lake at Hlyboke Village aswell as the layout of the roads. According to LiveUAMap, the Charkiv-Frontline goes right through that village. My conclusion is that the footage is not staged. If Ukraine wanted to make propaganda footage they would have chosen a location that has less distinctive features.


They didn't suggest it was staged, but rather that its two wounded Russians trying to retreat, rather than being sent to combat in that state. The fact they have sticks, rather than actual crutches suggests that is true. Since the cripple unit did have actual crutches at least.


But like... it might just show guys retreating? It might not be that they were sent there in that state.


Retreating? Why aren’t they hospitalised and carried away from the front? Are you suggesting that once wounded, Russians have to crawl back to safety by themselves?


Maybe. But what I’m really saying overall is *only* that there’s insufficient information here to say this proves that crippled units are being formed and sent to the front lines.


They don’t appear to have weapons. Any chance they’re surrendering?


Exactly, theres nothing ( at least not at first sight) in this video that puts credit to the title. It might be true, but just as likely its not. We shouldn't jump to conclusions before knowing more


It seems it's on the frontline, but I agree with you, it proves little. The front gut might have a rifle slung. The rear guy seems unarmed.


maybe post the video on a geolocation sub, guess it‘ll only take hours and we know where they are


Look my comment above. I checked google maps to confirm the location and checked LiveUAmap to see how close this village is to the contact line. It seems the contact line goes right through that village.


I'm once again saying it, this war becomes "The Death of Russia"


Inhumane and sad. Someone off Putin


"Now we have video proof". Proof of what? Its two injured dudes walking without visible weapons.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking also but why are they completely alone in the field rather than in a hospital. A proper military would have transported them off the front line. They have a Ukrainian drone above them so they’re close.


They very well may be evacuating themselfes having been recently injured, since having able bodied people carry them or having vehicles is risky so far near the front, which would explain why they are unarmed, unmarked in camo Just going a few km away is enough to be out of commercial drone range, which the ukrainian army relies on heavily, so it wouldn't out of the world to have them walk themselfes to a safe point for a few hours if they are still able to do that.


I totally believe that's what this is. But let's be honest, the video is hardly proof.


this is in Hlyboke (50.258165° 36.429984°) in the middle of the grey zone, they probably got injured and are now trying to get away there somehow. It's the immediate front line. We are meanwhile used to not seeing the Russians working as a coherent military unit, but just as dudes running around aimlessly in a warzone, that is their "tactics". But this video is definitely not showing what the title says. They may indeed send injured soldiers to the front line, but this video here has nothing to do with that.


Yeah for all we know they were wounded on the attack and are trying to make their way back to their lines


Where the hell are they going, though? Walking around in a combat zone...? To me it looks like they have orders to move out and do whatever, or they're simply looking for supplies (water, food). What else could be the reason that crippled wounded soldiers are doing this?


Way too many assumptions. All we can see is them walking one way, then the opposite. We know nothing, no location, no actual condition. All we see are ruins, no ongoing combat.


Not saying Russia wouldnt be above doing something like this, but these guys could be on their wait to surrendering for all we know. We dont see them in a combat role.


Yea I didn’t see any weapons either.


They reportedly don’t even give some of their able bodied soldiers weapons, why would they give them to fodder?


RuZZian army is an army of Zombies


This is Absurdistan to the max. Old Putler must be ready to empty the retirement homes next. The pensioners don't work anyway and most of them can carry a rifle.


Wounded and maimed are costly. Dead are just statistics.


There’s no context for this video so it proves nothing tbh


Did we ever genuinely feel Russia cared about its own soldiers in the slightest? because I didn't. I wonder how valuable it would be to capture people like this instead of blowing them up with drones, surely the chances of them turning against Russia and passing off some information for some aid is pretty damn high.


Dead men kinda walking. How cheap life is to Putin.


Maybe them can limp their way to ukrainians, surrender and be treated properly.


Look, I hate Russia and know they are capable of heinous shit, but this video is not "proof" of anything. It's just two wounded guys going... Somewhere.


thats sad....somehow


You can't pick up a rifle if you're using 2 crutches. You can barely throw a grenade. What the fuck is Russia doing 


Saving money on caring for the disabled. Total sickos!


This is only proof if you want it to be imo. You could easily come up with a more reasonable scenario if these were claimed Ukrainian soldiers.


White bands on legs. Definitely Russians. What is less obvious is where they are moving to and for what purpose. They don't look freshly wounded though... too ambulatory and supplied with convenient crutches that may be hard to find in a trench. So yeah, kind of works into proposed narrative. Maybe bait to reveal Ukrainian positions. Or indeed, throwing cripples into grinder just to get rid of them with minimum fuss. There is nothing really talking against the interpretation of what is going on here. Other than of course the shocking disregard for lives of troops that Russia has, but we already know that is true anyway.


Yeah dude if Russia put out a video that said this is what happens to Ukrainian wounded people would rightfully call nonsense. This video doesn't prove anything. To be clear - the accusations that this happens or has happened - I have nothing to say. I have no idea. Maybe. It wouldn't surprise me. This video isn't evidence of that.


It was that, or get gunned down.


I would 100% surrender.


Special unit training in Hlyboke with storm-crutches.


I wonder if they have the little handicap dude on their patches?


Russian soldiers are brain dead. Why TF don't they surrender, or frag their officers and desert?


There is this old Yugoslavian Movie „Vrhovi Zelengore“. One Scene depicts the incoming of a group of Typhusinfected People. They roam around like Zombies. This was hilarious. This is the Reallife equivalent. This complete disregard of humanity and human life.


Go die for Tzar Poo-tin , stupid fucks 😂


These guys don't even have weapons why wouldn't they just give up and be captured at this point? If Russia wanted to they could tell all injured solders to surrender that way it "over loaded ukrianes medical capabilities " All though we know it would still benefit ukriane more than Russia if they did that


I guess these orcs are really this stupid. They just keep proving to me that they are not able to think.


Jeez, just die already.


See? Orcs have no humanity left in them, they gave it all up - they want to reave and rape.


The thing that blows my mind, is the sheer suicidal-ness of going along with it. You see this happening, you know it will happen to you next. At what point do you stop marching off to be cannon fodder in a pointless war, and turn around to point the guns the other way? Or at least run for it? Surrender? Not just hobble and limp towards the enemy machine guns... again.